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ifrins / gist:1373547
Created November 17, 2011 16:12
var push = require('wp7push');
var purl = "Push URL provided by the WP7 Application";
push.sendToastNotification("title", "subtitle", purl);
ifrins / gist:1548478
Created January 1, 2012 22:08 — forked from TiuTalk/gist:1421777
Before HtmlTidy
<!doctype html>
<title>Hello World!</title>
<h1>O hay!</h1>
<p>Omg, this paragraph is broken!
function bg(a){document.body.className=a;}
<iframe src=";rel=1&amp;fs=1&amp;showsearch=0&amp;showinfo=1&amp;iv_load_policy=1&amp;wmode=transparent"/>
<p><a href="">Fluent</a> is a web-based workflow stream that works with existing <a href="">Gmail</a> accounts to bring a Sparrow-like user interface to email.</p>
<p>Users can stream email threads and replies, preview aggregated attachments in a tab, quickly reply or compose inline, archive messages, and even add a to-do list with the new design concept that claims to run on any web browser.</p>
<p><a href="">Sparrow</a> is a great success as a Mac-only application, and now Fluent hopes to balance the playing field and snag users whom are in dire need of a new Gmail look and functionality. Fluent&#8217;s website specifically praises its workflow ability, multiple accounts options, and &#8220;blazing&#8221; fast search-as-you-type filter.</p>
<p>The streaming email UI is the work
ifrins / es.engadget.html
Created February 22, 2012 14:25
ReadabilitySAX <script />
<p>por <strong><a href="">Carlos Martinez</a></strong> <a href="" title="Suscribirse a este editor"><script src=""/></a> 22 / 02 / 2012</p><div>
El sucesor de la gama <a href="">Bulldozer</a> de <a href="">AMD</a>, <a href="">Piledriver</a>, esconde muchas novedades con las que dar vida a la futura plataforma Trinity, y una de ellas es la llamada "Resonant Clock Mesh". Dicha tecnolog&iacute;a ha sido desarrollada por la empresa Cyclos Semiconductors, y permitir&aacute;, entre otras cosas, superar la friolera cifra de los 4 GHz gracias a que el sistema se encarga de reciclar la energ&iacute;a de cada ciclo, en lugar de disiparla como se hace actualmente. De esta forma se consigue un ahorro de energ&iacute;a de hasta el 24%, permitiendo as
call([{"date": "11042012", "deletion_ratio": 0.054529538194194926, "total": 153073, "tps": 38.34493987975952, "gtps": 3834.493987975952}, {"date": "12042012", "deletion_ratio": 0.04743385206489757, "total": 362294, "tps": 39.909010795329365, "gtps": 3990.9010795329364}, {"date": "13042012", "deletion_ratio": 0.053176568954899146, "total": 444914, "tps": 36.340276076125136, "gtps": 3634.0276076125137}])
<a href="">Cross-Origin XMLHttpRequest</a>
ifrins / mysql_tweets
Last active December 17, 2015 05:49 — forked from anonymous/mysql_tweets
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8
# Munin plugin to show Mysql COUNT(*) results for multiple values
# Copyright Igor Borodikhin
# License : GPLv3
ifrins / gist:2db8e0918e2e9bcf720c
Created December 31, 2014 18:14
Here's to 2015.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (Darwin)