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Forked from kssreeram/
Created July 21, 2016 08:01
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Writing Parsers
import sys
# ParserInput
# This class represents the input data and the current
# position in the data.
# Brief note about 'max_position':
# When running a complex parser, the current position moves forward
# when a particular sub-parser matches and moves backward when
# it doesn't match. The 'max_position' field tracks the farthest position
# over the entire execution of a complex parser.
# When the complex parser fails, the farthest position is a good indicator
# of the location of the error.
# The purpose of the 'max_position' field is to report
# the error location when the main parser doesn't match.
class ParserInput(object) :
def __init__(self, data, position) :
self._data = data
self._position = position
self._max_position = position
def data(self) :
return self._data
def position(self) :
return self._position
def remaining(self) :
return len(self._data) - self._position
def read(self) :
i = self._position
return self._data[i:i+1]
def inc_position(self) :
self._position += 1
self._max_position = max(self._max_position, self._position)
def set_position(self, position) :
self._position = position
self._max_position = max(self._max_position, self._position)
def max_position(self) :
return self._max_position
# Match, NoMatch
# A parser object returns either a Match or NoMatch object.
# The Match object contains a 'value' property that holds
# the result of parsing.
class Match(object) :
def __init__(self, value) :
self.value = value
def __repr__(self) :
return "Match(%s)" % (self.value,)
class NoMatch(object) :
def __repr__(self) :
return "NoMatch()"
def is_match(result) :
return isinstance(result, Match)
# Parser
# This is the base-class representing parser objects.
# The 'parse' method is the method that does the parsing.
# It accepts a ParserInput object and returns either a Match
# or NoMatch object.
# In the case of a match, the parsed result is returned
# in the 'value' property of the Match object and the
# parser input position is advanced by the length of the input
# that was parsed.
# In the case of no-match, the parser input position must
# remain unchanged from what it was when the 'parse' method
# was called. If the input position was advanced during
# intermediate stages, then it should be restored back to
# what it was when the 'parse' method was called.
# Note on the 'match' method and 'modifier' attribute:
# The 'modifier' attribute can be set to a function that
# modifies the 'value' property of the Match object in the event
# of a successful match. The 'match' method is a helper method
# that applies the 'modifier' if it is present.
class Parser(object) :
def match(self, value) :
modifier = getattr(self, "modifier", None)
if modifier is not None :
value = self.modifier(value)
return Match(value)
def parse(self, parser_input) :
raise NotImplementedError
# Char
# The Char parser parses a single character matching the character
# provided in the constructor if it is found at the current position
# and fails if it's not found or if there are no more characters left.
class Char(Parser) :
def __init__(self, char) :
self._char = char
def parse(self, parser_input) :
if parser_input.remaining() == 0 :
return NoMatch()
c =
if c != self._char :
return NoMatch()
return self.match(c)
# CharSet
# The CharSet parser parses a single character matching any one
# of the characters passed in the constructor. The input to the
# constructor can be a string, a list of characters, or a set of
# characters.
class CharSet(Parser) :
def __init__(self, chars) :
self._chars = chars
def parse(self, parser_input) :
if parser_input.remaining() == 0 :
return NoMatch()
c =
if c not in self._chars :
return NoMatch()
return self.match(c)
# ZeroOrMore
# ZeroOrMore takes another parser as input and applies it repeatedly
# until it doesn't match. All the results of the repeated application
# are collected in a list and returned as the result of parsing.
# This parser never fails to match because it simply returns an
# empty list as a match if the input parser doesn't match even once.
class ZeroOrMore(Parser) :
def __init__(self, parser) :
self._parser = parser
def parse(self, parser_input) :
values = []
while True :
result = self._parser.parse(parser_input)
if not is_match(result) :
return self.match(values)
# OneOrMore
# OneOrMore takes another parser as input and applies it repeatedly
# until it doesn't match. All the results of the repeated application
# are collected in a list and returned as the result of parsing.
# This parser matches only if the input parser matches atleast once.
class OneOrMore(Parser) :
def __init__(self, parser) :
self._parser = parser
def parse(self, parser_input) :
values = []
while True :
result = self._parser.parse(parser_input)
if not is_match(result) :
if len(values) == 0 :
return NoMatch()
return self.match(values)
# Sequence
# The Sequence parser takes N parsers as input and applies them
# one after another. Sequence succeeds in matching if all the input
# parsers succeed and doesn't match even if one of input parsers don't
# match. In the event of a successful match, the results of the input
# parsers are collected in a list and returned as the result of parsing.
class Sequence(Parser) :
def __init__(self, *parsers) :
self._parsers = parsers
def parse(self, parser_input) :
values = []
saved = parser_input.position()
for parser in self._parsers :
result = parser.parse(parser_input)
if not is_match(result) :
return NoMatch()
return self.match(values)
