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Created July 24, 2015 13:59
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[brain@x1carbon gnome-news]$ tracker reset -r && tracker control -s && killall tracker-miner-rss && ~/jhbuild/install/libexec/tracker-miner-rss -v 3
Found 5 PIDs…
Killed process 26584 - 'tracker-miner-user-guides'
Killed process 26588 - 'tracker-store'
Killed process 26627 - 'tracker-miner-fs'
Killed process 26634 - 'tracker-extract'
Killed process 26650 - 'tracker-miner-apps'
Setting database locations
Checking database directories exist
Checking database version
Checking database files exist
Removing all database/storage files
Removing first index file:'/home/brain/.cache/tracker/first-index.txt'
Removing last crawl file:'/home/brain/.cache/tracker/last-crawl.txt'
Removing database:'/home/brain/.cache/tracker/meta.db'
Removing journal:'/home/brain/.local/share/tracker/data/tracker-store.journal'
Removing db-version file:'/home/brain/.cache/tracker/db-version.txt'
Removing db-locale file:'/home/brain/.cache/tracker/db-locale.txt'
Starting miners…
✓ Userguides
✓ RSS/ATOM Feeds
✓ File System
✓ Extractor
✓ Applications
Tracker-Message: Starting tracker-miner-rss 1.5.1
Tracker-Message: Initializing...
Tracker-Message: Listening for GraphUpdated changes on D-Bus interface...
Tracker-Message: arg0:''
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:37: Waiting for service to become available...
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:45: Service is ready
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:47: Constructing connection
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:203: Using backend = 'AUTO'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_LANGUAGE' was set to 'en_US.utf8'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_TIME' was set to 'en_US.utf8'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_COLLATE' was set to 'en_US.utf8'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_NUMERIC' was set to 'en_US.utf8'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Locale 'TRACKER_LOCALE_MONETARY' was set to 'en_US.utf8'
Tracker-Message: Current and DB locales match: 'en_US.utf8'
Tracker-Message: Setting database locations
Tracker-Message: Checking database files exist
Tracker-Message: Opened sqlite3 database:'/home/brain/.cache/tracker/meta.db'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Resetting collator in db interface 0x218c8b0
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: [ICU collation] Initializing collator for locale 'en_US.utf8'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;'
Tracker-Message: Setting page size to 8192
Tracker-Message: Setting cache size to 250
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:49: Backend is ready
Tracker-Message: Trying to use introspection XML:
<node> <interface name='org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Miner'> <method name='Start'> </method> <method name='GetStatus'> <arg type='s' name='status' direction='out' /> </method> <method name='GetProgress'> <arg type='d' name='progress' direction='out' /> </method> <method name='GetRemainingTime'> <arg type='i' name='remaining_time' direction='out' /> </method> <method name='GetPauseDetails'> <arg type='as' name='pause_applications' direction='out' /> <arg type='as' name='pause_reasons' direction='out' /> </method> <method name='Pause'> <arg type='s' name='application' direction='in' /> <arg type='s' name='reason' direction='in' /> <arg type='i' name='cookie' direction='out' /> </method> <method name='PauseForProcess'> <arg type='s' name='application' direction='in' /> <arg type='s' name='reason' direction='in' /> <arg type='i' name='cookie' direction='out' /> </method> <method name='Resume'> <arg type='i' name='cookie' direction='in' /> </method> <method name='IgnoreNextUpdate'> <arg type='as' name='urls' direction='in' /> </method> <signal name='Started' /> <signal name='Stopped' /> <signal name='Paused' /> <signal name='Resumed' /> <signal name='Progress'> <arg type='s' name='status' /> <arg type='d' name='progress' /> <arg type='i' name='remaining_time' /> </signal> <!-- Additional introspection data given by other miners --> </interface></node>
Tracker-Message: Registering D-Bus object...
Tracker-Message: Path:'/org/freedesktop/Tracker1/Miner/RSS'
Tracker-Message: Object Type:'TrackerMinerRSS'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): libnm-util-DEBUG: Ignoring unrecognized property 'route-data'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): libnm-util-DEBUG: Ignoring unrecognized property 'address-data'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): libnm-util-DEBUG: Ignoring unrecognized property 'route-data'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): libnm-util-DEBUG: Ignoring unrecognized property 'address-data'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): libnm-util-DEBUG: Ignoring unrecognized property 'route-data'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): libnm-util-DEBUG: Ignoring unrecognized property 'address-data'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): libnm-util-DEBUG: Ignoring unrecognized property 'route-data'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): libnm-util-DEBUG: Ignoring unrecognized property 'address-data'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:95: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query(): 'select tracker:id (rdf:type) {}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT COALESCE((SELECT ID FROM Resource WHERE Uri = ?), 0) FROM (SELECT 1)'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:95: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query(): 'select tracker:id (mfo:FeedChannel) {}'
Tracker-Message: Retrieving and scheduling feeds...
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'SELECT ?url nie:title(?urn) ?interval ?urn WHERE { ?urn a mfo:FeedChannel ; mfo:feedSettings ?settings ; nie:url ?url . ?settings mfo:updateInterval ?interval }'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT "3_u" COLLATE TRACKER, (SELECT "nie:title" FROM "nie:InformationElement" WHERE ID = "1_u") COLLATE TRACKER, "4_u", (SELECT Uri FROM Resource WHERE ID = "1_u") FROM (SELECT "mfo:FeedChannel1"."ID" AS "1_u", "mfo:FeedElement2"."mfo:feedSettings" AS "2_u", "nie:DataObject3"."nie:url" AS "3_u", "mfo:FeedSettings4"."mfo:updateInterval" AS "4_u" FROM "mfo:FeedChannel" AS "mfo:FeedChannel1", "mfo:FeedElement" AS "mfo:FeedElement2", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject3", "mfo:FeedSettings" AS "mfo:FeedSettings4" WHERE "mfo:FeedChannel1"."ID" = "mfo:FeedElement2"."ID" AND "mfo:FeedElement2"."ID" = "nie:DataObject3"."ID" AND "mfo:FeedElement2"."mfo:feedSettings" = "mfo:FeedSettings4"."ID" AND "3_u" IS NOT NULL AND "4_u" IS NOT NULL)'
Tracker-Message: No feeds set up, nothing more to do
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Miner:'RSS' noticed store availability has changed to AVAILABLE
Tracker-Message: Retrieving and scheduling feeds...
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'SELECT ?url nie:title(?urn) ?interval ?urn WHERE { ?urn a mfo:FeedChannel ; mfo:feedSettings ?settings ; nie:url ?url . ?settings mfo:updateInterval ?interval . FILTER (tracker:id(?urn) IN (100287))}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT "3_u" COLLATE TRACKER, (SELECT "nie:title" FROM "nie:InformationElement" WHERE ID = "1_u") COLLATE TRACKER, "4_u", (SELECT Uri FROM Resource WHERE ID = "1_u") FROM (SELECT "mfo:FeedChannel1"."ID" AS "1_u", "mfo:FeedElement2"."mfo:feedSettings" AS "2_u", "nie:DataObject3"."nie:url" AS "3_u", "mfo:FeedSettings4"."mfo:updateInterval" AS "4_u" FROM "mfo:FeedChannel" AS "mfo:FeedChannel1", "mfo:FeedElement" AS "mfo:FeedElement2", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject3", "mfo:FeedSettings" AS "mfo:FeedSettings4" WHERE "mfo:FeedChannel1"."ID" = "mfo:FeedElement2"."ID" AND "mfo:FeedElement2"."ID" = "nie:DataObject3"."ID" AND "mfo:FeedElement2"."mfo:feedSettings" = "mfo:FeedSettings4"."ID" AND "3_u" IS NOT NULL AND "4_u" IS NOT NULL AND "1_u" IN (?))'
Tracker-Message: (New) Feeds found:
Tracker-Message: '(null)' ( - update interval of 20 minutes
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Feed fetched, -1 remaining
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Updating mfo:FeedChannel for 'Fedora People'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT OR REPLACE { <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> nie:title "Fedora People".<urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> mfo:type [ a mfo:FeedType ; mfo:name "application/atom+xml"].<urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> nmo:lastMessageDate "2015-07-24T13:43:24Z".}'
Tracker-Message: Verifying channel:'Fedora People' is up to date
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Adam Šamalík'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Copr, Dist Git and Patternfly'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Adam Šamalík" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Copr, Dist Git and Patternfly" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n As in the last year, July, for some reason, happened to be a great time to post some news about our Copr Build Service . At this time, it’s about integrating Copr with: \n \n Patternfly – an open interface project \n Dist Git – a remote Git repository designed to hold RPM package sources \n \n If you can’t wait to see it, you can check the development server that is hopefully running on . But please, remember, it’s a development server – so all the projects built here are a subject of deletion, destruction and all kinds of randomization without notice. \n Dist Git for Copr \n It all started with a need of uploading sources to the Copr itself – as the only way of building your package was to provide a URL pointing to it. That, however, required all users to have their own public file storage. \n We decided to go the Fedora way and use Dist Git – a combination of git repository to store spec files, lookaside cache to store sources, and Gitolite to manage access permissions. Each package will be stored in a repo named as ‘username/project/package’. Each repo will contain branches that represent a target platform. For example: ‘f22′ for Fedora 22, ‘epel7′ for Epel for Centos 7, etc. \n \n It will be gradually deployed in production. The first step is to enable users to upload their .src.rpm files into Copr. At this step, Dist Git will be used as a storage only. Direct access to the repositories will come afterwards. \n New User Interface  Patternfly \n Enabling Dist Git required some changes to the user interface as well. We didn’t use any framework, that would help us to easily create new elements in the UI. Instead, we had a custom CSS that received new lines of code with each change. As you can imagine, each change took a bit longer than desired, the CSS became messy, and yes, the interface itself became messy as well. At this point, I decided that we need to do a step forward and we finally agreed to rewrite the user interface to Patternfly ! Yay! \n The Old Copr UI \n \n The New Copr UI \n \n We need your feedback! \n I would like to make Copr as friendly as possible. If you want to help me with that, please provide a feedback as a comment. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Is there anything you miss in the interface? Your feedback is much appreciated! " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>As in the last year, July, for some reason, happened to be a great time to post some news about our <a href=\"\">Copr Build Service</a>. At this time, it’s about integrating Copr with:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Patternfly</a> – an open interface project</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Dist Git</a> – a remote Git repository designed to hold RPM package sources</li>\n</ul>\n<p><em>If you can’t wait to see it, you can check <a href=\"\">the development server</a> that is hopefully running on <a href=\"\"></a>. But please, remember, it’s a development server – so all the projects built here are a subject of deletion, destruction and all kinds of randomization without notice.</em></p>\n<h3>Dist Git for Copr</h3>\n<p>It all started with a need of <strong>uploading sources</strong> to the Copr itself – as the only way of building your package was to provide a URL pointing to it. That, however, required all users to have their own public file storage.</p>\n<p>We decided to go the Fedora way and use <a href=\"\">Dist Git</a> – a combination of git repository to store spec files, lookaside cache to store sources, and Gitolite to manage access permissions. Each package will be stored in a repo named as ‘username/project/package’. Each repo will contain branches that represent a target platform. For example: ‘f22′ for Fedora 22, ‘epel7′ for Epel for Centos 7, etc.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1150\" class=\"aligncenter\" width=\"1592\"/></p>\n<p>It will be gradually deployed in production. The first step is to <strong>enable users to upload their .src.rpm</strong> files into Copr. At this step, Dist Git will be used as a storage only. Direct access to the repositories will come afterwards.</p>\n<h3>New User Interface  Patternfly</h3>\n<p>Enabling Dist Git required some changes to the user interface as well. We didn’t use any framework, that would help us to easily create new elements in the UI. Instead, we had a custom CSS that received new lines of code with each change. As you can imagine, each change took a bit longer than desired, the CSS became messy, and yes, the interface itself became messy as well. At this point, I decided that we need to do a step forward and we finally agreed to rewrite the user interface to <a href=\"\">Patternfly</a>! Yay!</p>\n<h4>The Old Copr UI</h4>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"The old Copr interface\" height=\"750\" class=\"alignleft wp-image-181 size-large\" width=\"600\"/></a></p>\n<h4>The New Copr UI</h4>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"The new Copr interface\" height=\"511\" class=\"alignleft wp-image-182 size-large\" width=\"600\"/></a></p>\n<h3>We need your feedback!</h3>\n<p>I would like to make Copr as friendly as possible. If you want to help me with that, please provide a feedback as a comment. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Is there anything you miss in the interface? Your feedback is much appreciated!</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'jzb'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Headed to OSCON'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "jzb" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Headed to OSCON" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Once again, time for the annual trek to Portland, Oregon for OSCON — perhaps for the last time! \n Next year, OSCON is going to be in Austin, TX — which seems like a bit of a mistake to me. Portland and OSCON go together like milk and cookies. \n If you’re going to be at OSCON, make sure to drop by Open Cloud Day on Tuesday , and come by the Red Hat booth to say hello! " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"oscon-logo\" height=\"125\" class=\"alignleft size-full wp-image-191\" width=\"125\"/></a>Once again, time for the annual trek to Portland, Oregon for OSCON — perhaps for the last time!</p>\n<p>Next year, OSCON is going to be in Austin, TX — which seems like a bit of a mistake to me. Portland and OSCON go together like milk and cookies.</p>\n<p>If you’re going to be at OSCON, make sure to drop by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Open Cloud Day on Tuesday</a>, and come by the Red Hat booth to say hello!</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Niels de Vos'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Another stable release, GlusterFS 3.5.5 is ready'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Niels de Vos" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Another stable release, GlusterFS 3.5.5 is ready" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Packages for Fedora 21 are available in updates-testing , RPMs and .deb s can be found on the main Gluster download site . This is a bugfix release. The Release Notes for 3.5.0 , 3.5.1 , 3.5.2 , 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 contain a listing of all the new features that were added and bugs fixed in the GlusterFS 3.5 stable release. Bugs Fixed: 1166862 : rmtab file is a bottleneck when lot of clients are accessing a volume through NFS 1217432 : DHT:Quota:- brick process crashed after deleting .glusterfs from backend 1217433 : glusterfsd crashed after directory was removed from the mount point, while self-heal and rebalance were running on the volume 1231641 : cli crashes when listing quota limits with xml output Known Issues: The following configuration changes are necessary for 'qemu' and 'samba vfs plugin' integration with libgfapi to work seamlessly: gluster volume set < volname > server.allow-insecure on restarting the volume is necessary gluster volume stop < volname > gluster volume start < volname > Edit /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol to contain this line: option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on restarting glusterd is necessary service glusterd restart More details are also documented in the Gluster Wiki on the Libgfapi with qemu libvirt page. For Block Device translator based volumes open-behind translator at the client side needs to be disabled. gluster volume set < volname > disabled libgfapi clients calling glfs_fini before a successful glfs_init will cause the client to hang as reported here . The workaround is NOT to call glfs_fini for error cases encountered before a successful glfs_init . This is being tracked in Bug 1134050 for glusterfs-3.5 and Bug 1093594 for mainline. If the /var/run/gluster directory does not exist enabling quota will likely fail ( Bug 1117888 ). " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <h2 id=\"release-notes-for-glusterfs-3-5-5\"/>Packages for <a href=\"\">Fedora 21 are available in updates-testing</a>, RPMs and <span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\">.deb</span>s can be found on the <a href=\"\">main Gluster download site</a>.<br/><br/>This is a bugfix release. The <a href=\"\">Release Notes for 3.5.0</a>, <a href=\"\">3.5.1</a>, <a href=\"\">3.5.2</a>, <a href=\"\">3.5.3</a> and <a href=\"\">3.5.4</a> contain a listing of all the new features that were added and bugs fixed in the GlusterFS 3.5 stable release.<br/> <h3 id=\"bugs-fixed-\">Bugs Fixed:</h3><ul><li><a href=\"\">1166862</a>: rmtab file is a bottleneck when lot of clients are accessing a volume through NFS</li><li><a href=\"\">1217432</a>: DHT:Quota:- brick process crashed after deleting .glusterfs from backend</li><li><a href=\"\">1217433</a>: glusterfsd crashed after directory was removed from the mount point, while self-heal and rebalance were running on the volume</li><li><a href=\"\">1231641</a>: cli crashes when listing quota limits with xml output</li></ul><h3 id=\"known-issues-\">Known Issues:</h3><ul><li>The following configuration changes are necessary for 'qemu' and 'samba vfs plugin' integration with libgfapi to work seamlessly:<br/> <ol><li><code>gluster volume set &lt;volname&gt; server.allow-insecure on</code></li><li>restarting the volume is necessary<br/> <pre><code> gluster volume stop &lt;volname&gt;<br/> gluster volume start &lt;volname&gt;<br/></code></pre></li><li>Edit <code>/etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol</code> to contain this line:<br/> <pre><code> option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on<br/></code></pre></li><li>restarting glusterd is necessary<br/> <pre><code> service glusterd restart<br/></code></pre>More details are also documented in the Gluster Wiki on the <a href=\"\">Libgfapi with qemu libvirt</a> page.<br/> </li></ol></li><li>For Block Device translator based volumes open-behind translator at the client side needs to be disabled.<br/> <pre><code>gluster volume set &lt;volname&gt; disabled<br/></code></pre></li><li>libgfapi clients calling <code>glfs_fini</code> before a successful <code>glfs_init</code> will cause the client to hang as reported <a href=\"\">here</a>. The workaround is NOT to call <code>glfs_fini</code> for error cases encountered before a successful <code>glfs_init</code>. This is being tracked in <a href=\"\">Bug 1134050</a> for glusterfs-3.5 and <a href=\"\">Bug 1093594</a> for mainline.<br/> </li><li>If the <code>/var/run/gluster</code> directory does not exist enabling quota will likely fail (<a href=\"\">Bug 1117888</a>).<br/> </li></ul></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Jörg Stephan'
Tracker-Message: Title:'SendMeSpam: Encoded bot execution from includin...'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
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nco:fullname "Jörg Stephan" ;
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nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "SendMeSpam: Encoded bot execution from includin..." ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n SendMeSpam: Encoded bot execution from includin... : 2015-07-19 16:28:52 Source IP: Country: US RiskScore: 1 Malware: [] POST //%63%67%69%2d%62%69%6e/%70%68%70?%2d%64+%61%6c%6c%... " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <a href=\"\">SendMeSpam: Encoded bot execution from includin...</a>: 2015-07-19 16:28:52 Source IP: Country: US RiskScore: 1 Malware: [] POST //%63%67%69%2d%62%69%6e/%70%68%70?%2d%64+%61%6c%6c%...<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'sonalkr132'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Git over ssh'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "sonalkr132" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Git over ssh" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Project: GlitterGallery \n We had a minor set back with implementation of git protocols. I worked on git https protocol but later I found out that sparkleshare  only supports ssh protocol. Until now we were planning to host on openshift . I needed access of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for git ssh to work but OS doesn’t give away that access. Time to move to VPS. Kevin  got me set up with one and Pingou  helped me figure out a few details. \n First I needed to make changes to our web interface so that users can add their public key to their profiles. This would also mean addition of a keys model and generation of fingerprint for keys. Next thing is validation of keys when push or pull is made over ssh. This involves two steps namely, authentication and authorization. OpenSSH server handles the authentication part and for authorization I have set up git shell, which makes an api call to glittergallery to check user access. Besides authorization git shell also limits ssh access to git related commands. \n Git shell I am using is just a fork of gitlab-shell . I am hoping that I won’t need to make any changes to it, however we won’t be supporting all the features (git-annex and git-lfs) of gitlab-shell yet. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>Project: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GlitterGallery</a></p>\n<p>We had a minor set back with implementation of git protocols. I worked on git https protocol but later I found out that <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">sparkleshare</a> only supports ssh protocol. Until now we were planning to host on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">openshift</a>. I needed access of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for git ssh to work but OS doesn’t give away that access. Time to move to VPS. <a href=\"\">Kevin</a> got me set up with one and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Pingou</a> helped me figure out a few details.</p>\n<p>First I needed to make changes to our web interface so that users can add their public key to their profiles. This would also mean addition of a keys model and generation of fingerprint for keys. Next thing is validation of keys when push or pull is made over ssh. This involves two steps namely, authentication and authorization. OpenSSH server handles the authentication part and for authorization I have set up git shell, which makes an api call to glittergallery to check user access. Besides authorization git shell also limits ssh access to git related commands.</p>\n<p>Git shell I am using is just a fork of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">gitlab-shell</a>. I am hoping that I won’t need to make any changes to it, however we won’t be supporting all the features (git-annex and git-lfs) of gitlab-shell yet.</p><br/> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <img src=\";blog=87948641&amp;post=49&amp;subd=chasingcrazydreams&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Major Hayden'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state after reboot in Fedora 22'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Major Hayden" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state after reboot in Fedora 22" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n My upgrade to Fedora 22 on the ThinkPad X1 Carbon was fairly uneventful and the hiccups were minor. One of the more annoying items that I’ve been struggling with for quite some time is how to boot up with the wireless LAN and Bluetooth disabled by default. Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state between reboots is normally handled quite well in Fedora. \n In Fedora 21, NetworkManager saved my settings between reboots. For example, if I shut down with wifi off and Bluetooth on, the laptop would boot up later with wifi off and Bluetooth on. This wasn’t working well in Fedora 22: both the wifi and Bluetooth were always enabled by default. \n Digging into rfkill \n I remembered rfkill and began testing out some commands. It detected that I had disabled both devices via NetworkManager (soft): \n\n $ rfkill list\n0: tpacpi_bluetooth_sw: Bluetooth\n Soft blocked: yes\n Hard blocked: no\n2: phy0: Wireless LAN\n Soft blocked: yes\n Hard blocked: no \n\n It looked like systemd has some hooks already configured to manage rfkill via the systemd-rfkill service. However, something strange happened when I tried to start the service: \n\n # systemctl start systemd-rfkill@0\nFailed to start systemd-rfkill@0.service: Unit systemd-rfkill@0.service is masked. \n\n Well, that’s certainly weird. While looking into why it’s masked, I found an empty file in /etc/systemd : \n\n # ls -al /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service \n-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 0 May 11 16:36 /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service \n\n I don’t remember making that file. Did something else put it there? \n\n # rpm -qf /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service\ntlp-0.7-4.fc22.noarch \n\n Ah, tlp ! \n Configuring tlp \n I looked in tlp’s configuration file in /etc/default/tlp and found a few helpful configuration items: \n\n # Restore radio device state (Bluetooth, WiFi, WWAN) from previous shutdown \n # on system startup: 0=disable, 1=enable. \n # Hint: the parameters DEVICES_TO_DISABLE/ENABLE_ON_STARTUP/SHUTDOWN below \n # are ignored when this is enabled! \n RESTORE_DEVICE_STATE_ON_STARTUP = 0 \n \n # Radio devices to disable on startup: bluetooth, wifi, wwan. \n # Separate multiple devices with spaces. \n #DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_STARTUP=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n \n # Radio devices to enable on startup: bluetooth, wifi, wwan. \n # Separate multiple devices with spaces. \n #DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_STARTUP=\"wifi\" \n \n # Radio devices to disable on shutdown: bluetooth, wifi, wwan \n # (workaround for devices that are blocking shutdown). \n #DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_SHUTDOWN=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n \n # Radio devices to enable on shutdown: bluetooth, wifi, wwan \n # (to prevent other operating systems from missing radios). \n #DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_SHUTDOWN=\"wwan\" \n \n # Radio devices to enable on AC: bluetooth, wifi, wwan \n #DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_AC=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n \n # Radio devices to disable on battery: bluetooth, wifi, wwan \n #DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n \n # Radio devices to disable on battery when not in use (not connected): \n # bluetooth, wifi, wwan \n #DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT_NOT_IN_USE=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n\n So tlp’s default configuration doesn’t restore device state and it masked systemd’s rfkill service. I adjusted one line in tlp’s configuration and rebooted: \n\n DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_STARTUP = \"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n\n After the reboot, both the wifi and Bluetooth functionality were shut off! That’s exactly what I needed. \n Extra credit \n Thanks to a coworker, I was able to make a NetworkManager script to automatically shut off the wireless LAN whenever I connected to a network via ethernet. This is typically what I do when coming back from an in-person meeting to my desk (where I have ethernet connectivity). \n If you want the same automation, just drop this script into /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ and make it executable: \n\n #!/bin/bash \n export LC_ALL =C\n \nenable_disable_wifi ( ) \n { \n result =$ ( nmcli dev | grep \"ethernet\" | grep -w \"connected\" ) \n if [ -n \" $result \" ] ; then \n nmcli radio wifi off\n fi \n } \n \n if [ \"$2\" = \"up\" ] ; then \n enable_disable_wifi\n fi \n\n Unplug the ethernet connection, start wifi, and then plug the ethernet connection back in. Once NetworkManager fully connects (DHCP lease obtained, connectivity check passes), the wireless LAN should shut off automatically. \n The post Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state after reboot in Fedora 22 appeared first on . " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Thinkpad X1 Carbon 3rd gen\" height=\"212\" class=\"alignright size-medium wp-image-5452\" width=\"300\"/></a>My upgrade to Fedora 22 on the ThinkPad X1 Carbon was fairly uneventful and the hiccups were minor. One of the more annoying items that I’ve been struggling with for quite some time is how to boot up with the wireless LAN and Bluetooth disabled by default. Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state between reboots is normally handled quite well in Fedora.</p>\n<p>In Fedora 21, NetworkManager saved my settings between reboots. For example, if I shut down with wifi off and Bluetooth on, the laptop would boot up later with wifi off and Bluetooth on. This wasn’t working well in Fedora 22: both the wifi and Bluetooth were always enabled by default.</p>\n<h3>Digging into rfkill</h3>\n<p>I remembered <a href=\"\">rfkill</a> and began testing out some commands. It detected that I had disabled both devices via NetworkManager (soft):</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"html\">$ rfkill list\n0: tpacpi_bluetooth_sw: Bluetooth\n Soft blocked: yes\n Hard blocked: no\n2: phy0: Wireless LAN\n Soft blocked: yes\n Hard blocked: no</pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>It looked like systemd has some hooks already configured to manage rfkill via the <a href=\"\">systemd-rfkill</a> service. However, something strange happened when I tried to start the service:</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"html\"># systemctl start systemd-rfkill@0\nFailed to start systemd-rfkill@0.service: Unit systemd-rfkill@0.service is masked.</pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>Well, that’s certainly weird. While looking into why it’s masked, I found an empty file in <code>/etc/systemd</code>:</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"html\"># ls -al /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service \n-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 0 May 11 16:36 /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service</pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>I don’t remember making that file. Did something else put it there?</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"html\"># rpm -qf /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service\ntlp-0.7-4.fc22.noarch</pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>Ah, <a href=\"\">tlp</a>!</p>\n<h3>Configuring tlp</h3>\n<p>I looked in tlp’s configuration file in <code>/etc/default/tlp</code> and found a few helpful configuration items:</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"bash\"><span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Restore radio device state (Bluetooth, WiFi, WWAN) from previous shutdown</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># on system startup: 0=disable, 1=enable.</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Hint: the parameters DEVICES_TO_DISABLE/ENABLE_ON_STARTUP/SHUTDOWN below</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># are ignored when this is enabled!</span>\n<span style=\"color: #007800;\">RESTORE_DEVICE_STATE_ON_STARTUP</span>=<span style=\"color: #000000;\">0</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to disable on startup: bluetooth, wifi, wwan.</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Separate multiple devices with spaces.</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_STARTUP=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to enable on startup: bluetooth, wifi, wwan.</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Separate multiple devices with spaces.</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_STARTUP=\"wifi\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to disable on shutdown: bluetooth, wifi, wwan</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># (workaround for devices that are blocking shutdown).</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_SHUTDOWN=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to enable on shutdown: bluetooth, wifi, wwan</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># (to prevent other operating systems from missing radios).</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_SHUTDOWN=\"wwan\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to enable on AC: bluetooth, wifi, wwan</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_AC=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to disable on battery: bluetooth, wifi, wwan</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to disable on battery when not in use (not connected):</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># bluetooth, wifi, wwan</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT_NOT_IN_USE=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span></pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>So tlp’s default configuration doesn’t restore device state <b>and</b> it masked systemd’s rfkill service. I adjusted one line in tlp’s configuration and rebooted:</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"bash\"><span style=\"color: #007800;\">DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_STARTUP</span>=<span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span></pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>After the reboot, both the wifi and Bluetooth functionality were shut off! That’s exactly what I needed.</p>\n<h3>Extra credit</h3>\n<p>Thanks to a coworker, I was able to make a NetworkManager script to automatically shut off the wireless LAN whenever I connected to a network via ethernet. This is typically what I do when coming back from an in-person meeting to my desk (where I have ethernet connectivity).</p>\n<p>If you want the same automation, just drop this script into <code>/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/</code> and make it executable:</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"bash\"><span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#!/bin/bash</span>\n<span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">export</span> <span style=\"color: #007800;\">LC_ALL</span>=C\n \nenable_disable_wifi <span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">(</span><span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">)</span>\n<span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">{</span>\n <span style=\"color: #007800;\">result</span>=$<span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">(</span>nmcli dev <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">|</span> <span style=\"color: #c20cb9; font-weight: bold;\">grep</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"ethernet\"</span> <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">|</span> <span style=\"color: #c20cb9; font-weight: bold;\">grep</span> <span style=\"color: #660033;\">-w</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"connected\"</span><span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">)</span>\n <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">if</span> <span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">[</span> <span style=\"color: #660033;\">-n</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"<span style=\"color: #007800;\">$result</span>\"</span> <span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">]</span>; <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">then</span>\n nmcli radio wifi off\n <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">fi</span>\n<span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">}</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">if</span> <span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">[</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"$2\"</span> = <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"up\"</span> <span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">]</span>; <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">then</span>\n enable_disable_wifi\n<span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">fi</span></pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>Unplug the ethernet connection, start wifi, and then plug the ethernet connection back in. Once NetworkManager fully connects (DHCP lease obtained, connectivity check passes), the wireless LAN should shut off automatically.</p>\n<p>The post <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state after reboot in Fedora 22</a> appeared first on <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'This week in Fedora'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Activities from Mon, 13 Jul 2015 to Sun, 19 Jul 2015'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "This week in Fedora" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Activities from Mon, 13 Jul 2015 to Sun, 19 Jul 2015" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n \n Activities \n Activities \n Amount \n Diff to previous week \n Badges awarded \n 503 \n -01.95% \n Builds \n 16382 \n -14.23% \n Copr build completed \n 3913 \n -07.67% \n Copr build started \n 3932 \n -09.73% \n Edit on the wiki \n 550 \n +81.52% \n FAS user created \n 112 \n +27.27% \n Meeting completed \n 28 \n +12.00% \n Meeting started \n 28 \n +12.00% \n New packages \n 0 \n NA \n Posts on the planet \n 67 \n +34.00% \n Retired packages \n 0 \n NA \n Updates to stable \n 244 \n -33.33% \n Updates to testing \n 448 \n +00.22% \n \n \n Top contributors of the week \n Activites \n Contributors \n Badges awarded \n kelvar81 (8), binaryop (6), itamarjp (6) \n Builds \n pbrobinson (6237), sharkcz (3578), karsten (2819) \n Copr build completed \n avsej (588), andykimpe (303), raveit65 (150) \n Copr build started \n avsej (588), andykimpe (303), raveit65 (150) \n Edit on the wiki \n jkurik (41), adamwill (33), fedoradummy (28) \n Meeting completed \n nirik (10), dgilmore (8), danofsatx (5) \n Meeting started \n decause (2), dgilmore (2), nirik (2) \n New packages \n   \n Posts on the planet \n adamwill (8), admin (5), johe (3) \n Retired packages \n   \n Updates to stable \n siwinski (45), hguemar (19), remi (18) \n Updates to testing \n remi (36), raveit65 (24), orion (20) \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <div id=\"activities\" class=\"section\">\n<h2>Activities</h2>\n<table border=\"1\" class=\"docutils\"><colgroup><col width=\"42%\"/><col width=\"15%\"/><col width=\"42%\"/></colgroup><thead valign=\"bottom\"><tr><th class=\"head\">Activities</th>\n<th class=\"head\">Amount</th>\n<th class=\"head\">Diff to previous week</th>\n</tr></thead><tbody valign=\"top\"><tr><td>Badges awarded</td>\n<td>503</td>\n<td>-01.95%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Builds</td>\n<td>16382</td>\n<td>-14.23%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Copr build completed</td>\n<td>3913</td>\n<td>-07.67%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Copr build started</td>\n<td>3932</td>\n<td>-09.73%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Edit on the wiki</td>\n<td>550</td>\n<td>+81.52%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>FAS user created</td>\n<td>112</td>\n<td>+27.27%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Meeting completed</td>\n<td>28</td>\n<td>+12.00%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Meeting started</td>\n<td>28</td>\n<td>+12.00%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>New packages</td>\n<td>0</td>\n<td>NA</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Posts on the planet</td>\n<td>67</td>\n<td>+34.00%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Retired packages</td>\n<td>0</td>\n<td>NA</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Updates to stable</td>\n<td>244</td>\n<td>-33.33%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Updates to testing</td>\n<td>448</td>\n<td>+00.22%</td>\n</tr></tbody></table></div>\n<div id=\"top-contributors-of-the-week\" class=\"section\">\n<h2>Top contributors of the week</h2>\n<table border=\"1\" class=\"docutils\"><colgroup><col width=\"31%\"/><col width=\"69%\"/></colgroup><thead valign=\"bottom\"><tr><th class=\"head\">Activites</th>\n<th class=\"head\">Contributors</th>\n</tr></thead><tbody valign=\"top\"><tr><td>Badges awarded</td>\n<td>kelvar81 (8), binaryop (6), itamarjp (6)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Builds</td>\n<td>pbrobinson (6237), sharkcz (3578), karsten (2819)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Copr build completed</td>\n<td>avsej (588), andykimpe (303), raveit65 (150)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Copr build started</td>\n<td>avsej (588), andykimpe (303), raveit65 (150)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Edit on the wiki</td>\n<td>jkurik (41), adamwill (33), fedoradummy (28)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Meeting completed</td>\n<td>nirik (10), dgilmore (8), danofsatx (5)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Meeting started</td>\n<td>decause (2), dgilmore (2), nirik (2)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>New packages</td>\n<td> </td>\n</tr><tr><td>Posts on the planet</td>\n<td>adamwill (8), admin (5), johe (3)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Retired packages</td>\n<td> </td>\n</tr><tr><td>Updates to stable</td>\n<td>siwinski (45), hguemar (19), remi (18)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Updates to testing</td>\n<td>remi (36), raveit65 (24), orion (20)</td>\n</tr></tbody></table></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'dustymabe'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora BTRFS+Snapper PART 2: Full System Snapshot/Rollback'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
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_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "dustymabe" ;
