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Last active July 18, 2017 16:08
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Stanford CS193p Home Assignment 1
import Foundation
func lift<A, B>(_ value: (A?, B?)) -> (A, B)? {
return value.0.flatMap { lhs in
value.1.flatMap { (lhs, $0) }
func lift<A, B, C>(_ value: (A?, B?, C?)) -> (A, B, C)? {
return value.0.flatMap { lhs in
value.1.flatMap { mhs in
value.2.flatMap { (lhs, mhs, $0) }
extension Optional {
func `do`(execute: (Wrapped) -> ()) {
struct CalculatorBrain {
// MARK: -
// MARK: Subtypes
private enum Operation {
case constant(Double)
case unartyOperation((Double) -> Double)
case binaryOperation((Double, Double) -> Double)
case equals
private struct PendingBinartyOperaion {
let function: (Double, Double) -> Double
let firstOperand: Double
let firstPartDescription: String
func perform(with secondOperand: Double) -> Double {
return function(firstOperand, secondOperand)
// MARK: -
// MARK: Static
private static let defaultOperations: [String: Operation] = [
"π" : Operation.constant(Double.pi),
"e" : Operation.constant(M_E),
"√" : Operation.unartyOperation(sqrt),
"1/" : Operation.unartyOperation({ 1 / $0}),
"cos" : Operation.unartyOperation(cos),
"sin" : Operation.unartyOperation(sin),
"±" : Operation.unartyOperation({ -$0 }),
"×" : Operation.binaryOperation({ $0 * $1 }),
"−" : Operation.binaryOperation({ $0 - $1 }),
"+" : Operation.binaryOperation({ $0 + $1 }),
"÷" : Operation.binaryOperation({ $0 / $1 }),
"^" : Operation.binaryOperation(pow),
"=" : Operation.equals
// MARK: -
// MARK: Properties
private var accumulator: (value: Double?, desc: String?)
private var operations = CalculatorBrain.defaultOperations
private var pendingBinaryOperation: PendingBinartyOperaion?
mutating func setOperand(_ operand: Double) {
accumulator = (operand, "\(operand)")
var result: Double? {
get { return self.accumulator.value }
var description: String? {
return self.pendingBinaryOperation?.firstPartDescription ?? self.accumulator.desc
var resultIsPending: Bool {
get {
return pendingBinaryOperation != nil
// MARK: -
// MARK: Public
mutating func performOperation(_ symbol: String) {
var lifted = lift(self.accumulator).do
self.operations[symbol].do {
switch $0 {
case .constant(let value): self.accumulator = (value, "\(symbol)")
case .unartyOperation(let function):
lifted {
self.accumulator = (function($0), "\(symbol)(\($1))")
case .binaryOperation(let function):
lifted = lift(self.accumulator).do
lifted {
self.pendingBinaryOperation = PendingBinartyOperaion(
function: function,
firstOperand: $0,
firstPartDescription: "\($1)\(symbol)"
self.accumulator = (nil, nil)
case .equals: self.performPendingBinartyOperation();
// MARK: -
// MARK: Private
mutating private func performPendingBinartyOperation() {
lift((self.pendingBinaryOperation, self.accumulator.value, self.accumulator.desc)).do {
self.accumulator = ($0.0.perform(with: $0.1),
pendingBinaryOperation = nil
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