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Last active February 14, 2022 07:54
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A compile-time binary search tree implementation using C++ templates.
#include <iostream>
template <bool condition, typename T, typename F>
struct Conditional {
typedef F result;
template <typename T, typename F>
struct Conditional<true, T, F> {
typedef T result;
template <int a, int b, typename L, typename E, typename G>
struct Compare {
typedef typename Conditional<
a < b,
typename Conditional<a == b, E, G>::result
>::result result;
template <int k, int v, typename L, typename R>
struct Tree {
static constexpr int key = k;
static constexpr int value = v;
typedef L left;
typedef R right;
template <int k, typename Tree>
struct Search;
template <int k>
struct Search<k, void> {
typedef void result;
template <int k, int ek, int ev, typename L, typename R>
struct Search<k, Tree<ek, ev, L, R>> {
typedef typename Compare<
k, ek,
typename Search<k, L>::result,
Tree<ek, ev, L, R>,
typename Search<k, R>::result
>::result result;
template <int k, int v, typename Tree>
struct Insert;
template <int k, int v, int ek, int ev, typename L, typename R>
struct Insert<k, v, Tree<ek, ev, L, R>> {
typedef typename Compare<
k, ek,
Tree<ek, ev, typename Insert<k, v, L>::result, R>,
Tree<k, v, L, R>,
Tree<ek, ev, L, typename Insert<k, v, R>::result>
>::result result;
template <int k, int v>
struct Insert<k, v, void> {
typedef Tree<k, v, void, void> result;
template <typename Tree>
struct Count;
template <>
struct Count<void> {
static const int value = 0;
template <int ek, int ev, typename L, typename R>
struct Count<Tree<ek, ev, L, R>> {
static const int value = 1 + Count<L>::value + Count<R>::value;
int main() {
typedef typename Insert<1, 9, void>::result tree;
typedef typename Insert<2, 1, tree>::result tree1;
typedef typename Insert<2, 4, tree1>::result tree2;
typedef typename Insert<3, 9, tree2>::result tree3;
typedef typename Insert<2, 16, tree3>::result tree4;
std::cout << Count<tree4>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << Search<1, tree4>::result::value << std::endl;
std::cout << Search<2, tree4>::result::value << std::endl;
std::cout << Search<3, tree4>::result::value << std::endl;
std::cout << typeid(Search<1329, tree4>::result).name() << std::endl;
return 0;
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