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_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora BTRFS+Snapper PART 2: Full System Snapshot/Rollback" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n History \n In part 1 of this series I discussed why I desired a computer setup where I can do full system snapshots so I could seamlessly roll back at will. I also gave an overview of how I went about setting up a system so it could take advantage of BTRFS and snapper to do full system snapshotting and recovery. In this final post of the series I will give an overview of how to get snapper installed and configured on the system and walk through using it to do a rollback. \n Installing and Configuring Snapper \n First things first, as part of this whole setup I want to be able to tell how much space each one of my snapshots are taking up. I covered how to do this in a previous post , but the way you do it is by enabled quota on the BTRFS filesystem: \n [root@localhost ~]# btrfs quota enable / \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show /\nWARNING: Rescan is running, qgroup data may be incorrect\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 975.90MiB 975.90MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n You can see from the output that we currently have two subvolumes. One of them is the root subvolume while the other is a subvolume automatically created by systemd for systemd-nspawn container images. \n Now that we have quota enabled let's get snapper installed and configured: \n [root@localhost ~]# dnf install -y snapper\n...\nComplete!\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper --config=root create-config /\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper list-configs\nConfig | Subvolume\n-------+----------\nroot | / \n[root@localhost ~]#\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 83 top level 5 path .snapshots \n So we used the snapper command to create a configuration for BTRFS filesystem mounted at / . As part of this process we can see from the btrfs subvolume list / command that snapper also created a .snapshots subvolume. This subvolume will be used to house the COW snapshots that are taken of the system. \n The next thing we want to do is add an entry to fstab to make it so that regardless of what subvolume we are actually booted into we will always be able to view the .snapshots subvolume and all nested subvolumes (snapshots): \n [root@localhost ~]# echo '/dev/vgroot/lvroot /.snapshots btrfs subvol=.snapshots 0 0' > > /etc/fstab \n Taking Snapshots \n OK, now that we have snapper installed and the .snapshots subvolume in /etc/fstab we can start creating snapshots: \n [root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume get-default /\nID 5 (FS_TREE)\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper create --description \"BigBang\"\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang |\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 90 top level 5 path .snapshots\nID 261 gen 88 top level 260 path .snapshots/1/snapshot\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# ls /.snapshots/1/snapshot/\nbin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var \n We made our first snapshot called BigBang and then ran a btrfs subvolume list / to view that a new snapshot was actually created. Notice at the top of the output of the sections that we ran a btrfs subvolume get-default / . This outputs what the currently set default subvolume is for the BTRFS filesystem. Right now we are booted into the root subvolume but that will change as soon as we decide we want to use one of the snapshots for rollback. \n Since we took a snapshot let's go ahead and make some changes to the system: \n [root@localhost ~]# dnf install -y htop\n[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q htop\nhtop-1.0.3-4.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper status 1..0 | grep htop\n+..... /usr/bin/htop\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/AUTHORS\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/COPYING\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/ChangeLog\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/README\n+..... /usr/share/man/man1/htop.1.gz\n+..... /usr/share/pixmaps/htop.png\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/checksum_data\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/checksum_type\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/command_line\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/from_repo\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc 9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/installed_by\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/reason\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/releasever \n So from this we installed htop and then compared the current running system ( 0 ) with snapshot 1 . \n Rolling Back \n Now that we have taken a previous snapshot and have since made a change to the system we can use the snapper rollback functionality to get back to the state the system was in before we made the change. Let's do the rollback to get back to the snapshot 1 BigBang state: \n [root@localhost ~]# snapper rollback 1\nCreating read-only snapshot of current system. (Snapshot 2.)\nCreating read-write snapshot of snapshot 1. (Snapshot 3.)\nSetting default subvolume to snapshot 3.\n[root@localhost ~]# reboot \n As part of the rollback process you specify to snapper which snapshot you want to go back to. It then creates a read-only snapshot of the current system (in case you change your mind and want to get back to where you currently are) and then a new read-write subvolume based on the snapshot you specified to go back to. It then sets the default subvolume to be the newly created read-write subvolume it just created. After a reboot you will be booted into the new read-write subvolume and your state should be exactly as it was at the time you made the original snapshot. \n In our case, after reboot we should now be booted into snapshot 3 as indicated by the output of the snapper rollback command above and we should be able to inspect information about all of the snapshots on the system: \n [root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume get-default /\nID 263 gen 104 top level 260 path .snapshots/3/snapshot\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang | \nsingle | 2 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | | \nsingle | 3 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | | \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# ls /.snapshots/\n1 2 3\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 100 top level 5 path .snapshots\nID 261 gen 98 top level 260 path .snapshots/1/snapshot\nID 262 gen 97 top level 260 path .snapshots/2/snapshot\nID 26 3 gen 108 top level 260 path .snapshots/3/snapshot \n And the big test is to see if the change we made to the system was actually reverted: \n [root@localhost ~]# rpm -q htop\npackage htop is not installed \n Bliss!! \n Now in my case I like to have more descriptive notes on my snapshots so I'll go back now and give some notes for snapshots 2 and 3: \n [root@localhost ~]# snapper modify --description \"installed htop\" 2\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper modify --description \"rollback to 1 - read/write\" 3 \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+----------------------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang | \nsingle | 2 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | installed htop | \nsingle | 3 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | rollback to 1 - read/write | \n We can also see how much space (shared and exclusive each of the snapshots are taking up: \n [root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show / \nWARNING: Qgroup data inconsistent, rescan recommended\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 1.08GiB 7.53MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/260 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/261 1.07GiB 2.60MiB \n0/262 1.07GiB 740.00KiB \n0/263 1.08GiB 18.91MiB \n Now that is useful info so you can know how much space you will be recovering when you delete snapshots in the future. \n Updating The Kernel \n I mentioned in part 1 that I had to get a special rebuild of GRUB with some patches from the SUSE guys in order to get booting from the default subvolume to work. This was all needed so that I can update the kernel as normal and have the GRUB files that get used be the ones that are in the actual subvolume I am currently using. So let's test it out by doing a full system update (including a kernel update): \n [root@localhost ~]# dnf update -y\n...\nInstall 8 Packages\nUpgrade 173 Packages\n...\nComplete!\n[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q kernel\nkernel-4.0.4-301.fc22.x86_64\nkernel-4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show /\nWARNING: Qgroup data inconsistent, rescan recommended\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 1.08GiB 7.53MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/260 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/261 1.07GiB 11.96MiB \n0/262 1.07GiB 740.00KiB \n0/263 1.19GiB 444.35MiB \n So we did a full system upgrade that upgraded 173 packages and installed a few others. We can see now that the current subvolume (snapshot 3 with ID 263 ) now has 444MiB of exclusive data. This makes sense since all of the other snapshots were from before the full system update. \n Let's create a new snapshot that represents the state of the system right after we did the full system update and then reboot: \n [root@localhost ~]# snapper create --description \"full system upgrade\"\n[root@localhost ~]# reboot \n After reboot we can now check to see if we have properly booted the recently installed kernel: \n [root@localhost ~]# rpm -q kernel\nkernel-4.0.4-301.fc22.x86_64\nkernel-4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# uname -r\n4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64 \n Bliss again. Yay! And I'm Done. \n Enjoy! \n Dusty " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <h1 id=\"history\">History</h1>\n<p>In <a href=\"\">part 1</a> of this series I discussed why I desired a computer setup where I can do full system snapshots so I could seamlessly roll back at will. I also gave an overview of how I went about setting up a system so it could take advantage of <code>BTRFS</code> and <code>snapper</code> to do full system snapshotting and recovery. In this final post of the series I will give an overview of how to get <code>snapper</code> installed and configured on the system and walk through using it to do a rollback.</p>\n<h1 id=\"installing-and-configuring-snapper\">Installing and Configuring Snapper</h1>\n<p>First things first, as part of this whole setup I want to be able to tell how much space each one of my snapshots are taking up. I covered how to do this in a <a href=\"\">previous post</a>, but the way you do it is by enabled <code>quota</code> on the <code>BTRFS</code> filesystem:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# btrfs quota enable / \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show /\nWARNING: Rescan is running, qgroup data may be incorrect\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 975.90MiB 975.90MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB</code></pre>\n<p>You can see from the output that we currently have two subvolumes. One of them is the <em>root subvolume</em> while the other is a subvolume automatically created by <code>systemd</code> for <code>systemd-nspawn</code> container images.</p>\n<p>Now that we have quota enabled let's get <code>snapper</code> installed and configured:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# dnf install -y snapper\n...\nComplete!\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper --config=root create-config /\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper list-configs\nConfig | Subvolume\n-------+----------\nroot | / \n[root@localhost ~]#\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 83 top level 5 path .snapshots</code></pre>\n<p>So we used the <code>snapper</code> command to create a configuration for <code>BTRFS</code> filesystem mounted at <code>/</code>. As part of this process we can see from the <code>btrfs subvolume list /</code> command that <code>snapper</code> also created a <code>.snapshots</code> subvolume. This subvolume will be used to house the <code>COW</code> snapshots that are taken of the system.</p>\n<p>The next thing we want to do is add an entry to <code>fstab</code> to make it so that regardless of what subvolume we are actually booted into we will always be able to view the <code>.snapshots</code> subvolume and all nested subvolumes (snapshots):</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# echo '/dev/vgroot/lvroot /.snapshots btrfs subvol=.snapshots 0 0' &gt;&gt; /etc/fstab</code></pre>\n<h1 id=\"taking-snapshots\">Taking Snapshots</h1>\n<p>OK, now that we have snapper installed and the <code>.snapshots</code> subvolume in <code>/etc/fstab</code> we can start creating snapshots:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume get-default /\nID 5 (FS_TREE)\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper create --description \"BigBang\"\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang |\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 90 top level 5 path .snapshots\nID 261 gen 88 top level 260 path .snapshots/1/snapshot\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# ls /.snapshots/1/snapshot/\nbin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var</code></pre>\n<p>We made our first snapshot called <strong>BigBang</strong> and then ran a <code>btrfs subvolume list /</code> to view that a new snapshot was actually created. Notice at the top of the output of the sections that we ran a <code>btrfs subvolume get-default /</code>. This outputs what the currently set <em>default subvolume</em> is for the <code>BTRFS</code> filesystem. Right now we are booted into the <em>root subvolume</em> but that will change as soon as we decide we want to use one of the snapshots for rollback.</p>\n<p>Since we took a snapshot let's go ahead and make some changes to the system:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# dnf install -y htop\n[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q htop\nhtop-1.0.3-4.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper status 1..0 | grep htop\n+..... /usr/bin/htop\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/AUTHORS\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/COPYING\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/ChangeLog\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/README\n+..... /usr/share/man/man1/htop.1.gz\n+..... /usr/share/pixmaps/htop.png\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/checksum_data\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/checksum_type\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/command_line\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/from_repo\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/installed_by\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/reason\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/releasever</code></pre>\n<p>So from this we installed <code>htop</code> and then compared the current running system (<code>0</code>) with snapshot <code>1</code>.</p>\n<h1 id=\"rolling-back\">Rolling Back</h1>\n<p>Now that we have taken a previous snapshot and have since made a change to the system we can use the <code>snapper rollback</code> functionality to get back to the state the system was in before we made the change. Let's do the rollback to get back to the snapshot <code>1</code> <strong>BigBang</strong> state:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# snapper rollback 1\nCreating read-only snapshot of current system. (Snapshot 2.)\nCreating read-write snapshot of snapshot 1. (Snapshot 3.)\nSetting default subvolume to snapshot 3.\n[root@localhost ~]# reboot</code></pre>\n<p>As part of the rollback process you specify to <code>snapper</code> which snapshot you want to go back to. It then creates a read-only snapshot of the current system (in case you change your mind and want to get back to where you currently are) and then a new read-write subvolume based on the snapshot you specified to go back to. It then sets the <em>default subvolume</em> to be the newly created read-write subvolume it just created. After a reboot you will be booted into the new read-write subvolume and your state should be exactly as it was at the time you made the original snapshot.</p>\n<p>In our case, after reboot we should now be booted into snapshot 3 as indicated by the output of the <code>snapper rollback</code> command above and we should be able to inspect information about all of the snapshots on the system:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume get-default /\nID 263 gen 104 top level 260 path .snapshots/3/snapshot\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang | \nsingle | 2 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | | \nsingle | 3 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | | \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# ls /.snapshots/\n1 2 3\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 100 top level 5 path .snapshots\nID 261 gen 98 top level 260 path .snapshots/1/snapshot\nID 262 gen 97 top level 260 path .snapshots/2/snapshot\nID 263 gen 108 top level 260 path .snapshots/3/snapshot</code></pre>\n<p>And the big test is to see if the change we made to the system was actually reverted:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q htop\npackage htop is not installed</code></pre>\n<p>Bliss!!</p>\n<p>Now in my case I like to have more descriptive notes on my snapshots so I'll go back now and give some notes for snapshots 2 and 3:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# snapper modify --description \"installed htop\" 2\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper modify --description \"rollback to 1 - read/write\" 3 \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+----------------------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang | \nsingle | 2 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | installed htop | \nsingle | 3 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | rollback to 1 - read/write |</code></pre>\n<p>We can also see how much space (shared and exclusive each of the snapshots are taking up:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show / \nWARNING: Qgroup data inconsistent, rescan recommended\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 1.08GiB 7.53MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/260 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/261 1.07GiB 2.60MiB \n0/262 1.07GiB 740.00KiB \n0/263 1.08GiB 18.91MiB</code></pre>\n<p>Now that is useful info so you can know how much space you will be recovering when you delete snapshots in the future.</p>\n<h1 id=\"updating-the-kernel\">Updating The Kernel</h1>\n<p>I mentioned in <a href=\"\">part 1</a> that I had to get a special rebuild of <code>GRUB</code> with some patches from the <code>SUSE</code> guys in order to get booting from the default subvolume to work. This was all needed so that I can update the kernel as normal and have the <code>GRUB</code> files that get used be the ones that are in the actual subvolume I am currently using. So let's test it out by doing a full system update (including a kernel update):</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# dnf update -y\n...\nInstall 8 Packages\nUpgrade 173 Packages\n...\nComplete!\n[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q kernel\nkernel-4.0.4-301.fc22.x86_64\nkernel-4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show /\nWARNING: Qgroup data inconsistent, rescan recommended\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 1.08GiB 7.53MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/260 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/261 1.07GiB 11.96MiB \n0/262 1.07GiB 740.00KiB \n0/263 1.19GiB 444.35MiB</code></pre>\n<p>So we did a full system upgrade that upgraded 173 packages and installed a few others. We can see now that the current subvolume (snapshot <code>3</code> with ID <code>263</code>) now has 444MiB of exclusive data. This makes sense since all of the other snapshots were from before the full system update.</p>\n<p>Let's create a new snapshot that represents the state of the system right after we did the full system update and then reboot:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# snapper create --description \"full system upgrade\"\n[root@localhost ~]# reboot</code></pre>\n<p>After reboot we can now check to see if we have properly booted the recently installed kernel:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q kernel\nkernel-4.0.4-301.fc22.x86_64\nkernel-4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# uname -r\n4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64</code></pre>\n<p>Bliss again. Yay! And I'm Done.</p>\n<p>Enjoy!</p>\n<p>Dusty</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Jamie Nguyen'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Easily install Discourse using Ansible'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
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nie:title "Easily install Discourse using Ansible" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n ansible-discourse is an Ansible playbook I created to make it easy to\ndeploy Discourse without Docker. It supports several distributions, including\nCentOS, Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu. Testing and feedback are very welcome! \n Discourse is an open source discussion forum application. The Discourse team\nonly supports installation via their offical Docker image. This is a sensible\nmove as the production environment can be kept more consistent across all\ninstallations, making it harder for administrators to break their site with a\nconfiguration error. \n However, some people may want to avoid using Docker. Perhaps you already manage\nyour servers with Ansible, or you want more flexibility over your production\nenvironment. Perhaps you need more secure isolation (eg, hardware\nvirtualization) than Docker can provide (as containers do not contain ). If so, you\nmight want to give ansible-discourse a try. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p><a href=\"\" class=\"reference external\">ansible-discourse</a> is an Ansible playbook I created to make it easy to\ndeploy Discourse without Docker. It supports several distributions, including\nCentOS, Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu. Testing and feedback are very welcome!</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" class=\"reference external\">Discourse</a> is an open source discussion forum application. The Discourse team\nonly supports installation via their offical Docker image. This is a sensible\nmove as the production environment can be kept more consistent across all\ninstallations, making it harder for administrators to break their site with a\nconfiguration error.</p>\n<p>However, some people may want to avoid using Docker. Perhaps you already manage\nyour servers with Ansible, or you want more flexibility over your production\nenvironment. Perhaps you need more secure isolation (eg, hardware\nvirtualization) than Docker can provide (as <a href=\"\" class=\"reference external\">containers do not contain</a>). If so, you\nmight want to give <a href=\"\" class=\"reference external\">ansible-discourse</a> a try.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Daniel.Pocock'
Tracker-Message: Title:'RTC status on Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
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a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "RTC status on Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Zoltan (Zoltanh721) recently blogged about WebRTC for the Fedora community and Fedora desktop . \n has been running for a while now and this has given many people a chance to get a taste of regular SIP and WebRTC-based SIP. As suggested in Zoltan's blog, it has convenient integration with Fedora SSO and as the source code is available , people are welcome to see how it was built and use it for other projects. \n Issues with Chrome/Chromium on Linux \n If you tried any of , or using Chrome/Chromium on Linux, you may have found that the call appears to be connected but there is no media. This is a bug and the Chromium developers are on to it. You can work around this by trying an older version of Chromium (it still works with v37 from Debian wheezy) or Firefox/Iceweasel. \n WebRTC is not everything \n WebRTC offers many great possibilities for people to quickly build and deploy RTC services to a large user base, especially when using components like JSCommunicator or the DruCall WebRTC plugin for Drupal . \n However, it is not a silver bullet. For example, there remain concerns about how to receive incoming calls. How do you know which browser tab is ringing when you have many tabs open at once? This may require greater browser/desktop integration and that has security implications for JavaScript. Whether users on battery-powered devices can really leave JavaScript running for extended periods of time waiting for incoming calls is another issue, especially when you consider that many web sites contain some JavaScript that is less than efficient. \n Native applications and mobile apps like Lumicall continue to offer the most optimized solution for each platform although WebRTC currently offers the most convenient way for people to place a Call me link on their web site or portal. \n Deploy it yourself \n The RTC Quick Start Guide offers step-by-step instructions and a thorough discussion of the architecture for people to start deploying RTC and WebRTC on their own servers using standard packages on many of the most popular Linux distributions, including Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS and Fedora. \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <div class=\"field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden\"><div class=\"field-items\"><div class=\"field-item even\"><p><a href=\"\">Zoltan (Zoltanh721)</a> recently <a href=\"\">blogged about WebRTC for the Fedora community and Fedora desktop</a>.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\"></a> has been running for a while now and this has given many people a chance to get a taste of regular SIP and WebRTC-based SIP. As suggested in Zoltan's blog, it has convenient integration with Fedora SSO and as the <a href=\"\">source code is available</a>, people are welcome to see how it was built and use it for other projects.</p>\n<h3>Issues with Chrome/Chromium on Linux</h3>\n<p>If you tried any of <a href=\"\"></a>, <a href=\"\"></a> or <a href=\"\"></a> using Chrome/Chromium on Linux, you may have found that the call appears to be connected but there is no media. This is a <a href=\"\">bug</a> and the Chromium developers are on to it. You can work around this by trying an older version of Chromium (it still works with v37 from Debian wheezy) or Firefox/Iceweasel.</p>\n<h3>WebRTC is not everything</h3>\n<p><a href=\"\">WebRTC</a> offers many great possibilities for people to quickly build and deploy RTC services to a large user base, especially when using components like <a href=\"\">JSCommunicator</a> or <a href=\"\">the DruCall WebRTC plugin for Drupal</a>.</p>\n<p>However, it is not a silver bullet. For example, there remain concerns about how to receive incoming calls. How do you know which browser tab is ringing when you have many tabs open at once? This may require greater browser/desktop integration and that has security implications for JavaScript. Whether users on battery-powered devices can really leave JavaScript running for extended periods of time waiting for incoming calls is another issue, especially when you consider that many web sites contain some JavaScript that is less than efficient.</p>\n<p>Native applications and mobile apps like <a href=\"\">Lumicall</a> continue to offer the most optimized solution for each platform although WebRTC currently offers the most convenient way for people to place a <em>Call me</em> link on their web site or portal.</p>\n<h3>Deploy it yourself</h3>\n<p>The <a href=\"\">RTC Quick Start Guide</a> offers step-by-step instructions and a thorough discussion of the architecture for people to start deploying RTC and WebRTC on their own servers using standard packages on many of the most popular Linux distributions, including Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS and Fedora.</p>\n</div></div></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Josh Boyer'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Failing Fast'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Josh Boyer" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Failing Fast" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Users of the Fedora exploded kernel git tree might have noticed that it has been stale for a couple of weeks now. What they might not know is why that is, and when it is going to be fixed. The answer is somewhat complicated and I'll try and summarize here. The Fedora kernel team recently tried shifting to using the exploded tree as the canonical location for Fedora kernel work. The benefits and ideas were written here , and most of those still stand. So I went to work on some scripts that would make this easier to do. The results weren't terrible. Things worked, kernels were still built, and the exploded tree was spit out (albeit at a different location). By some measures, this was a success. Except it really wasn't. Some of the motivation behind the change was to increase participation and transparency around the Fedora kernel. However, while we worked through the new process we quickly realized that it was much more cumbersome to actually produce kernel packages. Since the primary output of our team is packages, that seemed like a pretty bad side effect. Similarly, transparency wasn't decreased but the change made things much more confusing. Changes in the exploded tree weren't synced 1:1 back to the Fedora package repo, so it appeared like big code drops there instead of discrete commits. Telling people to look at the exploded tree was an option, but in Fedora's package-centric world it was a bit out of place. So what do you do when you've spent time making a change and it isn't working out? Well, you scrap it. There's little point in pushing on with something that even the primary author finds to be awkward. The payoffs weren't likely to materialize in any sort of timeframe that would make it worth the continued effort there. Was the time wasted? In my opinion, no. It answered some questions we've had for a while, and showed us that both the tooling and processes Fedora uses aren't really amenable to working with exploded sources. Unfortunately, the exploded tree has been stagnant since we changed back. However, I don't think it will remain that way forever. We tweaked some of the things we do to build the kernel package such that taking that content and creating an exploded tree will be easier. With a bit more scripting, it should be possible to almost automate the creation on every successful build. I'll be working on that off and on for the next few weeks. Hopefully by Flock I have something cobbled together to get things back on track again. It's been a while since I've had what I would consider a pretty big failure. I make mistakes all the time like everyone else, but those are generally small and on short-term things. In a discussion with someone, they asked me if I was bothered by this being a big bigger. I'm not. Personally, I don't care if I fail spectacularly or not as long as I learn something from it. I think I did, so the exercise was worthwhile to me. Failing fast is a really good way to work through some complicated scenarios, and is far better than staying stagnant out of fear of failure. Time to move on to the next idea! (A couple of notes:) It was pointed out on the list that RHEL tooling can build from an exploded tree, but it seems it does this with some odd hacks that we'd likely try and avoid in Fedora. The workflow between RHEL and Fedora kernels are also massively different. I would love to see some more commonality between the two, but not at the expense of forcing ill fitting process on either one. Pagure , is where the exploded tree was hosted in the interim. We tried it with the idea that making multiple committers there would be easier than It is a neat service, but I'm not sure we'd really use many of the features it was designed around. The only complaint I heard was that browsing via the web interface was slow. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n Users of the Fedora exploded kernel git tree might have noticed that it has been stale for a couple of weeks now. What they might not know is why that is, and when it is going to be fixed. The answer is somewhat complicated and I'll try and summarize here.<br/><br/>The Fedora kernel team recently tried shifting to using the exploded tree as the canonical location for Fedora kernel work. The benefits and ideas were written <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">here</a>, and most of those still stand. So I went to work on some scripts that would make this easier to do. The results weren't terrible. Things worked, kernels were still built, and the exploded tree was spit out (albeit at a different location). By some measures, this was a success.<br/><br/>Except it really wasn't. Some of the motivation behind the change was to increase participation and transparency around the Fedora kernel. However, while we worked through the new process we quickly realized that it was much more cumbersome to actually produce kernel packages. Since the primary output of our team is packages, that seemed like a pretty bad side effect. Similarly, transparency wasn't decreased but the change made things much more confusing. Changes in the exploded tree weren't synced 1:1 back to the Fedora package repo, so it appeared like big code drops there instead of discrete commits. Telling people to look at the exploded tree was an option, but in Fedora's package-centric world it was a bit out of place.<br/><br/>So what do you do when you've spent time making a change and it isn't working out? Well, you scrap it. There's little point in pushing on with something that even the primary author finds to be awkward. The payoffs weren't likely to materialize in any sort of timeframe that would make it worth the continued effort there. Was the time wasted? In my opinion, no. It answered some questions we've had for a while, and showed us that both the tooling and processes Fedora uses aren't really amenable to working with exploded sources.<br/><br/>Unfortunately, the exploded tree has been stagnant since we changed back. However, I don't think it will remain that way forever. We tweaked some of the things we do to build the kernel package such that taking that content and creating an exploded tree will be easier. With a bit more scripting, it should be possible to almost automate the creation on every successful build. I'll be working on that off and on for the next few weeks. Hopefully by Flock I have something cobbled together to get things back on track again.<br/><br/>It's been a while since I've had what I would consider a pretty big failure. I make mistakes all the time like everyone else, but those are generally small and on short-term things. In a discussion with someone, they asked me if I was bothered by this being a big bigger. I'm not. Personally, I don't care if I fail spectacularly or not as long as I learn something from it. I think I did, so the exercise was worthwhile to me. Failing fast is a really good way to work through some complicated scenarios, and is far better than staying stagnant out of fear of failure. Time to move on to the next idea!<br/><br/>(A couple of notes:)<br/><br/>It was pointed out on the list that RHEL tooling can build from an exploded tree, but it seems it does this with some odd hacks that we'd likely try and avoid in Fedora. The workflow between RHEL and Fedora kernels are also massively different. I would love to see some more commonality between the two, but not at the expense of forcing ill fitting process on either one.<br/><br/><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Pagure</a>, is where the exploded tree was hosted in the interim. We tried it with the idea that making multiple committers there would be easier than It is a neat service, but I'm not sure we'd really use many of the features it was designed around. The only complaint I heard was that browsing via the web interface was slow.</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Rajeesh'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Going to Akademy 2015'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
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nie:title "Going to Akademy 2015" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n I’m excited to attend this year’s Akademy in La Coruña, Spain. \n Tagged: kde " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>I’m excited to attend this year’s <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Akademy</a> in La Coruña, Spain.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"179\" class=\"alignnone\" width=\"401\"/></p><br/> Tagged: <a href=\"\">kde</a> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <img src=\";blog=1921918&amp;post=417&amp;subd=rajeeshknambiar&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Jiří Eischmann'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Telegram in Fedora'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Jiří Eischmann" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Telegram in Fedora" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Recently, there has been a new wave of instant messaging services focused on the mobile world. Examples include Whatsapp, Messenger, Hangouts, and Viber. However, these are all closed and don’t have the best record of security and privacy. A new service with a different approach is Telegram . It’s developed and run by a non-profit organization, has an open API and protocol, provides open source clients, and stresses privacy. \n The Telegram instant messaging service was founded by Nikolai and Pavel Durovs. They are known for founding VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook, which they left after they refused to hand over users’ data to FSB . Telegram is based in Berlin and the service has received accolades all around the world. \n \n I’d known about Telegram for some time, but hadn’t tried it out until I conducted a survey asking what IM services Fedora users were using. It caught my attention because it ended up surprisingly high in the list. \n Telegram Features \n Here is a summary of what makes Telegram an attractive option for instant messaging: \n \n Free of charge and run by a non-profit organization \n Fast \n Open (open API, open protocol, open source clients; the server side is currently closed though) \n Accepts file uploads up to 1.5 GB \n Secret Chats (end-to-end encryption, a timer to destruct messages) \n Bot API (API that lets you write your own bots to notify you or deliver content to your Telegram client). \n \n How to Join \n Telegram accounts are tied to the phone number of the user. The easiest way to start with Telegram are the mobile apps, because they can scan your contacts and give you a list of friends already using the service. You can join Telegram even without having a smartphone, though. You can create an account in one of the official clients including the web client . You’ll need a phone to receive authentication PINs via SMS. \n Account Creation in the Web Client. \n Available Clients for Fedora \n There are several Telegram clients you can use in Fedora. There is no clear winner, though. Every client has its pros and cons, which I will try to describe in the following paragraphs. \n Telegram Desktop \n The official client for Linux desktop is open source and can be found in Copr . You can install it by running the following commands: \n sudo dnf copr enable rommon/telegram \nsudo dnf install telegram-desktop \n The desktop client has all the bells and whistles of Telegram. It includes group chats, emoticons, stickers, and sending/receiving files. However, it lacks one important feature: secret chats which provide end-to-end encryption and were ranked by EFF at 7/7 points . \n The desktop client is written in Qt, but unfortunately it’s patched. This makes it hard to include in the official repositories of Fedora. Another minor inconvenience is that it uses its own notifications, instead of the standard ones the system provides. Moreover, the app in Copr is not really built from the source code, but a packaged binary provided on the website of Telegram. So instead of relying on the packaging system, it has its own updating mechanism. This may cause some complexity, such as a parallel installation of the app. \n The official desktop client. \n Cutegram \n Cutegram is an unofficial alternative to Telegram Desktop and is a well-done client, written in QML. If there was a standard way to install it in Fedora, it would definitely be the best option. However, it’s not available in the official repositories or Copr, and the authors don’t provide an RPM package. You need to download a generic installer which installs the app to /opt and doesn’t create a desktop launcher. Jaroslav Řezník started packaging it in Copr , but hasn’t finished it yet. He might appreciate some help there! \n Otherwise Cutegram supports the same set of features as the official client, and adds more. It supports secret chats, is better integrated to the desktop — using standard notifications, for instance — and has more options such as support for multiple accounts. \n Cutegram. \n Plugin for Pidgin \n If you’re accustomed to traditional desktop IM clients, or want to have Telegram together with other services in one app, a 3rd-party plugin for Pidgin might be a better option. It can also be found in Copr . To install, run the following commands: \n sudo dnf copr enable lsof/telegram-purple \nsudo dnf install telegram-purple \n The plugin doesn’t support Telegram-specific emoticons and stickers. However, you can for example send and receive files, and pictures are shown directly in the chat, like in official clients. Most importantly, it supports secret chats. \n Telegram CLI \n For those who prefer the command line, there’s also an unofficial CLI client . It’s again available in Copr and you can install it running the following commands: \n sudo dnf copr enable iranzo/telegram-cli \nsudo dnf install telegram-cli \n It obviously doesn’t support the graphical features such as emoticons or stickers, but covers a fair share of Telegram features, such as sending and receiving files or secret chats. \n Web Client \n The official web client, which you can find at , supports the same features and has the same interface as the official desktop client which means it also lacks support for secret chats. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>Recently, there has been a new wave of instant messaging services focused on the mobile world. Examples include Whatsapp, Messenger, Hangouts, and Viber. However, these are all closed and don’t have the best record of security and privacy. A new service with a different approach is <a href=\"\">Telegram</a>. It’s developed and run by a non-profit organization, has an open API and protocol, provides open source clients, and stresses privacy.<span id=\"more-9469\"/></p>\n<p>The Telegram instant messaging service was founded by Nikolai and Pavel Durovs. They are known for founding VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook, which they left after they refused to hand over users’ data to <a href=\"\">FSB</a>. Telegram is based in Berlin and the service has received accolades all around the world.<strong><br/>\n</strong></p>\n<p>I’d known about Telegram for some time, but hadn’t tried it out until I <a href=\"\">conducted a survey</a> asking what IM services Fedora users were using. It caught my attention because it ended up surprisingly high in the list.</p>\n<h2>Telegram Features</h2>\n<p>Here is a summary of what makes Telegram an attractive option for instant messaging:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Free of charge and run by a non-profit organization</li>\n<li>Fast</li>\n<li>Open (open API, open protocol, open source clients; the server side is currently closed though)</li>\n<li>Accepts file uploads up to 1.5 GB</li>\n<li>Secret Chats (end-to-end encryption, a timer to destruct messages)</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Bot API</a> (API that lets you write your own bots to notify you or deliver content to your Telegram client).</li>\n</ul>\n<h2>How to Join</h2>\n<p>Telegram accounts are tied to the phone number of the user. The easiest way to start with Telegram are the mobile apps, because they can scan your contacts and give you a list of friends already using the service. You can join Telegram even without having a smartphone, though. You can create an account in one of the official clients including <a href=\"\">the web client</a>. You’ll need a phone to receive authentication PINs via SMS.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9483\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"telegram-account\" height=\"485\" class=\"wp-image-9483 size-full\" width=\"455\"/></a><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Account Creation in the Web Client.</p></div>\n<h2>Available Clients for Fedora</h2>\n<p>There are several Telegram clients you can use in Fedora. There is no clear winner, though. Every client has its pros and cons, which I will try to describe in the following paragraphs.</p>\n<h3>Telegram Desktop</h3>\n<p>The official client for Linux desktop is open source and can <a href=\"\">be found in Copr</a>. You can install it by running the following commands:</p>\n<p><code>sudo dnf copr enable rommon/telegram<br/>\nsudo dnf install telegram-desktop</code></p>\n<p>The desktop client has all the bells and whistles of Telegram. It includes group chats, emoticons, stickers, and sending/receiving files. However, it lacks one important feature: secret chats which provide end-to-end encryption and <a href=\"\">were ranked by EFF at 7/7 points</a>.</p>\n<p>The desktop client is written in Qt, but unfortunately it’s patched. This makes it hard to include in the official repositories of Fedora. Another minor inconvenience is that it uses its own notifications, instead of the standard ones the system provides. Moreover, the app in Copr is not really built from the source code, but a packaged binary provided on the website of Telegram. So instead of relying on the packaging system, it has its own updating mechanism. This may cause some complexity, such as a parallel installation of the app.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9486\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"The official desktop client.\" height=\"538\" class=\"wp-image-9486\" width=\"676\"/></a><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">The official desktop client.</p></div>\n<h3>Cutegram</h3>\n<p><a href=\"\">Cutegram</a> is an unofficial alternative to Telegram Desktop and is a well-done client, written in QML. If there was a standard way to install it in Fedora, it would definitely be the best option. However, it’s not available in the official repositories or Copr, and the authors don’t provide an RPM package. You need to download a generic installer which installs the app to <em>/opt</em> and doesn’t create a desktop launcher. <a href=\"\">Jaroslav Řezník started packaging it in Copr</a>, but hasn’t finished it yet. He might appreciate some help there!</p>\n<p>Otherwise Cutegram supports the same set of features as the official client, and adds more. It supports secret chats, is better integrated to the desktop — using standard notifications, for instance — and has more options such as support for multiple accounts.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9487\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Cutegram.\" height=\"421\" class=\"wp-image-9487 size-large\" width=\"676\"/></a><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Cutegram.</p></div>\n<h3>Plugin for Pidgin</h3>\n<p>If you’re accustomed to traditional desktop IM clients, or want to have Telegram together with other services in one app, <a href=\"\">a 3rd-party plugin for Pidgin</a> might be a better option. It can also be <a href=\"\">found in Copr</a>. To install, run the following commands:</p>\n<p><code>sudo dnf copr enable lsof/telegram-purple<br/>\nsudo dnf install telegram-purple</code></p>\n<p>The plugin doesn’t support Telegram-specific emoticons and stickers. However, you can for example send and receive files, and pictures are shown directly in the chat, like in official clients. Most importantly, it supports secret chats.</p>\n<h3>Telegram CLI</h3>\n<p>For those who prefer the command line, there’s also <a href=\"\">an unofficial CLI client</a>. It’s again <a href=\"\">available in Copr</a> and you can install it running the following commands:</p>\n<p><code>sudo dnf copr enable iranzo/telegram-cli<br/>\nsudo dnf install telegram-cli</code></p>\n<p>It obviously doesn’t support the graphical features such as emoticons or stickers, but covers a fair share of Telegram features, such as sending and receiving files or secret chats.</p>\n<h3>Web Client</h3>\n<p>The official web client, which you can find at <a href=\"\"></a>, supports the same features and has the same interface as the official desktop client which means it also lacks support for secret chats.