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Created August 14, 2022 20:30
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buses <- read_json("")
buses1 <- buses$result$records %>% map_df(~.x)
rishui <- read_json("{%22rishui_date%22:%222022-08-09T00:00:00%22}&limit=20000")
rishui1 <- rishui$result$records%>% map_df(~.x)
GET("",write_disk(siri <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")))
siri1 <- read_json(siri)%>% map_df(~.x)
rishui1$trips_count %>% sum()
GET("",write_disk(rides1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")))
GET("",write_disk(rides2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")))
GET("",write_disk(rides3 <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")))
GET("",write_disk(rides4 <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")))
GET("",write_disk(rides5 <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")))
rides <- map_df(c(rides1,rides2,rides3,rides4,rides5),~read_json(.x))
GET("",write_disk(routes <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")))
routes1 <- read_json(routes)%>% map_df(~.x)
siri1 %>%
mutate(vehicle_ref=as.integer(vehicle_ref)) %>%
left_join(buses1, by = c("vehicle_ref"="bus_license_id")) %>%
left_join(rides, by=c("route_gtfs_ride_id"="id")) %>%
left_join(routes1,by=c("gtfs_route_id"="id")) %>%
mutate(route_mkt=as.integer(route_mkt)) %>%
left_join(rishui1 %>% select(office_line_id,VehicleSize_nm) %>% distinct(),by = c("route_mkt"="office_line_id")) %>%
count(VehicleSize_nm,BusSize_nm) %>% View()
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