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Created January 25, 2020 18:20
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require MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/modinstagram/vendor/autoload.php';
use Phpfastcache\Helper\Psr16Adapter;
// If account is public you can query Instagram without auth
$instagram = \InstagramScraper\Instagram::withCredentials('user', 'password', new Psr16Adapter('Files'));
$account = $instagram->getAccount('ig0r74');
// Available fields
echo "Account info:\n";
echo "Id: {$account->getId()}\n";
echo "Username: {$account->getUsername()}\n";
echo "Full name: {$account->getFullName()}\n";
echo "Biography: {$account->getBiography()}\n";
echo "Profile picture url: {$account->getProfilePicUrl()}\n";
echo "External link: {$account->getExternalUrl()}\n";
echo "Number of published posts: {$account->getMediaCount()}\n";
echo "Number of followers: {$account->getFollowsCount()}\n";
echo "Number of follows: {$account->getFollowedByCount()}\n";
echo "Is private: {$account->isPrivate()}\n";
echo "Is verified: {$account->isVerified()}\n";
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