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Created November 21, 2014 14:36
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euler grid
## Prepare data to plot in Euler Grid.
## Quantity or binary table with columns for samples and rows for features
#### FUNCTIONS #######
## convert a (table, matrix,) data.frame to either 0/1 or FALSE/TRUE based on whether values exceed threshold.
## to invert a threshold use: new.table <- table == FALSE
binarizeTable <- function(data, threshold=0, returnBoolean=FALSE) {
stopifnot(all(apply(data, 2, is.numeric)))
if(returnBoolean) {
return.table <- data > threshold
} else {
return.table <- apply(data, 2, FUN=function(x) ifelse(x > threshold, 1, 0))
# if a binary table has multiple columns of same type these can be reduce to single columns per type following 'groupRule'
# groupRule "any" (default), "all", "majority"
# groupDesign a data frame with two columns "sampleName" and "groupName". All sampleName values must be unique.
# Currently, binaryTable must be a data.frame (to add columns by name).
reduceGroups <- function(binaryTable, groupDesign, groupRule="any", discardNonGroupSamples=FALSE) {
# All sampleName values must be unique.
stopifnot(length(unique(groupDesign[,"sampleName"])) == nrow(groupDesign))
# Don't want any factors in groupDesign.
groupDesign[,"sampleName"] <- as.character(groupDesign[,"sampleName"])
groupDesign[,"groupName"] <- as.character(groupDesign[,"groupName"])
groups <- unique(groupDesign[,"groupName"]) # don't want a factor here!
nonGroupSamples <- setdiff(colnames(binaryTable),groupDesign[,"sampleName"] ) # get list of samples NOT in groups
if(discardNonGroupSamples) {
reducedDat <- data.frame()
} else {
reducedDat <- binaryTable[,nonGroupSamples]
for(thisGroup in groups) {
theseSamples <- groupDesign[groupDesign[,"groupName"]==thisGroup,"sampleName"]
sumVector <- rowSums(binaryTable[,theseSamples])
reducedDat[,thisGroup] <- switch(groupRule,
all = ifelse(sumVector == length(theseSamples) , 1, 0),
majority = ifelse(sumVector >= length(theseSamples)/2 , 1, 0),
any = ifelse(sumVector > 0 , 1, 0) )
### Takes a binary (1/0) table and returns a table of unique rows with an additional column of counts for the occurrence of each row.
## Final table is sorted by count (decreasing order).
scoreCardinalities <- function(binaryTable ) {
n.cols <- ncol(binaryTable)
print(paste(nrow(binaryTable), "rows"))
print(paste(n.cols, "columns. ", 2^n.cols, "possible patterns."))
uniquePatterns <- unique(binaryTable )
row.names(uniquePatterns) <- apply(uniquePatterns, 1, FUN=function(x) paste(x,collapse=""))
print(paste(nrow(uniquePatterns), "patterns present"))
patterns <- apply(binaryTable , 1, FUN=function(x) paste(x,collapse=""))
patternCounts <- table(patterns)
uniquePatterns[names(patternCounts),"count"] <- patternCounts
uniquePatterns <- uniquePatterns[order(uniquePatterns$count, decreasing=T),]
prettyTicks.old <- function(valueRange, n.ticks=3, = FALSE) {
max.value <- max(valueRange)
n.signif <- min(nchar(max.value)-1, 2)
max.tick <- signif(max.value, n.signif)
interval <- max.tick/n.ticks
ticks <- seq(0, max.tick, interval)
if(! ticks <- ticks[-1]
ticks <- signif(ticks, n.signif)
# returns a vector of numbers within a valueRange to use as tickmarks on an axis.
# TODO improve this!
prettyTicks <- function(valueRange, n.ticks=3, = FALSE) {
max.value <- max(valueRange)
# find suitable interval
n.signif <- 1
interval <- signif(max.value/n.ticks, n.signif)
while(interval*(n.ticks-1) >= max.value) {
n.signif <- n.signif + 1
interval <- signif(max.value/n.ticks, n.signif)
ticks <- seq(0, by=interval, length.out=n.ticks)
if(! ticks <- ticks[-1]
## prototype code using built-in functions barplot() and image()
## Two separate plotting areas required and two plots would not align (something weird about 'image()')
plotEuler.old <- function(binaryGrid, counts, labels) {
n.groups <- length(counts)
n.samples <- ncol(binaryGrid)
barplot(counts, space=0, beside=T)
image(as.matrix(binaryGrid), col=c("grey","darkolivegreen4"), axes = F)
axis(side=2, at=seq(0,1,length.out=n.samples),labels=labels, las=2)
grid(nx=nrow(binaryGrid),ny=n.samples, col="grey20", lwd=2)
box( col="grey20", lwd=2)
