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Created November 13, 2012 14:44
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* File: sample_uuid.c
* Unique User ID (UUID) entropy-based generator with 6 DOF
* by D. G. Kakolyris -
* 2012-05-11
* C (on Linux) sample implementation [requires glibc2 or higher]
* instructions to build an executable for testing:
* %gcc -Wall -Wextra -DTEST1 -Os -o sample_uuid sample_uuid.c -lcrypt
* DISCLAIMER: Please note that the following sample implementation is just
* a proof of concept. One can refine it and produce better results.
* Especially the final digest step is implemented in a "naive" way for the
* sake of simplicity (using the MD5 algorithm - don't use this).
* This sample implementation works under Linux only
* (don't try it on MacOS for example - it doesn't work as expected, due
* to the crypt() call).
#define _BSD_SOURCE
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <time.h>
typedef char tag_unique_id[256];
* \brief This function generates a UUID.
* \param result a string containing the generated UUID
* \return 0 on error, != 0 otherwise
* This is a sample implementation of the
* UUID entropy-based generator algorithm.
get_uuid(tag_unique_id *result)
char *out;
char *ch;
DIR *dir;
int count;
struct timeval tv1, tv2;
double dtv1, dtv2;
char s1[64], s2[128], s3[64], s4[64], s5[64], s6[64],
sall[256] = { 0 };
// STEP 1: get time since Epoch.
// OUTPUT: timestamp in millisecond (or finer) granularity.
// RATIONALE: collision only when app is deployed at the exact same
// time since Epoch (no local time).
gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
snprintf(s1, 64, "%ld%ld", (long) tv1.tv_sec, (long) tv1.tv_usec);
// STEP 2: get an object reference.
// OUTPUT: memory address or another distinguishable object property.
// RATIONALE: very little probability for two runs to get the
// same address (debatable when in a sandbox).
// NOTE: the following static buffer allocation (s2 of MAX size)
// is able to hold words with varying sizes below 512
// (e.g. size of 256 bits), such that:
// (((int) ceil(word_size_in_bits / 8.0)) * 2 + 2) < MAX
ch = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char));
if (!ch)
snprintf(s2, 128, "%p", ch);
ch = NULL;
// STEP 3: sleep for a little time.
// OUTPUT: time delta in millisecond granularity.
// RATIONALE: os fine timing granularity is not guaranteed
// (debatable when dealing with real-time/hard real-time
// kernels).
gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
dtv1 = tv1.tv_sec * 1000.0 + tv1.tv_usec / 1000.0;
usleep(256 * 1000);
gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
dtv2 = tv2.tv_sec * 1000.0 + tv2.tv_usec / 1000.0;
snprintf(s3, 64, "%f", dtv2 - dtv1);
// STEP 4: get a platform-dependent "distinguishable" context value.
// OUTPUT: something different without needing escalated privileges.
// RATIONALE: a value that may differentiate two contexts.
// Examples include: a device ID (without permissions for
// accessing it), number of physical processors,
// os version, file count of current directory,
// user name, number of processes spawned from the user, etc.
count = 2;
if ((dir = opendir("."))) {
for (count = 0; readdir(dir); count++);
snprintf(s4, 64, "%d", count);
// STEP 5: generate a pseudo-random number.
// OUTPUT: random integer.
// RATIONALE: the pseudo-random generator may be the same, but there
// is a slight chance that something might have changed in the
// seed (may be a second passed in some cases).
// Also, some systems (e.g. a JVM) have their own pseudo-random
// generators that are "fed" with their own random seed
// implementations, narrowing the probability for same results.
snprintf(s5, 64, "%d", rand());
// STEP 6: do a complementary step.
// OUTPUT: the "age" of the implementation as a kick-starter.
// RATIONALE: this is not a crucial step for the algorithm. We just
// provide an indication on the implementation "age". Examples
// include: an arbitrary string value, an integer,
// the publisher's name, etc.
snprintf(s6, 64, "%s::%d", "", 1);
// The output string.
snprintf(sall, 256, "%s%s%s%s%s%s", s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6);
#ifndef NDEBUG
printf("str = %s\n", sall);
#endif /* NDEBUG */
// MD5 from output string.
out = crypt(sall, "$1$xx$789012");
snprintf(*result, 256, "%s", &out[6]);
#ifndef NDEBUG
printf("digest = %s\n", *result);
#endif /* NDEBUG */
return 1;
#ifdef TEST1
tag_unique_id a_unique_id;
if (!get_uuid(&a_unique_id))
return 1;
printf("|%s|\n", a_unique_id);
return 0;
#endif /* TEST1 */
/* EOF */
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