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Last active June 26, 2017 15:41
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  • Save ignar/0c64c30d76f461a843da45940cb7cf29 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ignar/0c64c30d76f461a843da45940cb7cf29 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  • i can't unvote posts that i already vote on. If i like a post, i want to be able to unlike it in the future.
  • when i click on my nickname or my profile image, i expect to get to my user's overview
  • at least one line break should be possible in the feedback description. currently its not possible to insert linebreaks.
  • once i click on a star rating (in the form) i am forced to give at least one star. But it's aslso possible to rate completely without stars. So we should
    • either prevent users from being able to rate without stars
    • or provide a possibility to undo the rating descision, so i can rate without stars at any given time

i would prefer to prevent users from rating without stars. It's also kind of confusing, that the posts without stars are not getting counted in the overall posts made: Currently the page says that there are 20 feedbacks in total, but there are actually 21 (20 with stars, one post without star rating).

  • it would be nice if the feedback form is able to minimize itself again, similar to the behaviour of our current minimal topic form. But thats just a nice to have. comment button not clickable
  • i can't log in with facebook. the faebook page itself displays an error indicating that the app is still in development mode.
  • the password reset doesn't really respond after submit. Neither did i receive any mail.
  • there should be a right arrow also in the register form (to toggle the sidebar)
  • i should be able to insert numbers into my user name. Currently, its not possible at all
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