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Forked from VictorTaelin/itt-coc.ts
Created December 17, 2023 15:51
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ITT-Flavored Calculus of Constructions Type Checker
// A nano dependent type-checker featuring inductive types via self encodings.
// All computation rules are justified by interaction combinator semantics,
// resulting in major simplifications and improvements over old Kind-Core.
// Specifically, computable annotations (ANNs) and their counterpart (ANN
// binders) and a new self encoding based on equality (rather than dependent
// motives) greatly reduce code size. A more complete file, including
// superpositions (for optimal unification) is available on the
// Interaction-Type-Theory repository.
// Credits also to Franchu and T6 for insights.
// NOTE: this is sound but NOT consistent. To make it so, one must supplement
// it with a termination checker, using any of many available approaches.
// NOTE: this does NOT handle recursive terms. See the comment below for a version
// that does, using a more conventional bidirectional type checker plus Self.
// Lists
type List<A> =
| { tag: "Cons"; head: A; tail: List<A> }
| { tag: "Nil"; };
const Cons = <A>(head: A, tail: List<A>): List<A> => ({ tag: "Cons", head, tail });
const Nil = <A>(): List<A> => ({ tag: "Nil" });
// Terms
type Term =
| { tag: "Var"; val: number }
| { tag: "Set"; } // *
| { tag: "All"; inp: Term; bod: (x: Term) => Term } // ∀(<x>: <term>) <term>
| { tag: "Lam"; bod: (x: Term) => Term } // λx <term>
| { tag: "App"; fun: Term; arg: Term } // (<term> <term>)
| { tag: "Slf"; bod: (x: Term) => Term } // $<x> <term>
| { tag: "Ann"; val: Term; typ: Term } // {<term> : <term>}
| { tag: "Ref"; nam: string } // @term
const Var = (val: number): Term => ({ tag: "Var", val });
const Set = (): Term => ({ tag: "Set" });
const All = (inp: Term, bod: (x: Term) => Term): Term => ({ tag: "All", inp, bod });
const Lam = (bod: (x: Term) => Term): Term => ({ tag: "Lam", bod });
const App = (fun: Term, arg: Term): Term => ({ tag: "App", fun, arg });
const Slf = (bod: (x: Term) => Term): Term => ({ tag: "Slf", bod });
const Ann = (val: Term, typ: Term): Term => ({ tag: "Ann", val, typ });
const Ref = (nam: string): Term => ({ tag: "Ref", nam });
// A book of definitions
type Book = {[key: string]: {typ: Term, val: Term}};
// Checker
// -------
// Expands a reference
function deref(book: Book, term: Term): Term {
if (term.tag === "Ref" && book[term.nam]) {
return reduce(book, book[term.nam].val);
} else {
return term;
// Reduces to weak normal form
function reduce(book: Book, term: Term): Term {
switch (term.tag) {
case "Var": return Var(term.val);
case "Set": return Set();
case "All": return All(term.inp, term.bod);
case "Lam": return Lam(term.bod);
case "App": return reduce_app(book, reduce(book,, term.arg);
case "Slf": return Slf(term.bod);
case "Ann": return reduce_ann(book, term.val, reduce(book, term.typ));
case "Ref": return Ref(term.nam);
// Annotations
function reduce_ann(book: Book, val: Term, typ: Term): Term {
var typ = deref(book, typ);
// {t :: ∀(x: A) -> B}
// -------------------------- ann-lam
// λx. {(t {x :: A}) :: B}
if (typ.tag === "All") {
return Lam(x => Ann(App(val, Ann(x, typ.inp)), typ.bod(x)));
// {t :: $x.T}
// ----------- ann-slf
// T[x <- t]
if (typ.tag === "Slf") {
return reduce(book, typ.bod(val));
return Ann(val, typ);
// Applications
function reduce_app(book: Book, fun: Term, arg: Term): Term {
var fun = deref(book, fun);
// ((λx body) arg)
// -------------------- app-lam
// body[x <- arg]
if (fun.tag === "Lam") {
return reduce(book, fun.bod(arg));
// ($x.T t)
// -------- app-slf
// ???
if (fun.tag === "Slf") {
throw "TODO:APP-SLF";
// ({x : T} arg)
// ------------- app-ann
// ⊥
if (fun.tag === "Ann") {
throw "ERROR: NonFunApp";
return App(fun, arg);
// Evaluates a term to normal form.
function normal(book: Book, term: Term, dep: number = 0): Term {
var term = reduce(book, term);
switch (term.tag) {
case "Var": return Var(term.val);
case "Set": return Set();
case "All": return All(normal(book, term.inp, dep), x => normal(book, term.bod(Ann(x, term.inp)), dep+1));
case "Lam": return Lam(x => normal(book, term.bod(x), dep+1));
case "App": return App(normal(book,, dep), normal(book, term.arg, dep));
case "Slf": return Slf(x => normal(book, term.bod(x), dep+1));
case "Ann": return ANN(book, normal(book, term.val, dep), normal(book, term.typ, dep), dep);
case "Ref": return Ref(term.nam);
// Type-checking is done by collapsing normalized ANNs.