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Matthew Garrett'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Your Ubuntu-based container image is probably a copyright violation'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Matthew Garrett" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Your Ubuntu-based container image is probably a copyright violation" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n I wrote about Canonical's Ubuntu IP policy here , but primarily in terms of its broader impact, but I mentioned a few specific cases. People seem to have picked up on the case of container images (especially Docker ones), so here's an unambiguous statement: If you generate a container image that is not a 100% unmodified version of Ubuntu (ie, you have not removed or added anything ), Canonical insist that you must ask them for permission to distribute it. The only alternative is to rebuild every binary package you wish to ship[1], removing all trademarks in the process. As I mentioned in my original post, the IP policy does not merely require you to remove trademarks that would cause infringement, it requires you to remove all trademarks - a strict reading would require you to remove every instance of the word \"ubuntu\" from the packages. If you want to contact Canonical to request permission, you can do so here . Or you could just derive from Debian instead. [1] Other than ones whose license explicitly grants permission to redistribute binaries and which do not permit any additional restrictions to be imposed upon the license grants - so any GPLed material is fine comments " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n I wrote about Canonical's Ubuntu IP policy <a href=\"\">here</a>, but primarily in terms of its broader impact, but I mentioned a few specific cases. People seem to have picked up on the case of container images (especially Docker ones), so here's an unambiguous statement:<br/><br/>If you generate a container image that is not a 100% unmodified version of Ubuntu (ie, you have not removed or added <em>anything</em>), Canonical insist that you must ask them for permission to distribute it. The only alternative is to rebuild every binary package you wish to ship[1], removing all trademarks in the process. As I mentioned in my original post, the IP policy does not merely require you to remove trademarks that would cause infringement, it requires you to remove <em>all</em> trademarks - a strict reading would require you to remove every instance of the word \"ubuntu\" from the packages.<br/><br/>If you want to contact Canonical to request permission, you can do so <a href=\"\">here</a>. Or you could just derive from Debian instead.<br/><br/>[1] Other than ones whose license explicitly grants permission to redistribute binaries and which do not permit any additional restrictions to be imposed upon the license grants - so any GPLed material is fine<br/><br/><img src=\";ditemid=36312\" alt=\"comment count unavailable\" height=\"12\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" width=\"30\"/> comments</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Manuel Escudero'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Cómo instalar Evernote (oficial) en GNU/Linux'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Manuel Escudero" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Cómo instalar Evernote (oficial) en GNU/Linux" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Evernote es una aplicación para computadora, móviles y web que gracias a la nube nos permite mantener toda una biblioteca de libretas personales que contienen notas hechas por nosotros con texto, imágenes, audio etc. sincronizada entre todos nuestros dispositivos... Evernote es gratuito (aunque hay una versión plus y una premium ) y sus ventajas son innumerables: Desde estudiar, hasta organizar tu día con día o bien, ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas... ¡Reemplaza el papel en tu vida y usa Evernote hoy mismo! Crea una cuenta acá ; (El enlace es para referidos, si creas tu cuenta desde él, obtendrás 1 mes de  Evernote Premium completamente  g ratis). En GNU/Linux existen varios clientes nativos para administrar nuestro Evernote , siendo los más conocidos  Everpad y Nixnote  (el segundo es lo más cercano al cliente oficial); SIN EMBARGO la verdad es que a mi en Fedora Linux nunca me han funcionado bien ni uno ni otro, así que opté por la siguiente solución obvia que era ejecutar el cliente oficial para Windows usando Wine en la distribución; Contrario a lo que algunas personas decían sobre versiones pasadas en la web, a partir de Wine 1.7.xx es posible ejecutar prácticamente cualquier versión de Evernote Windows en GNU/Linux . NOTA: En este tutorial usaré a Fedora Linux como distribución de referencia, cambiar los comandos de instalación de paquetes por los indicados según tu distro. 1) Instalar Wine y Winetricks # dnf -y install wine cabextract # wget -O /usr/local/bin/winetricks & & chmod +x /usr/local/bin/winetricks NOTA: Otras distros quizá prefieran usar /usr/bin en lugar de /usr/local/bin para winetricks . 2) Instalando Evernote Necesitaremos descargar Evernote para Windows desde este enlace   si queremos la versión más reciente que esté disponible. Necesitaremos cambiar nuestro  user agent  con alguna extensión, para  Google Chrome  yo recomiendo  usar ésta ; En mis pruebas a partir de la 5.7.x he notado pequeños glitches (como stacks duplicados por ejemplo); Entonces yo de momento uso la 5.6.x que pueden descargar por acá . Es cosa de que hagan la prueba con la versión más reciente y si todo les funciona bien, la usen. Si no les recomiendo la 5.6.x que para mi ha sido más que estable y funcional (ojo: ésta versión antigua no tiene algunas funcionalidades como workchat por ejemplo). Una vez descargado Evernote , corremos en consola: $ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ winecfg En este paso nos aseguramos que la versión a imitar en Wine sea Windows 7 y establecemos otras preferencias que nos parezcan apropiadas para nuestro WINEPREFIX: Aplicamos los cambios y luego corremos: $ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ winetricks corefonts $ wget $ chmod +x $ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ sh Aplicamos la configuración de suavizado de fuentes RGB: Y finalmente corremos: $ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ wine ruta/instalador/evernote.exe Seguimos las instrucciones de instalación habituales y listo: 3) Tweaks finales Abrimos Evernote y accedemos con la cuenta que nos creamos previamente: Ya como Tweaks extra, establecemos nuestras preferencias personales en las pestañas del menú de Herramientas > Opciones y finalmente disfrutamos de Evernote : Eso sería todo, Evernote Oficial instalado en GNU/Linux sin mayores complicaciones. Cabe destacar que usando este método nuestro evernote es compatible con las actualizaciones habituales de la aplicación y prácticamente todas las funcionalidades en ella. Extras 10+ usos para Evernote & Cuentas Premium GRATIS para todos El contenido publicado en el Blog Xenode Está bajo una licencia CC-BY-NC-SA ; No olvides seguirnos en Facebook , Twitter , Google+ y Youtube , ¡Te esperamos! \n \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><b style=\"font-style: italic;\"><a href=\";sig=6766978eff6f3b912654b23a34f7444a\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Evernote</a> </b><i>es una aplicación para computadora, móviles y web que gracias a la nube nos permite mantener toda una biblioteca de libretas personales que contienen notas hechas por nosotros con texto, imágenes, audio etc. sincronizada entre todos nuestros dispositivos... Evernote es </i><b style=\"font-style: italic;\">gratuito</b><i> (aunque hay una versión </i><b style=\"font-style: italic;\">plus</b><i> y una </i><b style=\"font-style: italic;\">premium</b><i>) y sus ventajas son innumerables: Desde estudiar, hasta organizar tu día con día o bien, ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas... ¡Reemplaza el papel en tu vida y usa </i><b style=\"font-style: italic;\">Evernote</b><i> hoy mismo! </i><a style=\"font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;\" href=\";sig=6766978eff6f3b912654b23a34f7444a\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Crea una cuenta acá</a><i>; (El enlace es para referidos, si creas tu cuenta desde él, obtendrás 1 mes de </i><b style=\"font-style: italic;\">Evernote Premium </b><i>completamente</i><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"> g</span><i>ratis).</i><br/><br/>En <b>GNU/Linux</b> existen varios clientes nativos para administrar nuestro <b>Evernote</b>, siendo los más conocidos <b>Everpad</b> y <b>Nixnote</b> (el segundo es lo más cercano al cliente oficial); SIN EMBARGO la verdad es que a mi en <b>Fedora Linux</b> nunca me han funcionado bien ni uno ni otro, así que opté por la siguiente solución obvia que era ejecutar el cliente oficial para <b>Windows</b> usando <b>Wine</b> en la distribución; Contrario a lo que algunas personas decían sobre versiones pasadas en la web, a partir de <b>Wine 1.7.xx </b>es posible ejecutar prácticamente cualquier versión de <b>Evernote Windows</b> en <b>GNU/Linux</b>.<br/><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> En este tutorial usaré a <b>Fedora Linux</b> como distribución de referencia, cambiar los comandos de instalación de paquetes por los indicados según tu distro.</i><br/><br/><b><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">1) Instalar Wine y Winetricks</span></b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install wine cabextract</code><br/><code># wget -O /usr/local/bin/winetricks &amp;&amp; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/winetricks</code><br/><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> Otras distros quizá prefieran usar <b>/usr/bin</b> en lugar de <b>/usr/local/bin</b> para <b>winetricks</b>.</i><br/><br/><b><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">2) Instalando Evernote</span></b><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div>Necesitaremos descargar <b>Evernote para Windows</b> desde <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">este enlace</a> </b>si queremos la versión más reciente que esté disponible. Necesitaremos cambiar nuestro <i>user agent</i> con alguna extensión, para <b>Google Chrome </b>yo recomiendo <a style=\"font-weight: bold;\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">usar ésta</a>; En mis pruebas a partir de la <b>5.7.x</b> he notado pequeños <i>glitches</i> (como stacks duplicados por ejemplo); Entonces yo de momento uso la <b>5.6.x</b> que pueden descargar <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">por acá</a></b>. Es cosa de que hagan la prueba con la versión más reciente y si todo les funciona bien, la usen. Si no les recomiendo la <b>5.6.x</b> que para mi ha sido más que estable y funcional (ojo: ésta versión antigua no tiene algunas funcionalidades como <b><i>workchat</i> </b>por ejemplo). Una vez descargado <b>Evernote</b>, corremos en consola:<br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ winecfg</code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">En este paso nos aseguramos que la <b>versión a imitar</b> en <b>Wine</b> sea <b>Windows 7</b> y establecemos otras preferencias que nos parezcan apropiadas para nuestro WINEPREFIX:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"400\" border=\"0\" width=\"326\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Aplicamos los cambios y luego corremos:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ winetricks corefonts</code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ wget</code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ chmod +x</code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ sh</code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Aplicamos la configuración de suavizado de fuentes RGB:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"392\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Y finalmente corremos:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ wine <b>ruta/instalador/evernote.exe</b></code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Seguimos las instrucciones de instalación habituales y listo:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"321\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><b><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">3) Tweaks finales</span></b></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Abrimos <b>Evernote</b> y accedemos con la cuenta que nos creamos previamente:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"408\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Ya como Tweaks extra, establecemos nuestras preferencias personales en las pestañas del menú de <b>Herramientas&gt;Opciones</b> y finalmente disfrutamos de <b>Evernote</b>:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"350\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Eso sería todo, <b>Evernote</b> <b>Oficial </b>instalado en <b>GNU/Linux</b> sin mayores complicaciones. Cabe destacar que usando este método nuestro evernote es compatible con las actualizaciones habituales de la aplicación y prácticamente todas las funcionalidades en ella.</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><b><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Extras</span></b></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><blockquote style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">10+ usos para Evernote &amp; Cuentas Premium GRATIS para todos</a></b></blockquote><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div class=\"blogger-post-footer\"><br/>El contenido publicado en el <a href=\"\">Blog Xenode</a> Está bajo una licencia <a href=\"\">CC-BY-NC-SA</a>; No olvides seguirnos en <a href=\"\">Facebook</a>, <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>, <a href=\"\">Google+</a> y <a href=\"\">Youtube</a>, ¡Te esperamos!</div><div class=\"feedflare\">\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a>\n</div><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'fujiwara'
Tracker-Message: Title:'IBus 1.5.11 is released'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "fujiwara" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "IBus 1.5.11 is released" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Now IBus 1.5.11 is released: \n \n 1.5.11 is available in Fedora 23. \n \n User compose file($HOME/.XCompose) is supported in IBus XKB engines \nNote: XKB engines load en_US compose table(/usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose) on any locales. \nE.g. In case you select ‘JP’ layout, Run ‘setxkbmap -option compose:rctrl’ and you can output ‘©’ with Right Ctrl + ‘O’ + ‘C’. \n Put Property Panel in bottom right in KDE5 \n Show IBus engine icon in KDE5 \n \n Show the prefix string of XKB layouts in KDE5 \n \n Engine Property on IBus Panel Icon \nibus 1.5.11 + ibus-anthy 1.5.7 can show the input mode on the panel icon [1]: \n < iframe allowfullscreen=\"true\" class=\"youtube-player\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"349\" src=\" & amp;rel=1 & amp;fs=1 & amp;showsearch=0 & amp;showinfo=1 & amp;iv_load_policy=1 & amp;wmode=transparent\" type=\"text/html\" width=\"425\" > < /iframe > \n \n [1] Here is the patch in the ibus-anthy side. This adds “icon_prop_key” tag for an IBusProperty key in /usr/share/ibus/component/anthy.xml . " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>Now IBus 1.5.11 is released:<br/>\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n<p>1.5.11 is available in Fedora 23.</p>\n<ol>\n<li>User compose file($HOME/.XCompose) is supported in IBus XKB engines<br/>\nNote: XKB engines load en_US compose table(/usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose) on any locales.<br/>\nE.g. In case you select ‘JP’ layout, Run ‘setxkbmap -option compose:rctrl’ and you can output ‘©’ with Right Ctrl + ‘O’ + ‘C’.</li>\n<li>Put Property Panel in bottom right in KDE5</li>\n<li>Show IBus engine icon in KDE5<br/>\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\";h=225\" alt=\"ibus-kde5-ime\" height=\"225\" class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-383\" width=\"300\"/></a></li>\n<li>Show the prefix string of XKB layouts in KDE5<br/>\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\";h=225\" alt=\"ibus-kde5-xkb\" height=\"225\" class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-385\" width=\"300\"/></a></li>\n<li>Engine Property on IBus Panel Icon<br/>\nibus 1.5.11 + ibus-anthy 1.5.7 can show the input mode on the panel icon [1]:<br/>\n<span style=\"text-align: center; display: block;\" class=\"embed-youtube\">&lt;iframe allowfullscreen=\"true\" class=\"youtube-player\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"349\" src=\";amp;rel=1&amp;amp;fs=1&amp;amp;showsearch=0&amp;amp;showinfo=1&amp;amp;iv_load_policy=1&amp;amp;wmode=transparent\" type=\"text/html\" width=\"425\"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;</span></li>\n</ol>\n<p>[1] <a href=\"\">Here</a> is the patch in the ibus-anthy side. This adds “icon_prop_key” tag for an IBusProperty key in /usr/share/ibus/component/anthy.xml .</p><img src=\";blog=16443504&amp;post=382&amp;subd=desktopi18n&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Catalin George Festila'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Google Shutting Down Google+ Photos !'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Catalin George Festila" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Google Shutting Down Google+ Photos !" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Google announced in a post on its social network site, it will begin winding down Google+ Photos: on August 1st we’ll start to shut down Google+ Photos -- initially on Android, and soon thereafter on the Web and iOS. How to fix that ... ? So you need to download the new Google Photos today for uninterrupted access to all your photos, videos and albums. To do that use . With the new app you’ll still be able to backup, edit, and share your photos and videos, with unlimited storage, automatic organization, and more. The biggest difference is that : Google+ users had to actually visit the network on the web to access photos; Google Photos has its own dedicated web interface. Also your photos and video will still remain available for download through Google Takeout - a program that allows users to download a copy of their data stored within Google products. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n Google announced in a post on its social network site, it will begin winding down Google+ Photos: <em> on August 1st we’ll start to shut down Google+ Photos -- initially on Android, and soon thereafter on the Web and iOS.</em> <strong>How to fix that ... ?</strong> So you need to download the new Google Photos today for uninterrupted access to all your photos, videos and albums. To do that use <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>. With the new app you’ll still be able to backup, edit, and share your photos and videos, with unlimited storage, automatic organization, and more. The biggest difference is that : <ul> <li>Google+ users had to actually visit the network on the web to access photos;</li> <li>Google Photos has its own dedicated web interface.</li></ul>Also your photos and video will still remain available for download through Google Takeout - a program that allows users to download a copy of their data stored within Google products.</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Adam Šamalík'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora Developer Portal – prototype'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Adam Šamalík" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora Developer Portal – prototype" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n I wanted to try an interesting project called Jekyll – a static page generator. It consumes content in textual form like Markdown or Textile, Liquid templates, and HTML and CSS to generate static pages and blogs. \n I should be able to install it with simple command: \n $ gem install jekyll \n But it wasn’t successful. What I’m going to do? \n Good news for me is that I work on a project called Fedora Developer Portal! And there is a repo for content with the Ruby section already created. It explains how to install Ruby, Gems, etc. I used that information and successfully installed Jekyll on my machine. \n That’s one of the purposes of our new portal – to help people start with new (new for them) technology on Fedora. \n First Prototype is Here! \n As you might have figured out from the introduction, and from the heading as well, the development slowly started! I just finished a prototype which is running on . \n Please keep in mind that this is just a prototype that offers very limited content and functionality. The content is not final and will change according to your feedback and ideas \n Project Resources \n General Information \n \n Wiki page – The main project page with description, links to resources, planning etc. \n \n Code & Development \n \n Content repo – Repo with all the content in a textual form with Markdown syntax. (Ruby content already created) \n Website repo – Repo for Jekyll templates that would define the visual look and layout of the website. \n Design mockups repo – Repo for layout sketches and mockups. \n Prototype – Prototype of the website with limited content and functionality. \n \n Communication \n \n Taiga Project – Project tracking and planning \n IRC channel #developer-portal on Freenode \n Issue Trackers in the GitHub projects above \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>I wanted to try an interesting project called Jekyll – a static page generator. It consumes content in textual form like Markdown or Textile, Liquid templates, and HTML and CSS to generate static pages and blogs.</p>\n<p>I should be able to install it with simple command:</p>\n<pre>$ <span class=\"command\">gem install jekyll</span></pre>\n<p>But it wasn’t successful. What I’m going to do?</p>\n<p>Good news for me is that I work on a project called Fedora Developer Portal! And there is a <a href=\"\">repo for content</a> with the Ruby section already created. It explains how to install Ruby, Gems, etc. I used that information and successfully installed Jekyll on my machine.</p>\n<p>That’s one of the purposes of our new portal – to help people start with new (new for them) technology on Fedora.</p>\n<h3>First Prototype is Here!</h3>\n<p>As you might have figured out from the introduction, and from the heading as well, the development slowly started! I just finished a <a href=\"\">prototype</a> which is running on <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\n<p>Please keep in mind that this is just a prototype that offers very limited content and functionality. The content is not final and will change according to your feedback and ideas <img src=\"\" alt=\":-)\" style=\"height: 1em;\" class=\"wp-smiley\"/></p>\n<h3>Project Resources</h3>\n<h4>General Information</h4>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Wiki page</a> – The main project page with description, links to resources, planning etc.</li>\n</ul>\n<h4>Code &amp; Development</h4>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Content repo</a> – Repo with all the content in a textual form with Markdown syntax. (Ruby content already created)</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Website repo</a> – Repo for Jekyll templates that would define the visual look and layout of the website.</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Design mockups repo</a> – Repo for layout sketches and mockups.</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Prototype</a> – Prototype of the website with limited content and functionality.</li>\n</ul>\n<h4>Communication</h4>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Taiga Project</a> – Project tracking and planning</li>\n<li>IRC channel #developer-portal on Freenode</li>\n<li>Issue Trackers in the GitHub projects above</li>\n</ul></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'rgrunber'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Sharing directories over a network with sshfs'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "rgrunber" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Sharing directories over a network with sshfs" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Occasionally, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to access files from another machine on your network. As an example, I use Eclipse Mylyn for managing a large amount of bugs I care about, across various bug tracking systems. I keep this data in one central location and it’s simple enough to share across Eclipse workspaces on the same machine. But what if you want to access that data from another machine ? \n In cases where things haven’t been set up ahead of time to allow for NFS (and to be honest, I haven’t really used NFS in a while) one can get away with using SSHFS (an already running SSH daemon seems more common). However, if the network is already trusted, then encrypting that data is just slowing things down. Although we can’t disable encryption outright, we can certainly optimize for speed by choosing a fast cipher. \n For the purpose of this post, we assume that both machines communicate over a trusted network. \n $ sshfs -o Ciphers=arcfour -o Compression=no user@ /tmp/mylyn-data\n\n \n From here, we can pass /tmp/mylyn-data as the task directory for Eclipse Mylyn. \nIf you ever find your ssh connection has been improperly terminated while the mount point was active, one might need to issue the following command to properly unmount. \n $ fusermount -u /tmp/mylyn-data\n\n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>Occasionally, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to access files from another machine on your network. As an example, I use <a href=\"\">Eclipse Mylyn</a> for managing a large amount of bugs I care about, across various bug tracking systems. I keep this data in one central location and it’s simple enough to <a href=\"\">share across Eclipse workspaces</a> on the same machine. But what if you want to access that data from another machine ?</p>\n<p>In cases where things haven’t been set up ahead of time to allow for NFS (and to be honest, I haven’t really used NFS in a while) one can get away with using SSHFS (an already running SSH daemon seems more common). However, if the network is already trusted, then encrypting that data is just slowing things down. Although we can’t disable encryption outright, we can certainly optimize for speed by choosing a fast cipher.</p>\n<p>For the purpose of this post, we assume that both machines communicate over a trusted network.</p>\n<pre class=\"brush: bash; title: ; notranslate\">$ sshfs -o Ciphers=arcfour -o Compression=no user@ /tmp/mylyn-data\n\n</pre>\n<p>From here, we can pass /tmp/mylyn-data as the task directory for Eclipse Mylyn.<br/>\nIf you ever find your ssh connection has been improperly terminated while the mount point was active, one might need to issue the following command to properly unmount.</p>\n<pre class=\"brush: bash; title: ; notranslate\">$ fusermount -u /tmp/mylyn-data\n\n</pre><br/> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <img src=\";blog=34993704&amp;post=706&amp;subd=rgrunber&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Paul'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora Engineering team opening.'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Paul" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora Engineering team opening." ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n The post Fedora Engineering team opening. appeared first on The Grand Fallacy . \n The team I manage at Red Hat , the Fedora Engineering team , includes people who work on Fedora system administration, release tooling, application development, and design. We have a job opening  for an engineer to work with our infrastructure applications team on some challenging, fun, and forward-looking problems: \n\n \n Building and enhancing our tools for producing and shipping cloud images for a variety of providers (experience definitely required!) \n Working with the Fedora Cloud SIG  and other community members to resolve issues related to the Fedora Cloud edition and associated tools and processes \n Collaborating with the rest of the Fedora team to automate, automate, automate All the Cloud Things \n Working with the rest of the team on non-Cloud related projects too, such as Fedora Hubs \n Staying abreast of and aligned with work going on throughout Red Hat related to Fedora and cloud technology \n As with all Fedora Engineering jobs, communicating openly and continually with the whole community, and  building community around everything you do using open source best practices \n \n\n Our team uses a lot of Python . We create code  upstream that is widely consumable beyond just Fedora, and we deploy our work on both Red Hat Enterprise Linux  and Fedora . We do that work openly: collaboration via git repositories, rapid and constant communication via IRC, frequent discussion through our mailing lists, and taking opportunities to gather and build community around our work. Simply put, we love open. \n\n Although the description says the job is in Westford MA, USA, in reality we’re a highly distributed team. While this job is originally conceived as an entry- or journeyman-level engineer in the Westford (or possibly Raleigh NC) Red Hat office, we’re also open to experienced remotees outside the USA. The right candidate is a team player, fully engaged and passionately committed to delivering results with their colleagues, wherever they might be. \n\n Does this sound interesting to you? Go read the full description of the job, and then apply online . \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>The post <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Fedora Engineering team opening.</a> appeared first on <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">The Grand Fallacy</a>.</p>\n<p>The team I manage at <a href=\"\">Red Hat</a>, the <a href=\"\">Fedora Engineering team</a>, includes people who work on Fedora system administration, release tooling, application development, and design. We have <a href=\"\">a job opening</a> for an engineer to work with our infrastructure applications team on some challenging, fun, and forward-looking problems:</p>\n\n<ul>\n <li>Building and enhancing our tools for producing and shipping cloud images for a variety of providers (experience definitely required!)</li>\n <li>Working with the <a href=\"\">Fedora Cloud SIG</a> and other community members to resolve issues related to the Fedora Cloud edition and associated tools and processes</li>\n <li>Collaborating with the rest of the Fedora team to automate, automate, automate All the Cloud Things</li>\n <li>Working with the rest of the team on non-Cloud related projects too, such as <a href=\"\">Fedora Hubs</a></li>\n <li>Staying abreast of and aligned with work going on throughout Red Hat related to Fedora and cloud technology</li>\n <li>As with all Fedora Engineering jobs, communicating openly and continually with the whole community, and <em>building community</em> around everything you do using <a href=\"\">open source best practices</a></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>Our team <a href=\"\">uses</a> <a href=\"\">a lot</a> <a href=\"\">of Python</a>. We create code <a href=\"\">upstream</a> that is widely consumable beyond just Fedora, and we deploy our work on both <a href=\"\">Red Hat Enterprise Linux</a> and <a href=\"\">Fedora</a>. We do that work openly: collaboration via git repositories, rapid and constant communication via IRC, frequent discussion through our mailing lists, and taking opportunities to <a href=\"\">gather and build community</a> around our work. Simply put, we love open.</p>\n\n<p>Although the description says the job is in Westford MA, USA, in reality we’re a highly distributed team. While this job is originally conceived as an entry- or journeyman-level engineer in the Westford (or possibly Raleigh NC) Red Hat office, we’re also open to experienced remotees outside the USA. The right candidate is a team player, fully engaged and passionately committed to delivering results with their colleagues, wherever they might be.</p>\n\n<p>Does this sound interesting to you? Go read the full description of the job, and then <a href=\"\">apply online</a>.</p>\n<p/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'SML'
Tracker-Message: Title:'My Linux Story'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "SML" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "My Linux Story" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n This post is inspired by themed weeks. In January there was a theme of \"Open Source Careers\" for which I never got organized enough to write my story.  I recently found my draft and did not find it totally horrible.  I think the site is still running \"My Story\" articles and I thought of submitting it there, but to me it is not that exciting. I am Technical Trainer and Consultant specializing in Open Source technologies. The majority of my career has centered around Linux operating system deployment, configuration, and interoperability. I mostly work with Red Hat products and their upstream and downstream projects. For the past two years I have also worked with Cloudera and projects related to the Apache Hadoop  ecosystem. I also have a particular interest in security topics. For over 15 years I have earned a living working exclusively with Open Source products but how did I get here? In many ways it started before Linux existed. In college I had friends who were \"admins\" in the engineering computer lab. I did not do so well in my CS programming classes but as a hobby and to spend time with my friends, I learned a bit about newgroups, ftp sites, and Unix systems. As a data aide student intern, I realized I made a good translator between the astronomers and the C programmer computer support staff. I could read just enough code to identify the problem area and not enough to actually fix it. Fast forward to the adult life of entry level jobs. My experience as a user landed me the opportunity learn system and network administration for a PC Helpcenter. This is where I learned about network operating system installation, configuration, and interolperability. When Linux hit the enterprise I jumped on the opportunity to learn, support, and teach Red Hat Linux, SuSE, Caldera, and Turbolinux- not all of which exist today. Initially almost all of the students in any Linux Administration class were already sysadmins using other operating systems such as AIX, Solaris, HPUX, and NT. Now I have students who are new to system administration learning directly on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. There are a number of colleges teaching distributed computing using Linux including some using books I have contributed to as a reviewer. You do not need to learn other systems first anymore. By the year 2000 I was working exclusively with Linux products. I earned a living teaching as an independent contractor with a variety of distribution delivery partners. I expanded my skills by finding ways to contribute to the upstream projects and I always encouraged students new to Linux to do the same.  I became a contributor to Fedora through the Docs project and as an Ambassador. I followed the infrastructure team but never found the consistent time to be a true contributor. I participated in test days, did some bug squashing and helped document packaging guidelines. I still do not consider myself a \"coder\". I am not a C programmer or a Java developer. I can read just about anything and I have not survived the work of sysadmin without learning a fair amount of scripting. The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) ideals have made it possible for me to excel even with the mental block against learning to code. I understand the logic, I can architect the psuedo-code, but I am not good at writing from scratch to correct completion. With FOSS, I can find scripts that are close to what I need and play around until I get what I need. I often do not ever have to get a full section of code written without a solid example on hand. Configuration management products such as Puppet, Chef, and Ansible and deployment products such as Spacewalk, Cobbler, and Ambari also help with automation without having to do the sometimes complex structural programming and error handling. I love teaching. I love seeing the light bulb come on when a person figures out how something is supposed to work. I love figuring out how new products work and where they fit in the market. I love learning and I always learn something new when teaching. These days I do less daily administration and support tasks but more architect design. I also have spent more time testing products and writing instructions - for myself, for book reviews, for curriculum, and for conferences. With new and emerging technologies such as Apache Hadoop, OpenStack, and Docker there is always more to learn.  I am still a Fedora Ambassador but over the past couple of years, I have not had (or made) the time to contribute to other subgroups.  I am actually looking for new, smaller project to get involved in next.  Probably something in the Hadoop ecosystem related to security. I am sure I can make contributions through testing, bug triage, and documentation. -SML " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n This post is inspired by <a href=\"\"></a> themed weeks. In January there was a theme of \"Open Source Careers\" for which I never got organized enough to write my story.  I recently found my draft and did not find it totally horrible.  I think the site is still running \"My Story\" articles and I thought of submitting it there, but to me it is not <i>that</i> exciting.<br/><br/>I am Technical Trainer and Consultant specializing in Open Source technologies. The majority of my career has centered around Linux operating system deployment, configuration, and interoperability. I mostly work with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Red Hat</a> products and their upstream and downstream projects. For the past two years I have also worked with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cloudera</a> and projects related to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Apache Hadoop</a> ecosystem. I also have a particular interest in security topics.<br/><br/>For over 15 years I have earned a living working exclusively with Open Source products but how did I get here?<br/><br/>In many ways it started before Linux existed. In college I had friends who were \"admins\" in the engineering computer lab. I did not do so well in my CS programming classes but as a hobby and to spend time with my friends, I learned a bit about newgroups, ftp sites, and Unix systems. As a data aide student intern, I realized I made a good translator between the astronomers and the C programmer computer support staff. I could read just enough code to identify the problem area and not enough to actually fix it.<br/><br/>Fast forward to the adult life of entry level jobs. My experience as a user landed me the opportunity learn system and network administration for a PC Helpcenter. This is where I learned about network operating system installation, configuration, and interolperability. When Linux hit the enterprise I jumped on the opportunity to learn, support, and teach Red Hat Linux, SuSE, Caldera, and Turbolinux- not all of which exist today.<br/><br/>Initially almost all of the students in any Linux Administration class were already sysadmins using other operating systems such as AIX, Solaris, HPUX, and NT. Now I have students who are new to system administration learning directly on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. There are a number of colleges teaching distributed computing using Linux including some using books I have contributed to as a reviewer. You do not need to learn other systems first anymore.<br/><br/>By the year 2000 I was working exclusively with Linux products. I earned a living teaching as an independent contractor with a variety of distribution delivery partners. I expanded my skills by finding ways to contribute to the upstream projects and I always encouraged students new to Linux to do the same.  I became a contributor to Fedora through the Docs project and as an Ambassador. I followed the infrastructure team but never found the consistent time to be a true contributor. I participated in test days, did some bug squashing and helped document packaging guidelines. <br/><br/>I still do not consider myself a \"coder\". I am not a C programmer or a Java developer. I can read just about anything and I have not survived the work of sysadmin without learning a fair amount of scripting. The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) ideals have made it possible for me to excel even with the mental block against learning to code. I understand the logic, I can architect the psuedo-code, but I am not good at writing from scratch to correct completion. With FOSS, I can find scripts that are close to what I need and play around until I get what I need. I often do not ever have to get a full section of code written without a solid example on hand. Configuration management products such as Puppet, Chef, and Ansible and deployment products such as Spacewalk, Cobbler, and Ambari also help with automation without having to do the sometimes complex structural programming and error handling.<br/><br/>I love teaching. I love seeing the light bulb come on when a person figures out how something is supposed to work. I love figuring out how new products work and where they fit in the market. I love learning and I always learn something new when teaching. These days I do less daily administration and support tasks but more architect design. I also have spent more time testing products and writing instructions - for myself, for book reviews, for curriculum, and for conferences.<br/><br/>With new and emerging technologies such as Apache Hadoop, OpenStack, and Docker there is always more to learn.  I am still a Fedora Ambassador but over the past couple of years, I have not had (or made) the time to contribute to other subgroups.  I am actually looking for new, smaller project to get involved in next.  Probably something in the Hadoop ecosystem related to security. I am sure I can make contributions through testing, bug triage, and documentation.<br/><br/>-SML<br/><div><br/></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Fedora Infrastructure Status'
Tracker-Message: Title:'There are scheduled downtimes in progress'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Fedora Infrastructure Status" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "There are scheduled downtimes in progress" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n New status scheduled: server updates for services: Koschei Continuous Integration, The Koji Buildsystem, Package maintainers git repositories, COPR Build System " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n New status scheduled: server updates for services: Koschei Continuous Integration, The Koji Buildsystem, Package maintainers git repositories, COPR Build System</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Fedora Badges'
Tracker-Message: Title:'New badge: OSCON 2015 Attendee !'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Fedora Badges" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "New badge: OSCON 2015 Attendee !" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n You visited the Fedora Booth at OSCON 2015! " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <img src=\"\" alt=\"OSCON 2015 Attendee\"/>You visited the Fedora Booth at OSCON 2015!</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Fedora Infrastructure Status'
Tracker-Message: Title:'There are scheduled downtimes in progress'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Fedora Infrastructure Status" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "There are scheduled downtimes in progress" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n New status good: Everything seems to be working. for services: Koschei Continuous Integration, The Koji Buildsystem, Package maintainers git repositories " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n New status good: Everything seems to be working. for services: Koschei Continuous Integration, The Koji Buildsystem, Package maintainers git repositories</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Jens Petersen'
