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Save iexa/3653bc5f70452961c071f23ffd433195 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python script to create a handbrake encoding queue for a tree of files using a built-in json template
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Handbrake (json) Queue Creator
last updated: 2021/oct/9 iexa
- 21/oct/9: open hb.json file in utf8 encoding to be sure
- 21/jul/15: added rotation check
- 21/jun/23: added ffmpeg automatic resolution sniffing
import argparse
import base64
import bz2
import json
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from string import Template
class HandBrakeJSON:
""" Holds json settings file that is used as a template. """
template = b"LRx4!F+o`-Q&}7?B<lbH#9x3_P*i7sazF3?>Ob$_`cMU4Hv!$6h?<$3W>h5vLS(?2r?oIfO)_eFnldzK02(v^)M+MadVm=K01SZBKs3+;KnYC*Ax)&38YaqZ5w$%GMw){G28?LR9AwF+m`sd;ff$-FMi6Mz00IdV6u~L&42nFbsp+Yvjf!YAJwP;Rp`i5`1cVlGYu=a$gAki-3;kh{oEntc29rSeQ4%dI?I=2G5CT@DgbaF;LDs<p(9kyPf<R4)Iee>!VcJYex<b~7LIA8$OjRf-^q}n^$x9zi3JBdvfDQ~02;;f}%aJUF;d*cOaWd=coW!G@5tqy5CWY;s-W_b*yjhBfhc>^N>w7FczG0ByX``6>sz|kb{G4f%0^d0~CFL$e#G#=Q%$cA-B+QWE0-^~{ARRO*hYEKIWY8*iigHr|VYrzd9wIzi@-A3)zO0KsGsivR5q5ZtL#cB8aZ@!G9$KJ<5YU>PB@qceB+XVx3s?}DE4^9Rl2@jpxNVm#<6IpXV3aO|HPGmkJG(f9hew<+MnIk-5^!WZ$`9vZt?Buyyb>2~x)Wt<)@qy4TUr1Op#dap=<hx!yN2Fsw*bQJn@FUm*-DNU-=!Mor!2Y;c($5i52vBwG1NQmoqOAN5&KvU6;%6maK6ahm7Qx69V@#}H+boD@<-BLk_NiGHP#?fsg`)X$c~a&u(0iw&*;76)bQW)y>dBGMB(;%=Y<>E&f0pV0?`|)1E}g8ZtdKmGa+t%4mbU?LF$pPc6F;23pEgl0ZWaJ{T!@`o|;YQcK3E9Fp;YcMdmsr4QC{IM?3yV2Y`g4$$=@mz+(j5p<;2{=>(+Xw!WoR6pe0TR8h@Ewx&@M*=QYlgw~$8n03yrZVec{ytNT)oOH@lib+5$Q?o)PH-Qk6hBHk-ARJ->2;-ZI%={X&aVGNb*t8#{w`_=qf{MuukO_mbvdR{1H9J{nos5SIz+`qCIzfgU#+MK!l<}1s>KFH!wbN%|HD@tkM#)1RpmI#xl?E0Dj6^(|hNemAK~*mcTrPp6yg5zi2^#;nVf)QdAxW}65=5I+LmIW6D=1#5>9FCP=Z0WE#0M+Y&y?bvNiWj}=r#433G)Rx$plg&dN~UnAjGGZ*l{V+>kNGaw4ApQXt!JzRhi|T;$6#iQLmX`AWk(5-Ga8DA|X(SpeVCj9r3my=wgmyA)+5a9%}+oPHm}&>4>NO*nLy@X7`p25rXiM+hq{KSz`xcYJl12g60xMOTu>?4NNudY#4&x8TaW-5tIh64k;i~6$vpw9dK8dR7#wIppGp(5`!lB3}-z14sF>)F5TbJnuEl%2BF?WOBo7D`8f^Mvpxd|hT)_%k%+Qmp*k>60C0A1s4jUtdt+M5z)($S<R(Uim`da#JubU*J1!UqRT?*iIi}D!sEE6l83Zb)7DSLlVG^o`mSi^kSGozRTUPH7xb;M$YDpE5;OR1rGK?D*Mnq5<5W5LQ^WJZ}*NIqF3LwPC&w$1g(!&`ZnUXyyR@q$D7Z{A?_h=C@DP2fyr$(@*%x6kSv59?F8qkIgT5p5nvWHC;WEhnNQB?}2>$!R3QYoY|C`wk04Q24Kd+ZG;Uzg5@4&MeR1K6BYPYG<<{}*yaI8cxrE+p#"
ffprobe = 'ffprobe -loglevel panic -select_streams v:0 -show_streams -print_format json'
def encode(cls, args):
if args.dir.is_file():
with open(args.dir, "r") as file:
data =
except FileNotFoundError:
sys.exit("file to be encoded not found - you can use stdin too")
data = "".join([x for x in sys.stdin])
return base64.b85encode(bz2.compress(bytes(data, "utf8")))
def decode(cls):
return bz2.decompress(base64.b85decode(cls.template)).decode("utf8")
def parse(cls, context) -> str:
"""Template must have these markers:
# ${in}, ${out}, ${fps}, TODO ${skip}, ${resx}, ${resy}
t = cls.decode()
# check for every file... if automatic res.
if context['res'].startswith('auto'):
if not Path(context['in']).is_file():
raise RuntimeError(f"ERROR {context['in']} is not accessible! Exit.")
print(".", end="", flush=True)
vid_info = subprocess.check_output([*cls.ffprobe.split(), context['in']], encoding='utf8')
vid_info = json.loads(vid_info)
if 'streams' not in vid_info or not vid_info['streams']:
raise RuntimeError(f"ERROR {context['in']} has no valid video stream! Exit.")
vid_info = vid_info['streams'][0]
context['resx'], context['resy'] = vid_info['width'], vid_info['height'] # or coded_width/height
# check of video is rotated by 90 degrees and modify width/height if so
if vid_info.get('tags') != None and (rot := vid_info['tags'].get('rotate')) != None:
if abs(int(rot)) == 90:
context['resx'], context['resy'] = context['resy'], context['resx']
except ValueError:
pass # I know it's bad habit but there is really nothing to do if value is invalid
if context['res'] == 'auto-half':
context['resx'], context['resy'] = context['resx'] // 2, context['resy'] // 2
context["resx"], context["resy"] = context.get("res").split("x")
# for windows it is definitely required for posix maybe not
context["in"] = str(context["in"]).replace("\\", "\\\\")
context["out"] = str(context["out"]).replace("\\", "\\\\")
return Template(t).substitute(context)
class HandBrakeQueue:
Create a new JSON Handbrake config file for a folder tree of files
using specific settings for high efficiency encoding.
If DIR_OUT option is used and is different than DIR then all non-encoded files are
first copied to the encoded files dir.
Resolutions can now be set to auto or auto-half - this requires ffprobe to be
installed on your system - and will automatically set the resolutions based on the
