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Jenkins, Protractor and Headless Chrome Browser Setup on Ubuntu 14.04

Jenkins, Protractor and Headless Chrome Browser Setup on Ubuntu 14.04

Update Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Install Java

sudo apt-get install default-jre

Install Jenkins

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins

Install Node.js and npm

curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Install Protractor and Selenium WebDriver

sudo su
npm install protractor -g
webdriver-manager update
ln /usr/lib/node_modules/protractor/selenium/chromedriver /usr/bin/chromedriver

If protractor installation fails with an error, perform follwoing steps instead of above steps

sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/lib/node_modules
npm install protractor -g
sudo webdriver-manager update
sudo ln /usr/lib/node_modules/protractor/selenium/chromedriver /usr/bin/chromedriver
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libxpm4 libxrender1 libgtk2.0-0 libnss3 libgconf-2-4
sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable
sudo apt-get install xvfb gtk2-engines-pixbuf
sudo apt-get install xfonts-cyrillic xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base xfonts-scalable
sudo apt-get install imagemagick x11-apps
Xvfb -ac :99 -screen 0 1280x1024x16 &
disown $1
export DISPLAY=:99
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