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Created December 4, 2015 13:53
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Advent of Code. Day 4.
# Part 1
integer_stream = Stream.iterate(1, &(&1 + 1))
result = Enum.find(integer_stream, fn n ->
case :crypto.hash(:md5, "bgvyzdsv" <> to_string(n)) |> Base.encode16 |> to_char_list do
[48, 48, 48, 48, 48 | _ ] -> n
_ -> false
IO.puts result
# Part 2
integer_stream = Stream.iterate(result, &(&1 + 1))
result = Enum.find(integer_stream, fn n ->
case :crypto.hash(:md5, "bgvyzdsv" <> to_string(n)) |> Base.encode16 |> to_char_list do
[48, 48, 48, 48, 48, 48 | _ ] -> n
_ -> false
IO.puts result
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