Tracker-Message: Title:'FUDCon APAC 2015 in Pune'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Jens Petersen" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "FUDCon APAC 2015 in Pune" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n At the end of last month I participated in FUDCon Pune 2015 (26-28 June). Firstly I have to say it was a very well organized conference: almost everything went smoothly and as expected and the organizers and volunteers really did a great job.  Thank you very much for all your hard work which made the conference so pleasant and well run.  The conference took place at MITCOE (Maharashtra Institute of Technology College of Engineering, University of Pune) in Kothrud, Pune. The campus has nice buildings and there was a large auditorium and lecture rooms in the adjoining building on several floors for the 6+ parallel sessions , which were well attended. MIT College of Engineering MIT College of Engineering MIT College of Engineering MIT College of Engineering Here follows a summary of the talks and sessions I attended: Day 1  The conference started with a keynote presentation by Dennis Gilmore where he covered the work, efforts and roadmap of Fedora Release Engineering. It is good to see that this team has gradually grown somewhat to take on the increasing workload of all the different Fedora editions, architectures, and cloud/containers. Dennis Gilmore  Next there was a Education Panel discussion about the use and promotion of FOSS in the Education sector, and how to encourage students to get more involved in FOSS. Education Panel  Parag Nemade talked about DNF, its advantages, features, plugins and the libraries behind it. Parag Nemade, DNF  Before lunch, Pranav Kant talked about using the behave tool to test GUI application automatically. He showed how he applied this to create automated tests for the Gnome Photos application. Pranav Kant, Behave  After lunch there were Lightning talks. Then Jared Smith spoke about the new features in Drupal 8, which has a lot of nice new enhancements. Jared Smith  Nigel Babu talked about Documentation and applying what he learnt at \"Write the Docs\" to documenting the CKAN data management project.  Day 1 ended with a keynote presentation by Harish Pillay on his yet-to-be-released project to gather and assess metrics for FOSS projects to determine what makes for successful, sustainable, and vital projects. Harish Pillay  Day 1 also featured a whole day Storage Track. Day 2 from the bus to the venue morning foyer   Day 2 started with Jiri Eischmann's keynote talk on the Present and Future of Fedora Workstation.  Next I gave my talk on Haskell where I explained why learning the language can help make one a better programmer, and gave a short taste of functional programming with Haskell, described various Haskell projects, and the Fedora Haskell SIG. 40 minutes is not really enough time to do the topic justice but I felt I managed to cover a lot of ground - next time I would really want to present it as a tutorial Workshop. My slides are here . A lot of people came up to me after the talk with questions and showing interest, which was very pleasant.  Next was Pravin Satpute's talk on Fedora Internationalization and Globalization,where he covered the basics of modern i18n: like encodings, Unicode, locales, input methods, fonts and rendering. Pravin Satpute, i18n and g11n  Before lunch there was a detailed talk by Sayan Choudhury about Fedmsg (Fedora Message Bus) which now plays an important role in connecting Fedora infrastructure. Sayan Choudhury, fedmsg  After lunch we had the group photos (I am in the middle of the one taken from above but was too slow to make it into the one shot from below on the staircase).  Izhar Firdaus spoke about starting Open Source businesses from his own experiences. Izhar Firdaus, OSS business 101  Then Aditya Patawari and Lalatendu Mohanty presented about Docker, Atomic and some of the technologies underneath it. Docker and Atomic  Day 2 had a OpenStack Track running the whole day. As part of it, Rohan Kanade presented a 101 on how to contribute to OpenStack. Rohan Kanade  Finally the day was rounded off by Tenzin Chokden, a technologist in the exiled Central Tibetan Administration, on how they have leveraged Open Source to safeguard against cyber-attacks like GhostNet from the China. tenzin chokden   Then there was the fun FUDpub party: 10-pin bowling and lively dancing! tenzin chokden tenzin chokden Day 3 Day 3 featured a Containers Track, various workshops, and also the Bar Camp continued. Containers  I spent some time this day discussing about Fedora Haskell packaging with Pranav Kant - in particular the package review of the Haskell gtk3 package which had been waiting for a long time.  After the closing ceremony people hung around in the foyer and talked more. Dennis and Ryan talking over dinner Overall it was a really fun lively, and interesting conference. I met a lot of people, faces, and new Fedora friends.  I really enjoyed my first FUDCon!!  Thank you FUDCon Pune very much. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n At the end of last month I participated in FUDCon Pune 2015 (26-28 June). Firstly I have to say it was a very well organized conference: almost everything went smoothly and as expected and the organizers and volunteers really did a great job.  Thank you very much for all your hard work which made the conference so pleasant and well run.<br/><br/> The conference took place at MITCOE (Maharashtra Institute of Technology College of Engineering, University of Pune) in Kothrud, Pune. The campus has nice buildings and there was a large auditorium and lecture rooms in the adjoining building on several floors for the 6+ <a href=\"\">parallel sessions</a>, which were well attended.<br/><br/><br/><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">MIT College of Engineering</div><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">MIT College of Engineering</div><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">MIT College of Engineering</div><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">MIT College of Engineering</div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a> </div><br/>Here follows a summary of the talks and sessions I attended:<br/><h3>Day 1</h3> The conference started with a <a href=\"\">keynote presentation</a> by Dennis Gilmore where he covered the work, efforts and roadmap of Fedora Release Engineering. It is good to see that this team has gradually grown somewhat to take on the increasing workload of all the different Fedora editions, architectures, and cloud/containers.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Dennis Gilmore</td></tr></tbody></table> Next there was a <a href=\"\">Education Panel</a> discussion about the use and promotion of FOSS in the Education sector, and how to encourage students to get more involved in FOSS.<br/><br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><i>Education Panel</i></td></tr></tbody></table><br/><br/><br/><br/> Parag Nemade <a href=\"\">talked</a> about DNF, its advantages, features, plugins and the libraries behind it.<br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Parag Nemade, <i>DNF</i> </td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table> Before lunch, Pranav Kant <a href=\"\">talked</a> about using the <span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\">behave</span> tool to test GUI application automatically. He showed how he applied this to create automated tests for the Gnome Photos application.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Pranav Kant, <i>Behave</i></td></tr></tbody></table> After lunch there were Lightning talks. Then Jared Smith <a href=\"\">spoke</a> about the new features in Drupal 8, which has a lot of nice new enhancements.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"320\" border=\"0\" width=\"240\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Jared Smith</td></tr></tbody></table> Nigel Babu talked about Documentation and applying what he learnt at \"Write the Docs\" to documenting the CKAN data management project.<br/><br/> Day 1 ended with a keynote presentation by Harish Pillay on his yet-to-be-released project to gather and assess metrics for FOSS projects to determine what makes for successful, sustainable, and vital projects.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Harish Pillay</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table><br/> Day 1 also featured a whole day Storage Track. <br/><h3>Day 2</h3><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"150\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">from the bus to the venue</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">morning foyer</td></tr></tbody></table>  Day 2 started with Jiri Eischmann's <a href=\"\">keynote talk</a> on the Present and Future of Fedora Workstation.<br/><br/> Next I gave <a href=\"\">my talk</a> on <a href=\"\">Haskell</a> where I explained why learning the language can help make one a better programmer, and gave a short taste of functional programming with Haskell, described various Haskell projects, and the Fedora Haskell SIG. 40 minutes is not really enough time to do the topic justice but I felt I managed to cover a lot of ground - next time I would really want to present it as a tutorial Workshop. My <a href=\"\">slides are here</a>. A lot of people came up to me after the talk with questions and showing interest, which was very pleasant.<br/><br/> Next was Pravin Satpute's <a href=\"\">talk</a> on Fedora Internationalization and Globalization,where he covered the basics of modern i18n: like encodings, Unicode, locales, input methods, fonts and rendering.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Pravin Satpute, <i>i18n and g11n</i></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table> Before lunch there was a detailed <a href=\"\">talk</a> by Sayan Choudhury about Fedmsg (Fedora Message Bus) which now plays an important role in connecting Fedora infrastructure.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Sayan Choudhury, <i>fedmsg</i></td></tr></tbody></table> After lunch we had the group photos (I am in the middle of the one taken from above but was too slow to make it into the one shot from below on the staircase).<br/><br/> Izhar Firdaus <a href=\"\">spoke</a> about starting Open Source businesses from his own experiences.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Izhar Firdaus, <i>OSS business 101</i></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"/><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><i/><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"/><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table> Then Aditya Patawari and Lalatendu Mohanty <a href=\"\">presented</a> about Docker, Atomic and some of the technologies underneath it.<br/><br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Docker and Atomic</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table><br/> Day 2 had a OpenStack Track running the whole day. As part of it, Rohan Kanade presented a 101 on how to contribute to OpenStack.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Rohan Kanade</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table> Finally the day was rounded off by Tenzin Chokden, a technologist in the exiled Central Tibetan Administration, on how they have leveraged Open Source to safeguard against cyber-attacks like GhostNet from the China.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">tenzin chokden</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table>  Then there was the fun FUDpub party: 10-pin bowling and lively dancing!<br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">tenzin chokden</div><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">tenzin chokden</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><h3>Day 3</h3>Day 3 featured a Containers Track, various workshops, and also the Bar Camp continued.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"320\" border=\"0\" width=\"240\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Containers</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"/><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"/></tr></tbody></table> I spent some time this day discussing about Fedora Haskell packaging with Pranav Kant - in particular the package review of the Haskell <i>gtk3</i> package which had been waiting for a long time.<br/><br/> After the closing ceremony people hung around in the foyer and talked more.<br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"320\" border=\"0\" width=\"240\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"320\" border=\"0\" width=\"240\"/></a></div><br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Dennis and Ryan talking over dinner</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table>Overall it was a really fun lively, and interesting conference. I met a lot of people, faces, and new Fedora friends.  I really enjoyed my first FUDCon!!  Thank you FUDCon Pune very much.</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Jan Šilhan'
Tracker-Message: Title:'DNF 1.0.2 released'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
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nie:title "DNF 1.0.2 released" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Finally there’s the new release of DNF which fixes the bugs which were highly demanded from Fedora community (former yum users). When a transaction is not successfully finished DNF preserves downloaded packages until the next successful transaction. The resolution configuration hints are printed to the output and user is notified which packages were skipped during update in case there are conflicts. The new –repofrompath switch was added and many more . " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=PG\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>Finally there’s the new release of DNF which fixes the bugs which were highly demanded from Fedora community (former yum users). When a transaction is not successfully finished DNF preserves downloaded packages until the next successful transaction. The resolution configuration hints are printed to the output and user is notified which packages were skipped during update in case there are conflicts. The new <em>–repofrompath </em>switch was added and <a href=\"\">many more</a>.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Fedora Infrastructure Status'
Tracker-Message: Title:'All systems go'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Fedora Infrastructure Status" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "All systems go" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Service 'COPR Build System' now has status: good: Everything seems to be working. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n Service 'COPR Build System' now has status: good: Everything seems to be working.</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Kushal Das'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Testing Fedora Cloud image with systemd-networkd'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Kushal Das" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Testing Fedora Cloud image with systemd-networkd" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n One of the change proposal I have submitted for Fedora 23 is about having\nsystemd-netowrkd for network configuration. You can find the change page\nhere . Instead\nof carrying the old network-scripts, we wanted to move to networkd, which is a\npart of systemd. Couple of the notable benefits are about how it will help us\nto keep the image size sane by not bringing in any external dependencies, and\nalso about similarity between many different distribution based cloud images\nfrom users’ point of view. You can look into the discussions on the Talk\npage , and\nthe trac ticket . \n\n In the last week’s cloud meeting we decided to have a build of Fedora 22 cloud\nimage with systemd-networkd on it. I made the required changes, and did the\nlocal build. You can download the qcow2\nimage , remember it is 218MB. You can use\nit in any cloud environment in a normal way. If you want to learn, and play\naround with the configurations, you may want to read this\npage . Please try the\nimage and tell us what do you think in the comments section of this post. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>One of the change proposal I have submitted for Fedora 23 is about having\nsystemd-netowrkd for network configuration. You can find the <a href=\"\">change page\nhere</a>. Instead\nof carrying the old network-scripts, we wanted to move to networkd, which is a\npart of systemd. Couple of the notable benefits are about how it will help us\nto keep the image size sane by not bringing in any external dependencies, and\nalso about similarity between many different distribution based cloud images\nfrom users’ point of view. You can look into the discussions on the <a href=\"\">Talk\npage</a>, and\nthe <a href=\"\">trac ticket</a>.</p>\n\n<p>In the last week’s cloud meeting we decided to have a build of Fedora 22 cloud\nimage with systemd-networkd on it. I made the required changes, and did the\nlocal build. You can download the <a href=\"\">qcow2\nimage</a>, remember it is 218MB. You can use\nit in any cloud environment in a normal way. If you want to learn, and play\naround with the configurations, you may want to read <a href=\"\">this\npage</a>. Please try the\nimage and tell us what do you think in the comments section of this post.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Anuradha Welivita'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Feedback from FUDCon and progress with integration'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Anuradha Welivita" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Feedback from FUDCon and progress with integration" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Here are the findings of my mentors Suchakra and Sarup from the feedback they have received from the people at FUDCon. And here in my blog post I will post what I think about the things they have suggested and my ideas about incorporating them with the styles. Readers of this post are welcome to make any suggestions and ideas on what I have included here in the post so I can further get an idea about what it going to be good and what is going to be bad. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Footer is off, the gradient does not go well with the site. A long form footer like other sites can be good. I also think that the footer in the site will go well with AskFedora. And I was wondering where to put the links for privacy policy, get feedback and the paragraph (\"Ask Fedora is community maintained and Red Hat or Fedora Project is not responsible for content. Content on this site is licensed under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.\"). Having a footer like in will enable us to have them also in the footer. 2. Possibly Reduce border radius of cards, make card shadow a bit lighter For the border in question cards, how about not having a border? I just removed the border from the browser and thought it then blends well with the background. Then the background color of the questions cards need not be changes as they need some contrast from the background. 3. Tags look very prominent - make them light. Hover color on yellow tag does not seem ok. I tried with using a color like #9E9E9E which is more lighter. Will something like that go well with it? I also had this strange feeling that the hover color is not quite okay with the yellow tags. Will something brighter like #FFA500 work on it like what it has in StackOverFlow?   4. Fedora logo is not the standard one. Colors are off.  Well isn't the Fedora logo the same as what they have in ? Hamburger menu: Probably remove it, new users were not able to identify what it was and why it was needed there. The unanswered, All and followed links could be put somewhere else - check stackoverflow for example. Okay then the Hamburger menu needs to be removed. I was thinking about having the links All, Followed and Unanswered in the body area just about the question cards so that it will be easier to be located. I could not think of any place else to put them in according to the current design. Do you have any place better? ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Page looks too packed. Horizontal line spacing is very less. Proper margins and padding required I will look into this matter while I am integrating the styles with the testing instance in Openshift. And experiment on increasing the horizontal line spacing as well as the margins and the padding. 2. Font sizes/typeface (bold, normal, light) are disproportionate in some places. This can also be dealt while integrating. I will make the sizes, font-weights consistent throughout the page.   ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tags != badges. They need separate designs - probably not pointed on one side as tags. Font size disproportioanate in profile overview section, also proper spacing Yeah the badges design needs to be changed. I thought of removing the pointed section in the badges and just have them as simple rectangles with rounded edges. 2. Subscriptions and Moderations overflow from the bar on smaller screens (12 inch etc). On smaller screens these links vanish I have made them vanish when it comes to smaller screen sizes because I thought they are not much required and also it will make the page unnecessarily cluttered. Do you still think these links of Subscriptions and Moderation are essential when it narrows down to small screen sizes? ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Some screen space is wasted for no reason. We could spread things out a bit Actually not only on the login page, I thought that the screen space is wasted on both sides when it comes to other pages as well. So, in the integration work I have worked on I have spread things out to both sides so that much of the screen space is utilized. A screen shot of the integration I have done is also shown below.    . 2. Icons for services have to be uniform throughout the website. I will be looking into this matter when doing the integration so that it would have uniform icons for services throughout the web site.   ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Line spacing, badges design change.  The design of the badges will be changed so that they will not having the pointed part to the left and the line spacing will also be increased.   ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Spacing, margin between elements Spacing between the elements like the text boxes will be increased so that it will have a better and uncluttered look.  2. What is box below title? I thought that having the text area just under the title text box will be quite obvious for the user to think that it is the place where they need to type in the details of the question. I got that idea from the StackOverFlow website but if it is quite confusing, we can add some wording on the top of the box saying \"Type in the details\" or something like that. 3. Text overflows from sidebar. With proper margin/padding and widths this may go away. Yeah in the Post Question page the wording in the sidebar overflows in the right aside. Thanks for pointing that out I will look into that matter. Progress with the integration I have done some integration work with the Main and Badges pages of AskFedora and here are some screen shots of the work I have already done. The Main Page The Badges Page The pages above are currently quite a mess because I have not done with the integration completely. Yet I have met up with the following problem in the browsers in which I have not logged into the website. UndefinedError at /badges/  'django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser object' has no attribute 'is_read_only'. You will also be able to see the error by going in to the site: I do not get this error in the browser in which I have logged in to the site. I haven't changed anything regard to implementation but have only changed the styles and templates. So, I wonder why this error is coming up. I hope to find out the error during this week and proceed with some more integration work with the website :) " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <div style=\"text-align: justify;\">Here are the findings of my mentors Suchakra and Sarup from the feedback they have received from the people at FUDCon. And here in my blog post I will post what I think about the things they have suggested and my ideas about incorporating them with the styles. Readers of this post are welcome to make any suggestions and ideas on what I have included here in the post so I can further get an idea about what it going to be good and what is going to be bad.</div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><i><a href=\"\"></a><br/>-----------------------------------------------------------------<br/><br/>1. Footer is off, the gradient does not go well with the site. A long form footer like other sites can be good.</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">I also think that the footer in the site will go well with AskFedora. And I was wondering where to put the links for privacy policy, get feedback and the paragraph (\"Ask Fedora is community maintained and Red Hat or Fedora Project is not responsible for content. Content on this site is licensed under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.\"). Having a footer like in will enable us to have them also in the footer.</span><i> </i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><i><br/></i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><i>2. Possibly Reduce border radius of cards, make card shadow a bit lighter</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">For the border in question cards, how about not having a border? I just removed the border from the browser and thought it then blends well with the background. Then the background color of the questions cards need not be changes as they need some contrast from the background.</span></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/><i>3. Tags look very prominent - make them light. Hover color on yellow tag does not seem ok.</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">I tried with using a color like #9E9E9E which is more lighter. Will something like that go well with it? I also had this strange feeling that the hover color is not quite okay with the yellow tags. Will something brighter like #FFA500 work on it like what it has in StackOverFlow?   </span></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/><i>4. Fedora logo is not the standard one. Colors are off. </i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">Well isn't the Fedora logo the same as what they have in <a href=\"\"></a>? </span><br/><i><br/>Hamburger menu: Probably remove it, new users were not able to identify what it was and why it was needed there. The unanswered, All and followed links could be put somewhere else - check stackoverflow for example.</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">Okay then the Hamburger menu needs to be removed. I was thinking about having the links All, Followed and Unanswered in the body area just about the question cards so that it will be easier to be located. I could not think of any place else to put them in according to the current design. Do you have any place better?</span></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><i><br/><a href=\"\"></a></i><br/><i>-----------------------------------------------------------------</i><br/><i><br/>1. Page looks too packed. Horizontal line spacing is very less. Proper margins and padding required</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">I will look into this matter while I am integrating the styles with the testing instance in Openshift. And experiment on increasing the horizontal line spacing as well as the margins and the padding.</span></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/><i>2. Font sizes/typeface (bold, normal, light) are disproportionate in some places.</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">This can also be dealt while integrating. I will make the sizes, font-weights consistent throughout the page.</span><br/><i><br/><a href=\"\"></a></i><i> </i><br/><i>-----------------------------------------------------------------</i><br/><i><br/>1. Tags != badges. They need separate designs - probably not pointed on one side as tags. Font size disproportioanate in profile overview section, also proper spacing</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">Yeah the badges design needs to be changed. I thought of removing the pointed section in the badges and just have them as simple rectangles with rounded edges. </span></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/><i>2. Subscriptions and Moderations overflow from the bar on smaller screens (12 inch etc). On smaller screens these links vanish</i><br/><i/><br/><br/><span style=\"color: black;\">I have made them vanish when it comes to smaller screen sizes because I thought they are not much required and also it will make the page unnecessarily cluttered. Do you still think these links of Subscriptions and Moderation are essential when it narrows down to small screen sizes? </span><br/><i><br/><a href=\"\"></a></i><br/><i>-----------------------------------------------------------------</i><br/><i><br/>1. Some screen space is wasted for no reason. We could spread things out a bit</i><br/><br/><span style=\"color: black;\">Actually not only on the login page, I thought that the screen space is wasted on both sides when it comes to other pages as well. So, in the integration work I have worked on I have spread things out to both sides so that much of the screen space is utilized. A screen shot of the integration I have done is also shown below.  </span><br/><span style=\"color: black;\"> </span><i>.<br/>2. Icons for services have to be uniform throughout the website.</i><br/><i/><br/><br/><span style=\"color: black;\">I will be looking into this matter when doing the integration so that it would have uniform icons for services throughout the web site.</span><br/><br/><i><a href=\"\"></a></i><i> </i><br/><i>-----------------------------------------------------------------</i><br/><i><br/>1. Line spacing, badges design change. </i><br/><i/><br/><i/><span style=\"color: black;\">The design of the badges will be changed so that they will not having the pointed part to the left and the line spacing will also be increased. </span><br/><br/><i><a href=\"\"></a></i><i> </i><br/><i>-----------------------------------------------------------------</i><br/><i><br/>1. Spacing, margin between elements</i><br/><i/><br/><br/><span style=\"color: black;\">Spacing between the elements like the text boxes will be increased so that it will have a better and uncluttered look.  </span><br/><br/><i>2. What is box below title?</i><br/><i/><br/><br/><span style=\"color: black;\">I thought that having the text area just under the title text box will be quite obvious for the user to think that it is the place where they need to type in the details of the question. I got that idea from the StackOverFlow website but if it is quite confusing, we can add some wording on the top of the box saying \"Type in the details\" or something like that. </span><br/><br/><i>3. Text overflows from sidebar. With proper margin/padding and widths this may go away.</i></div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\">Yeah in the Post Question page the wording in the sidebar overflows in the right aside. Thanks for pointing that out I will look into that matter.</div><h3 style=\"text-align: justify;\"><b>Progress with the integration</b></h3><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br/>I have done some integration work with the Main and Badges pages of AskFedora and here are some screen shots of the work I have already done.<br/><br/><b><i>The Main Page</i></b> <br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"339\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><br/><i><b>The Badges Page</b></i><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"340\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><br/></a></div><br/>The pages above are currently quite a mess because I have not done with the integration completely.</div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\">Yet I have met up with the following problem in the browsers in which I have not logged into the website.</div><div style=\"color: #073763; text-align: justify;\"><i><br/></i></div><div style=\"color: #073763; text-align: justify;\"><i>UndefinedError at /badges/  'django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser object' has no attribute 'is_read_only'.<br/>You will also be able to see the error by going in to the site:</i></div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br/>I do not get this error in the browser in which I have logged in to the site. I haven't changed anything regard to implementation but have only changed the styles and templates. So, I wonder why this error is coming up. I hope to find out the error during this week and proceed with some more integration work with the website :)</div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Fedora Infrastructure Status'
Tracker-Message: Title:'There are scheduled downtimes in progress'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Fedora Infrastructure Status" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "There are scheduled downtimes in progress" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n New status scheduled: Updates in progress: for services: Fedora Wiki, Fedora People, Zodbot IRC bot, Darkserver, Tagger, Fedora pastebin service, Package Database, Badges, Blockerbugs, Services, Mirror Manager, Ipsilon, Mirror List, Package maintainers git repositories, Account System, Fedora websites, Documentation website, COPR Build System, Package Updates Manager, Ask Fedora, FreeMedia, Fedora Packages App, Fedora elections, Mailing Lists, Fedora Calendar " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n New status scheduled: Updates in progress: for services: Fedora Wiki, Fedora People, Zodbot IRC bot, Darkserver, Tagger, Fedora pastebin service, Package Database, Badges, Blockerbugs, Services, Mirror Manager, Ipsilon, Mirror List, Package maintainers git repositories, Account System, Fedora websites, Documentation website, COPR Build System, Package Updates Manager, Ask Fedora, FreeMedia, Fedora Packages App, Fedora elections, Mailing Lists, Fedora Calendar</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Peter Hutterer'
Tracker-Message: Title:'A short overview of touchpad devices'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Peter Hutterer" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "A short overview of touchpad devices" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Below is an outline of the various types of touchpads that can be found in the wild. Touchpads aren't simply categorised into a single type, instead they have a set of properties, a combination of number of physical buttons , touch support and physical properties . Number of buttons Physically separate buttons For years this was the default type of touchpads: a touchpad with a separate set of physical buttons below the touch surface. Such touchpads are still around, but most newer models are Clickpads now. Touchpads with physical buttons usually provide two buttons, left and right. A few touchpads with three buttons exist, and Apple used to have touchpads with a single physical buttons back in the PPC days. Touchpads with only two buttons require the software stack to emulate a middle button. libinput does this when both buttons are pressed simultaneously. A two-button touchpad, with a two-button pointing stick above. Note that many Lenovo laptops provide a pointing stick above the touchpad. This pointing stick has a set of physical buttons just above the touchpad. While many users use those as substitute touchpad buttons, they logically belong to the pointing stick. The *40 and *50 series are an exception here, the former had no physical buttons on the touchpad and required the top section of the pad to emulate pointing stick buttons, the *50 series has physical buttons but they are wired to the touchpads. The kernel re-routes those buttons through the trackstick device. Clickpads Clickpads are the most common type of touchpads these days. A Clickpad has no separate physical buttons, instead the touchpad itself is clickable as a whole, i.e. a user presses down on the touch area and triggers a physical click. Clickpads thus only provide a single button, everything else needs to be software-emulated. A clickpad on a Lenovo x220t. Just above the touchpad are the three buttons associated with the pointing stick. Faint markings on the bottom of the touchpad hint at where the software buttons should be. Right and middle clicks are generated either via software buttons or \"clickfinger\" behaviour. Software buttons define an area on the touchpad that is a virtual right button. If a finger is in that area when the click happens, the left button event is changed to a right button event. A middle click is either a separate area or emulated when both the left and right virtual buttons are pressed simultaneously. When the software stack uses the clickfinger method, the number of fingers decide the type of click: a one-finger is a left button, a two-finger click is a right button, a three-finger click is a middle button. The location of the fingers doesn't matter, though there are usually some limits in how the fingers can be distributed (e.g. some implementations try to detect a thumb at the bottom of the touchpad to avoid accidental two-finger clicks when the user intends a thumb click). The libinput documentation has a section on Clickpad software button behaviour with more detailed illustrations The touchpad on a T440s has no physical buttons for the pointing stick. The marks on the top of the touchpad hint at the software button position for the pointing stick. Note that there are no markings at the bottom of the touchpad anymore. Clickpads are labelled by the kernel with the INPUT_PROP_BUTTONPAD input property. Forcepads One step further down the touchpad evolution, Forcepads are Clickpads without a physical button. They provide pressure and (at least in Apple's case) have a vibration element that is software-controlled. Instead of the satisfying click of a physical button, you instead get a buzz of happiness. Which apparently feels the same as a click, judging by the reviews I've read so far. A software-controlled click feel has some advantages, it can be disabled for some gestures, modified for others, etc. I suspect that over time Forcepads will become the main touchpad category, but that's a few years away. Not much to say on the implementation here. The kernel has some ForcePad support but everything else is spotty. Note how Apple's Clickpads have no markings whatsoever, Apple uses the clickfinger method by default. Touch capabilities Single-touch touchpads In the beginning, there was the single-finger touchpad. This touchpad would simply provide x/y coordinates for a single finger and get mightily confused when more than one finger was present. These touchpads are now fighting with dodos for exhibition space in museums, few of those are still out in the wild. Pure multi-touch touchpads Pure multi-touch touchpads are those that can track , i.e. identify the location of all fingers on the touchpad. Apple's touchpads support 16 touches (iirc), others support 5 touches like the Synaptics touchpads when using SMBus. Pure multi-touch touchpads are the easiest to support, we can rely on the finger locations and use them for scrolling, gestures, etc. These touchpads usually also provide extra information. In the case of the Apple touchpads we get an ellipsis and the orientation of the ellipsis for each touch point. Other touchpads provide a pressure value for each touch point. Though pressure is a bit of a misnomer, pressure is usually directly related to contact area. Since our puny human fingers flatten out as the pressure on the pad increases, the contact area increases and the firmware then calculates that back into a (mostly rather arbitrary) pressure reading. Because pressure is really contact area size, we can use it to detect accidental palm contact or thumbs though it's fairly unreliable. A light palm touch or a touch at the very edge of a touchpad will have a low pressure reading simply because the palm is mostly next to the touchpad and thus the contact area itself remains small. Partial multi-touch touchpads The vast majority of touchpads fall into this category. It's the half-way point between single-touch and pure multi-touch. These devices can track N fingers, but detect more than N. The current Synaptics touchpads fall into that category when they're using the serial protocol. Most touchpads that fall into this category can track two fingers and detect up to four or five. So a typical three-finger interaction would give you the location of two fingers and a separate value telling you that a third finger is down. The lack of finger location doesn't matter for some interactions (tapping, three-finger click) but it can cause issues in some cases. For example, a user may have a thumb resting on a touchpad while scrolling with two fingers. Which touch locations you get depends on the order of the fingers being set down, i.e. this may look like thumb + finger + third touch somewhere (lucky!) or two fingers scrolling + third touch somewhere (unlucky, this looks like a three-finger swipe). So far we've mostly avoided having anything complex enough that requires the exact location of more than two fingers, these pads are so prevalent that any complex feature would exclude the majority of users. Semi-mt touchpads A sub-class of partial multi-touch touchpads. These touchpads can technically detect two fingers but the location of both is limited to the bounding box, i.e. the first touch is always the top-left one and the second touch is the bottom-right one. Coordinates jump around as fingers move past each other. Most semi-mt touchpads also have a lower resolution for two touches than for one, so even things like two-finger scrolling can be very jumpy. Semi-mt are labelled by the kernel with the INPUT_PROP_SEMI_MT input property. Physical properties External touchpads USB or Bluetooth touchpads not in a laptop chassis. Think the Apple Magic Trackpad, the Logitech T650, etc. These are usually clickpads, the biggest difference is that they can be removed or added at runtime. One interaction method that is only possible on external touchpads is a thumb resting on the very edge/immediately next to the touchpad. On the far edge, touchpads don't always detect the finger location so clicking with a thumb barely touching the edge makes it hard or impossible to figure out which software button area the finger is on. These touchpads also don't need palm detection - since they're not located underneath the keyboard, accidental palm touches are a non-issue. A Logitech T650 external touchpad. Note the thumb position, it is possible to click the touchpad without triggering a touch. Circular touchpads Yes, used to be a thing. Touchpad shaped in an ellipsis or circle. Luckily for us they have gone full dodo. The X.Org synaptics driver had to be aware of these touchpads to calculate the right distance for edge scrolling - unsurprisingly an edge scroll motion on a circular touchpad isn't very straight. Graphics tablets Touch-capable graphics tablets are effectively external touchpads, with two differentiators: they are huge compared to normal touchpads and they have no touchpad buttons whatsoever. This means they can either work like a Forcepad, or rely on interaction methods that don't require buttons (like tap-to-click). Since the physical device is shared with the pen input, some touch arbitration is required to avoid touch input interfering when the pen is in use. Dedicated edge scroll area Mostly on older touchpads before two-finger scrolling became the default method. These touchpads have a marking on the touch area that designates the edge to be used for scrolling. A finger movement in that edge zone should trigger vertical motions. Some touchpads have markers for a horizontal scroll area too at the bottom of the touchpad. A touchpad with a marked edge scroll area on the right. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>Below is an outline of the various types of touchpads that can be found in the wild. Touchpads aren't simply categorised into a single type, instead they have a set of properties, a combination of <a href=\"\">number of physical buttons</a>, <a href=\"\">touch support</a> and <a href=\"\">physical properties</a>.</p> <h1><a href=\"\" name=\"buttons\"/>Number of buttons</h1><h2>Physically separate buttons</h2><p>For years this was the default type of touchpads: a touchpad with a separate set of physical buttons below the touch surface. Such touchpads are still around, but most newer models are Clickpads now. </p><p>Touchpads with physical buttons usually provide two buttons, left and right. A few touchpads with three buttons exist, and Apple used to have touchpads with a single physical buttons back in the PPC days. Touchpads with only two buttons require the software stack to emulate a middle button. libinput does this when both buttons are pressed simultaneously. </p><p/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>A two-button touchpad, with a two-button pointing stick above.</div><p>Note that many Lenovo laptops provide a pointing stick above the touchpad. This pointing stick has a set of physical buttons just above the touchpad. While many users use those as substitute touchpad buttons, they logically belong to the pointing stick. The *40 and *50 series are an exception here, the former had no physical buttons on the touchpad and required the top section of the pad to emulate pointing stick buttons, the *50 series has physical buttons but they are wired to the touchpads. The kernel re-routes those buttons through the trackstick device. </p> <h2>Clickpads</h2><p>Clickpads are the most common type of touchpads these days. A Clickpad has no separate physical buttons, instead the touchpad itself is clickable as a whole, i.e. a user presses down on the touch area and triggers a physical click. Clickpads thus only provide a single button, everything else needs to be software-emulated. </p><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>A clickpad on a Lenovo x220t. Just above the touchpad are the three buttons associated with the pointing stick. Faint markings on the bottom of the touchpad hint at where the software buttons should be.</div><p>Right and middle clicks are generated either via software buttons or \"clickfinger\" behaviour. Software buttons define an area on the touchpad that is a virtual right button. If a finger is in that area when the click happens, the left button event is changed to a right button event. A middle click is either a separate area or emulated when both the left and right virtual buttons are pressed simultaneously. </p><p>When the software stack uses the clickfinger method, the number of fingers decide the type of click: a one-finger is a left button, a two-finger click is a right button, a three-finger click is a middle button. The location of the fingers doesn't matter, though there are usually some limits in how the fingers can be distributed (e.g. some implementations try to detect a thumb at the bottom of the touchpad to avoid accidental two-finger clicks when the user intends a thumb click). </p><p><a href=\"\">The libinput documentation</a> has a section on Clickpad software button behaviour with more detailed illustrations</p> <div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>The touchpad on a T440s has no physical buttons for the pointing stick. The marks on the top of the touchpad hint at the software button position for the pointing stick. Note that there are no markings at the bottom of the touchpad anymore. </div><p>Clickpads are labelled by the kernel with the INPUT_PROP_BUTTONPAD input property.</p> <h2>Forcepads</h2><p>One step further down the touchpad evolution, Forcepads are Clickpads without a physical button. They provide pressure and (at least in Apple's case) have a vibration element that is software-controlled. Instead of the satisfying click of a physical button, you instead get a buzz of happiness. Which apparently feels the same as a click, judging by the reviews I've read so far. A software-controlled click feel has some advantages, it can be disabled for some gestures, modified for others, etc. I suspect that over time Forcepads will become the main touchpad category, but that's a few years away.</p><p>Not much to say on the implementation here. The kernel has some ForcePad support but everything else is spotty.</p> <div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>Note how Apple's Clickpads have no markings whatsoever, Apple uses the clickfinger method by default.</div> <h1><a href=\"\" name=\"touches\"/>Touch capabilities</h1><h2>Single-touch touchpads</h2><p>In the beginning, there was the single-finger touchpad. This touchpad would simply provide x/y coordinates for a single finger and get mightily confused when more than one finger was present. These touchpads are now fighting with dodos for exhibition space in museums, few of those are still out in the wild. </p> <h2>Pure multi-touch touchpads </h2><p>Pure multi-touch touchpads are those that can <i>track</i>, i.e. identify the location of all fingers on the touchpad. Apple's touchpads support 16 touches (iirc), others support 5 touches like the Synaptics touchpads when using SMBus. </p><p>Pure multi-touch touchpads are the easiest to support, we can rely on the finger locations and use them for scrolling, gestures, etc. These touchpads usually also provide extra information. In the case of the Apple touchpads we get an ellipsis and the orientation of the ellipsis for each touch point. Other touchpads provide a pressure value for each touch point. Though pressure is a bit of a misnomer, pressure is usually directly related to contact area. Since our puny human fingers flatten out as the pressure on the pad increases, the contact area increases and the firmware then calculates that back into a (mostly rather arbitrary) pressure reading. </p><p>Because pressure is really contact area size, we can use it to detect accidental palm contact or thumbs though it's fairly unreliable. A light palm touch or a touch at the very edge of a touchpad will have a low pressure reading simply because the palm is mostly next to the touchpad and thus the contact area itself remains small. </p> <h2>Partial multi-touch touchpads</h2><p>The vast majority of touchpads fall into this category. It's the half-way point between single-touch and pure multi-touch. These devices can <i>track</i> N fingers, but <i>detect</i> more than N. The current Synaptics touchpads fall into that category when they're using the serial protocol. Most touchpads that fall into this category can track two fingers and detect up to four or five. So a typical three-finger interaction would give you the location of two fingers and a separate value telling you that a third finger is down. </p><p>The lack of finger location doesn't matter for some interactions (tapping, three-finger click) but it can cause issues in some cases. For example, a user may have a thumb resting on a touchpad while scrolling with two fingers. Which touch locations you get depends on the order of the fingers being set down, i.e. this may look like thumb + finger + third touch somewhere (lucky!) or two fingers scrolling + third touch somewhere (unlucky, this looks like a three-finger swipe). So far we've mostly avoided having anything complex enough that requires the exact location of more than two fingers, these pads are so prevalent that any complex feature would exclude the majority of users. </p> <h2>Semi-mt touchpads</h2><p>A sub-class of partial multi-touch touchpads. These touchpads can technically detect two fingers but the location of both is limited to the bounding box, i.e. the first touch is always the top-left one and the second touch is the bottom-right one. Coordinates jump around as fingers move past each other. Most semi-mt touchpads also have a lower resolution for two touches than for one, so even things like two-finger scrolling can be very jumpy. </p><p>Semi-mt are labelled by the kernel with the INPUT_PROP_SEMI_MT input property.</p> <h1><a href=\"\" name=\"physical\"/>Physical properties</h1> <h2>External touchpads</h2><p>USB or Bluetooth touchpads not in a laptop chassis. Think the Apple Magic Trackpad, the Logitech T650, etc. These are usually clickpads, the biggest difference is that they can be removed or added at runtime. One interaction method that is only possible on external touchpads is a thumb resting on the very edge/immediately next to the touchpad. On the far edge, touchpads don't always detect the finger location so clicking with a thumb barely touching the edge makes it hard or impossible to figure out which software button area the finger is on. </p><p>These touchpads also don't need palm detection - since they're not located underneath the keyboard, accidental palm touches are a non-issue.</p><p> </p><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>A Logitech T650 external touchpad. Note the thumb position, it is possible to click the touchpad without triggering a touch.</div> <h2>Circular touchpads</h2><p>Yes, used to be a thing. Touchpad shaped in an ellipsis or circle. Luckily for us they have gone full dodo. The X.Org synaptics driver had to be aware of these touchpads to calculate the right distance for edge scrolling - unsurprisingly an edge scroll motion on a circular touchpad isn't very straight.</p> <h2>Graphics tablets</h2><p>Touch-capable graphics tablets are effectively external touchpads, with two differentiators: they are huge compared to normal touchpads and they have no touchpad buttons whatsoever. This means they can either work like a Forcepad, or rely on interaction methods that don't require buttons (like tap-to-click). Since the physical device is shared with the pen input, some touch arbitration is required to avoid touch input interfering when the pen is in use. </p> <h2>Dedicated edge scroll area</h2><p>Mostly on older touchpads before two-finger scrolling became the default method. These touchpads have a marking on the touch area that designates the edge to be used for scrolling. A finger movement in that edge zone should trigger vertical motions. Some touchpads have markers for a horizontal scroll area too at the bottom of the touchpad. </p><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>A touchpad with a marked edge scroll area on the right.</div><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Miro Hrončok'
