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Created May 31, 2018 18:39
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* Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Lightbend Inc. <>
package play.api
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import akka.Done
import play.api.i18n.MessagesApi
import play.utils.Threads
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future }
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
import play.libs.XML.Constants
import javax.xml.XMLConstants
* Application mode, either `Dev`, `Test`, or `Prod`.
* @see [[play.Mode]]
sealed abstract class Mode(val asJava: play.Mode)
object Mode {
@deprecated("Use play.api.Mode instead of play.api.Mode.Mode", "2.6.0")
type Mode = play.api.Mode
@deprecated("Use play.api.Mode instead of play.api.Mode.Value", "2.6.0")
type Value = play.api.Mode
case object Dev extends play.api.Mode(play.Mode.DEV)
case object Test extends play.api.Mode(play.Mode.TEST)
case object Prod extends play.api.Mode(play.Mode.PROD)
lazy val values: Set[play.api.Mode] = Set(Dev, Test, Prod)
* High-level API to access Play global features.
object Play {
private val logger = Logger(Play.getClass)
private[play] val GlobalAppConfigKey = "play.allowGlobalApplication"
* We want control over the sax parser used so we specify the factory required explicitly. We know that
* SAXParserFactoryImpl will yield a SAXParser having looked at its source code, despite there being
* no explicit doco stating this is the case. That said, there does not appear to be any other way than
* declaring a factory in order to yield a parser of a specific type.
private[play] val xercesSaxParserFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance()
xercesSaxParserFactory.setFeature(Constants.SAX_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.EXTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITIES_FEATURE, false)
xercesSaxParserFactory.setFeature(Constants.SAX_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITIES_FEATURE, false)
xercesSaxParserFactory.setFeature(Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.DISALLOW_DOCTYPE_DECL_FEATURE, true)
xercesSaxParserFactory.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, true)
* A parser to be used that is configured to ensure that no schemas are loaded.
private[play] def XML = scala.xml.XML.withSAXParser(xercesSaxParserFactory.newSAXParser())
* Returns the currently running application, or `null` if not defined.
* @deprecated This is a static reference to application, use DI, since 2.5.0
@deprecated("This is a static reference to application, use DI", "2.5.0")
def unsafeApplication: Application = privateMaybeApplication.orNull
* Optionally returns the current running application.
* @deprecated This is a static reference to application, use DI, since 2.5.0
@deprecated("This is a static reference to application, use DI instead", "2.5.0")
def maybeApplication: Option[Application] = privateMaybeApplication
private[play] def privateMaybeApplication: Option[Application] = {
Option(_currentApp.get()) match {
case Some(app) if !app.globalApplicationEnabled =>
(new RuntimeException).printStackTrace()
sys.error(s"The global application is disabled. Set $GlobalAppConfigKey to allow global state here.")
case opt => opt
/* Used by the routes compiler to resolve an application for the injector. Treat as private. */
def routesCompilerMaybeApplication: Option[Application] = privateMaybeApplication
* Implicitly import the current running application in the context.
* Note that by relying on this, your code will only work properly in
* the context of a running application.
* @deprecated This is a static reference to application, use DI, since 2.5.0
@deprecated("This is a static reference to application, use DI instead", "2.5.0")
implicit def current: Application = privateMaybeApplication.getOrElse(sys.error("There is no started application"))
private var _currentApp: AtomicReference[Application] = new AtomicReference[Application]()
* Sets the global application instance.
* If another app was previously started using this API and the global application is enabled, Play.stop will be
* called on the existing application.
* @param app the application to start
def start(app: Application): Unit = synchronized {
val globalApp = app.globalApplicationEnabled
// Stop the current app if the new app needs to replace the current app instance
if (globalApp && _currentApp.get() != null && _currentApp.get().globalApplicationEnabled) {"Stopping current application")
app.mode match {
case Mode.Test =>
case mode =>"Application started ($mode)${if (!globalApp) " (no global state)" else ""}")
// Set the current app if the global application is enabled
// Also set it if the current app is null, in order to display more useful errors if we try to use the app
if (globalApp || _currentApp.get() == null) {
// It's possible to stop the Application using Coordinated Shutdown, when that happens the Application
// should no longer be considered the current App
app.coordinatedShutdown.addTask(CoordinatedShutdown.PhaseBeforeActorSystemTerminate, "unregister-global-app"){ () =>
* Stops the given application.
def stop(app: Application): Unit = {
if (app != null) {
Threads.withContextClassLoader(app.classloader) {
try { Await.ready(app.stop(), Duration.Inf) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => logger.warn("Error stopping application", e) }
private def unsetGlobalApp(app: Application) = {
// Don't bother un-setting the current app unless it's our app
_currentApp.compareAndSet(app, null)
* Returns the name of the cookie that can be used to permanently set the user's language.
def langCookieName(implicit messagesApi: MessagesApi): String =
* Returns whether the language cookie should have the secure flag set.
def langCookieSecure(implicit messagesApi: MessagesApi): Boolean =
* Returns whether the language cookie should have the HTTP only flag set.
def langCookieHttpOnly(implicit messagesApi: MessagesApi): Boolean =
* A convenient function for getting an implicit materializer from the current application
implicit def materializer(implicit app: Application): Materializer = app.materializer
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