original video, or in case of auto-half to half the size of it (half width and height).
Note that using this option will slow down the process as every video file will be checked.
def __init__(self):
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=self.__doc__)
help="path to input files root, defaults to current dir",
help="path to out encoded files, defaults to DIR",
help="name of generated hb queue json file, defaults to DIR_OUT/hb.json",
default="mp4 mov ts".split(" "),
help="allowed video exts, defaults to (mp4 mov ts) can spec. multiple",
# p.add_argument(
# "--skip",
# default=0,
# type=int,
# help="TODO skip 1st SKIP seconds from all vids, defaults to 0",
# )
choices=(5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25),
help="out fps of videos, defaults to 10",
choices=["auto", "auto-half", "1280x720", "1440x810"],
help="out res. of videos, defaults to 1280x720, can be set to auto or auto-half",
# advanced options to help encode / decode built-in json template
group = p.add_argument_group(
"advanced options", "to handle built-in hb json template"
group.add_argument("--template_enc", action="store_true")
group.add_argument("--template_dec", action="store_true")
self.args = p.parse_args()
dir_in = self.args.dir
if not dir_in.is_absolute():
dir_in = dir_in.resolve() # DOES NOT WORK WITH RAMDISK on windows OSError 1!
dir_out = self.args.dir_out if self.args.dir_out else dir_in
if not dir_out.is_absolute():
dir_out = dir_out.resolve(
) # same as above, windows ramdisk bug
except FileNotFoundError:
sys.exit(f'Please create the DIR_OUT "{dir_out}" before using it!')
files_all = self.gather_files(dir_in)
files_req = self.gather_files(dir_in, self.args.e)
files_diff = set(files_all) - set(files_req)
if not files_req:
sys.exit("No files found to be encoded. Use -h for help.")
if dir_in != dir_out:
self.copy_out_files_and_dirs(dir_in, dir_out, files_diff)
self.copy_out_files_and_dirs(dir_in, dir_out, files_req, only_make_dirs=True)
hbconf_file = dir_out / "hb.json"
if self.args.hbconf_file:
hbconf_file = self.args.hbconf_file
self.create_hbconf_file(dir_in, dir_out, hbconf_file, files_req)
def create_hbconf_file(self, dir_in, dir_out, hbconf, files):
print(f"#{len(files)} found to be encoded")
with open(hbconf, "w", encoding='utf8') as file:
for f in files:
ctx = {
"in": f,
"out": dir_out / f.relative_to(dir_in).with_suffix(".m4v"),
"res": self.args.res,
"fps": self.args.fps,
# "skip": self.args.skip,
def copy_out_files_and_dirs(self, dir_in, dir_out, files, only_make_dirs=False):
if dir_in == dir_out or not files:
if not only_make_dirs:
print(f"#{len(files)} files are not to be encoded copying to {dir_out}")
for f in files:
out_file = dir_out / f.relative_to(dir_in)
if not out_file.parent.exists():
if not only_make_dirs:
shutil.copyfile(f, out_file)
def gather_files(self, root, extensions=None):
reg_p = None
if extensions: # case-insensitive exts
reg_p = re.compile(rf".({'|'.join(extensions)})$", re.I)
# all_files = [file for x in extensions for file in root.rglob(f"*.{x}")]
files = [
x for x in root.rglob("*") if reg_p is None or reg_p and
return [f for f in files if f.is_file()]
def check_template_commands(self):
if self.args.template_enc:
if self.args.template_dec:
def check_for_ffprobe(self, res_string):
if res_string.startswith('auto') and not shutil.which('ffprobe'):
sys.exit('To use auto resolutions ffprobe (ffmpeg) needs to be installed!')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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iexa commented Jul 16, 2021


Is this the same video you posted above for me? I used that as an example -- and this encoding scheme only works if the --res auto option is specified.

I can extend the checks if needed - you are right about its place in the code -, but I use this command specifically:
ffprobe -select_streams v:0 -show_streams -print_format json [FILE]
and this gives back a tags: {"rotate":"90"..., "side_data_list": {"rotation": -90} values, of which I use the tags / rotate, so it should work for you as I used the same script to encode... the side_data_list is the same in this regard.

I used mpv to play it, but for your sake tried the encoded version with VLC as well. See a screenshot: --- it seems fine to me.

Are you sure you replaced the python file with this version above?

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How to load the generated json file into Handbrake? On the Mac OS there's no seemingly way to do it. Thanks for the help!

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iexa commented Nov 29, 2022 via email

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