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Created July 21, 2020 18:56
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# this is a database config sample for zammad ready to use with a postgresql db
# copy or symlink this file to config/database.yml to use it
default: &default
# For details on connection pooling, see Rails configuration guide
pool: 50
timeout: 5000
encoding: utf8
##### postgresql config #####
# adapter: postgresql
# username: zammad
# password:
# If the database server is not on localhost, you can set hostname and port:
# host:
# port:
#### mysql config #####
adapter: mysql2
database: zammad_prod
username: zammad
password: <password>
# If the database server is not on localhost, you can set hostname and port:
# host:
# port:
<<: *default
database: zammad_production
<<: *default
database: zammad_development
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