# Choice
# The Choice parser takes N parsers as input. It applies the first one
# and if it succeeds then the result is returned as a successful match.
# If the first parser doesn't match, then the second parser is attempted.
# This continues until one of the parsers matches. The result of the
# first matching parser is returned as the match result of
# the Choice parser. The Choice parser doesn't match if all the
# input parsers fail to match.
class Choice(Parser) :
def __init__(self, *parsers) :
self._parsers = parsers
def parse(self, parser_input) :
for parser in self._parsers :
result = parser.parse(parser_input)
if is_match(result) :
return self.match(result.value)
return NoMatch()
# Optional
# The Optional parser takes a parser as input and always succeeds
# in matching. If the input parser succeeds in matching, then its
# result is returned as the result of a successful match. If the
# input parser doesn't match, then None is returned as a successful
# match.
class Optional(Parser) :
def __init__(self, parser) :
self._parser = parser
def parse(self, parser_input) :
result = self._parser.parse(parser_input)
if not is_match(result) :
return self.match(None)
return self.match(result.value)
# Wrapper
# Wrapper is a simple direct wrapper around another parser.
# The input parser is available in the 'parser' property.
# It can be leftout during construction and can be set directly
# set later. This allows for forward declaring a parser that needs
# to call itself recursively.
class Wrapper(Parser) :
def __init__(self, parser=None) :
self.parser = parser
def parse(self, parser_input) :
result = self.parser.parse(parser_input)
if not is_match(result) :
return result
return self.match(result.value)
# The EOF parser succeeds in matching if the input posiition
# is at the end. It fails to match otherwise.
class EOF(Parser) :
def parse(self, parser_input) :
if parser_input.remaining() == 0 :
return self.match(None)
else :
return NoMatch()
# Example 1
# Parse one or more digits
def example1() :
digit = CharSet("0123456789")
digits = OneOrMore(digit)
return digits
# Example 2
# Parse one or more digits and convert to integer
def example2() :
# convert single digit to integer
def char_to_digit(c) :
return ord(c) - ord("0")
# convert list of digit values to integer
def digits_to_number(a) :
result = 0
for x in a :
result = result*10 + x
return result
digit = CharSet("0123456789")
digit.modifier = char_to_digit
digits = OneOrMore(digit)
digits.modifier = digits_to_number
return digits
# Example 3
# An expression parser.
def example3() :
# Helpers
def char_to_digit(c) :
return ord(c) - ord("0")
def digits_to_number(a) :
result = 0
for x in a :
result = result*10 + x
return result
def bracket_inner(a) :
return a[1]
def apply_sign(a) :
sign = a[0]
if sign is not None :
return [sign, a[1]]
else :
return a[1]
def make_operation_tree(a) :
value = a[0]
for operator, value2 in a[1] :
value = [operator, value, value2]
return value
# parsers
whitespace = ZeroOrMore(Char(" "))
def eat_space(parser) :
parser2 = Sequence(whitespace, parser)
parser2.modifier = lambda a : a[1]
return Wrapper(parser2)
digit = CharSet("0123456789")
digit.modifier = char_to_digit
number = eat_space(OneOrMore(digit))
number.modifier = digits_to_number
expr = Wrapper()
left_parenthesis = eat_space(Char("("))
right_parenthesis = eat_space(Char(")"))
bracketed = Sequence(left_parenthesis, expr, right_parenthesis)
bracketed.modifier = bracket_inner
sign = eat_space(CharSet("+-"))
atomic = Sequence(Optional(sign), Choice(number, bracketed))
atomic.modifier = apply_sign
term_operator = eat_space(CharSet("*/"))
term_operation = Sequence(term_operator, atomic)
term = Sequence(atomic, ZeroOrMore(term_operation))
term.modifier = make_operation_tree
expr_operator = eat_space(CharSet("+-"))
expr_operation = Sequence(expr_operator, term)
expr.parser = Sequence(term, ZeroOrMore(expr_operation))
expr.modifier = make_operation_tree
return expr
# main
main_parser = None
# Uncomment one of the following lines.
# main_parser = example1()
# main_parser = example2()
# main_parser = example3()
def main() :
if main_parser is None :
print "Please uncomment one of the example initializer lines"
if len(sys.argv) != 2 :
print "%s <input>" % (sys.argv[0],)
s = sys.argv[1]
parser_input = ParserInput(s, 0)
result = main_parser.parse(parser_input)
if not is_match(result) :
print "ERROR: %s" % (s,)
i = len("ERROR: ") + parser_input.max_position()
print "%s^" % ("-"*i,)
else :
print "RESULT:", result.value
i = parser_input.position()
data =
if i < len(data) :
print "UNPARSED LEFTOVER:", data[i:]
if __name__ == "__main__" :
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