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Last active December 5, 2022 03:23
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Secret Santa Shuffling
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.32.1;
# use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
use Email::Stuffer;
# Ian McDougall, Dec 2022
# Takes a list in the format " name", one per line
# Sends a name to each email address such that:
# 1. nobody gets themselves
# 2. nobody gets the name immeiately above or below them
# 3. all the names form a single continuous "cycle"
# 4. assignments are otherwise, at least mostly, random
# Probably breaks down with 5 or fewer people.
my @santas;
my @recips;
while (<>)
{ chomp;
my ($email, $name) = split;
push @santas, $email;
push @recips, $name;
@recips = santa_shuffle(@recips);
while (@santas)
{ my $giftee = pop @recips;
my $body = "You're getting a shirt for $giftee. Check the pins for details.";
Email::Stuffer ->to (pop @santas)
->from ('Santa <')
->subject ('Secret Santa Shirts')
->text_body ($body)
sub fy_shuffle # Fisher-Yates algothrim
{ my @list = @_;
my $i = @list;
while ($i>0)
{ $i--;
my $j = int(rand($i+1));
if ($i != $j)
{ @list[$i,$j] = @list[$j,$i];
return @list;
sub sattolo_shuffle # Sattolo's algorithm
{ my @list = @_;
my $i = @list;
while ($i>0)
{ $i--;
my $j = int(rand($i));
@list[$i,$j] = @list[$j,$i];
# say "$i\t$j";
return @list;
sub no_shuffle # not an algorithm
{ my @inlist = @_;
my @outlist;
while (@inlist>0)
{ unshift @outlist, splice(@inlist, @inlist-1, 1);
return @outlist;
sub santa_shuffle # the special suace
{ my @in = @_;
my @index = (0..$#in);
my @outdex= (' ') x scalar(@in);
my $santa = shift @index; # 0 gives first and gets last
while (@index > 5)
{ my @nowdex = map {($index[$_] > $santa + 1 || $index[$_] < $santa -1) ? $_ : () } 0..$#index; # array of valid indices (not values) of @index
my $gives = $nowdex[int(rand($#nowdex))]; # choose a random nowdex element (its /value/ is an idex of @indexd) (I did this to myself)
my $next_santa = $index[$gives]; # capture this now to dodge the splice mucking up the indices
@outdex[$santa] = splice(@index, $gives, 1); # the index is removed from the list and its value is given to the current santa in outdex
$santa = $next_santa; # the current recipient becomes the next santa
my @nowdex = map {($index[$_] > $santa +1 || $index[$_] < $santa -1) ? $_ : () } 0..$#index;
@nowdex = map {($_ != 2) ? $_ : () } @nowdex; # pick can't be 2nd element, or you'll potentially be forced to pick an adjacent element to start the star
my $gives = $nowdex[int(rand($#nowdex))];
my $next_santa = $index[$gives];
@outdex[$santa] = splice(@index, $gives, 1);
$santa = $next_santa;
if ($gives == 4 || $gives == 0)
{ $gives = (1,3)[int(rand(2))];
if ($gives == 3) # clockwise star
{ @outdex[$santa] = $index[1];
@outdex[$index[1]] = $index[3];
@outdex[$index[3]] = $index[0];
@outdex[$index[0]] = $index[2];
@outdex[$index[2]] = 0;
} elsif ($gives == 1) # counterclockwise star
{ @outdex[$santa] = $index[2];
@outdex[$index[2]] = $index[0];
@outdex[$index[0]] = $index[3];
@outdex[$index[3]] = $index[1];
@outdex[$index[1]] = 0;
return @in[@outdex];
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