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Created March 18, 2024 18:37
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calculation of geographical distances vs jako-winkler distance
res <- read_json("")
df <- res$result$records %>% map_df(~.x) %>%
filter(`סוג ישוב`!="מוקד תעסוקה") %>%
mutate(cntr = row_number())
dist_geo <- df %>%
select(`אורדינטה מזרחית`,`אורדינטה צפונית`) %>%
dist() %>% as.matrix()
res1 <- map(df$`שם ישוב`,~stringdist(.x,df$`שם ישוב`, method='jw'))
matrix_from_list <-, res1)
df_geo_dist <- dist_geo %>% %>%
rownames_to_column("from") %>%
df_word_dist <- matrix_from_list %>% %>%
setNames(1:nrow(df)) %>%
rownames_to_column("from") %>%
df_geo_dist %>%
left_join(df_word_dist,join_by(from,to)) %>%
mutate(word_dist_x = (word_dist- min(word_dist))/(max(word_dist) - min(word_dist)),
geo_dist_x = (geo_dist- min(geo_dist))/(max(geo_dist) - min(geo_dist)),
dist = word_dist_x^2 + (geo_dist_x)^2) %>%
mutate_at(vars(from,to), as.integer) %>%
filter(from != to,geo_dist < 10000) %>%
left_join(df %>% select(cntr,`שם ישוב`),join_by(from == cntr)) %>%
left_join(df %>% select(cntr,`שם ישוב`),join_by(to == cntr)) %>%
select(-from,-to,-word_dist_x,-geo_dist_x) %>%
arrange(dist) %>% View()
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