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Created October 2, 2023 21:57
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module Main where
import Pdf.Document
import qualified Pdf.Core as PC
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.Text as T
printRect :: String -> IO ()
printRect f = withPdfFile f $ \pdf ->
doc <- document pdf
catalog <- documentCatalog doc
pagenode <- catalogPageNode catalog
txt <- extract pdf pagenode
print txt
extract :: Pdf -> PageNode -> IO T.Text
extract pdf = e . f
{- hlint ignore "Use <=<" -}
e :: IO [T.Text] -> IO T.Text
e = (T.concat <$>)
a :: IO [PC.Ref] -> IO [T.Text]
a = do
let b :: IO PageTree -> IO T.Text
b = (>>= go)
let c :: PC.Ref -> IO PageTree
c = loadPageNode pdf
let d :: PC.Ref -> IO T.Text
d = b . c
(>>= traverse d)
go :: PageTree -> IO T.Text
go (PageTreeLeaf l) = pageMediaBox l >>= \r -> return $ T.pack . show $ r
go (PageTreeNode n) = extract pdf n
f :: PageNode -> IO [T.Text]
f = a . pageNodeKids
-- Main function
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[filePath] -> printRect filePath
_ -> putStrLn "Usage: program name <pdf-file>"
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