Tracker-Message: Title:'3D printing in Fedora: From an idea to the thing'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
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_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Miro Hrončok" ;
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nie:title "3D printing in Fedora: From an idea to the thing" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n There are a lot of tools and applications connected to 3D printing available to Fedora users. In this article, I’ll guide you through one possible scenario of creating a 3D physical object: from an idea to a real thing. \n My friend asked me few days ago to 3D print something for him. He said his kitchen tap is too low for him and that it obstructs him when washing dishes. He would like to move it up a bit using a circular tube with this profile (numbers are in millimeters): \n A sketch of the desired object \n Creating a digital 3D model \n Already knowing how the object is shaped and sized, it might still be a hard task for someone with zero CAD or 3D modeler experience to create the model. Me being a programmer I like a modeler called OpenSCAD (you can get it in Fedora via the Software application, or using the command line with sudo dnf install openscad ). \n OpenSCAD \n In OpenSCAD, instead of drawing object with your mouse, you code them. I will not try to explain the entire syntax in this article (you can find it in the manual ), I’ll just explain the code for the thing we want to make. \n difference() {\n cylinder(r=25,h=35);\n translate([0,0,-5]) cylinder(r=15,h=40);\n translate([0,0,30]) cylinder(r=22.5,h=10);\n}\n$fn=200;\n \n This code takes a cylinder (with radius 25 and height 35) and subtracts two smaller cylinders moved a bit along the Z axis. The last line only makes the object a bit smoother than the default is. With the code entered in OpenSCAD’s code editor on the left, I use Design → Render from the menu to render the 3D model. Then I use File → Export → Export as STL… to save the model in a file format commonly used for 3D printing. \n OpenSCAD with the 3D model \n Now when the STL file is ready, I can view it in various other tools, such as MeshLab ( meshlab package) or ADMeshGUI (available from a Copr repository ). \n ADMeshGUI with our STL file \n Note: OpenSCAD, as well as STL file format, uses no units. In the 3D printing area, the numbers used are usually considered millimeters, although you might find some files online using some non-standard units such as inches. \n Slicing to layers \n For the object to be printed it has to be sliced to layers and paths for the 3D printer’s nozzle. There are various apps available in Fedora capable of doing it, one of the most famous tools for this is Slic3r (package slic3r , newer version available from Copr ). \n Slic3r with our STL file loaded \n For right result, it is crucial to have the correct slicer settings for your printer and material. You should obtain those from the whoever you’ve obtained your 3D printer (or just create your settings if you have built one yourself). When you select the right settings, just click Export G-code… to generate file with instructions for the printer. \n Slic3r 1.2.9 from Copr repository with G-code preview \n The G-Code file is just a plain text with loads of numerical control commands. Here is a snip: \n G21 ; set units to millimeters\nM107\nM190 S60 ; wait for bed temperature to be reached\nM109 S195\nG28 ; home all axes\nG92 E0 ;reset extruder\nG90 ; use absolute coordinates\nM83 ; use relative distances for extrusion\nG1 F1800.000 E-1.00000\nG1 Z0.300 F7800.000\nG1 X77.706 Y77.667 F7800.000\nG1 E1.00000 F1800.000\nG1 X78.476 Y76.924 E0.07695 F1800.000\nG1 X79.209 Y76.261 E0.07110\nG1 X79.963 Y75.622 E0.07108\nG1 X80.743 Y75.000 E0.07179\nG1 X81.533 Y74.412 E0.07080\nG1 X82.348 Y73.843 E0.07150\nG1 X83.178 Y73.301 E0.07131\nG1 X84.025 Y72.786 E0.07133\nG1 X84.891 Y72.296 E0.07151\nG1 X85.766 Y71.836 E0.07110\nG1 X86.655 Y71.404 E0.07115\nG1 X87.562 Y70.998 E0.07148\n...\n \n Printing \n With the gcode file, all that’s left to do is to feed those numerical control commands to the 3D printer. Some printers might have the ability to print from an SD card, others have to be connected by an USB cable during the entire print. To control you printer from Fedora, you might use Pronterface tool from Printrun (install the pronterface or printrun package). To communicate with the printer, you’re user has to be in the dialout group. \n Once Pronterface is connected, user can load the G-code file and start the print. When you are currently printing, be sure not to accidentally suspend your computer by closing the lid. \n Pronterface: The print just started \n And finally, after some time, the real thing is ready, using only free software available in Fedora and open hardware. This article was not supposed to teach you everything about the tools presented here, nor list all the tools available in Fedora. However, you now might have the idea about how it works. \n Photo of the printed thing " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>There are a lot of tools and applications connected to 3D printing available to Fedora users. In this article, I’ll guide you through one possible scenario of creating a 3D physical object: from an idea to a real thing.</p>\n<p>My friend asked me few days ago to 3D print something for him. He said his kitchen tap is too low for him and that it obstructs him when washing dishes. He would like to move it up a bit using a circular tube with this profile (numbers are in millimeters):</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9504\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"A sketch of the desired object\" height=\"377\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9504\" width=\"450\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">A sketch of the desired object</p></div>\n<h3>Creating a digital 3D model</h3>\n<p>Already knowing how the object is shaped and sized, it might still be a hard task for someone with zero CAD or 3D modeler experience to create the model. Me being a programmer I like a modeler called <a href=\"\">OpenSCAD</a> (you can get it in Fedora via the Software application, or using the command line with <code>sudo dnf install openscad</code> ).</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9506\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"OpenSCAD\" height=\"558\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9506\" width=\"871\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">OpenSCAD</p></div>\n<p>In OpenSCAD, instead of drawing object with your mouse, you code them. I will not try to explain the entire syntax in this article (you can find it in <a href=\"\">the manual</a>), I’ll just explain the code for the thing we want to make.</p>\n<pre>difference() {\n cylinder(r=25,h=35);\n translate([0,0,-5]) cylinder(r=15,h=40);\n translate([0,0,30]) cylinder(r=22.5,h=10);\n}\n$fn=200;\n</pre>\n<p>This code takes a cylinder (with radius 25 and height 35) and subtracts two smaller cylinders moved a bit along the Z axis. The last line only makes the object a bit smoother than the default is. With the code entered in OpenSCAD’s code editor on the left, I use <em>Design → Render</em> from the menu to render the 3D model. Then I use <em>File → Export → Export as STL…</em> to save the model in a file format commonly used for 3D printing.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9509\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"OpenSCAD with the 3D model\" height=\"558\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9509\" width=\"871\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">OpenSCAD with the 3D model</p></div>\n<p>Now when the STL file is ready, I can view it in various other tools, such as <a href=\"\">MeshLab</a> (<code>meshlab</code> package) or <a href=\"\">ADMeshGUI</a> (available from a <a href=\"\">Copr repository</a>).</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9512\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"ADMeshGUI with our STL file\" height=\"567\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9512\" width=\"871\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">ADMeshGUI with our STL file</p></div>\n<p><em><strong>Note:</strong> OpenSCAD, as well as STL file format, uses no units. In the 3D printing area, the numbers used are usually considered millimeters, although you might find some files online using some non-standard units such as inches.</em></p>\n<h3>Slicing to layers</h3>\n<p>For the object to be printed it has to be sliced to layers and paths for the 3D printer’s nozzle. There are various apps available in Fedora capable of doing it, one of the most famous tools for this is <a href=\"\">Slic3r</a> (package <code>slic3r</code>, <a href=\"\">newer version available from Copr</a>).</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9515\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Slic3r with our STL file loaded\" height=\"329\" class=\"size-large wp-image-9515\" width=\"676\"/></a><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Slic3r with our STL file loaded</p></div>\n<p>For right result, it is crucial to have the correct slicer settings for your printer and material. You should obtain those from the whoever you’ve obtained your 3D printer (or just create your settings if you have built one yourself). When you select the right settings, just click <em>Export G-code…</em> to generate file with instructions for the printer.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9517\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Slic3r 1.2.9 from Copr repository with G-code preview\" height=\"516\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9517\" width=\"764\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Slic3r 1.2.9 from Copr repository with G-code preview</p></div>\n<p>The <a href=\"\">G-Code</a> file is just a plain text with loads of numerical control commands. Here is a snip:</p>\n<pre>G21 ; set units to millimeters\nM107\nM190 S60 ; wait for bed temperature to be reached\nM109 S195\nG28 ; home all axes\nG92 E0 ;reset extruder\nG90 ; use absolute coordinates\nM83 ; use relative distances for extrusion\nG1 F1800.000 E-1.00000\nG1 Z0.300 F7800.000\nG1 X77.706 Y77.667 F7800.000\nG1 E1.00000 F1800.000\nG1 X78.476 Y76.924 E0.07695 F1800.000\nG1 X79.209 Y76.261 E0.07110\nG1 X79.963 Y75.622 E0.07108\nG1 X80.743 Y75.000 E0.07179\nG1 X81.533 Y74.412 E0.07080\nG1 X82.348 Y73.843 E0.07150\nG1 X83.178 Y73.301 E0.07131\nG1 X84.025 Y72.786 E0.07133\nG1 X84.891 Y72.296 E0.07151\nG1 X85.766 Y71.836 E0.07110\nG1 X86.655 Y71.404 E0.07115\nG1 X87.562 Y70.998 E0.07148\n...\n</pre>\n<h3>Printing</h3>\n<p>With the gcode file, all that’s left to do is to feed those numerical control commands to the 3D printer. Some printers might have the ability to print from an SD card, others have to be connected by an USB cable during the entire print. To control you printer from Fedora, you might use Pronterface tool from <a href=\"\">Printrun</a> (install the <code>pronterface</code> or <code>printrun</code> package). To communicate with the printer, you’re user has to be in the <code>dialout</code> group.</p>\n<p>Once Pronterface is connected, user can load the G-code file and start the print. When you are currently printing, be sure not to accidentally suspend your computer by closing the lid.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9520\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Pronterface: The print just started\" height=\"569\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9520\" width=\"872\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Pronterface: The print just started</p></div>\n<p>And finally, after some time, the real thing is ready, using only free software available in Fedora and open hardware. This article was not supposed to teach you everything about the tools presented here, nor list all the tools available in Fedora. However, you now might have the idea about how it works.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9525\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Photo of the printed thing\" height=\"507\" class=\"size-large wp-image-9525\" width=\"676\"/></a><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Photo of the printed thing</p></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
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nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Fedora Infrastructure Status'
Tracker-Message: Title:'All systems go'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
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nie:title "All systems go" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n New status good: Everything seems to be working. for services: Fedora Wiki, Fedora People, Zodbot IRC bot, Darkserver, Tagger, Package Database, Fedora pastebin service, Blockerbugs, Badges, Services, Mirror Manager, Ipsilon, Mirror List, Package maintainers git repositories, Account System, Fedora websites, Documentation website, COPR Build System, Package Updates Manager, Ask Fedora, Fedora Packages App, FreeMedia, Fedora elections, Mailing Lists, Fedora Calendar " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n New status good: Everything seems to be working. for services: Fedora Wiki, Fedora People, Zodbot IRC bot, Darkserver, Tagger, Package Database, Fedora pastebin service, Blockerbugs, Badges, Services, Mirror Manager, Ipsilon, Mirror List, Package maintainers git repositories, Account System, Fedora websites, Documentation website, COPR Build System, Package Updates Manager, Ask Fedora, Fedora Packages App, FreeMedia, Fedora elections, Mailing Lists, Fedora Calendar</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Carlos Morel-Riquelme'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Mate-desktop Work, and work fine on Fedora23 /o/'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
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a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Mate-desktop Work, and work fine on Fedora23 /o/" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Mate-desktop Work, and work fine on Fedora23 /o/ " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\";s=96\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <img src=\"\"/><br/><br/><p>Mate-desktop Work, and work fine on Fedora23 /o/<br/></p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Daniel.Pocock'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Recording live events like a pro (part 1: audio)'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
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_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Daniel.Pocock" ;
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_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Recording live events like a pro (part 1: audio)" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Whether it is a technical talk at a conference, a political rally or a budget-conscious wedding, many people now have most of the technology they need to record it and post-process the recording themselves. \n For most events, audio is an essential part of the recording. There are exceptions: if you take many short clips from a wedding and mix them together you could leave out the audio and just dub the couple's favourite song over it all. For a video of a conference presentation, though, the the speaker's voice is essential. \n These days, it is relatively easy to get extremely high quality audio using a lapel microphone attached to a smartphone. Lets have a closer look at the details. \n Using a lavalier / lapel microphone \n \n Full wireless microphone kits with microphone, transmitter and receiver are usually $US500 or more. \n The lavalier / lapel microphone by itself, however, is relatively cheap, under $US100. \n The lapel microphone is usually an omnidirectional microphone that will pick up the voices of everybody within a couple of meters of the person wearing it. It is useful for a speaker at an event, some types of interviews where the participants are at a table together and it may be suitable for a wedding, although you may want to remember to remove it from clothing during the photos. \n There are two key features you need when using such a microphone with a smartphone: \n TRRS connector (this is the type of socket most phones and many laptops have today) \n Microphone impedance should be at least 1kΩ (that is one kilo Ohm ) or the phone may not recognize when it is connected \n Many leading microphone vendors have released lapel mics with these two features aimed specifically at smartphone users. I have personally been testing the Rode smartLav+ \n Choice of phone \n There are almost 10,000 varieties of smartphone just running Android, as well as iPhones, Blackberries and others. It is not practical for most people to test them all and compare audio recording quality. \n It is probably best to test the phone you have and ask some friends if you can make test recordings with their phones too for comparison. You may not hear any difference but if one of the phones has a poor recording quality you will hopefully notice that and exclude it from further consideration. \n A particularly important issue is being able to disable AGC in the phone. Android has a standard API for disabling AGC but not all phones or Android variations respect this instruction. \n I have personally had positive experiences recording audio with a Samsung Galaxy Note III. \n Choice of recording app \n Most Android distributions have at least one pre-installed sound recording app. Look more closely and you will find not all apps are the same. For example, some of the apps have aggressive compression settings that compromise recording quality. Others don't work when you turn off the screen of your phone and put it in your pocket. I've even tried a few that were crashing intermittently. \n The app I found most successful so far has been Diktofon , which is available on both F-Droid and Google Play . Diktofon has been designed not just for recording, but it also has some specific features for transcribing audio (currently only supporting Estonian) and organizing and indexing the text. I haven't used those features myself but they don't appear to cause any inconvenience for people who simply want to use it as a stable recording app. \n As the app is completely free software, you can modify the source code if necessary. I recently contributed patches enabling 48kHz recording and disabling AGC. At the moment, the version with these fixes has just been released and appears in F-Droid but not yet uploaded to Google Play. The fixes are in version 0.9.83 and you need to go into the settings to make sure AGC is disabled and set the 48kHz sample rate. \n Whatever app you choose, the following settings are recommended: \n 16 bit or greater sample size \n 48kHz sample rate \n Disable AGC \n WAV file format \n Whatever app you choose, test it thoroughly with your phone and microphone. Make sure it works even when you turn off the screen and put it in your pocket while wearing the lapel mic for an hour. Observe the battery usage. \n Gotchas \n Now lets say you are recording a wedding and the groom has that smartphone in his pocket and the mic on his collar somewhere. What is the probability that some telemarketer calls just as the couple are exchanging vows? What is the impact on the recording? \n Maybe some apps will automatically put the phone in silent mode when recording. More likely, you need to remember this yourself. These are things that are well worth testing though. \n Also keep in mind the need to have sufficient storage space and to check whether the app you use is writing to your SD card or internal memory. The battery is another consideration. \n In a large event where smartphones are being used instead of wireless microphones, possibly for many talks in parallel, install a monitoring app like Ganglia on the phones to detect and alert if any phone has weak wifi signal, low battery or a lack of memory. \n Live broadcasts and streaming \n Some time ago I tested RTP multicasting from Lumicall on Android. This type of app would enable a complete wireless microphone setup with live streaming to the internet at a fraction of the cost of a traditional wireless microphone kit. This type of live broadcast could also be done with WebRTC on the Firefox app . \n Conclusion \n If you research the topic thoroughly and spend some time practicing and testing your equipment, you can make great audio recordings with a smartphone and an inexpensive lapel microphone. \n In subsequent blogs, I'll look at tips for recording video and doing post-production with free software. \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <div class=\"field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden\"><div class=\"field-items\"><div class=\"field-item even\"><p>Whether it is a technical talk at a conference, a political rally or a budget-conscious wedding, many people now have most of the technology they need to record it and post-process the recording themselves.</p>\n<p>For most events, audio is an essential part of the recording. There are exceptions: if you take many short clips from a wedding and mix them together you could leave out the audio and just dub the couple's favourite song over it all. For a video of a conference presentation, though, the the speaker's voice is essential.</p>\n<p>These days, it is relatively easy to get extremely high quality audio using a lapel microphone attached to a smartphone. Lets have a closer look at the details.</p>\n<h3>Using a lavalier / lapel microphone</h3>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"400\"/></p>\n<p>Full wireless microphone kits with microphone, transmitter and receiver are usually $US500 or more.</p>\n<p>The <a href=\"\">lavalier / lapel microphone</a> by itself, however, is relatively cheap, under $US100.</p>\n<p>The lapel microphone is usually an omnidirectional microphone that will pick up the voices of everybody within a couple of meters of the person wearing it. It is useful for a speaker at an event, some types of interviews where the participants are at a table together and it may be suitable for a wedding, although you may want to remember to remove it from clothing during the photos.</p>\n<p>There are two key features you need when using such a microphone with a smartphone:</p>\n<ul><li>TRRS connector (this is the type of socket most phones and many laptops have today)</li>\n<li>Microphone <a href=\"\">impedance</a> should be at least 1kΩ (that is one kilo <a href=\"\">Ohm</a>) or the phone may not recognize when it is connected</li>\n</ul><p>Many leading microphone vendors have released lapel mics with these two features aimed specifically at smartphone users. I have personally been testing the Rode smartLav+</p>\n<h3>Choice of phone</h3>\n<p>There are almost 10,000 varieties of smartphone just running Android, as well as iPhones, Blackberries and others. It is not practical for most people to test them all and compare audio recording quality.</p>\n<p>It is probably best to test the phone you have and ask some friends if you can make test recordings with their phones too for comparison. You may not hear any difference but if one of the phones has a poor recording quality you will hopefully notice that and exclude it from further consideration.</p>\n<p>A particularly important issue is being able to disable <a href=\"\">AGC</a> in the phone. Android has a standard API for disabling AGC but not all phones or Android variations respect this instruction.</p>\n<p>I have personally had positive experiences recording audio with a Samsung Galaxy Note III.</p>\n<h3>Choice of recording app</h3>\n<p>Most Android distributions have at least one pre-installed sound recording app. Look more closely and you will find not all apps are the same. For example, some of the apps have aggressive compression settings that compromise recording quality. Others don't work when you turn off the screen of your phone and put it in your pocket. I've even tried a few that were crashing intermittently.</p>\n<p>The app I found most successful so far has been <a href=\"\">Diktofon</a>, which is available on both <a href=\"\">F-Droid</a> and <a href=\";hl=en\">Google Play</a>. <em>Diktofon</em> has been designed not just for recording, but it also has some specific features for transcribing audio (currently only supporting Estonian) and organizing and indexing the text. I haven't used those features myself but they don't appear to cause any inconvenience for people who simply want to use it as a stable recording app.</p>\n<p>As the app is completely free software, you can modify the source code if necessary. I recently contributed patches enabling 48kHz recording and disabling AGC. At the moment, the version with these fixes has just been released and appears in <a href=\"\">F-Droid</a> but not yet uploaded to Google Play. <b>The fixes are in version 0.9.83 and you need to go into the settings to make sure AGC is disabled and set the 48kHz sample rate.</b></p>\n<p>Whatever app you choose, the following settings are recommended:</p>\n<ul><li>16 bit or greater sample size</li>\n<li>48kHz sample rate</li>\n<li>Disable AGC</li>\n<li>WAV file format</li>\n</ul><p>Whatever app you choose, test it thoroughly with your phone and microphone. Make sure it works even when you turn off the screen and put it in your pocket while wearing the lapel mic for an hour. Observe the battery usage.</p>\n<h3>Gotchas</h3>\n<p>Now lets say you are recording a wedding and the groom has that smartphone in his pocket and the mic on his collar somewhere. What is the probability that some telemarketer calls just as the couple are exchanging vows? What is the impact on the recording?</p>\n<p>Maybe some apps will automatically put the phone in silent mode when recording. More likely, you need to remember this yourself. These are things that are well worth testing though.</p>\n<p>Also keep in mind the need to have sufficient storage space and to check whether the app you use is writing to your SD card or internal memory. The battery is another consideration.</p>\n<p>In a large event where smartphones are being used instead of wireless microphones, possibly for many talks in parallel, install a monitoring app like Ganglia on the phones to detect and alert if any phone has weak wifi signal, low battery or a lack of memory.</p>\n<h3>Live broadcasts and streaming</h3>\n<p>Some time ago I tested RTP multicasting from Lumicall on Android. This type of app would enable a complete wireless microphone setup with live streaming to the internet at a fraction of the cost of a traditional wireless microphone kit. This type of live broadcast could also be done with WebRTC on the <a href=\"\">Firefox app</a>.</p>\n<h3>Conclusion</h3>\n<p>If you research the topic thoroughly and spend some time practicing and testing your equipment, you can make great audio recordings with a smartphone and an inexpensive lapel microphone.</p>\n<p>In subsequent blogs, I'll look at tips for recording video and doing post-production with free software.</p>\n</div></div></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Pierre-Yves'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Introducing flask-multistatic'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Pierre-Yves" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Introducing flask-multistatic" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n flask is a micro-web-framework in python. I have been using it for different projects for a couple of years now and I am quite happy with it. \n\n\n I have been using it for some of the applications ran by the Fedora Infrastructure . Some of these applications could be re-used outside Fedora and this is of course something I would like to encourage. \n\n\n One of the problem currently is that all those apps are branded for Fedora, so re-using them elsewhere can become complicated, this can be solved by theming. Theming means adjusting two components: templates and static files (images, css...). \n\n\n Adjusting templates \n\n\n jinja2 the template engine in flask already supports loading templates from two different directories. This allows to ask the application to load your own template first and if it does not find them, then it looks for it in the directory of the default theme. \n\n\n Code wise it could look like this: \n\n # Use the templates\n # First we test the core templates directory\n # (contains stuff that users won't see)\n # Then we use the configured template directory\n import jinja2\n templ_loaders = []\n templ_loaders.append(APP.jinja_loader)\n # First load the templates from the THEME_FOLDER defined in the configuration\n templ_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(\n APP.root_path, APP.template_folder, APP.config['THEME_FOLDER'])))\n # Then load the other templates from the `default` theme folder\n templ_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(\n APP.root_path, APP.template_folder, 'default')))\n APP.jinja_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(templ_loaders)\n \n\n\n Adjusting static files \n\n\n This is a little more tricky as static files are not templates and there is no logic in flask to allow overriding one or another depending on where it is located. \n\n\n To solve this challenge, I wrote a small flask extension: flask-multistatic that basically allows flask to have the same behavior for static files as it does for templates. \n\n\n Getting it to work is easy, at the top of your flask application do the imports: \n import flask\n from flask_multistatic import MultiStaticFlask\n \n\n\n And make your flask flask application multistatic \n APP = flask.Flask(__name__)\n APP = MultiStaticFlask(APP)\n \n\n\n You can then specify multiple folders where static files are located, for example: \n APP.static_folder = [\n os.path.join(APP.root_path, 'static', APP.config['THEME_FOLDER']),\n os.path.join(APP.root_path, 'static', 'default')\n ]\n \n\n\n Note: The order the the folder matters, the last one should be the folder with all the usual files (ie: the default theme), the other ones are the folders for your specific theme(s). \n\n\n \n\n\n Patrick Uiterwijk pointed to me that this method, although working is not ideal for production as it means that all the static files are served by the application instead of being served by the web-server.\nHe therefore contributed an example apache configuration allowing to obtain the same behavior (override static files) but this time directly in apache! \n\n\n \n \n\n\n So using flask-multistatic I will finally be able to make my apps entirely theme-able, allowing other projects to re-use them under their own brand. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p><a href=\"\">flask</a> is a micro-web-framework in python. I have been using it for different projects for a couple of years now and I am quite happy with it.</p>\n\n\n<p>I have been using it for some of the applications ran by the <a href=\"\">Fedora Infrastructure</a>. Some of these applications could be re-used outside Fedora and this is of course something I would like to encourage.</p>\n\n\n<p>One of the problem currently is that all those apps are branded for Fedora, so re-using them elsewhere can become complicated, this can be solved by theming. Theming means adjusting two components: templates and static files (images, css...).</p>\n\n\n<h5>Adjusting templates</h5>\n\n\n<p><a href=\"\">jinja2</a> the template engine in flask already supports loading templates from two different directories. This allows to ask the application to load your own template first and if it does not find them, then it looks for it in the directory of the default theme.</p>\n\n\n<p>Code wise it could look like this:</p>\n\n<pre> # Use the templates\n # First we test the core templates directory\n # (contains stuff that users won't see)\n # Then we use the configured template directory\n import jinja2\n templ_loaders = []\n templ_loaders.append(APP.jinja_loader)\n # First load the templates from the THEME_FOLDER defined in the configuration\n templ_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(\n APP.root_path, APP.template_folder, APP.config['THEME_FOLDER'])))\n # Then load the other templates from the `default` theme folder\n templ_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(\n APP.root_path, APP.template_folder, 'default')))\n APP.jinja_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(templ_loaders)\n</pre>\n\n\n<h5>Adjusting static files</h5>\n\n\n<p>This is a little more tricky as static files are not templates and there is no logic in flask to allow overriding one or another depending on where it is located.</p>\n\n\n<p>To solve this challenge, I wrote a small flask extension: <a href=\"\">flask-multistatic</a> that basically allows flask to have the same behavior for static files as it does for templates.</p>\n\n\n<p>Getting it to work is easy, at the top of your flask application do the imports:</p>\n<pre> import flask\n from flask_multistatic import MultiStaticFlask\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>And make your flask flask application multistatic</p>\n<pre> APP = flask.Flask(__name__)\n APP = MultiStaticFlask(APP)\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>You can then specify multiple folders where static files are located, for example:</p>\n<pre> APP.static_folder = [\n os.path.join(APP.root_path, 'static', APP.config['THEME_FOLDER']),\n os.path.join(APP.root_path, 'static', 'default')\n ]\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>Note: The order the the folder matters, the last one should be the folder with all the usual files (ie: the default theme), the other ones are the folders for your specific theme(s).</p>\n\n\n<p><br/></p>\n\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Patrick Uiterwijk</a> pointed to me that this method, although working is not ideal for production as it means that all the static files are served by the application instead of being served by the web-server.\nHe therefore contributed an <a href=\"\">example apache configuration</a> allowing to obtain the same behavior (override static files) but this time directly in apache!</p>\n\n\n<p><br/>\n<br/></p>\n\n\n<p>So using <a href=\"\">flask-multistatic</a> I will finally be able to make my apps entirely theme-able, allowing other projects to re-use them under their own brand.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Daniel.Pocock'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Unpaid work training Google's spam filters'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Daniel.Pocock" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Unpaid work training Google's spam filters" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n This week, there has been increased discussion about the pain of spam filtering by large companies, especially Google. \n It started with Google's announcement that they are offering a service for email senders to know if their messages are wrongly classified as spam . Two particular things caught my attention: the statement that less than 0.05% of genuine email goes to the spam folder by mistake and the statement that this new tool to understand misclassification is only available to \"help qualified high-volume senders\". \n From there, discussion has proceeded with Linus Torvalds blogging about his own experience of Google misclassifying patches from Linux contributors as spam and that has been widely reported in places like Slashdot and The Register . \n Personally, I've observed much the same thing from the other perspective. While Torvalds complains that he isn't receiving email, I've observed that my own emails are not always received when the recipient is a Gmail address. \n It seems that Google expects their users work a little bit every day going through every message in the spam folder and explicitly clicking the \"Not Spam\" button: \n \n so that Google can improve their proprietary algorithms for classifying mail. If you just read or reply to a message in the folder without clicking the button, or if you don't do this for every message, including mailing list posts and other trivial notifications that are not actually spam, more important messages from the same senders will also continue to be misclassified. \n If you are not willing to volunteer your time to do this, or if you are simply one of those people who has better things to do, Google's Gmail service is going to have a corrosive effect on your relationships. \n A few months ago, we visited Australia and I sent emails to many people who I wanted to catch up with, including invitations to a family event. Some people received the emails in their inboxes yet other people didn't see them because the systems at Google (and other companies, notably Hotmail) put them in a spam folder. The rate at which this appeared to happen was definitely higher than the 0.05% quoted in the Google article above. Maybe the Google spam filters noticed that I haven't sent email to some members of the extended family for a long time and this triggered the spam algorithm? Yet it was at that very moment that we were visiting Australia that email needs to work reliably with that type of contact as we don't fly out there every year. \n A little bit earlier in the year, I was corresponding with a few students who were applying for Google Summer of Code . Some of them also observed the same thing, they sent me an email and didn't receive my response until they were looking in their spam folder a few days later. Last year I know a GSoC mentor who lost track of a student for over a week because of Google silently discarding chat messages , so it appears Google has not just shot themselves in the foot, they managed to shoot their foot twice. \n What is remarkable is that in both cases, the email problems and the XMPP problems, Google doesn't send any error back to the sender so that they know their message didn't get through. Instead, it is silently discarded or left in a spam folder. This is the most corrosive form of communication problem as more time can pass before anybody realizes that something went wrong. After it happens a few times, people lose a lot of confidence in the technology itself and try other means of communication which may be more expensive, more synchronous and time intensive or less private. \n When I discussed these issues with friends, some people replied by telling me I should send them things through Facebook or WhatsApp, but each of those services has a higher privacy cost and there are also many other people who don't use either of those services. This tends to fragment communications even more as people who use Facebook end up communicating with other people who use Facebook and excluding all the people who don't have time for Facebook. On top of that, it creates more tedious effort going to three or four different places to check for messages. \n Despite all of this, the suggestion that Google's only response is to build a service to \"help qualified high-volume senders\" get their messages through leaves me feeling that things will get worse before they start to get better. There is no mention in the Google announcement about what they will offer to help the average person eliminate these problems, other than to stop using Gmail or spend unpaid time meticulously training the Google spam filter and hoping everybody else does the same thing. \n Some more observations on the issue \n Many spam filtering programs used in corporate networks, such as SpamAssassin , add headers to each email to suggest why it was classified as spam. Google's systems don't appear to give any such feedback to their users or message senders though, just a very basic set of recommendations for running a mail server . \n Many chat protocols work with an explicit opt-in. Before you can exchange messages with somebody, you must add each other to your buddy lists. Once you do this, virtually all messages get through without filtering. Could this concept be adapted to email, maybe giving users a summary of messages from people they don't have in their contact list and asking them to explicitly accept or reject each contact? \n If a message spends more than a week in the spam folder and Google detects that the user isn't ever looking in the spam folder, should Google send a bounce message back to the sender to indicate that Google refused to deliver it to the inbox? \n I've personally heard that misclassification occurs with mailing list posts as well as private messages. \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <div class=\"field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden\"><div class=\"field-items\"><div class=\"field-item even\"><p>This week, there has been increased discussion about the pain of spam filtering by large companies, especially Google.</p>\n<p>It started with Google's announcement that they are offering a <a href=\"\">service for email senders to know if their messages are wrongly classified as spam</a>. Two particular things caught my attention: the statement that less than 0.05% of genuine email goes to the spam folder by mistake and the statement that this new tool to understand misclassification is only available to \"help <em>qualified</em> high-volume senders\".</p>\n<p>From there, discussion has proceeded with <a href=\"\">Linus Torvalds blogging about his own experience of Google misclassifying patches from Linux contributors as spam</a> and that has been widely reported in places like <a href=\"\">Slashdot</a> and <a href=\"\">The Register</a>.</p>\n<p>Personally, I've observed much the same thing from the other perspective. While Torvalds complains that he isn't receiving email, I've observed that my own emails are not always received when the recipient is a Gmail address.</p>\n<p>It seems that Google expects their users work a little bit every day going through every message in the spam folder and <em>explicitly</em> clicking the \"Not Spam\" button:</p>\n<p><img src=\"\"/></p>\n<p>so that Google can improve their proprietary algorithms for classifying mail. If you just read or reply to a message in the folder without clicking the button, or if you don't do this for every message, including mailing list posts and other trivial notifications that are not actually spam, more important messages from the same senders will also continue to be misclassified.</p>\n<p>If you are not willing to volunteer your time to do this, or if you are simply one of those people who has better things to do, Google's Gmail service is going to have a corrosive effect on your relationships.</p>\n<p>A few months ago, we visited Australia and I sent emails to many people who I wanted to catch up with, including invitations to a family event. Some people received the emails in their inboxes yet other people didn't see them because the systems at Google (and other companies, notably Hotmail) put them in a spam folder. The rate at which this appeared to happen was definitely higher than the 0.05% quoted in the Google article above. Maybe the Google spam filters noticed that I haven't sent email to some members of the extended family for a long time and this triggered the spam algorithm? Yet it was at that very moment that we were visiting Australia that email needs to work reliably with that type of contact as we don't fly out there every year.</p>\n<p>A little bit earlier in the year, I was corresponding with a few students who were applying for <a href=\"\">Google Summer of Code</a>. Some of them also observed the same thing, they sent me an email and didn't receive my response until they were looking in their spam folder a few days later. Last year I know a GSoC mentor who lost track of a student for over a week because <a href=\"\">of Google silently discarding chat messages</a>, so it appears Google has not just shot themselves in the foot, they managed to shoot their foot twice.</p>\n<p>What is remarkable is that in both cases, the email problems and the XMPP problems, Google doesn't send any error back to the sender so that they know their message didn't get through. Instead, it is silently discarded or left in a spam folder. This is the most corrosive form of communication problem as more time can pass before anybody realizes that something went wrong. After it happens a few times, people lose a lot of confidence in the technology itself and try other means of communication which may be more expensive, more synchronous and time intensive or less private.</p>\n<p>When I discussed these issues with friends, some people replied by telling me I should send them things through Facebook or WhatsApp, but each of those services has a higher privacy cost and there are also many other people who don't use either of those services. This tends to fragment communications even more as people who use Facebook end up communicating with other people who use Facebook and excluding all the people who don't have time for Facebook. On top of that, it creates more tedious effort going to three or four different places to check for messages.</p>\n<p>Despite all of this, the suggestion that Google's only response is to build a service to \"help <em>qualified</em> high-volume senders\" get their messages through leaves me feeling that things will get worse before they start to get better. There is no mention in the <a href=\"\">Google announcement</a> about what they will offer to help the average person eliminate these problems, other than to stop using Gmail or spend unpaid time meticulously training the Google spam filter and hoping everybody else does the same thing.</p>\n<h3>Some more observations on the issue</h3>\n<p>Many spam filtering programs used in corporate networks, such as <a href=\"\">SpamAssassin</a>, add <a href=\"\">headers</a> to each email to suggest why it was classified as spam. Google's systems don't appear to give any such feedback to their users or message senders though, just a very <a href=\";answer=81126\">basic set of recommendations for running a mail server</a>.</p>\n<p>Many chat protocols work with an explicit opt-in. Before you can exchange messages with somebody, you must add each other to your buddy lists. Once you do this, virtually all messages get through without filtering. Could this concept be adapted to email, maybe giving users a summary of messages from people they don't have in their contact list and asking them to explicitly accept or reject each contact?</p>\n<p>If a message spends more than a week in the spam folder and Google detects that the user isn't ever looking in the spam folder, should Google send a <a href=\"\">bounce message</a> back to the sender to indicate that Google refused to deliver it to the inbox?</p>\n<p>I've personally heard that misclassification occurs with mailing list posts as well as private messages.</p>\n</div></div></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Karel Zak'
