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Last active December 7, 2023 09:47
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unknown | any

;(unknownValue as Function).call(null)


type UnpackArray<T> = T extends (infer R)[] ? R : T
type Foo = UnpackArray<typeof [{foo: 1}]> // { foo: number }


const foo: Record<string, number> = { bar: 1, tar: 2 }


export interface Foo;
export class Foo {
    public bar() {
        // code

export interface Bar extends Foo;
export class Bar {
    public override bar() {
        // override code

Partial< >

interface Props {
    foo: number;
    bar: string;
const obj: Partial<Props> = { foo: 1 }



declare function assert(value: unknown, error: string | Error): asserts value;

asserts ... is ...

function assertIsObject(obj: unknown, errorMessage: string = 'Incorrect object!'): asserts obj is object {
  if(typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) throw new Error(errorMessage)

function assertIsAddress(address: unknown): asserts address is User['address'] {
  const errorMessage = 'Incorrect address!'
  assertIsObject(address, errorMessage)

    !('city' in address) ||
    !('state' in address) ||
    !('country' in address) ||
    !('postalCode' in address)
  ) throw new Error(errorMessage)

function assertIsUser(user: unknown): asserts user is User {
  const errorMessage = 'Incorrect user!'
  assertIsObject(user, errorMessage)

    !('id' in user) ||
    !('username' in user) ||
    !('email' in user)
  ) throw new Error(errorMessage)

  assertIsAddress((user as User).address)


const foo = (value: number): number | never => {
    if(value === 1) return value + 1
    throw new Error('Not alone!')

< >

function extend<T extends object, U extends object>(
  value: T,
  extension: U
): asserts value is T & U {
  Object.assign(value, extension);

<T, D = T[]>

function indexById<T extends {}, D = Record<T['id'], Partial<T>>>(arr: T[]): D {
  return arr.reduce((acc, { id, }) => ({ ...acc, [id]: rest }), {});
Example ``` interface User { name: string; id: string; } indexById([ { id: '001', name: 'Foo' }, { id: '002', name: 'Bar' }, ]); // { '001': { name: 'Foo'}, '002': { name: 'Bar' } } ```

typeof keyof

const obj = {
    foo: 1,
    bar: '',
type Prop = typeof keyof obj;

arrays as types

const animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'mouse'] as const
type Animal = typeof animals[number]
// const animals:Animal[] = ['cat', 'dog', 'mouse']


export const enum Say { bark = 'woof woof' } // WARN: with 'const' enum will not be exported as function
const say:Say = 'woof woof' as Say.bark;
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