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Last active February 8, 2017 19:56
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Kernel.put_in on nil
defmodule ExEvent do
def put_in(data, keys, value) do
elem(kernel_get_and_update_in(data, keys, fn _ -> {nil, value} end), 1)
defp kernel_get_and_update_in(data, [head], fun) when is_function(head, 3),
do: head.(:get_and_update, data, fun)
defp kernel_get_and_update_in(data, [head | tail], fun) when is_function(head, 3),
do: head.(:get_and_update, data, &kernel_get_and_update_in(&1, tail, fun))
defp kernel_get_and_update_in(data, [head], fun) when is_function(fun, 1),
do: access_get_and_update(data, head, fun)
defp kernel_get_and_update_in(data, [head | tail], fun) when is_function(fun, 1),
do: access_get_and_update(data, head, &kernel_get_and_update_in(&1, tail, fun))
defp access_get_and_update(map, key, fun) when is_map(map) do
Map.get_and_update(map, key, fun)
defp access_get_and_update(nil, key, fun) do
m = ExEvent.put_in(%{}, [key], elem(fun.(nil), 1))
{nil, m}
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