function ANN(book: Book, val: Term, typ: Term, dep: number): Term {
switch (val.tag) {
// {{x : A} : B}
// -------------
// {x : A == B}
case "Ann": {
if (!equal(book, val.typ, typ, dep)) {
let exp = show_term(typ, dep);
let det = show_term(val.typ, dep);
let msg = "- expected: " + exp + "\n- detected: " + det;
throw ("TypeMismatch\n"+msg);
} else {
return Ann(val.val, val.typ);
// {λx(B) : T}
// -----------
// ⊥
case "Lam": {
throw "ERROR: NonFunLam";
default: {
return Ann(val, typ);
// Checks if two terms are definitionaly equal.
function equal(book: Book, a: Term, b: Term, dep: number): boolean {
if (a.tag === "Var" && b.tag === "Var") {
return a.val === b.val;
if (a.tag === "Set" && b.tag === "Set") {
return true;
if (a.tag === "Lam" && b.tag === "Lam") {
return equal(book, a.bod(Var(dep)), b.bod(Var(dep)), dep+1);
if (a.tag === "App" && b.tag === "App") {
return equal(book,,, dep) && equal(book, a.arg, b.arg, dep);
if (a.tag === "Slf" && b.tag === "Slf") {
return equal(book, a.bod(Var(dep)), b.bod(Var(dep)), dep + 1);
if (a.tag === "Ref" && book[a.nam]) {
return equal(book, normal(book, book[a.nam].val, dep), b, dep);
if (b.tag === "Ref" && book[b.nam]) {
return equal(book, a, normal(book, book[b.nam].val, dep), dep);
if (a.tag === "Ann") {
return equal(book, a.val, b, dep);
if (b.tag === "Ann") {
return equal(book, a, b.val, dep);
if (a.tag === "Lam") {
return equal(book, a, Lam(x => App(b, x)), dep);
if (b.tag === "Lam") {
return equal(book, Lam(x => App(a, x)), b, dep);
return false;
// With computable ANNs, checking is done by evaluation.
function check(book: Book) {
for (var name in book) {
try {
show_term(normal(book, Ann(book[name].val, book[name].typ)));
console.log("\x1b[32m✔ " + name + "\x1b[0m");
} catch (e) {
// FIXME: handle recursive types properly
if (e instanceof RangeError) {
console.log("\x1b[33m? " + name + "\x1b[0m");
} else {
console.log("\x1b[31m✘ " + name + "\x1b[0m");
// Syntax
// ------
function show_term(term: Term, dep: number = 0): string {
switch (term.tag) {
case "Var": return num_to_str(term.val);
case "Set": return "*";
case "All": return "∀(" + num_to_str(dep) + ":"+show_term(term.inp, dep)+")" + show_term(term.bod(Var(dep)), dep + 1);
case "Lam": return "λ" + num_to_str(dep) + " " + show_term(term.bod(Var(dep)), dep + 1);
case "App": return "(" + show_term(, dep) + " " + show_term(term.arg, dep) + ")";
case "Slf": return "$" + num_to_str(dep) + " " + show_term(term.bod(Var(dep)), dep+1);
case "Ann": return "{" + show_term(term.val, dep) + ":" + show_term(term.typ, dep) + "}";
case "Ref": return "@" + term.nam;
function show_book(book: Book): string {
var text = "";
for (var name in book) {
text += name + " : " + show_term(book[name].typ) + " = " + show_term(book[name].val) + "\n";
return text;
function num_to_str(num: number): string {
let txt = '';
num += 1;
while (num > 0) {
txt += String.fromCharCode(((num-1) % 26) + 'a'.charCodeAt(0));
num = Math.floor((num-1) / 26);
return txt.split('').reverse().join('');
function find<A>(list: List<[string, Term]>, nam: string): Term {
switch (list.tag) {
case "Cons": return list.head[0] === nam ? list.head[1] : find(list.tail, nam);
case "Nil" : return Ref(nam);
function skip(code: string): string {
while (true) {
if (code.slice(0, 2) === "//") {
do { code = code.slice(1); } while (code.length != 0 && code[0] != "\n");
if (code[0] === "\n" || code[0] === " ") {
code = code.slice(1);
return code;
function is_name_char(c: string): boolean {
return /[a-zA-Z0-9_]/.test(c);
function parse_name(code: string): [string, string] {
code = skip(code);
var name = "";
while (is_name_char(code[0]||"")) {
name = name + code[0];
code = code.slice(1);
