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Last active February 11, 2018 13:05
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I've got that piece of code that looks extremely overcomplicated to me. Even though every operation by itself is simple, the "sum" of operations is simply insane.
data Query = Query
data SomeObj = SomeObj
data IoOnlyObj = IoOnlyObj
data Err = Err
-- There's a decoder function that makes some object from String
decodeFn :: String -> Either Err SomeObj
decodeFn = undefined
-- There's a query, that runs against DB and returns array of strings
fetchFn :: Query -> IO [String]
fetchFn = undefined
-- there's some additional "context initializer", that also has IO
-- side-effects
makeIoOnlyObj :: [SomeObj] -> IO [(SomeObj, IoOnlyObj)]
makeIoOnlyObj = undefined
-- and now, there's a pipeline function, that takes query,
-- decodes results, and then runs another IO operation with the
-- results of query. And it seems to me that there are much much
-- better ways of implementing such things.
-- `makeIoOnlyObj` returns IO-wrapped result, and we need
-- return IO Either-wrapped.
-- So far what I've got is as follows. How do I improve it?
pipelineFn :: Query
-> IO (Either Err [(SomeObj, IoOnlyObj)])
pipelineFn query = do
a <- fetchFn query
case sequence (map decodeFn a) of
(Left err) -> return $ Left $ err
(Right res) -> do
a <- makeIoOnlyObj res
return $ Right a
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YoEight commented Sep 27, 2014

In such use case, monad transformers is what you need. So I gonna use ExceptT monad transformer. It augments any Monad m to support failure.

You can find it in transformers package

import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Traversable (traverse)

data Query     = Query
data SomeObj   = SomeObj
data IoOnlyObj = IoOnlyObj
data Err       = Err

-- use `throwE` to introduce failure case
decodeFn :: Monad m => String -> ExceptT Err m SomeObj
decodeFn = undefined

fetchFn :: Query -> IO [String]
fetchFn = undefined

makeIoOnlyObj :: [SomeObj] -> IO [(SomeObj, IoOnlyObj)]
makeIoOnlyObj = undefined

pipelineFn :: Query -> ExceptT Err IO [(SomeObj, IoOnlyObj)]
pipelineFn query = do
  as   <- liftIO $ fetchFn query
  as'  <- traverse decodeFn as
  liftIO $ makIoOnlyObj as'

At some point, you'll need to evaluate your ExceptT computation. All you have to do is using runExcept function.

runExceptT :: ExceptT e m a -> m (Either e a)

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To complement YoEight's answer, here is a solution which does the same as yours, but shorter. This version of your code saves a few lines by injecting the makeIoOnlyObj and the decoding inside the query result using Functor properties of IO and Either Err.

pipelineFn = do
   -- (a) turns the query into an error/an action
   x <- (fmap makeIoOnlyObj . traverse decodeFn) <$> fetchFn query
   -- (b) propagates the error or run the action
   either (return . Left) (Right <$>) x

I prefer YoEight's answer but I think this form is useful: in this form, line (b) illustrates why YoEight tells that, in such use case, your problem asks for a transformer. Line (b) tries to pop the action out of the Either Err while keeping the same error/no-error context (i.e., a good old try / catch block), which is the job of the ExcepT. In summary, my solution is a middle ground between the two other solutions, and may help you identify why a transformer is preferrable. If your codebase grows, the ExcepT saves you from typing the either (return . Left) (fmap Right) every time you chain actions (you'll pay in lifts, which are much cheapers because they do not expose internals (unlike 'either')).

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Another variation of traverse version, suggested by @bitemyapp is:

pipelineFn :: Query
              -> IO (Either Err [(SomeObj, IoOnlyObj)])
pipelineFn query = do
  a <- fetchFn query
  traverse makeIoOnlyObj (mapM decodeFn a)

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