Tracker-Message: Title:'lsipc new command to list IPC facilities'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Karel Zak" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "lsipc new command to list IPC facilities" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Although it seems that System V IPC is obsolete thing, it's still used by many (enterprise) tools like databases, application servers etc. The classic tool ipcs(1) provides basic overview, unfortunately the output is very fixed and it's impossible to mix the output columns (for example --pid and --creator cannot be used together etc.). It's also very difficult to extend the current implementation without break backward compatibility. The solution is a new libsmartcols based tool: lsipc(1). It's like many another util-linux ls-like tools, columns are maintains independently, it's easy to extend, user has absolute control on the output and it provides more output formats (including JSON). The important and unique is the default (--global) output: # lsipc RESOURCE DESCRIPTION LIMIT USED USE% MSGMNI Number of message queues 32000 0 0.00% MSGMAX Max size of message (bytes) 8192 0 0.00% MSGMNB Default max size of queue (bytes) 16384 0 0.00% SHMMNI Shared memory segments 4096 21 0.51% SHMALL Shared memory pages 268435456 294049 0.11% SEMMNS Total number of semaphores 1024000000 0 0.00% SEMMNI Number of Semaphore IDs 32000 0 0.00% the information about shared memory is provided with COMMAND column, that makes things more human friendly: # lsipc --shmem KEY ID PERMS OWNER SIZE NATTCH STATUS CTIME CPID LPID COMMAND 0x6c6c6536 0 rw------- root 4K 0 Jul16 288 288 0x00000000 327681 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul16 1487 992 gjs /home/kzak/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ 0x00000000 393219 rw------- kzak 512K 2 dest Jul16 1141 2853 /usr/bin/gnome-shell 0x00000000 2064389 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat 0x00000000 47611910 rw------- kzak 8M 2 dest 10:07 2853 804 /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox 0x00000000 2228231 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat 0x00000000 2195464 rw------- kzak 2M 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat 0x00000000 42303503 rw------- kzak 8M 2 dest Jul22 1340 992 /usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service 0x00000000 42270736 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul22 1340 992 /usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service 0x00000000 43188243 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul22 8873 1845 /usr/libexec/gnome-terminal-server 0x00000000 33882133 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul20 26049 992 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/hp-systray --force-startup and you can define your own output: # lsipc --shmem -o KEY,SIZE,PERMS KEY SIZE PERMS 0x6c6c6536 4K rw------- 0x00000000 4M rw------- 0x00000000 512K rw------- 0x00000000 384K rw------- 0x00000000 8M rw------- 0x00000000 384K rw------- 0x00000000 2M rw------- 0x00000000 8M rw------- 0x00000000 4M rw------- 0x00000000 4M rw------- 0x00000000 384K rw------- or ask for specific segment: # lsipc --shmem --id 47611910 Key: 0x00000000 ID: 47611910 Owner: kzak Permissions: rw------- Creator UID: 1000 Creator user: kzak Creator GID: 1000 Creator group: kzak UID: 1000 User name: kzak GID: 1000 Group name: kzak Last change: Thu Jul 23 10:07:46 2015 Segment size: 8M Attached processes: 2 Status: dest Attach time: Thu Jul 23 10:07:46 2015 Creator command: /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox Creator PID: 2853 Last user PID: 804 and it should be easy to export complex info about IPC to the monitoring tool: # lsipc --json -o resource,limit,used { \"ipclimits\": [ {\"resource\": \"MSGMNI\", \"limit\": \"32000\", \"used\": \"0\"}, {\"resource\": \"MSGMAX\", \"limit\": \"8192\", \"used\": \"0\"}, {\"resource\": \"MSGMNB\", \"limit\": \"16384\", \"used\": \"0\"}, {\"resource\": \"SHMMNI\", \"limit\": \"4096\", \"used\": \"11\"}, {\"resource\": \"SHMALL\", \"limit\": \"268435456\", \"used\": \"8097\"}, {\"resource\": \"SEMMNS\", \"limit\": \"1024000000\", \"used\": \"0\"}, {\"resource\": \"SEMMNI\", \"limit\": \"32000\", \"used\": \"0\"} ] } lsipc(1) will be available in util-linux v2.27 (probaly August 2015). " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n Although it seems that System V IPC is obsolete thing, it's still used by many (enterprise) tools like databases, application servers etc. <p/>The classic tool ipcs(1) provides basic overview, unfortunately the output is very fixed and it's impossible to mix the output columns (for example --pid and --creator cannot be used together etc.). It's also very difficult to extend the current implementation without break backward compatibility. <p/>The solution is a new libsmartcols based tool: lsipc(1). It's like many another util-linux ls-like tools, columns are maintains independently, it's easy to extend, user has absolute control on the output and it provides more output formats (including JSON). <p/>The important and unique is the default (--global) output:<pre><br/># lsipc<br/>RESOURCE DESCRIPTION LIMIT USED USE%<br/>MSGMNI Number of message queues 32000 0 0.00%<br/>MSGMAX Max size of message (bytes) 8192 0 0.00%<br/>MSGMNB Default max size of queue (bytes) 16384 0 0.00%<br/>SHMMNI Shared memory segments 4096 21 0.51%<br/>SHMALL Shared memory pages 268435456 294049 0.11%<br/>SEMMNS Total number of semaphores 1024000000 0 0.00%<br/>SEMMNI Number of Semaphore IDs 32000 0 0.00%<br/></pre>the information about shared memory is provided with COMMAND column, that makes things more human friendly:<pre><br/># lsipc --shmem<br/>KEY ID PERMS OWNER SIZE NATTCH STATUS CTIME CPID LPID COMMAND<br/>0x6c6c6536 0 rw------- root 4K 0 Jul16 288 288<br/>0x00000000 327681 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul16 1487 992 gjs /home/kzak/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/<br/>0x00000000 393219 rw------- kzak 512K 2 dest Jul16 1141 2853 /usr/bin/gnome-shell<br/>0x00000000 2064389 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat<br/>0x00000000 47611910 rw------- kzak 8M 2 dest 10:07 2853 804 /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox<br/>0x00000000 2228231 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat<br/>0x00000000 2195464 rw------- kzak 2M 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat<br/>0x00000000 42303503 rw------- kzak 8M 2 dest Jul22 1340 992 /usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service<br/>0x00000000 42270736 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul22 1340 992 /usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service<br/>0x00000000 43188243 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul22 8873 1845 /usr/libexec/gnome-terminal-server<br/>0x00000000 33882133 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul20 26049 992 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/hp-systray --force-startup<br/></pre>and you can define your own output:<pre><br/># lsipc --shmem -o KEY,SIZE,PERMS<br/>KEY SIZE PERMS<br/>0x6c6c6536 4K rw-------<br/>0x00000000 4M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 512K rw-------<br/>0x00000000 384K rw-------<br/>0x00000000 8M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 384K rw-------<br/>0x00000000 2M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 8M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 4M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 4M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 384K rw-------<br/></pre>or ask for specific segment:<pre><br/># lsipc --shmem --id 47611910<br/>Key: 0x00000000<br/>ID: 47611910<br/>Owner: kzak<br/>Permissions: rw-------<br/>Creator UID: 1000<br/>Creator user: kzak<br/>Creator GID: 1000<br/>Creator group: kzak<br/>UID: 1000<br/>User name: kzak<br/>GID: 1000<br/>Group name: kzak<br/>Last change: Thu Jul 23 10:07:46 2015<br/>Segment size: 8M<br/>Attached processes: 2<br/>Status: dest<br/>Attach time: Thu Jul 23 10:07:46 2015<br/>Creator command: /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox<br/>Creator PID: 2853<br/>Last user PID: 804<br/></pre>and it should be easy to export complex info about IPC to the monitoring tool:<pre><br/># lsipc --json -o resource,limit,used<br/>{<br/> \"ipclimits\": [<br/> {\"resource\": \"MSGMNI\", \"limit\": \"32000\", \"used\": \"0\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"MSGMAX\", \"limit\": \"8192\", \"used\": \"0\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"MSGMNB\", \"limit\": \"16384\", \"used\": \"0\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"SHMMNI\", \"limit\": \"4096\", \"used\": \"11\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"SHMALL\", \"limit\": \"268435456\", \"used\": \"8097\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"SEMMNS\", \"limit\": \"1024000000\", \"used\": \"0\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"SEMMNI\", \"limit\": \"32000\", \"used\": \"0\"}<br/> ]<br/>}<br/></pre>lsipc(1) will be available in util-linux v2.27 (probaly August 2015).</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Caolán McNamara'
Tracker-Message: Title:'RHEL 6.7 upgrades LibreOffice from to'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Caolán McNamara" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "RHEL 6.7 upgrades LibreOffice from to" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n The freshly announced RHEL 6.7 upgrades LibreOffice from to RHEL 7.2 will upgrade from to Fedora 23 will have 5.0.0 in it. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n The freshly announced RHEL 6.7 <a href=\"\">upgrades LibreOffice</a> from to RHEL 7.2 will upgrade from to Fedora 23 will have 5.0.0 in it.</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'rich'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Why has the libguestfs appliance grown by 281 MB?'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "rich" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Why has the libguestfs appliance grown by 281 MB?" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n a.k.a guestmount + filelight are awesome! \n Click to see the full image \n \n If you want to reproduce the same diagrams yourself, just do: \n $ mkdir /tmp/mp \n$ guestmount --ro \\\n -a /var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/appliance.d/root \\\n -m /dev/sda /tmp/mp \n$ filelight /tmp/mp \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>a.k.a <a href=\"\">guestmount</a> + <a href=\"\">filelight</a> are awesome!</p>\n<p><i>Click to see the full image</i></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\";h=189\" alt=\"Screenshot_2015-07-23_14-22-50\" height=\"189\" class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-5748\" width=\"450\"/></a></p>\n<p>If you want to reproduce the same diagrams yourself, just do:</p>\n<pre>$ <b>mkdir /tmp/mp</b>\n$ <b>guestmount --ro \\\n -a /var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/appliance.d/root \\\n -m /dev/sda /tmp/mp</b>\n$ <b>filelight /tmp/mp</b>\n</pre><br/> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <img src=\";blog=6840703&amp;post=5747&amp;subd=rwmj&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Allan'
Tracker-Message: Title:'HIG updates'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Allan" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "HIG updates" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n \n The GNOME 3 Human Interface Guidelines were released just under a year ago . They incorporated material from the GNOME 2 HIG, but they were also a thorough rework: the GNOME 3 HIG has a radically different structure from the GNOME 2 one, and is largely based on a collection of design patterns. The hope was that this collection could grow and evolve over time, ensuring that the HIG is always up to date with the latest design practice. \n I’ve recently been working on the first major update to the GNOME 3 HIG. This has enabled us to put the new structure to good use, and the number of patterns has increased. These new guidelines are the direct result of design work that has happened in the past year. They attempt to distill everything we’ve learned through our own process of trial and error. \n There have been some other notable changes to the HIG. Navigation has been improved throughout: the introduction has been thinned down, so you can get straight to the interesting stuff. The front page gives a much better overview now, and the overview pages for design patterns and interface elements have been much improved. \n\n \n \n \n\n Another nice addition is that the HIG now links to the relevant GTK+ API reference documentation for each design component. This is nice for knowing which widget does what; and makes the design guidelines a more effective accompaniment to the toolkit. \n I’m hoping to continue fixing bugs in the HIG and expanding the collection of patterns for a little while, so let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see added. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p><img src=\"\" alt=\"HIG Banner\" height=\"400\" class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-2402\" width=\"940\"/></p>\n<p>The GNOME 3 Human Interface Guidelines were <a href=\"\">released just under a year ago</a>. They incorporated material from the GNOME 2 HIG, but they were also a thorough rework: the GNOME 3 HIG has a radically different structure from the GNOME 2 one, and is largely based on a collection of design patterns. The hope was that this collection could grow and evolve over time, ensuring that the HIG is always up to date with the latest design practice.</p>\n<p>I’ve recently been working on the first major update to the GNOME 3 HIG. This has enabled us to put the new structure to good use, and the number of patterns has increased. These new guidelines are the direct result of design work that has happened in the past year. They attempt to distill everything we’ve learned through our own process of trial and error.</p>\n<p>There have been some other notable changes to the HIG. Navigation has been improved throughout: the introduction has been thinned down, so you can get straight to the interesting stuff. The front page gives a much better overview now, and the overview pages for design patterns and interface elements have been much improved.</p>\n\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"HIG Front Page\" height=\"300\" class=\"attachment-medium\" width=\"190\"/></a>\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Design Patterns\" height=\"300\" class=\"attachment-medium\" width=\"178\"/></a>\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Interface Elements\" height=\"300\" class=\"attachment-medium\" width=\"163\"/></a>\n\n<p>Another nice addition is that the HIG now links to the relevant GTK+ API reference documentation for each design component. This is nice for knowing which widget does what; and makes the design guidelines a more effective accompaniment to the toolkit.</p>\n<p>I’m hoping to continue fixing bugs in the HIG and expanding the collection of patterns for a little while, so let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see added.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Florian Weimer'
Tracker-Message: Title:'libuser vulnerabilities'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Florian Weimer" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "libuser vulnerabilities" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Updated 2015-07-24 @ 12:33 UTC \n It was discovered that the libuser library contains two vulnerabilities which, in combination, allow unprivileged local users to gain root privileges. libuser is a library that provides read and write access to files like /etc/passwd , which constitute the system user and group database. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux it is a central system component. \n What is being disclosed today? \n Qualys reported two vulnerabilities: \n \n CVE-2015-3245 : The userhelper program allows local users to add linefeeds in the middle of records to /etc/passwd , corrupting the file. \n CVE-2015-3246 : libuser uses a non-standard way of updating /etc/passwd and related files. Its locking is incompatible with the rest of the system , and the files are rewritten in place, which means that the system may observe incorrect data. \n \n It turns out that the CVE-2015-3246 vulnerability, by itself or in conjunction with CVE-2015-3245, can be exploited by an unprivileged local user to gain root privileges on an affected system. However, due to the way libuser works, only users who have accounts already listed in /etc/passwd can exploit this vulnerability, and the user needs to supply the account password as part of the attack. These requirements mean that exploitation by accounts listed only in LDAP (or some other NSS data source) or by system accounts without a valid password is not possible. Further analysis showed that the first vulnerability, CVE-2015-3245, is also due to a missing check in libuser . Qualys has disclosed full technical details in their security advisory posted to the oss-security mailing list . \n Which system components are affected by these vulnerabilities? \n libuser is a library, which means that in order to exploit it, a program which employs it must be used. Ideally, such a program has the following properties: \n \n It uses libuser . \n It is SUID-root. \n It allows putting almost arbitrary content into /etc/passwd . \n \n Without the third item, exploitation may still be possible, but it will be much more difficult. If the program is not SUID-root, a user will not have unlimited attempts to exploit the race condition. A survey of programs processing /etc/passwd and related files presents this picture: \n \n passwd is SUID-root, but it uses PAM to change the password, which has custom code to modify /etc/passwd not affected by the race condition. The account locking functionality in passwd does use libuser , but it is restricted to root . \n chsh from util-linux is SUID-root and uses libuser to change /etc/passwd (the latter depending on how util-linux was compiled), but it has fairly strict filters controlling what users can put into these files. \n lpasswd , lchfn , lchsh and related utilities from libuser are not SUID-root. \n userhelper (in the usermode package) and chfn (in the util-linux package) have all three qualifications: libuser -based, SUID-root, and lack of filters. \n \n This is why userhelper and chfn are plausible targets for exploitation, and other programs such as passwd and chsh are not. \n How can these vulnerabilities be addressed? \n System administrators can apply updates from your operating system vendor. Details of affected Red Hat products and security advisories are available on the knowledge base article on the Red Hat Customer Portal. This security update will change libuser to apply additional checks to the values written to the user and group files (so that injecting newlines is no longer possible), and replaces the locking and file update code to follow the same procedures as the rest of the system. The first change is sufficient to prevent newline injection with userhelper as well, which means that only libuser needs to be updated. If software updates are not available or cannot be applied, it is possible to block access to the vulnerable functionality with a PAM configuration change. System administrators can edit the files /etc/pam.d/chfn and /etc/pam.d/chsh and block access to non-root users by using pam_warn (for logging) and pam_deny : \n #%PAM-1.0\nauth sufficient\nauth required\nauth required\nauth include system-auth\naccount include system-auth\npassword include system-auth\nsession include system-auth\n \n This will prevent users from changing their login shells and their GECOS field. userhelper identifies itself to PAM as “ chfn ”, which means this change is effective for this program as well. \n Acknowledgements \n Red Hat would like to thank Qualys for reporting these vulnerabilities. \n Update (2015-07-24): Clarified that chfn is affected as well and linked to Qualys security advisory. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p><em><strong>Updated 2015-07-24 @ 12:33 UTC</strong></em></p>\n<p>It was discovered that the <code>libuser</code> library contains two vulnerabilities which, in combination, allow unprivileged local users to gain root privileges. <code>libuser</code> is a library that provides read and write access to files like <code>/etc/passwd</code>, which constitute the system user and group database. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux it is a central system component.</p>\n<h2>What is being disclosed today?</h2>\n<p>Qualys reported two vulnerabilities:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">CVE-2015-3245</a>: The <code>userhelper</code> program allows local users to add linefeeds in the middle of records to <code>/etc/passwd</code>, corrupting the file.</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">CVE-2015-3246</a>: <code>libuser</code> uses a non-standard way of updating <code>/etc/passwd</code> and related files. Its <a href=\"\">locking is incompatible with the rest of the system</a>, and the files are rewritten in place, which means that the system may observe incorrect data.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>It turns out that the CVE-2015-3246 vulnerability, by itself or in conjunction with CVE-2015-3245, can be exploited by an unprivileged local user to gain root privileges on an affected system. However, due to the way <code>libuser</code> works, only users who have accounts already listed in <code>/etc/passwd</code> can exploit this vulnerability, and the user needs to supply the account password as part of the attack. These requirements mean that exploitation by accounts listed only in LDAP (or some other NSS data source) or by system accounts without a valid password is not possible. Further analysis showed that the first vulnerability, CVE-2015-3245, is also due to a missing check in <code>libuser</code>. Qualys has disclosed full technical details in their security advisory <a href=\"\">posted to the oss-security mailing list</a>.</p>\n<h2>Which system components are affected by these vulnerabilities?</h2>\n<p><code>libuser</code> is a library, which means that in order to exploit it, a program which employs it must be used. Ideally, such a program has the following properties:</p>\n<ol>\n<li>It uses <code>libuser</code>.</li>\n<li>It is SUID-root.</li>\n<li>It allows putting almost arbitrary content into <code>/etc/passwd</code>.</li>\n</ol>\n<p>Without the third item, exploitation may still be possible, but it will be much more difficult. If the program is not SUID-root, a user will not have unlimited attempts to exploit the race condition. A survey of programs processing <code>/etc/passwd</code> and related files presents this picture:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code><strong>passwd</strong></code> is SUID-root, but it uses PAM to change the password, which has custom code to modify <code>/etc/passwd</code> not affected by the race condition. The account locking functionality in <code>passwd</code> does use <code>libuser</code>, but it is restricted to <code>root</code>.</li>\n<li><code><strong>chsh</strong></code> from <code>util-linux</code> is SUID-root and uses <code>libuser</code> to change <code>/etc/passwd</code> (the latter depending on how <code>util-linux</code> was compiled), but it has fairly strict filters controlling what users can put into these files.</li>\n<li><code><strong>lpasswd</strong></code>, <code><strong>lchfn</strong></code>, <code><strong>lchsh</strong></code> and related utilities from <code>libuser</code> are not SUID-root.</li>\n<li><code><strong>userhelper</strong></code> (in the <code>usermode</code> package) and <code><strong>chfn</strong></code> (in the util-linux package) have all three qualifications: <code>libuser</code>-based, SUID-root, and lack of filters.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>This is why <code><strong>userhelper</strong></code> and <code><strong>chfn</strong></code> are plausible targets for exploitation, and other programs such as <code>passwd</code> and <code>chsh</code> are not.</p>\n<h2>How can these vulnerabilities be addressed?</h2>\n<p>System administrators can apply updates from your operating system vendor. Details of affected Red Hat products and security advisories are available on the <a href=\"\">knowledge base article</a> on the Red Hat Customer Portal. This security update will change <code>libuser</code> to apply additional checks to the values written to the user and group files (so that injecting newlines is no longer possible), and replaces the locking and file update code to follow the same procedures as the rest of the system. The first change is sufficient to prevent newline injection with <code>userhelper</code> as well, which means that only <code>libuser</code> needs to be updated. If software updates are not available or cannot be applied, it is possible to block access to the vulnerable functionality with a PAM configuration change. System administrators can edit the files <code>/etc/pam.d/chfn</code> and <code>/etc/pam.d/chsh</code> and block access to non-root users by using <code>pam_warn</code> (for logging) and <code>pam_deny</code>:</p>\n<pre>#%PAM-1.0\nauth sufficient\nauth required\nauth required\nauth include system-auth\naccount include system-auth\npassword include system-auth\nsession include system-auth\n</pre>\n<p>This will prevent users from changing their login shells and their GECOS field. <code>userhelper</code> identifies itself to PAM as “<code><strong>chfn</strong></code>”, which means this change is effective for this program as well.</p>\n<h2>Acknowledgements</h2>\n<p>Red Hat would like to thank Qualys for reporting these vulnerabilities.</p>\n<p><strong>Update</strong> (2015-07-24): Clarified that <code><strong>chfn</strong></code> is affected as well and linked to Qualys security advisory.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'smittix'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora 22: Fresh Install Script (Ongoing Development)'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "smittix" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora 22: Fresh Install Script (Ongoing Development)" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n I have had this script for a while, it’s just something I created for personal use because I always had different versions of Fedora in virtual instances. \n I wanted to put it out there so you can either make it better, say its crap or give me feedback on what you’d like to add. \n It’s a simple bash script and is free to modify and do what you want with. \n What exactly does it do? \n Firstly, it will install the fastest mirror plugin to make sure you’re obtaining software from the quickest repositories near to you. \n Then it goes on to install Satya’s ‘Fedy’ which I have written about in previous posts, RPM Fusion repositories and then updates & upgrades your system. \n After your system is updated it goes on to install popular applications in the following categories which I use daily \n \n Photography and Video editing suites \n Virtualisation tools \n Games \n Utilities \n Networking tools \n Multimedia Applications \n Spotify \n \n For a full list of software please see the script below. #! /bin/bash\n# This is Smittix's Setup Script -\n# I use this on new installations of Fedora any questions please ask\n\n# dnf Fastest Mirror Plugin\ndnf install -y yum-plugin-fastestmirror\n\n# Gnome Tweak Tool and a few customizations\ndnf install -y gnome-tweak-tool\ndnf install -y terminus-fonts\ndnf install -y elementary-icon-theme\ndnf install -y gnome-shell-theme*\n\n# Fedy\ndnf install -y curl\ncurl -o fedy-installer & & chmod +x fedy-installer & & ./fedy-installer\n\n#RPM Fusion Repos\ndnf localinstall -y --nogpgcheck$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm\n\n#Update the system\ndnf update -y dnf\ndnf update -y\n\n#Plymouth Themes\ndnf install -y plymouth-theme*\n\n#Photography Software\ndnf install -y gimp\ndnf install -y inkscape\ndnf install -y ufraw\ndnf install -y luminance-hdr\ndnf install -y darktable\n\n#Video Editing\ndnf install -y pitivi\ndnf install -y kdenlive\n\n#Virtualisation\ndnf install -y @virtualization\ndnf install -y libvirt\n\n#Utilities\ndnf install -y alsa-tools\ndnf install -y tomboy\ndnf install -y deja-dup\n\n#Games\ndnf install -y chromium-bsu\ndnf install -y frozen-bubble\ndnf install -y dosbox\n\n#Internet\ndnf install -y transmission\ndnf install -y thunderbird\ndnf install -y remmina\ndnf install -y remmina-plugins*\n\n#Multimedia\ndnf install -y vlc\ndnf install -y sound-juicer\ndnf in stall -y audacity\n\n#Nautilus Addons\ndnf install -y nautilus-actions\n\n#Youtube Downloader\ndnf install -y youtube-dl\n\n\n#Spotify Repo\ndnf-config-manager --add-repo=\n\n#Install Spotify\ndnf install -y spotify-client\n\n#Lets make the fonts look a little better\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface document-font-name 'Sans 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name 'Cantarell 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name 'Terminus 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-font 'Cantarell 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings hinting 'slight'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings antialiasing 'rgba'\n\n#Adding the date and seconds to the clock\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-date\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-seconds If you would like to add to the script please do so via github which can be found here. \n \n As you will see at the end of the script there are commented out gsettings commands, I have commented these out as they won’t run automatically. Any help with that would be great and very much appreciated! \n Download \n \n Run \n Once you have downloaded the script you will need to make it executable by doing chmod +x then run it with sh and voila! Everything in that script will be installed. \n I really hope this is useful to someone, I know it’s a quick and dirty script but it has definitely saved me time over the years. \n for any feedback either leave a comment or contact me over at smittix (AT) \n \n \n smittix \n \n Security researcher and penetration tester with a love of Linux especially Fedora. \n \n \n \n \n \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>I have had this script for a while, it’s just something I created for personal use because I always had different versions of Fedora in virtual instances.</p>\n<p>I wanted to put it out there so you can either make it better, say its crap or give me feedback on what you’d like to add.</p>\n<p>It’s a simple bash script and is free to modify and do what you want with.</p>\n<h2>What exactly does it do?</h2>\n<p>Firstly, it will install the fastest mirror plugin to make sure you’re obtaining software from the quickest repositories near to you.</p>\n<p>Then it goes on to install Satya’s ‘Fedy’ which I have written about in previous posts, RPM Fusion repositories and then updates &amp; upgrades your system.</p>\n<p>After your system is updated it goes on to install popular applications in the following categories which I use daily</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Photography and Video editing suites</li>\n<li>Virtualisation tools</li>\n<li>Games</li>\n<li>Utilities</li>\n<li>Networking tools</li>\n<li>Multimedia Applications</li>\n<li>Spotify</li>\n</ul>\n<p>For a full list of software please see the script below.</p><pre class=\"crayon-plain-tag\">#! /bin/bash\n# This is Smittix's Setup Script -\n# I use this on new installations of Fedora any questions please ask\n\n# dnf Fastest Mirror Plugin\ndnf install -y yum-plugin-fastestmirror\n\n# Gnome Tweak Tool and a few customizations\ndnf install -y gnome-tweak-tool\ndnf install -y terminus-fonts\ndnf install -y elementary-icon-theme\ndnf install -y gnome-shell-theme*\n\n# Fedy\ndnf install -y curl\ncurl -o fedy-installer &amp;&amp; chmod +x fedy-installer &amp;&amp; ./fedy-installer\n\n#RPM Fusion Repos\ndnf localinstall -y --nogpgcheck$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm\n\n#Update the system\ndnf update -y dnf\ndnf update -y\n\n#Plymouth Themes\ndnf install -y plymouth-theme*\n\n#Photography Software\ndnf install -y gimp\ndnf install -y inkscape\ndnf install -y ufraw\ndnf install -y luminance-hdr\ndnf install -y darktable\n\n#Video Editing\ndnf install -y pitivi\ndnf install -y kdenlive\n\n#Virtualisation\ndnf install -y @virtualization\ndnf install -y libvirt\n\n#Utilities\ndnf install -y alsa-tools\ndnf install -y tomboy\ndnf install -y deja-dup\n\n#Games\ndnf install -y chromium-bsu\ndnf install -y frozen-bubble\ndnf install -y dosbox\n\n#Internet\ndnf install -y transmission\ndnf install -y thunderbird\ndnf install -y remmina\ndnf install -y remmina-plugins*\n\n#Multimedia\ndnf install -y vlc\ndnf install -y sound-juicer\ndnf install -y audacity\n\n#Nautilus Addons\ndnf install -y nautilus-actions\n\n#Youtube Downloader\ndnf install -y youtube-dl\n\n\n#Spotify Repo\ndnf-config-manager --add-repo=\n\n#Install Spotify\ndnf install -y spotify-client\n\n#Lets make the fonts look a little better\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface document-font-name 'Sans 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name 'Cantarell 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name 'Terminus 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-font 'Cantarell 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings hinting 'slight'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings antialiasing 'rgba'\n\n#Adding the date and seconds to the clock\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-date\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-seconds</pre><p>If you would like to add to the script please do so via <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">github</a> which can be found here.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>As you will see at the end of the script there are commented out gsettings commands, I have commented these out as they won’t run automatically. Any help with that would be great and very much appreciated!</p>\n<h2>Download</h2>\n<p></p>\n<h2>Run</h2>\n<p>Once you have downloaded the script you will need to make it executable by doing</p><pre class=\"crayon-plain-tag\">chmod +x</pre><p>then run it with</p><pre class=\"crayon-plain-tag\">sh</pre><p>and voila! Everything in that script will be installed.</p>\n<p>I really hope this is useful to someone, I know it’s a quick and dirty script but it has definitely saved me time over the years.</p>\n<p><strong>for any feedback either leave a comment or contact me over at smittix (AT)</strong>\n</p><div class=\"saboxplugin-wrap\">\n<div class=\"saboxplugin-gravatar\"><img src=\";r=g\" alt=\"\" height=\"100\" class=\"avatar avatar-100 photo\" width=\"100\"/></div>\n<div class=\"saboxplugin-authorname\"><a href=\"\">smittix</a></div>\n<div class=\"saboxplugin-desc\">\n<div class=\"vcard author\"><span class=\"fn\">Security researcher and penetration tester with a love of Linux especially Fedora.</span></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"saboxplugin-web \"><a href=\"\" target=\"_self\"></a></div>\n<div class=\"clearfix\"/>\n<div class=\"saboxplugin-socials \"><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"saboxplugin-icon-grey saboxplugin-icon-googleplus\"/></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"saboxplugin-icon-grey saboxplugin-icon-twitter\"/></a></div>\n</div>\n<p><a href=\";id=427&amp;md5=9e92ff2d9b414e72221920c8a11ebccf\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Flattr this!\"/></a></p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Manuel Escudero'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Cómo instalar VirtualBox en Fedora Linux'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Manuel Escudero" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Cómo instalar VirtualBox en Fedora Linux" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Virtualbox es un gestor de máquinas virtuales (hypervisor) que nos permitirá correr otros sistemas operativos dentro de nuestro Fedora Linux . Acá el tutorial de cómo instalar VirtualBox 5.0 en tu Fedora 21 y/o Fedora 22  sin problemas. Como lo haremos desde el repositorio oficial de Oracle , ésta versión se actualizará por si sola; Para instalarlo entonces, correremos en terminal: NOTA: Si tienes VirtualBox-4.3 instalado en tu sistema, recuerda eliminarlo previamente con el comando: dnf -y remove VirtualBox-4.3 & & dnf clean all & & dnf makecache $ su - # dnf -y update # dnf install -y kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms gcc # dnf -y install kernel-PAE-devel (Sólo Si tienes Kernel PAE) # wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repo # dnf -y install VirtualBox-5.0 # /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup # usermod -G vboxusers -a username (Reemplazando username por nuestro nombre de usuario en el último comando) Y con ésto tendremos Oracle   Virtualbox instalado en la PC. Ahora tenemos que descargar el Extension Pack  para asegurar el óptimo funcionamiento y compatibilidad de las máquinas virtuales, (controladores de mejor calidad, carpetas compartidas, dispositivos USB y otras cosas); Dicho pack lo podemos obtener desde acá , y se instala como describimos en este otro post . Una vez instalado el extension pack, reiniciamos el equipo y luego estaremos listos para usar Vritualbox en nuestro sistema Fedora Linux . El contenido publicado en el Blog Xenode Está bajo una licencia CC-BY-NC-SA ; No olvides seguirnos en Facebook , Twitter , Google+ y Youtube , ¡Te esperamos! \n \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img src=\"\" height=\"147\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><b>Virtualbox</b> es un gestor de máquinas virtuales (hypervisor) que nos permitirá correr otros sistemas operativos dentro de nuestro <b>Fedora Linux</b>. Acá el tutorial de cómo instalar <b>VirtualBox 5.0</b> en tu <b>Fedora 21 </b>y/o<b> Fedora 22</b> sin problemas. Como lo haremos desde el repositorio oficial de <b>Oracle</b>, ésta versión se actualizará por si sola; Para instalarlo entonces, correremos en terminal:<br/><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> Si tienes <b>VirtualBox-4.3</b> instalado en tu sistema, recuerda eliminarlo previamente con el comando:</i><br/><br/><code>dnf -y remove <b>VirtualBox-4.3</b> &amp;&amp; dnf clean all &amp;&amp; dnf makecache</code><br/><br/><code>$ su -</code><br/><code># dnf -y update</code><br/><code># dnf install -y kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms gcc</code><br/><code># dnf -y install kernel-PAE-devel (Sólo Si tienes Kernel PAE)</code><br/><code># wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repo</code><br/><code># dnf -y install <b>VirtualBox-5.0</b></code><br/><code># /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup</code><br/><code># usermod -G vboxusers -a <b>username</b></code><br/><br/>(Reemplazando <b>username</b> por nuestro nombre de usuario en el último comando)<br/><br/>Y con ésto tendremos <b>Oracle</b> <b>Virtualbox</b> instalado en la PC. Ahora tenemos que descargar el <b>Extension Pack</b> para asegurar el óptimo funcionamiento y compatibilidad de las máquinas virtuales, (controladores de mejor calidad, carpetas compartidas, dispositivos USB y otras cosas); Dicho pack lo podemos obtener <a style=\"font-weight: bold;\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">desde acá</a>, y se instala como describimos en <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>este otro post</b></a>. Una vez instalado el extension pack, reiniciamos el equipo y luego estaremos listos para usar <b>Vritualbox </b>en nuestro sistema <b>Fedora Linux</b>.<div class=\"blogger-post-footer\"><br/>El contenido publicado en el <a href=\"\">Blog Xenode</a> Está bajo una licencia <a href=\"\">CC-BY-NC-SA</a>; No olvides seguirnos en <a href=\"\">Facebook</a>, <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>, <a href=\"\">Google+</a> y <a href=\"\">Youtube</a>, ¡Te esperamos!</div><div class=\"feedflare\">\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a>\n</div><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'SML'
