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Last active May 16, 2024 20:48
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Custom scroll position restoration logic for Angular 2+, that doesn't consider query parameter changes in route as forward navigation, thus preventing certain scenarios where you don't want query parameter changes to scroll-to-top as they would with 'scrollPositionRestoration: enabled'.
export class AppModule {
constructor(private router: Router, private viewportScroller: ViewportScroller) {
// Disable automatic scroll restoration to avoid race conditions
* When route is changed, Angular interprets a simple query params change as "forward navigation" too.
* Using the pairwise function allows us to have both the previous and current router events, which we can
* use to effectively compare the two navigation events and see if they actually change route, or only
* the route parameters (i.e. selections stored in query params).
* Related to:
private handleScrollOnNavigation(): void {
// import { Event } from '@angular/router'
filter((e: Event): e is Scroll => e instanceof Scroll),
).subscribe((e: Scroll[]) => {
const previous = e[0];
const current = e[1];
if (current.position) {
// Backward navigation
} else if (current.anchor) {
// Anchor navigation
} else {
// Check if routes match, or if it is only a query param change
if (this.getBaseRoute(previous.routerEvent.urlAfterRedirects) !== this.getBaseRoute(current.routerEvent.urlAfterRedirects)) {
// Routes don't match, this is actual forward navigation
// Default behavior: scroll to top
this.viewportScroller.scrollToPosition([0, 0]);
private getBaseRoute(url: string): string {
// return url without query params
return url.split('?')[0];
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Chewieez commented May 16, 2024

This may have been obvious to others but it wasn't to me. I had to change our app's router settings for scrollPositionRestoration to:
{ scrollPositionRestoration: 'disabled' } to get this workaround to work.

It took me a bit to figure that out. So if you are also wondering why this doesn't seem to work for you, check and make sure that is disabled.

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