return [code, name];
function parse_text(code: string, text: string): [string, null] {
code = skip(code);
if (text === "") {
return [code, null];
} else if (code[0] === text[0]) {
return parse_text(code.slice(1), text.slice(1));
} else {
throw "parse error";
function parse_term(code: string): [string, (ctx: List<[string, Term]>) => Term] {
code = skip(code);
// ALL: `∀(x: T) f`
if (code[0] === "∀") {
var [code, nam] = parse_name(code.slice(2));
var [code, _ ] = parse_text(code, ":");
var [code, typ] = parse_term(code);
var [code, __ ] = parse_text(code, ")");
var [code, bod] = parse_term(code);
return [code, ctx => All(typ(ctx), x => bod(Cons([nam,x], ctx)))];
// LAM: `λx f`
if (code[0] === "λ" || code[0] === "∀") {
var [code, nam] = parse_name(code.slice(1));
var [code, bod] = parse_term(code);
return [code, ctx => Lam(x => bod(Cons([nam,x], ctx)))];
// APP: `(f x y z ...)`
if (code[0] === "(") {
var [code, fun] = parse_term(code.slice(1));
var args: ((ctx: List<[string, Term]>) => Term)[] = [];
while (code[0] !== ")") {
var [code, arg] = parse_term(code);
var [code, _] = parse_text(code, ")");
return [code, ctx => args.reduce((f, x) => App(f, x(ctx)), fun(ctx))];
// SET: `*`
if (code[0] === "*") {
return [code.slice(1), ctx => Set()];
// SLF: `$x T`
if (code[0] === "$") {
var [code, nam] = parse_name(code.slice(1));
//var [code, _ ] = parse_text(code, " ");
var [code, bod] = parse_term(code);
return [code, ctx => Slf(x => bod(Cons([nam, x], ctx)))];
// ANN: `{x : T}`
if (code[0] === "{") {
var [code, val] = parse_term(code.slice(1));
var [code, _ ] = parse_text(code, ":");
var [code, typ] = parse_term(code);
var [code, __ ] = parse_text(code, "}");
return [code, ctx => Ann(val(ctx), typ(ctx))];
// REF: `@name`
if (code[0] === "@") {
var [code, nam] = parse_name(code.slice(1));
return [code, ctx => Ref(nam)];
// VAR: `name`
var [code, nam] = parse_name(code);
if (nam.length > 0) {
return [code, ctx => find(ctx, nam)];
throw "parse error";
function do_parse_term(code: string): Term {
return parse_term(code)[1](Nil());
function parse_book(code: string): Book {
var book : Book = {};
while (code.length > 0) {
code = skip(code);
if (code[0] === "@") {
var code = code.slice(1);
var [code, nam] = parse_name(code);
var [code, _ ] = parse_text(code, ":");
var [code, typ] = parse_term(code);
var [code, _ ] = parse_text(code, "=");
var [code, val] = parse_term(code);
book[nam] = {typ: typ(Nil()), val: val(Nil())};
} else {
return book;
function do_parse_book(code: string): Book {
return parse_book(code);
// Tests
// -----
var code = `
// Any
@Any : * = $x x
// Self Type
@Self : ∀(F: Any) * = λF $self { self: (F self) }
// Heterogeneous Equality
@Equal : ∀(a: Any) ∀(b: Any) * =
λa λb ∀(P: ∀(x: Any) *) ∀(x: (P a)) (P b)
@refl : ∀(a: Any) (Equal a a) =
λa λP λx x
// Boolean
@Bool : * =
(Self λself
∀(P: *)
∀(t: ∀(e: (Equal λPλtλf(t (refl *)) self)) P)
∀(f: ∀(e: (Equal λPλtλf(f (refl *)) self)) P)
@true : Bool =
λP λt λf (t (refl *))
@false : Bool =
λP λt λf (f (refl *))
// Boolean Induction
@bool_match : ∀(b: Bool) ∀(P: ∀(x:Bool) *) ∀(t: (P true)) ∀(f: (P false)) (P b) =
λb λP λt λf (b (P b) λe(e P t) λe(e P f))
// Boolean Negation
@not : ∀(b: Bool) Bool =
λb (bool_match b λb(Bool) false true)
// Double Negation Theorem
: ∀(b: Bool) (Equal (not (not b)) b)
= λb (bool_match b λb(Equal (not (not b)) b) (refl *) (refl *))
// Natural numbers
@Nat : * =
(Self λself
∀(P: *)
∀(s: ∀(n: Nat) ∀(e: (Equal λPλsλz(s n (refl *)) self)) P)
∀(z: ∀(e: (Equal λPλsλz(z (refl *)) self)) P)
@zero : Nat =
λP λs λz (z (refl *))
@succ : ∀(n: Nat) Nat =
λn λP λs λz (s n (refl *))
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