Tracker-Message: Title:'A non-coder CAN contribute to open source'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "SML" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "A non-coder CAN contribute to open source" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n I am a Fedora Ambassador. I am Linux instructor. I am an advocate for Open Source initiatives be it project management, government, code, or anything else. It drives me bonkers when someone says they are not involved with an opensource community because they \"don't code\". I attended Open Source Day at the Grace Hopper celebration several years in a row. Over and over I asked if someone was going to stop by the event and was told \"No, I don't code\". Over and over I tried to explain the many other ways of contributing to opensource projects. Thankfully the past few years have brought much more awareness in this realm. More and more projects have a community advocate. Conferences like OSCON promote community building, documentation workshops, and how to let people know how they can contribute. Conferences like \"All Things Open\" promote the idea that not all opensource is about code. Non programmers can write docs. They can design logos. They can help with user interface design. They can test fixes or new features. They can triage bugs by verifying that the submitted report can be recreated and adding additional details, logs, or config files. Larger projects need some infrastructure support that is more administration and security compliance than Java programmer. Many people who consider themselves non-programmers do have some pretty good scripting skills and can assist with packaging for distributions. Meanwhile many (not all) programs to enhance diversity in opensource projects (a much needed enhancement for many projects) appear to focus on the coding side of things. Girls who code, pyLadies, OutReachy , and even Google's Summer of Code. Some are more in name than content. For example I know of at least one summer of code project that was more about documentation and packaging than programming. OpenHatch on campus programs are focused on programming contributions but their database of projects looking for assistance also includes a category of bugs labels as documentation. Additionally - and much worse - calls for more contributions that end in hashtags like #programmer or look for \"non-technical\" people to write docs and test code, just further alienate non-programmer contributors. I may not feel like a \"coder\", but I am definitely \"technical\" and I can and do contribute to open source projects. I wonder how those that complain \"we have too many users and not enough contributors\" count those contributions? Is is purely with the committer logs to the code source? Do they count contributions to documentation? Or infrastructure trac systems? What about (valid) bug reports? The person that tests fixes, new features, or early release code AND provides feedback in crucial to a project. Are they a user or a contributor? What about the person who helps out other users on a mailing list or in a chat room only a user or are they also a contributor? Do the project developers really want to provide all the support and bug triaging in addition to writing the code and test suites? What is the distinction between committer and contributor? Does it matter? Should it matter? The nature of open source is that anyone can use it without contributing back. Contributions may be the currency of open source (another OSCON quote), and suggestions, requests, and word of mouth advertising  may only be worth pennies, but they are contributions and just as important to a project as the trackable technical contributions. Once you catch and real in the interested technical contributor that can help out so much with non-programming tasks, what is to say they won't learn some programming along the way and even create a patch or even a new feature for your project in the future! Meanwhile they are doing other valuable work so programmers can code. There were two talks at OSCON this year that I missed but by their descriptions address some related concerns: First Impressions (the value of the \"noob\") \"You code like a sysadmin\" - Impostor Syndrome for the modern developer -SML " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n I am a Fedora Ambassador. I am Linux instructor. I am an advocate for Open Source initiatives be it project management, government, code, or anything else. It drives me bonkers when someone says they are not involved with an opensource community because they \"don't code\".<br/><br/>I attended Open Source Day at the Grace Hopper celebration several years in a row. Over and over I asked if someone was going to stop by the event and was told \"No, I don't code\". Over and over I tried to explain the many other ways of contributing to opensource projects.<br/><br/>Thankfully the past few years have brought much more awareness in this realm. More and more projects have a community advocate. Conferences like OSCON promote community building, documentation workshops, and how to let people know how they can contribute. Conferences like \"All Things Open\" promote the idea that not all opensource is about code.<br/><br/>Non programmers can write docs. They can design logos. They can help with user interface design. They can test fixes or new features. They can triage bugs by verifying that the submitted report can be recreated and adding additional details, logs, or config files. Larger projects need some infrastructure support that is more administration and security compliance than Java programmer. Many people who consider themselves non-programmers do have some pretty good scripting skills and can assist with packaging for distributions.<br/><div><br/></div><div><div>Meanwhile many (not all) programs to enhance diversity in opensource projects (a much needed enhancement for many projects) appear to focus on the coding side of things. Girls who code, pyLadies, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OutReachy</a>, and even Google's Summer of Code. Some are more in name than content. For example I know of at least one summer of code project that was more about documentation and packaging than programming. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OpenHatch</a> on campus programs are focused on programming contributions but their database of projects looking for assistance also includes a category of bugs labels as documentation.</div><div><br/></div><div>Additionally - and much worse - calls for more contributions that end in hashtags like #programmer or look for \"non-technical\" people to write docs and test code, just further alienate non-programmer contributors. I may not feel like a \"coder\", but I am definitely \"technical\" and I can and do contribute to open source projects.</div><div><br/></div><div>I wonder how those that complain \"we have too many users and not enough contributors\" count those contributions?</div><div><ul><li>Is is purely with the committer logs to the code source?</li><li>Do they count contributions to documentation? Or infrastructure trac systems?</li><li>What about (valid) bug reports?</li><li>The person that tests fixes, new features, or early release code AND provides feedback in crucial to a project. Are they a user or a contributor?</li><li>What about the person who helps out other users on a mailing list or in a chat room only a user or are they also a contributor?</li><li>Do the project developers really want to provide all the support and bug triaging in addition to writing the code and test suites?</li></ul></div></div><div><div>What is the distinction between committer and contributor? Does it matter? Should it matter? The nature of open source is that anyone can use it without contributing back. Contributions may be the currency of open source (another OSCON quote), and suggestions, requests, and word of mouth advertising  may only be worth pennies, but they are contributions and just as important to a project as the trackable technical contributions. Once you catch and real in the interested technical contributor that can help out so much with non-programming tasks, what is to say they won't learn some programming along the way and even create a patch or even a new feature for your project in the future! Meanwhile they are doing other valuable work so programmers can code.</div></div><div><br/></div><div><div>There were two talks at OSCON this year that I missed but by their descriptions address some related concerns:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">First Impressions (the value of the \"noob\")</a></div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\"You code like a sysadmin\" - Impostor Syndrome for the modern developer</a></div><div><br/></div></div><div>-SML</div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Manuel Escudero'
Tracker-Message: Title:'¿Qué hacer después de instalar Fedora 22? (Workstation/Server)'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Manuel Escudero" ;
nco:hasEmailAddress [ a nco:EmailAddress ;
nco:emailAddress ""] ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "¿Qué hacer después de instalar Fedora 22? (Workstation/Server)" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Guía de Post-Instalación ( Workstation & Server ) $ = usuario normal # = usuario root Workstation Primero abriremos una terminal y cambiamos a modo root con el siguiente comando en la consola: $ su - Ahora sí, comencemos con la guía... Optimizar DNF # dnf -y install yumex dnf-plugins-core Actualizar tu Sistema # dnf -y update Repositorios Extra (Necesarios) Añadiendo éstos repositorios a tu sistema, podrás encontrar prácticamente cualquier paquete de software (programa) sin problemas. Sólo tienes que recordar que algunos de éstos repositorios contienen paquetes que  no se consideran 100% software libre . Sin embargo, en muchos casos necesitarás uno o dos paquetes que vengan de estos repositorios para hacer funcionar ciertas aplicaciones. RPM Fusion (Free & Non-Free) # dnf install --nogpgcheck # dnf -y update KDE RedHat (Sólo usuarios de KDE) # dnf -y install wget & & wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/kde.repo Drivers Gráficos Libres (NVIDIA ATI, INTEL) Éstos son los drivers gráficos que deberías usar sin importar tu GPU si estás en Fedora Linux. En el post que enlazamos abajo, explicamos cómo sacar el máximo partido a tu hardware usando dichos drivers sin necesidad de recurrir a los drivers propietarios de los fabricantes. Mejorar rendimiento de drivers gráficos libres (MESA) en Fedora Linux Drivers Gráficos Propietarios Úsalos solo si NO  notas un buen rendimiento gráfico con los drivers libres aún después de seguir las instrucciones especificadas en el paso de arriba (y reiniciar) o bien, si vas a hacer  gaming pesado  en tu máquina. NOTA: Si cuentas con gráficos AMD/ATI la verdad no vale la pena utilizar los drivers propietarios (a menos que tengas una muy buena razón como la minería de criptodivisas o algo así) ya que los libres funcionan muchísimo mejor en todos los casos de uso comunes, desde videos, pasando por gaming y hasta rendering (entre otras cosas). Cómo instalar drivers gráficos propietarios NVIDIA en Fedora 22 Cómo instalar drivers gráficos propietarios AMD/ATI en Fedora 22 Cómo instalar \"drivers gráficos propietarios\" INTEL en Fedora 22   Códecs y Aplicaciones Los códecs son escenciales para poder reproducir diferentes archivos de audio/video en tu sistema independientemente del formato. Instálate un buen códec pack con el siguiente comando en consola: # dnf -y install gstreamer1-libav gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg xine-lib-extras xine-lib-extras-freeworld k3b-extras-freeworld gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer-plugins-bad-nonfree gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg mencoder Como en todo Sistema Operativo, en Fedora necesitas aplicaciones para poder trabajar en tu computadora con diferentes archivos y bajo diferentes circunstancias/situaciones. Aquí una lista detallada de apps que no pueden faltar en tu sistema Fedora Linux según categoría: Diseño/Edición # dnf -y install gimp scribus inkscape blender audacity-freeworld calligra-krita shutter pencil En esta categoría otras apps importantes son el gestor de fotografías y editor rápido. GNOME tiene a Shotwell mientras que KDE tiene a DigiKam/ShowFoto . Edición de Vídeo Cómo instalar Lightworks video editor en Fedora Linux Multimedia (Audio/Vídeo) # dnf -y install vlc clementine soundconverter mediainfo Rip & Burn # dnf -y install k3b sound-juicer kid3 Administración del sistema # dnf -y install gparted nano wget curl smartmontools htop inxi bleachbit firewall-config beesu pysdm Mensajería y Comunicación # dnf -y install pidgin xchat E-mail # dnf -y install thunderbird Compresión/Decompresión # dnf -y install unrar unzip zip p7zip p7zip-plugins Impresoras/Escáneres # dnf -y install python-qt4 hplip hplip-gui libsane-hpaio simple-scan Internet # dnf -y install firefox epiphany uget gigolo Juegos # dnf -y install steam Wine # dnf -y install wine cabextract # wget -O /usr/local/bin/winetricks & & chmod +x /usr/local/bin/winetricks Java # dnf -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel icedtea-web Otros # dnf -y install screenfetch rfkill lsb Utilidades GNOME # dnf -y install cheese gnome-shell-extension-common dconf-editor gnome-tweak-tool gtk-murrine-engine* libreoffice-langpack-es Utilidades KDE # dnf -y install kamoso digikam kde-i18n-Spanish kde-l10n-es Software básico de compilación Necesitarás instalar éstos paquetes si piensas  compilar  algo dentro de tu Fedora Linux (nunca está demás, siempre te puedes topar con software del que únicamente tengas un  tarball  por ejemplo); Es definitivamente recomendable instalarlos. # dnf -y install kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms # dnf -y install kernel-PAE-devel (Sólo Si tienes Kernel PAE) # dnf groupinstall \"Development Tools\" & &  dnf groupinstall \"Development Libraries\" Y con esto termina la parte de códecs y aplicaciones ... Aquí también puedes aprovechar para personalizar un poco la selección de apps en tu sistema, yo personalmente elimino todo lo referente a evolution y rhythmbox (con mucho cuidado de no cargarme el sistema con las dependencias ) ya que reemplazo estas 2 apps con thunderbird y clementine respectivamente. Seguridad Si tienes tu máquina Linux en red junto a máquinas Windows/Mac siempre es bueno tener a la mano un buen anti-rootkit y antivirus (por protección de los demás), ya que aunque linux es prácticamente invulnerable a las amenazas de malware comunes , los otros sistemas no: Protección anti-malware en Linux (5 tips básicos) Otras Apps NOTA: Las apps que se descarguen como paquetes rpm en este apartado se instalan con el comando dnf -y install ruta/al/paquete.rpm Esto instalará las dependencias por nosotros y después el paquete descargado como es de esperarse. LibreOffice (Si usas KDE) # dnf -y install libreoffice libreoffice-kde libreoffice-langpack-es & & dnf -y remove calligra* Google Chrome Muy importante ya que es la única manera oficial de poder disfrutar de  Flash Player y Netflix en sistemas Linux como Fedora: Descarga RPM - Skype Descarga RPM - Spotify Instalar Spotify Linux en Fedora 21 y 22 Atom Editor Fedora es un sistema operativo mayormente enfocado para programadores e ingenieros, así que asumí que incluir ésta aplicación aquí no estaría demás: Instalar Atom Editor en Fedora 21 y 22  Electrum Bitcoin Wallet En el mundo de hoy nunca está demás tener una cartera bitcoin a la mano: #QuickTip: Install Electrum Bitcoin Wallet on Fedora Linux PlayOnLinux Instalar PlayOnLinux en Fedora 21 y 22 VirtualBox Instalar VirtualBox en Fedora Linux Extras Mejorar el rendimiento de Google Chrome (y derivados) 7+ tips para mejorar el rendimiento de tu GNU/Linux ¿Tarjeta inalámbrica Broadcom? ¡Pasa por acá! Solucionar error \"OpenGL GLX context\" Steam SSD en Linux: 10+ Tips & Tweaks Mejorar el renderizado de tipografías en Fedora Linux Y pues bueno, aquí termina la parte de post-install para la edición  Workstation . Espero como con cada lanzamiento esta guía sea su referencia de elección tras instalar Fedora Linux y pues cualquier cosa no duden en dejarnos un comentario abajo. Si esta guía te fue de ayuda, apóyanos con un tweet :  Tweet < script > !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); < /script > Server DNF y utilidades # dnf -y install nano wget curl dnf-plugins-core smartmontools htop inxi mc Actualiza tu sistema # dnf -y update Configurar firewall NOTA: Si por alguna razón quisieras usar iptables en lugar de firewalld puedes seguir estas instrucciones en lugar de los pasos descritos a continuación. Primero necesitamos obtener la(s) zona(s) activas : # firewall-cmd --get-active-zones Este comando nos devolverá el nombre de la(s) zona(s) activa(s) (ej. public ) y las interfaces de red que están ligadas a ella(s) como podrían ser eth0 , p16p1 , wlan0 etc. Es recomendable también listar los puertos y servicios permitidos en la(s) zona(s) activas para hacer personalizaciones, esto se hace con: # firewall-cmd --zone= myzone --list-all Obviamente usando el nombre de la zona indicada en lugar de myzone . Luego para abrir y cerrar puertos podemos usar: # firewall-cmd --zone= myzone --add-port= xxxx / tcp  --permanent # firewall-cmd --zone= myzone --remove-port= xxxx / udp  --permanent Respectivamente, cambiando myzone por la zona indicada,  xxxx por el número de puerto deseado y especificando el protocolo ( tcp / udp ) según corresponda. Si quisiéramos remover algunos de los servicios que vengan activados por defecto (por ejemplo el servicio de SSH si cambiamos el puerto 22 por otro para nuestro acceso y no requerimos ya tener el 22 abierto), tenemos que ejecutar: firewall-cmd --zone= myzone --remove-service= myservice --permanent Cambiando myzone por la zona indicada según nuestro caso y myservice por el servicio que queramos desactivar. Al finalizar tus cambios en el firewall deberás ejecutar: service firewalld restart para verlos aplicados. Activar rc.local Activar /etc/rc.local en Fedora Linux Habilitar tuned # dnf -y install tuned # setenforce 0 # tuned-adm list # tuned-adm profile perfil-deseado # setenforce 1 Después añadimos a nuestro rc.local: # Tuned setenforce 0 service tuned start setenforce 1 Esto se hace con el comando: # nano /etc/rc.d/rc.local Asumiendo que ya hayas activado el rc.local previamente. Kernel VM Tunings Kernel VM tunnings para mejorar rendimiento en Linux Habilitar Zswap Haz tu Linux más rápido con Zswap Instalar Entorno Gráfico NOTA: Hacerlo sólo si tienes una muy buena razón para ello. Cómo instalar un entorno gráfico en Fedora Server Protección Anti-Malware En un servidor esto es cosa de sí o sí . Recuerda que en el caso de ClamAV (citado en el artículo a continuación) es recomendable establecer un cronjob como root para el análisis y limpieza de archivos infectados en directorios relevantes (por ejemplo el directorio de subidas públicas en un servidor web): Protección anti-malware en Linux (5+ tips básicos) Configurar Google DNS Si no lo hiciste al instalar tu sistema y configurar tu red vale la pena hacerlo: Google Public DNS Ksplice: Rebootless Updates Ksplice: Actualizaciones de seguridad rebootless para Linux Aprende a usar SELinux TUTORIAL: ¿Cómo c*rajo se usa SELinux? Extras 7+ tips para mejorar el rendimiento de tu GNU/Linux Cómo configurar una IP virtual en Linux SSD en Linux: 10+ Tips & Tweaks Y pues bueno, aquí termina la parte de post-install para la edición  Server . Espero que al igual que en el caso de la edición para estaciones de trabajo, esta guía se convierta en su referencia de elección tras instalar  Fedora  y pues cualquier cosa no duden en dejarnos un comentario abajo. Si esta guía te fue de ayuda, apóyanos  con un tweet :  Tweet < script > !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); < /script > El contenido publicado en el Blog Xenode Está bajo una licencia CC-BY-NC-SA ; No olvides seguirnos en Facebook , Twitter , Google+ y Youtube , ¡Te esperamos! \n \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"288\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"font-size: large;\"><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\"><b><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">Guía de Post-Instalación </span><br/><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">(</span><span style=\"color: #6aa84f;\">Workstation</span><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\"> &amp; </span><span style=\"color: #f1c232;\">Server</span><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">)</span></b></span></span></div><br/><div style=\"text-align: center;\"><div style=\"text-align: left;\"/><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><code><b>$</b> = usuario normal</code></div></div><div style=\"text-align: center;\"><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><code><b>#</b> = usuario root</code></div><div style=\"text-align: left;\"/></div><span style=\"color: #6aa84f; font-size: x-large;\"><b><br/></b></span><span style=\"color: #6aa84f; font-size: x-large;\"><b>Workstation</b></span><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"202\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><br/>Primero abriremos una terminal y cambiamos a <b>modo root</b> con el siguiente comando en la consola:<br/><br/><code>$ su -</code><br/><br/>Ahora sí, comencemos con la guía...<br/><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"222\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Optimizar DNF</span><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install yumex dnf-plugins-core</code><br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Actualizar tu Sistema</span><br/><br/><code># dnf -y update</code><br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Repositorios Extra (Necesarios)</span><br/><br/>Añadiendo éstos repositorios a tu sistema, podrás encontrar prácticamente <b>cualquier paquete de software</b> (programa) sin problemas. Sólo tienes que recordar que algunos de éstos repositorios contienen paquetes que <b>no se consideran 100% software libre</b>. Sin embargo, en muchos casos necesitarás uno o dos paquetes que vengan de estos repositorios para hacer funcionar ciertas aplicaciones.<br/><br/><b>RPM Fusion (Free &amp; Non-Free)</b><br/><br/><pre># dnf install --nogpgcheck<br/><br/></pre><code># dnf -y update</code><br/><br/><b>KDE RedHat (Sólo usuarios de KDE)</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install wget &amp;&amp; wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/kde.repo</code><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"205\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Drivers Gráficos Libres (NVIDIA ATI, INTEL)</span><br/><br/>Éstos son los drivers gráficos que deberías usar sin importar tu GPU si estás en Fedora Linux. En el post que enlazamos abajo, explicamos cómo sacar el máximo partido a tu hardware usando dichos drivers <b>sin necesidad</b> de recurrir a los drivers propietarios de los fabricantes.<br/><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mejorar rendimiento de drivers gráficos libres (MESA) en Fedora Linux</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Drivers Gráficos Propietarios</span><br/><br/>Úsalos solo si <b>NO</b> notas un buen rendimiento gráfico con los <b>drivers libres</b> aún después de seguir las instrucciones especificadas en el paso de arriba (y reiniciar) o bien, si vas a hacer <b>gaming pesado</b> en tu máquina.<br/><br/><i><b>NOTA: </b>Si cuentas con gráficos <b>AMD/ATI </b>la verdad no vale la pena utilizar los drivers propietarios (a menos que tengas una muy buena razón como la minería de criptodivisas o algo así) ya que los libres funcionan muchísimo mejor en todos los casos de uso comunes, desde videos, pasando por gaming y hasta rendering (entre otras cosas).</i><br/><i><br/></i><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><ul><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cómo instalar drivers gráficos propietarios NVIDIA en Fedora 22</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cómo instalar drivers gráficos propietarios AMD/ATI en Fedora 22</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cómo instalar \"drivers gráficos propietarios\" INTEL en Fedora 22</a></b></li></ul></blockquote> <span style=\"font-size: x-large;\"><br/></span><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Códecs y Aplicaciones</span><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"236\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/>Los <b>códecs</b> son escenciales para poder reproducir diferentes archivos de audio/video en tu sistema independientemente del formato. Instálate un buen códec pack con el siguiente comando en consola:<br/><br/><pre># dnf -y install gstreamer1-libav gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg xine-lib-extras xine-lib-extras-freeworld k3b-extras-freeworld gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer-plugins-bad-nonfree gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg mencoder</pre><br/>Como en todo Sistema Operativo, en Fedora necesitas <b>aplicaciones</b> para poder trabajar en tu computadora con diferentes archivos y bajo diferentes circunstancias/situaciones. Aquí una lista detallada de apps que no pueden faltar en tu sistema <b>Fedora Linux</b> según categoría:<br/><br/><b>Diseño/Edición</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install gimp scribus inkscape blender audacity-freeworld calligra-krita shutter pencil</code><br/><br/>En esta categoría otras apps importantes son el gestor de fotografías y editor rápido. GNOME tiene a <b>Shotwell</b> mientras que KDE tiene a <b>DigiKam/ShowFoto</b>.<br/><br/><b>Edición de Vídeo</b><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Cómo instalar Lightworks video editor en Fedora Linux</b></a></blockquote><b>Multimedia (Audio/Vídeo)</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install vlc clementine soundconverter mediainfo </code><br/><br/><b>Rip &amp; Burn</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install k3b sound-juicer kid3</code><br/><br/><b>Administración del sistema</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install gparted nano wget curl smartmontools htop inxi bleachbit firewall-config beesu pysdm</code><br/><br/><b>Mensajería y Comunicación</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install pidgin xchat</code><br/><br/><b>E-mail</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install thunderbird</code><br/><br/><b>Compresión/Decompresión</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install unrar unzip zip p7zip p7zip-plugins</code><br/><br/><b>Impresoras/Escáneres</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install python-qt4 hplip hplip-gui libsane-hpaio simple-scan</code><br/><br/><b>Internet</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install firefox epiphany uget gigolo</code><br/><br/><b>Juegos</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install steam</code><br/><br/><b>Wine</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install wine cabextract</code><br/><code># wget -O /usr/local/bin/winetricks &amp;&amp; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/winetricks</code><br/><br/><b>Java</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel icedtea-web</code><br/><br/><b>Otros</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install screenfetch rfkill lsb</code><br/><br/><b>Utilidades GNOME</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install cheese gnome-shell-extension-common dconf-editor gnome-tweak-tool gtk-murrine-engine* libreoffice-langpack-es</code><br/><br/><b>Utilidades KDE</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install kamoso digikam kde-i18n-Spanish kde-l10n-es</code><br/><br/><b>Software básico de compilación</b><br/><br/>Necesitarás instalar éstos paquetes si piensas <b>compilar</b> algo dentro de tu Fedora Linux (nunca está demás, siempre te puedes topar con software del que únicamente tengas un <b>tarball</b> por ejemplo); Es definitivamente recomendable instalarlos.<br/><br/><code># dnf -y install kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms</code><br/><code># dnf -y install kernel-PAE-devel (Sólo Si tienes Kernel PAE)</code><br/><code># dnf groupinstall \"Development Tools\" &amp;&amp; dnf groupinstall \"Development Libraries\"</code><br/><br/>Y con esto termina la parte de <b>códecs y aplicaciones</b>... Aquí también puedes aprovechar para personalizar un poco la selección de apps en tu sistema, yo personalmente elimino todo lo referente a <b>evolution</b> y <b>rhythmbox</b> (con mucho cuidado de no cargarme el sistema <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">con las dependencias</a></b>) ya que reemplazo estas 2 apps con <b>thunderbird</b> y <b>clementine</b> respectivamente.<br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Seguridad</span><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"207\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/>Si tienes tu máquina <b>Linux</b> en red junto a máquinas<b> Windows/Mac</b> siempre es bueno tener a la mano un buen anti-rootkit y antivirus (por protección de los demás), ya que aunque linux es prácticamente invulnerable a las amenazas de malware <b>comunes</b>, los otros sistemas no:<br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Protección anti-malware en Linux (5 tips básicos)</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Otras Apps</span><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"225\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> Las apps que se descarguen como paquetes rpm en este apartado se instalan con el comando </i><br/><i><br/></i><code><i>dnf -y install ruta/al/paquete.rpm</i></code><br/><i><br/></i><i>Esto instalará las dependencias por nosotros y después el paquete descargado como es de esperarse.</i><br/><br/><b>LibreOffice (Si usas KDE)</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install libreoffice libreoffice-kde libreoffice-langpack-es &amp;&amp; dnf -y remove calligra*</code><br/><br/><b>Google Chrome</b><br/><br/>Muy importante ya que es la <b>única manera oficial</b> de poder disfrutar de <b>Flash Player </b>y <b>Netflix</b> en sistemas Linux como Fedora:<br/><br/>Descarga RPM - <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></b><br/><br/><b>Skype</b><br/><br/>Descarga RPM -<b> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></b><br/><br/><b>Spotify</b><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Instalar Spotify Linux en Fedora 21 y 22</a></b></blockquote><b>Atom Editor</b><br/><br/>Fedora es un sistema operativo mayormente enfocado para programadores e ingenieros, así que asumí que incluir ésta aplicación aquí no estaría demás:<br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Instalar Atom Editor en Fedora 21 y 22 </a></b></blockquote><b>Electrum Bitcoin Wallet</b><br/><br/>En el mundo de hoy nunca está demás tener una cartera <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">bitcoin</a></b> a la mano:<br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">#QuickTip: Install Electrum Bitcoin Wallet on Fedora Linux</a></b></blockquote><b>PlayOnLinux</b><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Instalar PlayOnLinux en Fedora 21 y 22</a></b></blockquote><b>VirtualBox</b><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Instalar VirtualBox en Fedora Linux</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Extras</span><br/><i><br/></i><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"210\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><ul><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mejorar el rendimiento de Google Chrome (y derivados)</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">7+ tips para mejorar el rendimiento de tu GNU/Linux</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">¿Tarjeta inalámbrica Broadcom? ¡Pasa por acá!</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Solucionar error \"OpenGL GLX context\" Steam</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SSD en Linux: 10+ Tips &amp; Tweaks</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mejorar el renderizado de tipografías en Fedora Linux</a></b></li></ul></blockquote><div>Y pues bueno, aquí termina la parte de post-install para la edición <b><span style=\"color: #6aa84f;\">Workstation</span></b>. Espero como con cada lanzamiento esta guía sea su referencia de elección tras instalar <b>Fedora Linux</b> y pues cualquier cosa no duden en dejarnos un comentario abajo.<br/><br/><div style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Si esta guía te fue de ayuda, apóyanos <b><i><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">con un tweet</span></i></b>: </span><br/><br/><a href=\"\" class=\"twitter-share-button\">Tweet</a>&lt;script&gt;!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');&lt;/script&gt;<br/><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><br/></div><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><b><span style=\"color: #f1c232; font-size: x-large;\">Server</span></b></div><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"228\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">DNF y utilidades</span><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install nano wget curl dnf-plugins-core smartmontools htop inxi mc</code><br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Actualiza tu sistema</span><br/><br/><code># dnf -y update</code><br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Configurar firewall</span></div><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> Si por alguna razón quisieras usar <b>iptables</b> en lugar de <b>firewalld</b> puedes seguir <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">estas instrucciones</a></b> en lugar de los pasos descritos a continuación.</i><br/><br/>Primero necesitamos obtener <b>la(s) zona(s) activas</b>:<br/><br/><code># firewall-cmd --get-active-zones</code><br/><br/>Este comando nos devolverá el nombre de la(s) zona(s) activa(s) (ej. <b>public</b>) y las interfaces de red que están ligadas a ella(s) como podrían ser<b> eth0</b>, <b>p16p1</b>, <b>wlan0</b> etc.<br/><br/>Es recomendable también <b>listar los puertos y servicios permitidos </b>en la(s) zona(s) activas para hacer personalizaciones, esto se hace con:<br/><br/><code># firewall-cmd --zone=<b>myzone</b> --list-all</code><br/><br/>Obviamente usando el nombre de la zona indicada en lugar de <b>myzone</b>.<br/><br/>Luego para abrir y cerrar puertos podemos usar:<br/><br/><code># firewall-cmd --zone=<b>myzone</b> --add-port=<b>xxxx</b>/<b>tcp</b> --permanent</code><br/><code># firewall-cmd --zone=<b>myzone</b> --remove-port=<b>xxxx</b>/<b>udp</b> --permanent</code><br/><br/>Respectivamente, cambiando myzone por la zona indicada, <b>xxxx</b> por el número de puerto deseado y especificando el protocolo (<b>tcp</b>/<b>udp</b>) según corresponda. Si quisiéramos remover algunos de los servicios que vengan activados por defecto (por ejemplo el servicio de SSH si cambiamos el puerto 22 por otro para nuestro acceso y no requerimos ya tener el 22 abierto), tenemos que ejecutar:<br/><br/><code>firewall-cmd --zone=<b>myzone</b> --remove-service=<b>myservice</b> --permanent</code><br/><br/>Cambiando <b>myzone</b> por la zona indicada según nuestro caso y <b>myservice</b> por el servicio que queramos desactivar. Al finalizar tus cambios en el firewall deberás ejecutar:<br/><br/><code>service firewalld restart</code><br/><br/>para verlos aplicados.<br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Activar rc.local</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Activar /etc/rc.local en Fedora Linux</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Habilitar tuned</span><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install tuned</code><br/><code># setenforce 0</code><br/><code># tuned-adm list</code><br/><code># tuned-adm profile <b>perfil-deseado</b></code><br/><code># setenforce 1</code><br/><br/>Después añadimos a nuestro rc.local:<br/><br/><pre># Tuned<br/>setenforce 0<br/>service tuned start<br/>setenforce 1</pre></div></div></div><br/>Esto se hace con el comando:<br/><br/><code># nano /etc/rc.d/rc.local</code><br/><br/>Asumiendo que ya hayas activado el <b>rc.local</b> previamente.<br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Kernel VM Tunings</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Kernel VM tunnings para mejorar rendimiento en Linux</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Habilitar Zswap</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Haz tu Linux más rápido con Zswap</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Instalar Entorno Gráfico</span><br/><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> Hacerlo sólo si tienes una muy buena razón para ello.</i><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cómo instalar un entorno gráfico en Fedora Server</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Protección Anti-Malware</span><br/><br/>En un <b>servidor</b> esto es cosa de <b>sí o sí</b>. Recuerda que en el caso de <b>ClamAV</b> (citado en el artículo a continuación) es recomendable establecer un <b>cronjob</b> <b>como root</b> para el análisis y limpieza de archivos infectados en directorios relevantes (por ejemplo el directorio de subidas públicas en un servidor web):<br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Protección anti-malware en Linux (5+ tips básicos)</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Configurar Google DNS</span><br/><br/>Si no lo hiciste al instalar tu sistema y configurar tu red vale la pena hacerlo:<br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Google Public DNS</a></b></blockquote><div><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Ksplice: Rebootless Updates</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Ksplice: Actualizaciones de seguridad rebootless para Linux</a></b></blockquote></div><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Aprende a usar SELinux</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">TUTORIAL: ¿Cómo c*rajo se usa SELinux?</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Extras</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><ul><li><a href=\"\"><b>7+ tips para mejorar el rendimiento de tu GNU/Linux</b></a></li><li><a href=\"\"><b>Cómo configurar una IP virtual en Linux</b></a></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SSD en Linux: 10+ Tips &amp; Tweaks</a></b></li></ul></blockquote><div>Y pues bueno, aquí termina la parte de post-install para la edición <b><span style=\"color: #f1c232;\">Server</span></b>. Espero que al igual que en el caso de la edición para estaciones de trabajo, esta guía se convierta en su referencia de elección tras instalar <b>Fedora</b> y pues cualquier cosa no duden en dejarnos un comentario abajo.<br/><br/><div style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Si esta guía te fue de ayuda, apóyanos <b><i><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">con un tweet</span></i></b>: </span><br/><br/><a href=\"\" class=\"twitter-share-button\">Tweet</a>&lt;script&gt;!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');&lt;/script&gt;</div></div><div class=\"blogger-post-footer\"><br/>El contenido publicado en el <a href=\"\">Blog Xenode</a> Está bajo una licencia <a href=\"\">CC-BY-NC-SA</a>; No olvides seguirnos en <a href=\"\">Facebook</a>, <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>, <a href=\"\">Google+</a> y <a href=\"\">Youtube</a>, ¡Te esperamos!</div><div class=\"feedflare\">\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a>\n</div><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Remi'
Tracker-Message: Title:'PHP version 5.6.12RC1'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Remi" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "PHP version 5.6.12RC1" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Release Candidate versions are available in remi-test repository for Fedora and Enterprise Linux (RHEL / CentOS) to allow more people to test them. They are only available as Software Collections , for a parallel installation, perfect solution for such tests. \n\n RPM of PHP version 5.6.11RC1 as SCL are available in remi-test repository for Fedora 19-22 and  Enterprise Linux 6-7 . \n\n As PHP 5.5 is now in security mode only, there is no more RC. Installation : read the Repository configuration and choose your version. \n\n Parallel installation of version 5.6 as Software Collection ( x86_64 only): \n\n yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test install php56 \n\n Notice: \n\n \n\t version 5.6.11RC1 is also available in Fedora rawhide . \n\t version 7.0.0beta2 is also available \n \n\n RC version is generally the same as the final version (no change accepted after RC, exception for security fix). \n\n Software Collections (php55 - php56) \n\n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p><em>Release Candidate</em> versions are available in <strong>remi-test</strong> repository for <strong>Fedora</strong> and <strong>Enterprise Linux</strong> (RHEL / CentOS) to allow more people to test them. They are only available as <em>Software Collections</em>, for a parallel installation, perfect solution for such tests.</p>\n\n<p>RPM of <strong>PHP version 5.6.11RC1</strong> as <strong>SCL</strong> are available in <strong>remi-test</strong> repository for <strong>Fedora 19-22</strong> and <strong>Enterprise Linux 6-7</strong>.</p>\n\n<p>As <strong>PHP 5.5</strong> is now in security mode only, there is no more RC.</p> <p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-notice-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\"/>Installation : read the <a href=\"\">Repository configuration</a> and choose your version.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Parallel installation</strong> of version<strong> 5.6</strong> as <a href=\"\">Software Collection</a> (<strong>x86_64</strong> only):</p>\n\n<pre>yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test install php56</pre>\n\n<p>Notice:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>version <strong>5.6.11RC1</strong> is also available in Fedora <em>rawhide</em>.</li>\n\t<li>version <strong>7.0.0beta2</strong> is also available</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-notice-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\"/>RC version is generally the same as the <strong>final</strong> version (no change accepted after RC, exception for security fix).</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\"><strong>Software Collections</strong> (php55 - php56)</p>\n\n<p><img src=\";version=5.6.12&amp;beta=RC1&amp;lang=en\" alt=\"\" style=\"margin: 1em auto; display: block;\"/></p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Remi'
Tracker-Message: Title:'New "remi-php70" repository'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Remi" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "New \"remi-php70\" repository" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n I've just open the remi-php70 repository for Fedora ≥ 21 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 6 . Current version is PHP 7.0.0beta2 with about 25 extensions which are already compatible. \n\n This repository provides developement versions which are not suitable for production usage. \n\n The repository configuration is provided by the latest version of the remi-release package: \n\n \n\t remi-release- 21-2 .fc21.remi \n\t remi-release- 22-2 .fc22.remi \n\t remi-release- 6.5-2 .el6.remi \n\t remi-release- 7.1-2 .el7.remi \n \n\n As for other remi's repositories , it is disabled by default , so the update is an administrator choice. \n\n E.g. to update the PHP system version: \n\n yum --enablerepo=remi update remi-release\nyum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php70 update php\\* \n\n As lot of extensions are not yet available, the update may fail, in this case you have to remove not yet compatible extensions, or wait for their update. \n\n I don't plan to open this repository for EL-5 which is near to end of life. \n\n PHP 7.0 as Software Collection stay in \"remi-test\" (before the switch to \"remi\") as there is no conflicts with the base packages. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>I've just open the <strong>remi-php70</strong> repository for <strong>Fedora ≥ 21</strong> and <strong>Enterprise Linux ≥ 6</strong>.</p> <p>Current version is <a href=\"\" class=\"ref-post\">PHP 7.0.0beta2</a> with about 25 extensions which are already compatible.</p>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-important-4-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\" class=\"media\" title=\"\"/>This repository provides <strong>developement</strong> versions which are not suitable for production usage.</p>\n\n<p>The repository configuration is provided by the latest version of the <strong>remi-release</strong> package:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>remi-release-<strong>21-2</strong>.fc21.remi</li>\n\t<li>remi-release-<strong>22-2</strong>.fc22.remi</li>\n\t<li>remi-release-<strong>6.5-2</strong>.el6.remi</li>\n\t<li>remi-release-<strong>7.1-2</strong>.el7.remi</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-notice-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\" class=\"media\" title=\"\"/>As for other remi's repositories<strong>, it is disabled by default</strong>, so the update is an administrator choice.</p>\n\n<p>E.g. to update the PHP system version:</p>\n\n<pre>yum --enablerepo=remi update remi-release\nyum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php70 update php\\*</pre>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-important-2-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\" class=\"media\" title=\"\"/>As lot of <strong>extensions</strong> are not yet available, the update may fail, in this case you have to remove not yet compatible extensions, or wait for their update.</p>\n\n<p>I don't plan to open this repository for EL-5 which is near to end of life.</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" class=\"ref-post\">PHP 7.0 as Software Collection</a> stay in \"remi-test\" (before the switch to \"remi\") as there is no conflicts with the base packages.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'Remi'
Tracker-Message: Title:'PHP on the road to the 7.0.0 release'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "Remi" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "PHP on the road to the 7.0.0 release" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Version 7.0.0beta2 is released. It's now enter the stabilisation phase for the developpers, and the test phase for the users. \n\n RPM are available in the remi-php70 repository for Fedora  ≥ 21 and Enterprise Linux  ≥ 6 (RHEL, CentOS) and as Software Collection in the remi-test repository. \n\n   The repository provides developement versions which are not suitable for production usage. \n\n Also read: \n\n \n\t New \"remi-php70\" repository \n\t PHP 7.0 as Software Collection \n \n\n Installation : read the Repository configuration and choose installation mode. \n\n Replacement of default PHP by version 7.0 installation ( simplest ): \n\n yum --enablerepo=remi-php70,remi update php\\* \n\n Parallel installation of version 7.0 as Software Collection ( x86_64 only, recommended for tests): \n\n yum --enablerepo=remi install php70 \n\n To be noticed : \n\n \n\t EL7 rpm are build using RHEL- 7.1 \n\t EL6 rpm are build using RHEL- 6.6 \n\t various extensions are also available, see the PECL extension RPM status page \n\t follow the comments on this page for update until final version. \n \n\n Informations , lire : \n\n \n\t Migration documentation is not yet available \n\t UPGRADING \n\t UPGRADING.INTERNALS \n \n\n Paquets de base (php) \n \n\n Software Collections (php70) \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>Version <a href=\"\">7.0.0beta2</a> is released. It's now enter the stabilisation phase for the developpers, and the test phase for the users.</p>\n\n<p>RPM are available in the <strong>remi-php70</strong> repository for <strong>Fedora </strong>≥<strong> 21</strong> and <strong>Enterprise Linux </strong>≥<strong> 6</strong> (RHEL, CentOS) and as <em>Software Collection</em> in the <strong>remi-test</strong> repository.</p>\n\n<p> </p> <p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-important-4-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\" class=\"media\" title=\"\"/>The repository provides <strong>developement</strong> versions which are not suitable for production usage.</p>\n\n<p>Also read:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"\" class=\"ref-post\">New \"remi-php70\" repository</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\" class=\"ref-post\">PHP 7.0 as Software Collection</a></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-notice-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\"/>Installation : read the <a href=\"\">Repository configuration</a> and choose installation mode.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Replacement</strong> of default PHP by version <strong>7.0</strong> installation (<strong>simplest</strong>):</p>\n\n<pre>yum --enablerepo=remi-php70,remi update php\\*</pre>\n\n<p><strong>Parallel installation</strong> of version <strong>7.0</strong> as <a href=\"\">Software Collection</a> (<strong>x86_64</strong> only, <strong>recommended</strong> for tests):</p>\n\n<pre>yum --enablerepo=remi install php70</pre>\n\n<p><strong><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-important-2-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\"/>To be noticed : </strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>EL7 rpm are build using RHEL-<strong>7.1</strong></li>\n\t<li>EL6 rpm are build using RHEL-<strong>6.6</strong></li>\n\t<li>various extensions are also available, see the <a href=\"\">PECL extension RPM status</a> page</li>\n\t<li>follow the comments on this page for update until final version.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-notice-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\"/><strong>Informations</strong>, lire :</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Migration documentation is not yet available</li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">UPGRADING</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">UPGRADING.INTERNALS</a></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p align=\"center\">Paquets de <strong>base</strong> (php)<br/>\n<img src=\";version=7.0.0&amp;lang=en&amp;beta=beta2\" alt=\"\" style=\"margin: 1em auto; display: block;\"/></p>\n\n<p align=\"center\"><strong>Software Collections </strong>(php70)<br/>\n<img src=\";version=7.0.0&amp;lang=en&amp;beta=beta2\" alt=\"\" style=\"margin: 1em auto; display: block;\"/></p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Author:'heliocastro'
Tracker-Message: Title:'Cutegram for Fedora 22, Rawhide and EPEL 7'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT SILENT {
<> a nie:DataObject , nfo:Website ;
nie:url "" .