### main plotting function for EulerGrid
# binaryGrid a data.frame containing only 0/1. One column per sample.
# counts vector of counts. Must match number of rows in binary grid (and in same order)
# labels
plotEuler <- function(perCondition, binaryGrid, counts, labels=colnames(binaryGrid), y_buffer=0.1, dropEmptySet=TRUE, dropFullSet=FALSE, dropSets='', fg.colour="darkolivegreen4",bg.colour="grey", title="") {
n.samples <- ncol(binaryGrid)
#rownames(binaryGrid) <- apply(binaryGrid) # should already be binary chain matching the row if user used scoreCardinalities()
# allow removal of certain sets from the table of counts (e.g. empty set , full set)
if(dropEmptySet) {
dropSets <- intersect(rownames( binaryGrid),unique(c(dropSets, paste(rep(0,n.samples),collapse=""))))
if(dropFullSet) {
dropSets <- intersect(rownames( binaryGrid),unique(c(dropSets, paste(rep(1,n.samples),collapse=""))))
print(paste("Dropping:", paste(dropSets, collapse=",")))
keepSet <- setdiff(rownames(binaryGrid), dropSets)
keepSetIndex <- match(keepSet , rownames(binaryGrid))
# remove unwanted sets.
binaryGrid <- binaryGrid[keepSetIndex,]
counts <- counts[keepSetIndex]
n.counts <- length(counts)
bar.bottom <- 1 + y_buffer
bar.right <- 0.3
max.count <- max(counts)
# all rects in grid, specified by rows from bottom, moving left to right
grid.x1 <- rep(seq(0,1 - bar.right,length.out=n.counts+1)[-(n.counts + 1)] , n.samples)
grid.x2 <- rep(seq(0,1 - bar.right,length.out=n.counts+1)[-1] , n.samples)
grid.y1 <- rep(seq(0,1,length.out=n.samples+1)[-(n.samples + 1)] , each=n.counts)
grid.y2 <- rep(seq(0,1,length.out=n.samples+1)[-1] ,each= n.counts)
colVector <- unlist(binaryGrid) # concatenation by colums - to be used as rows from bottom, left to right.
colVector <- ifelse(colVector == 1,fg.colour, bg.colour )
# begin plotting
mtext(title, cex=1.4)
# draw the grid and add labels
rect(grid.x1, grid.y1, grid.x2, grid.y2 , col=colVector)
labelPosVector <- (seq(0,1,length.out=n.samples+1)[-(n.samples + 1)]) + (seq(0,1,length.out=n.samples+1)[2] /2)
mtext(labels, side=2, at=labelPosVector, las=2)
#draw the total counts <- 0.05
totbar.y1 <- seq(0,1,length.out=n.samples+1)[-(n.samples + 1)]
totbar.y2 <- seq(0,1,length.out=n.samples+1)[-1]
totbar.x1 <- rep((1 - bar.right), n.samples)
totbar.x2 <- ((1 - bar.right) + perCondition/max(perCondition) * (
rect(totbar.x1, totbar.y2, totbar.x2, totbar.y1, col="grey")
totTickVector <- prettyTicks(range(0,max(perCondition)), n.ticks=4,
totTickPosVector <- (totTickVector/max(perCondition) * ( + (1 - bar.right) +
axis(at=totTickPosVector, side=1, las=1, labels=totTickVector, outer=FALSE)
# draw the bargraph and add an axis
rect(seq(0,1 - bar.right,length.out=n.counts+1)[-(n.counts+1)], bar.bottom , seq(0,1 - bar.right,length.out=n.counts+1)[-1], (counts/max.count) + bar.bottom , col="grey")
tickVector <- prettyTicks(range(counts), n.ticks=4,
tickPosVector <- (tickVector/max.count) + bar.bottom
axis(at=tickPosVector , side=2, labels =tickVector, las=2)
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