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ifiokjr /
Last active January 22, 2022 14:37

A model for sustainable open source development

Open source software has taken over the world.

For almost anything productive that is being worked on, whether at a company, artistic work, music or a side project, you are relying on open source software at some layer of the stack.

Rust is growing on me 💎

That's it.

That's the update.

ifiokjr /
Last active November 27, 2021 08:01
learning rust

Learning rust is so painful

I've taken it upon myself to learn rust this week and I'm building a library for extracting atomic css classes from TypeScript files.

I read bits of the book, and watched some tutorials, but making it actually make sense is so so painful.

It's a whole different world from TypeScript and Dartlang.

I've even done some limited coding in Swift and Kotlin, and none of them felt as painful as this experience.

ifiokjr /
Last active November 16, 2021 19:23
learning rust

Running example code in cargo crates

The structure of crates is quite handy.

Here it describes how the examples folder can be used to run example code.

This can be added to the Cargo.toml file as follows:

ifiokjr /
Last active November 14, 2021 21:45
post social messages from vscode

Manage social posts directly from vscode

I write a lot of gists.

Gistpad is the reason.

Writing is easier while I'm coding in vscode. I don't worry about everything being perfect.

It would be nice if posts could automatically created as mentioned earlier.

ifiokjr /
Last active November 14, 2021 14:31
make `@web/test-runner` better

New issue in @web/test-runner

I've created a new issue to add support for running tests in deno and node.

I'm happy to help out.

For some reason tests are appealing to me today.

ifiokjr /
Last active November 14, 2021 21:22
pure esm test library

Lightweight es module (esm) testing library

I want to build a small test library with a similar api to bdd frameworks like jest but globals, runner or assertion library.

  • Bring your own runner.
  • Bring your own assertions.

This is possible because of projects like the web test runner which allows for custom frameworks to be used.

I don't need all the options provided by mocha and jest at least not at the moment.

ifiokjr /
Last active November 14, 2021 05:10
searching through gists

Pitfalls of gists

I've been using gists for the last few days and I really wish there was a way of searching through the gists I've created.

That's the main downside I've noticed.

However, being able to post directly from vscode with gistpad is great.

Things I would add:

ifiokjr /
Last active November 13, 2021 04:47
learning finance markets

Diving into financial models

A lot of talk within solana and blockchain projects centers on revolutionizing finance and the way trading is done. Unfortunately I don't understand any of it.

So I'm looking to find books and courses that broaden my understanding of the financial world and why people are so excited for what projects like solana will accomplish.

Rust analyzer only shows errors on save

The rust analyzer currently only shows errors on save.

Coming from the instant updates of TypeScript in vscode it's quite jarring to make a change and not see the red squiggle error lines disappear.

I've found this post and it seems the issue is jarring for others as well. One interesting counterpoint is made by a user.

The problem is that it is easy (relatively speaking) to create an AST when the code is valid. It is difficult (well, impossible really) to create an AST when the code is invalid. That is to say, there is no valid AST when the code is invalid :-) While you are typing, there are only a few places where the AST is valid. In all other cases you have errors. >