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Last active July 9, 2020 02:52
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A simple tic tac toe game for 2. Easily run it in your terminal and begin!
import random, numpy as np, sys
trueFalseArr = [True, False] # used for randomly choosing who goes first
# Return tuple of (winner or '' string if no winner, bool value for if game is tied)
def checkGameState(board):
gameIsNotTied = True
winner = ''
# check horizontal wins
for x in range(len(board)):
if(board[x][0] != '_' and all(marker == board[x][0] for marker in board[x])):
print('Horizontal win')
winner = board[x][0]
return winner, gameIsNotTied
numpy_array = np.array(board) # store board in a numpy array
transpose = numpy_array.T # transpose 2Dimensional array so the vertical matches are in a horizontal array layout
# check vertical wins
for x in range(len(transpose)):
if(transpose[x][0] != '_' and all(marker == transpose[x][0] for marker in transpose[x])):
print('Vertical win')
winner = transpose[x][0]
return winner, gameIsNotTied
# check diagonal wins
if(board[0][0] != '_' and board[0][0] == board[1][1] and board[1][1] == board[2][2]):
print('Diagonal win')
winner = board[0][0]
return winner, gameIsNotTied
if(board[0][2] != '_' and board[0][2] == board[1][1] and board[1][1] == board[2][0]):
print('Diagonal win')
winner = board[0][2]
return winner, gameIsNotTied
# check for gameTied
for x in range(len(board)):
if(any(marker == '_' for marker in board[x])): # if there are any _ markers the game isNotTied
return winner, gameIsNotTied
return winner, not(gameIsNotTied)
# Create initial 2D board
def createBoard():
twoDimensionalBoard = [['_','_','_'],['_','_','_'],['_','_','_']]
return twoDimensionalBoard
# Ask if they want a player vs player game or player vs npc game and check if
# the input is a Y or N
def requestUserGameChoiceAndCheckIfValid():
userMove = "failure"
print("Would you like to have two players? y to have two players, n to play against NPC")
for x in range(0, 4): # try 4 times
userMove = raw_input('--> ').lower()
except (AttributeError), e:
if(x == 2):
print("1 more chance to choose y to have two players or n to play against NPC")
elif (x < 3):
print("Please only enter either a y or n value")
if userMove != "y" and userMove != "n":
if(x == 2):
print("1 more chance to choose y to have two players or n to play against an NPC")
elif (x < 3):
print("Please only enter either a y or n value")
if(userMove == "y"):
print("You are playing with two players")
print("You are playing with npc")
if(userMove != "y" and userMove != "n"):
print("Too many invalid inputs!")
return userMove.upper()
# Request user input and check if it's an integer between 0 and 2
def requestUserMoveAndCheckIfValid():
userMove = 'failure'
for x in range(0, 4): # try 4 times
userMove = int(raw_input())
except (NameError, SyntaxError, ZeroDivisionError, ValueError), e:
if(x == 2 and x < 3):
print("1 more chance for a valid number between 0 and 2")
elif (x < 3):
print('Please enter an integer')
if userMove > 2 or userMove < 0:
if(x == 2 and x < 3):
print("1 more chance for a valid number between 0 and 2")
elif (x < 3):
print('Please enter an integer between 0 and 2')
return userMove
# Print 2D board to terminal
def printBoard(board):
for x in range(len(board)):
# A two player game of tic tac toe
def playerVsPlayerGame(ticTacToeBoard):
winner = ''
gameIsNotTied = True
# randomize who starts first
playerXTurn = random.choice(trueFalseArr)
# run the game
while(gameIsNotTied and winner == ''):
# check for keyboard interrupt to stop the game
# notify players of whose turn it is
print("It's player 1 (X's) turn!")
print("It's player 2 (O's) turn!")
# take user input to place a marker on the board
print("To place your marker, choose your row")
rowInput = requestUserMoveAndCheckIfValid()
if(rowInput == "failure"):
raise KeyboardInterrupt
print("Choose your column")
columnInput = requestUserMoveAndCheckIfValid()
if(columnInput == "failure"):
raise KeyboardInterrupt
print(rowInput, columnInput)
if(ticTacToeBoard[rowInput][columnInput] != "_"):
print("That position already has a value, that means:")
ticTacToeBoard[rowInput][columnInput] = "X" if playerXTurn else "O"
winner, gameIsTied = checkGameState(ticTacToeBoard)
# if no winner swap turns
if(winner == '' and gameIsNotTied):
playerXTurn = not(playerXTurn)
print("This game was tied! Well done to both players!")
playerWon = 'Player 1 (X)' if playerXTurn else 'Player 2 (O)'
print("Player %s won this game. \nThanks for playing!" % (playerWon))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nThanks for checking out Tic Tac Toe in Python!")
# A game with a human player vs NPC
def playerVsNPCGame(ticTacToeBoard):
print("Game type to come!")
# Play through a tic tac toe game
def playGame():
# welcome players
print("Welcome to Tic Tac Toe in Python. \nHere is the board!")
# create and print board in terminal
ticTacToeBoard = createBoard()
playerVPlayer = True if "Y" == requestUserGameChoiceAndCheckIfValid() else False
# Play a game a game of Tic Tac Toe
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