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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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google timezone api. getting timezone for a (latitude, longitude) tuple, or for a string address
from geopy import geocoders
def getlatlon(address, i=0, avg=False):
returns a tuple with (lat, lon) of desired place
address: str
the address as given to google maps
i: None or int. 0
if general address is given, ie 'town, country',
a list of possible locations will be found
if i=0: only first place will be retrieved
if None: all places will be retrieved
avg: bool. False
if i == None and avg == True: the average of all found places will be calculated
getlatlon('tirgoviste, Ro')
getlatlon('tirgoviste, romania')
getlatlon('general florescu tirgoviste, romania')
g = geocoders.GoogleV3()
res = g.geocode(address, exactly_one=False)
if i is not None: # user wants only first place
#place, (lat, lon) = res[0]
return res[i][1]
elif not avg: # user wants entire list of places
return res
else: # user wants an aproximation, average of all places
Llat, Llon = [place[1][0] for place in res], [place[1][1] for place in res]
averagelat, averagelon = sum(Llat)/float(len(Llat)), sum(Llon)/float(len(Llon))
return (averagelat, averagelon)
def gettzgoogle(loc, dt=None, apikey=None, ret=None, **kv):
'''gets timezone for a latitude and longitude tuple
loc: tuple/list or str
if tuple/list: it must have 2 values (latitude, longitude)
if str: it must be the address as given to google maps
dt: number or datetime source
if number, it must be a timestamp, the number of seconds from 1 jan 1970
else: it must be some datetime source (it will be given to P.to_datetime)
apikey: None or str
api key for google
ret: None or str
if None: all json dict will be returned
if str: only that parameter will be returned
choices: dstOffset, rawOffset, timeZoneId, timeZoneName, status
**kv: optional arguments (valid only when loc is a string address)
i: int. 0
to be sent to getlatlon()
avg: bool. False
to be sent to getlatlon()
gettzgoogle([45,27], ret='timeZoneId') # 'Europe/Bucharest
{u'dstOffset': 0,
u'rawOffset': 7200,
u'status': u'OK',
u'timeZoneId': u'Europe/Bucharest',
u'timeZoneName': u'Eastern European Standard Time'}
gettzgoogle('targoviste, ro')
url = ''
if isinstance(loc, str):
i, avg = 0, False
if 'i' in kv:
i = kv['i']
if 'avg' in kv:
avg = kv['avg']
loc = getlatlon(loc, i, avg)
elif not isinstance(loc, tuple):
loc = tuple(loc)
from .time1 import timestamp # simple function to convert datetime to timestaamp
params = dict(location='%f,%f' % loc, timestamp='%s' % timestamp(dt), key=apikey)
res = requests.get(url, params=params)
res = res.json()
if ret is None:
return res
return res[ret]
from geopy import distance
def getdistance(place1, place2, unit='km'):
'''distance between 2 places'''
if isinstance(place1, str):
place1 = getlatlon(place1)
if isinstance(place2, str):
place2 = getlatlon(place2)
res = distance.distance(place1, place2)
if 'km' in unit:
elif 'mi' in unit:
return res.miles
elif 'fe' in unit:
return res.feet
elif 'me' in unit:
return res.meters
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