_:author a nco:Contact ;
nco:fullname "heliocastro" ;
nco:websiteUrl <> .
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Cutegram for Fedora 22, Rawhide and EPEL 7" ;
nco:creator _:author ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Few days ago there was an article on Fedora magazine by Jiri Eischmann explaining the current situation of Telegram clients on Fedora. \n One of the mentions was about Cutegram, and that was tentatively packaged by Jaroslav Reznik. \nI asked for his bless to take a shot on it, and now during KDE’s Akademy i decided play a little with this, since we’re using as the main communication software during the conference. \n So i’m glad to announce that the initial packaging, with little few patches was done, running and available on my COPR repository and ready to test. \n I intend to submit to Fedora package system soon, but for now, COPR only. \nAny suggestion or help will be welcome, i’m all ears " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xml:base=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n <p>Few days ago there was an <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">article on Fedora magazine by Jiri Eischmann</a> explaining the current situation of Telegram clients on Fedora.</p>\n<p>One of the mentions was about Cutegram, and that was tentatively packaged by Jaroslav Reznik.<br/>\nI asked for his bless to take a shot on it, and now during KDE’s Akademy i decided play a little with this, since we’re using as the main communication software during the conference.</p>\n<p>So i’m glad to announce that the initial packaging, with little few patches was done, running and available on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">my COPR repository</a> and ready to test. </p>\n<p>I intend to submit to Fedora package system soon, but for now, COPR only.<br/>\nAny suggestion or help will be welcome, i’m all ears <img src=\"\" alt=\":-)\" style=\"height: 1em;\" class=\"wp-smiley\"/></p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T13:57:45Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not insert feed information for message titled:'There are scheduled downtimes in progress', GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): No such file or directory)
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not insert feed information for message titled:'There are scheduled downtimes in progress', GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): No such file or directory)
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not insert feed information for message titled:'All systems go', GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): No such file or directory)
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not insert feed information for message titled:'There are scheduled downtimes in progress', GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): No such file or directory)
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not insert feed information for message titled:'All systems go', GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): No such file or directory)
Tracker-Message: Updating mfo:updatedTime for channel 'Fedora People'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'DELETE {
<urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> mfo:updatedTime ?unknown .
<urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> mfo:updatedTime ?unknown .
<urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> mfo:updatedTime "2015-07-24T13:57:47Z" .
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'SELECT ?urn { { ?urn a mfo:FeedMessage ; nmo:communicationChannel ?chan . FILTER (tracker:id (?chan) IN (100287)) } UNION { ?urn a rdfs:Resource . FILTER (tracker:id (?urn) IN (100287)) }}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT (SELECT Uri FROM Resource WHERE ID = "1_u") FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "1_u", "2_u" FROM (SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", "nmo:Message2"."nmo:communicationChannel" AS "2_u" FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nmo:Message" AS "nmo:Message2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nmo:Message2"."ID" AND "2_u" IS NOT NULL AND "2_u" IN (?)) UNION ALL SELECT "1_u", NULL AS "2_u" FROM (SELECT "rdfs:Resource3"."ID" AS "1_u" FROM "rdfs:Resource" AS "rdfs:Resource3" WHERE "1_u" IN (?))))'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'DELETE { <urn:uuid:023bf6ac-35cc-5d9d-3e7d-c3de1c76f3aa> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:023bf6ac-35cc-5d9d-3e7d-c3de1c76f3aa> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:c03cd92d-a7b3-d4ec-0785-2f3e5f7d3a7e> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:c03cd92d-a7b3-d4ec-0785-2f3e5f7d3a7e> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:5d64efff-dcf8-48ea-7fec-de4a20f07311> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:5d64efff-dcf8-48ea-7fec-de4a20f07311> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:e022e97e-0f4b-6d93-d55c-c3bf1b0d1c3b> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:e022e97e-0f4b-6d93-d55c-c3bf1b0d1c3b> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:a456b522-f44d-342d-671f-ccfefc122660> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:a456b522-f44d-342d-671f-ccfefc122660> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:3684a87d-0c61-a4d9-5872-3901e531421d> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:3684a87d-0c61-a4d9-5872-3901e531421d> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:e7b5e636-bf2e-5262-3b88-12963545b9c4> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:e7b5e636-bf2e-5262-3b88-12963545b9c4> ?p ?o }
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DELETE { <urn:uuid:95b90b96-1a63-50b7-c61a-b375f2a30de6> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:95b90b96-1a63-50b7-c61a-b375f2a30de6> ?p ?o }
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DELETE { <urn:uuid:a1998b47-fbcc-0ff7-3b48-4bee06125bf3> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:a1998b47-fbcc-0ff7-3b48-4bee06125bf3> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:4afcff1f-329d-212a-2f34-805f0d472d04> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:4afcff1f-329d-212a-2f34-805f0d472d04> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:ae412ce0-daee-7c09-1092-c3e898ceaeb7> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:ae412ce0-daee-7c09-1092-c3e898ceaeb7> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:cc77c8b7-0f8d-d474-8e53-e5c7740090a0> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:cc77c8b7-0f8d-d474-8e53-e5c7740090a0> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:f59c0b71-ad2e-7131-5e00-f4052ee09da4> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:f59c0b71-ad2e-7131-5e00-f4052ee09da4> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:fcd7855a-501f-8323-861f-d9ecb7d67c11> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:fcd7855a-501f-8323-861f-d9ecb7d67c11> ?p ?o }
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DELETE { <urn:uuid:5ae99952-3805-9b68-720c-e31af29121bf> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:5ae99952-3805-9b68-720c-e31af29121bf> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:5d4b3d4c-2728-0c7a-0ea4-96beafbd51ea> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:5d4b3d4c-2728-0c7a-0ea4-96beafbd51ea> ?p ?o }
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DELETE { <urn:uuid:894c94a9-7625-1655-3cef-80d36b707c25> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:894c94a9-7625-1655-3cef-80d36b707c25> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:61a65ab5-f246-38cf-18e6-48d29136cdb5> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:61a65ab5-f246-38cf-18e6-48d29136cdb5> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:96830298-c810-3c32-1ce7-f4cba0d73e87> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:96830298-c810-3c32-1ce7-f4cba0d73e87> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:6aa7a212-b099-bb08-8c3a-9b2cf5b7497f> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:6aa7a212-b099-bb08-8c3a-9b2cf5b7497f> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:3c0e75b7-3018-f35e-4e71-6d7d3c07f55c> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:3c0e75b7-3018-f35e-4e71-6d7d3c07f55c> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:c786c5f0-c988-4300-75f7-f97808a33784> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:c786c5f0-c988-4300-75f7-f97808a33784> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:410073b6-16b2-2480-0381-adab30f8ba50> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:410073b6-16b2-2480-0381-adab30f8ba50> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:e4d67abb-3321-78d4-f26e-98c685e7eab0> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:e4d67abb-3321-78d4-f26e-98c685e7eab0> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:8731e0c9-0d41-7d7e-403f-56c75c3539b8> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:8731e0c9-0d41-7d7e-403f-56c75c3539b8> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:4af98bf0-daa8-e956-566b-54a75ab0015f> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:4af98bf0-daa8-e956-566b-54a75ab0015f> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:ac6a6906-c4fc-827c-bc3a-3eeedfeafcb5> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:ac6a6906-c4fc-827c-bc3a-3eeedfeafcb5> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:eaa4a95b-0585-5fe0-09dd-1d8295593717> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:eaa4a95b-0585-5fe0-09dd-1d8295593717> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:60dd8df4-358a-b395-825d-13a47a017852> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:60dd8df4-358a-b395-825d-13a47a017852> ?p ?o }
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DELETE { <urn:uuid:7b83573e-3611-1137-b2e3-7f4b508e3772> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:7b83573e-3611-1137-b2e3-7f4b508e3772> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:c32236cf-4b7b-35d8-98ea-abd9f0d68dd3> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:c32236cf-4b7b-35d8-98ea-abd9f0d68dd3> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:e70195b8-a02e-0e60-05a2-56d11f3e7b65> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:e70195b8-a02e-0e60-05a2-56d11f3e7b65> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:4c8a5940-284a-be7a-f938-047764af298f> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:4c8a5940-284a-be7a-f938-047764af298f> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:6f770a76-c60f-bcba-b9ca-c2be96dc5eb8> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:6f770a76-c60f-bcba-b9ca-c2be96dc5eb8> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:3020d785-b6ad-aaa4-ab10-291c6f03e39e> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:3020d785-b6ad-aaa4-ab10-291c6f03e39e> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:09060b1c-9a9b-6e67-c479-965b13683d6e> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:09060b1c-9a9b-6e67-c479-965b13683d6e> ?p ?o }
DELETE { <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> ?p ?o }WHERE { <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> ?p ?o }
Tracker-Message: Retrieving and scheduling feeds...
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'SELECT ?url nie:title(?urn) ?interval ?urn WHERE { ?urn a mfo:FeedChannel ; mfo:feedSettings ?settings ; nie:url ?url . ?settings mfo:updateInterval ?interval . FILTER (tracker:id(?urn) IN (101638))}'
Tracker-Message: (New) Feeds found:
Tracker-Message: '(null)' ( - update interval of 20 minutes
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Feed fetched, -1 remaining
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Updating mfo:FeedChannel for 'Fedora People'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT OR REPLACE { <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> nie:title "Fedora People".<urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> mfo:type [ a mfo:FeedType ; mfo:name "application/rss+xml"].<urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> nie:description "Fedora People:".<urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> nmo:lastMessageDate "2015-07-24T13:43:24Z".}'
Tracker-Message: Verifying channel:'Fedora People' is up to date
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Adam Samalik: Copr, Dist Git and Patternfly'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Adam Samalik: Copr, Dist Git and Patternfly" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n As in the last year, July, for some reason, happened to be a great time to post some news about our Copr Build Service . At this time, it’s about integrating Copr with: \n \n Patternfly – an open interface project \n Dist Git – a remote Git repository designed to hold RPM package sources \n \n If you can’t wait to see it, you can check the development server that is hopefully running on . But please, remember, it’s a development server – so all the projects built here are a subject of deletion, destruction and all kinds of randomization without notice. \n Dist Git for Copr \n It all started with a need of uploading sources to the Copr itself – as the only way of building your package was to provide a URL pointing to it. That, however, required all users to have their own public file storage. \n We decided to go the Fedora way and use Dist Git – a combination of git repository to store spec files, lookaside cache to store sources, and Gitolite to manage access permissions. Each package will be stored in a repo named as ‘username/project/package’. Each repo will contain branches that represent a target platform. For example: ‘f22′ for Fedora 22, ‘epel7′ for Epel for Centos 7, etc. \n \n It will be gradually deployed in production. The first step is to enable users to upload their .src.rpm files into Copr. At this step, Dist Git will be used as a storage only. Direct access to the repositories will come afterwards. \n New User Interface  Patternfly \n Enabling Dist Git required some changes to the user interface as well. We didn’t use any framework, that would help us to easily create new elements in the UI. Instead, we had a custom CSS that received new lines of code with each change. As you can imagine, each change took a bit longer than desired, the CSS became messy, and yes, the interface itself became messy as well. At this point, I decided that we need to do a step forward and we finally agreed to rewrite the user interface to Patternfly ! Yay! \n The Old Copr UI \n \n The New Copr UI \n \n We need your feedback! \n I would like to make Copr as friendly as possible. If you want to help me with that, please provide a feedback as a comment. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Is there anything you miss in the interface? Your feedback is much appreciated! " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>As in the last year, July, for some reason, happened to be a great time to post some news about our <a href=\"\">Copr Build Service</a>. At this time, it’s about integrating Copr with:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Patternfly</a> – an open interface project</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Dist Git</a> – a remote Git repository designed to hold RPM package sources</li>\n</ul>\n<p><em>If you can’t wait to see it, you can check <a href=\"\">the development server</a> that is hopefully running on <a href=\"\"></a>. But please, remember, it’s a development server – so all the projects built here are a subject of deletion, destruction and all kinds of randomization without notice.</em></p>\n<h3>Dist Git for Copr</h3>\n<p>It all started with a need of <strong>uploading sources</strong> to the Copr itself – as the only way of building your package was to provide a URL pointing to it. That, however, required all users to have their own public file storage.</p>\n<p>We decided to go the Fedora way and use <a href=\"\">Dist Git</a> – a combination of git repository to store spec files, lookaside cache to store sources, and Gitolite to manage access permissions. Each package will be stored in a repo named as ‘username/project/package’. Each repo will contain branches that represent a target platform. For example: ‘f22′ for Fedora 22, ‘epel7′ for Epel for Centos 7, etc.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1150\" class=\"aligncenter\" width=\"1592\"/></p>\n<p>It will be gradually deployed in production. The first step is to <strong>enable users to upload their .src.rpm</strong> files into Copr. At this step, Dist Git will be used as a storage only. Direct access to the repositories will come afterwards.</p>\n<h3>New User Interface  Patternfly</h3>\n<p>Enabling Dist Git required some changes to the user interface as well. We didn’t use any framework, that would help us to easily create new elements in the UI. Instead, we had a custom CSS that received new lines of code with each change. As you can imagine, each change took a bit longer than desired, the CSS became messy, and yes, the interface itself became messy as well. At this point, I decided that we need to do a step forward and we finally agreed to rewrite the user interface to <a href=\"\">Patternfly</a>! Yay!</p>\n<h4>The Old Copr UI</h4>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"The old Copr interface\" height=\"750\" class=\"alignleft wp-image-181 size-large\" width=\"600\"/></a></p>\n<h4>The New Copr UI</h4>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"The new Copr interface\" height=\"511\" class=\"alignleft wp-image-182 size-large\" width=\"600\"/></a></p>\n<h3>We need your feedback!</h3>\n<p>I would like to make Copr as friendly as possible. If you want to help me with that, please provide a feedback as a comment. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Is there anything you miss in the interface? Your feedback is much appreciated!</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-19T11:17:24Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Joe Brockmeier: Headed to OSCON'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Joe Brockmeier: Headed to OSCON" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Once again, time for the annual trek to Portland, Oregon for OSCON — perhaps for the last time! \n Next year, OSCON is going to be in Austin, TX — which seems like a bit of a mistake to me. Portland and OSCON go together like milk and cookies. \n If you’re going to be at OSCON, make sure to drop by Open Cloud Day on Tuesday , and come by the Red Hat booth to say hello! " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"oscon-logo\" height=\"125\" class=\"alignleft size-full wp-image-191\" width=\"125\"/></a>Once again, time for the annual trek to Portland, Oregon for OSCON — perhaps for the last time!</p>\n<p>Next year, OSCON is going to be in Austin, TX — which seems like a bit of a mistake to me. Portland and OSCON go together like milk and cookies.</p>\n<p>If you’re going to be at OSCON, make sure to drop by <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Open Cloud Day on Tuesday</a>, and come by the Red Hat booth to say hello!</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-19T12:15:25Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Niels de Vos: Another stable release, GlusterFS 3.5.5 is ready'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Niels de Vos: Another stable release, GlusterFS 3.5.5 is ready" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Packages for Fedora 21 are available in updates-testing , RPMs and .deb s can be found on the main Gluster download site . This is a bugfix release. The Release Notes for 3.5.0 , 3.5.1 , 3.5.2 , 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 contain a listing of all the new features that were added and bugs fixed in the GlusterFS 3.5 stable release. Bugs Fixed: 1166862 : rmtab file is a bottleneck when lot of clients are accessing a volume through NFS 1217432 : DHT:Quota:- brick process crashed after deleting .glusterfs from backend 1217433 : glusterfsd crashed after directory was removed from the mount point, while self-heal and rebalance were running on the volume 1231641 : cli crashes when listing quota limits with xml output Known Issues: The following configuration changes are necessary for 'qemu' and 'samba vfs plugin' integration with libgfapi to work seamlessly: gluster volume set < volname > server.allow-insecure on restarting the volume is necessary gluster volume stop < volname > gluster volume start < volname > Edit /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol to contain this line: option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on restarting glusterd is necessary service glusterd restart More details are also documented in the Gluster Wiki on the Libgfapi with qemu libvirt page. For Block Device translator based volumes open-behind translator at the client side needs to be disabled. gluster volume set < volname > disabled libgfapi clients calling glfs_fini before a successful glfs_init will cause the client to hang as reported here . The workaround is NOT to call glfs_fini for error cases encountered before a successful glfs_init . This is being tracked in Bug 1134050 for glusterfs-3.5 and Bug 1093594 for mainline. If the /var/run/gluster directory does not exist enabling quota will likely fail ( Bug 1117888 ). " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<h2 id=\"release-notes-for-glusterfs-3-5-5\"/>Packages for <a href=\"\">Fedora 21 are available in updates-testing</a>, RPMs and <span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\">.deb</span>s can be found on the <a href=\"\">main Gluster download site</a>.<br/><br/>This is a bugfix release. The <a href=\"\">Release Notes for 3.5.0</a>, <a href=\"\">3.5.1</a>, <a href=\"\">3.5.2</a>, <a href=\"\">3.5.3</a> and <a href=\"\">3.5.4</a> contain a listing of all the new features that were added and bugs fixed in the GlusterFS 3.5 stable release.<br/> <h3 id=\"bugs-fixed-\">Bugs Fixed:</h3><ul><li><a href=\"\">1166862</a>: rmtab file is a bottleneck when lot of clients are accessing a volume through NFS</li><li><a href=\"\">1217432</a>: DHT:Quota:- brick process crashed after deleting .glusterfs from backend</li><li><a href=\"\">1217433</a>: glusterfsd crashed after directory was removed from the mount point, while self-heal and rebalance were running on the volume</li><li><a href=\"\">1231641</a>: cli crashes when listing quota limits with xml output</li></ul><h3 id=\"known-issues-\">Known Issues:</h3><ul><li>The following configuration changes are necessary for 'qemu' and 'samba vfs plugin' integration with libgfapi to work seamlessly:<br/> <ol><li><code>gluster volume set &lt;volname&gt; server.allow-insecure on</code></li><li>restarting the volume is necessary<br/> <pre><code> gluster volume stop &lt;volname&gt;<br/> gluster volume start &lt;volname&gt;<br/></code></pre></li><li>Edit <code>/etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol</code> to contain this line:<br/> <pre><code> option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on<br/></code></pre></li><li>restarting glusterd is necessary<br/> <pre><code> service glusterd restart<br/></code></pre>More details are also documented in the Gluster Wiki on the <a href=\"\">Libgfapi with qemu libvirt</a> page.<br/> </li></ol></li><li>For Block Device translator based volumes open-behind translator at the client side needs to be disabled.<br/> <pre><code>gluster volume set &lt;volname&gt; disabled<br/></code></pre></li><li>libgfapi clients calling <code>glfs_fini</code> before a successful <code>glfs_init</code> will cause the client to hang as reported <a href=\"\">here</a>. The workaround is NOT to call <code>glfs_fini</code> for error cases encountered before a successful <code>glfs_init</code>. This is being tracked in <a href=\"\">Bug 1134050</a> for glusterfs-3.5 and <a href=\"\">Bug 1093594</a> for mainline.<br/> </li><li>If the <code>/var/run/gluster</code> directory does not exist enabling quota will likely fail (<a href=\"\">Bug 1117888</a>).<br/> </li></ul></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-19T17:51:06Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Joerg Stephan: SendMeSpam: Encoded bot execution from includin...'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Joerg Stephan: SendMeSpam: Encoded bot execution from includin..." ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n SendMeSpam: Encoded bot execution from includin... : 2015-07-19 16:28:52 Source IP: Country: US RiskScore: 1 Malware: [] POST //%63%67%69%2d%62%69%6e/%70%68%70?%2d%64+%61%6c%6c%... " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<a href=\"\">SendMeSpam: Encoded bot execution from includin...</a>: 2015-07-19 16:28:52 Source IP: Country: US RiskScore: 1 Malware: [] POST //%63%67%69%2d%62%69%6e/%70%68%70?%2d%64+%61%6c%6c%...<img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-19T18:02:16Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Aditya Prakash: Git over ssh'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Aditya Prakash: Git over ssh" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Project: GlitterGallery \n We had a minor set back with implementation of git protocols. I worked on git https protocol but later I found out that sparkleshare  only supports ssh protocol. Until now we were planning to host on openshift . I needed access of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for git ssh to work but OS doesn’t give away that access. Time to move to VPS. Kevin  got me set up with one and Pingou  helped me figure out a few details. \n First I needed to make changes to our web interface so that users can add their public key to their profiles. This would also mean addition of a keys model and generation of fingerprint for keys. Next thing is validation of keys when push or pull is made over ssh. This involves two steps namely, authentication and authorization. OpenSSH server handles the authentication part and for authorization I have set up git shell, which makes an api call to glittergallery to check user access. Besides authorization git shell also limits ssh access to git related commands. \n Git shell I am using is just a fork of gitlab-shell . I am hoping that I won’t need to make any changes to it, however we won’t be supporting all the features (git-annex and git-lfs) of gitlab-shell yet. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>Project: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">GlitterGallery</a></p>\n<p>We had a minor set back with implementation of git protocols. I worked on git https protocol but later I found out that <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">sparkleshare</a> only supports ssh protocol. Until now we were planning to host on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">openshift</a>. I needed access of ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for git ssh to work but OS doesn’t give away that access. Time to move to VPS. <a href=\"\">Kevin</a> got me set up with one and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Pingou</a> helped me figure out a few details.</p>\n<p>First I needed to make changes to our web interface so that users can add their public key to their profiles. This would also mean addition of a keys model and generation of fingerprint for keys. Next thing is validation of keys when push or pull is made over ssh. This involves two steps namely, authentication and authorization. OpenSSH server handles the authentication part and for authorization I have set up git shell, which makes an api call to glittergallery to check user access. Besides authorization git shell also limits ssh access to git related commands.</p>\n<p>Git shell I am using is just a fork of <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">gitlab-shell</a>. I am hoping that I won’t need to make any changes to it, however we won’t be supporting all the features (git-annex and git-lfs) of gitlab-shell yet.</p><br/> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <img src=\";blog=87948641&amp;post=49&amp;subd=chasingcrazydreams&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-19T18:15:47Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Major Hayden: Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state after reboot in Fedora 22'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Major Hayden: Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state after reboot in Fedora 22" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n My upgrade to Fedora 22 on the ThinkPad X1 Carbon was fairly uneventful and the hiccups were minor. One of the more annoying items that I’ve been struggling with for quite some time is how to boot up with the wireless LAN and Bluetooth disabled by default. Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state between reboots is normally handled quite well in Fedora. \n In Fedora 21, NetworkManager saved my settings between reboots. For example, if I shut down with wifi off and Bluetooth on, the laptop would boot up later with wifi off and Bluetooth on. This wasn’t working well in Fedora 22: both the wifi and Bluetooth were always enabled by default. \n Digging into rfkill \n I remembered rfkill and began testing out some commands. It detected that I had disabled both devices via NetworkManager (soft): \n\n $ rfkill list\n0: tpacpi_bluetooth_sw: Bluetooth\n Soft blocked: yes\n Hard blocked: no\n2: phy0: Wireless LAN\n Soft blocked: yes\n Hard blocked: no \n\n It looked like systemd has some hooks already configured to manage rfkill via the systemd-rfkill service. However, something strange happened when I tried to start the service: \n\n # systemctl start systemd-rfkill@0\nFailed to start systemd-rfkill@0.service: Unit systemd-rfkill@0.service is masked. \n\n Well, that’s certainly weird. While looking into why it’s masked, I found an empty file in /etc/systemd : \n\n # ls -al /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service \n-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 0 May 11 16:36 /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service \n\n I don’t remember making that file. Did something else put it there? \n\n # rpm -qf /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service\ntlp-0.7-4.fc22.noarch \n\n Ah, tlp ! \n Configuring tlp \n I looked in tlp’s configuration file in /etc/default/tlp and found a few helpful configuration items: \n\n # Restore radio device state (Bluetooth, WiFi, WWAN) from previous shutdown \n # on system startup: 0=disable, 1=enable. \n # Hint: the parameters DEVICES_TO_DISABLE/ENABLE_ON_STARTUP/SHUTDOWN below \n # are ignored when this is enabled! \n RESTORE_DEVICE_STATE_ON_STARTUP = 0 \n \n # Radio devices to disable on startup: bluetooth, wifi, wwan. \n # Separate multiple devices with spaces. \n #DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_STARTUP=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n \n # Radio devices to enable on startup: bluetooth, wifi, wwan. \n # Separate multiple devices with spaces. \n #DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_STARTUP=\"wifi\" \n \n # Radio devices to disable on shutdown: bluetooth, wifi, wwan \n # (workaround for devices that are blocking shutdown). \n #DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_SHUTDOWN=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n \n # Radio devices to enable on shutdown: bluetooth, wifi, wwan \n # (to prevent other operating systems from missing radios). \n #DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_SHUTDOWN=\"wwan\" \n \n # Radio devices to enable on AC: bluetooth, wifi, wwan \n #DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_AC=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n \n # Radio devices to disable on battery: bluetooth, wifi, wwan \n #DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n \n # Radio devices to disable on battery when not in use (not connected): \n # bluetooth, wifi, wwan \n #DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT_NOT_IN_USE=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n\n So tlp’s default configuration doesn’t restore device state and it masked systemd’s rfkill service. I adjusted one line in tlp’s configuration and rebooted: \n\n DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_STARTUP = \"bluetooth wifi wwan\" \n\n After the reboot, both the wifi and Bluetooth functionality were shut off! That’s exactly what I needed. \n Extra credit \n Thanks to a coworker, I was able to make a NetworkManager script to automatically shut off the wireless LAN whenever I connected to a network via ethernet. This is typically what I do when coming back from an in-person meeting to my desk (where I have ethernet connectivity). \n If you want the same automation, just drop this script into /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ and make it executable: \n\n #!/bin/bash \n export LC_ALL =C\n \nenable_disable_wifi ( ) \n { \n result =$ ( nmcli dev | grep \"ethernet\" | grep -w \"connected\" ) \n if [ -n \" $result \" ] ; then \n nmcli radio wifi off\n fi \n } \n \n if [ \"$2\" = \"up\" ] ; then \n enable_disable_wifi\n fi \n\n Unplug the ethernet connection, start wifi, and then plug the ethernet connection back in. Once NetworkManager fully connects (DHCP lease obtained, connectivity check passes), the wireless LAN should shut off automatically. \n The post Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state after reboot in Fedora 22 appeared first on . " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Thinkpad X1 Carbon 3rd gen\" height=\"212\" class=\"alignright size-medium wp-image-5452\" width=\"300\"/></a>My upgrade to Fedora 22 on the ThinkPad X1 Carbon was fairly uneventful and the hiccups were minor. One of the more annoying items that I’ve been struggling with for quite some time is how to boot up with the wireless LAN and Bluetooth disabled by default. Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state between reboots is normally handled quite well in Fedora.</p>\n<p>In Fedora 21, NetworkManager saved my settings between reboots. For example, if I shut down with wifi off and Bluetooth on, the laptop would boot up later with wifi off and Bluetooth on. This wasn’t working well in Fedora 22: both the wifi and Bluetooth were always enabled by default.</p>\n<h3>Digging into rfkill</h3>\n<p>I remembered <a href=\"\">rfkill</a> and began testing out some commands. It detected that I had disabled both devices via NetworkManager (soft):</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"html\">$ rfkill list\n0: tpacpi_bluetooth_sw: Bluetooth\n Soft blocked: yes\n Hard blocked: no\n2: phy0: Wireless LAN\n Soft blocked: yes\n Hard blocked: no</pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>It looked like systemd has some hooks already configured to manage rfkill via the <a href=\"\">systemd-rfkill</a> service. However, something strange happened when I tried to start the service:</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"html\"># systemctl start systemd-rfkill@0\nFailed to start systemd-rfkill@0.service: Unit systemd-rfkill@0.service is masked.</pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>Well, that’s certainly weird. While looking into why it’s masked, I found an empty file in <code>/etc/systemd</code>:</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"html\"># ls -al /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service \n-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 0 May 11 16:36 /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service</pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>I don’t remember making that file. Did something else put it there?</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"html\"># rpm -qf /etc/systemd/system/systemd-rfkill@.service\ntlp-0.7-4.fc22.noarch</pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>Ah, <a href=\"\">tlp</a>!</p>\n<h3>Configuring tlp</h3>\n<p>I looked in tlp’s configuration file in <code>/etc/default/tlp</code> and found a few helpful configuration items:</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"bash\"><span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Restore radio device state (Bluetooth, WiFi, WWAN) from previous shutdown</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># on system startup: 0=disable, 1=enable.</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Hint: the parameters DEVICES_TO_DISABLE/ENABLE_ON_STARTUP/SHUTDOWN below</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># are ignored when this is enabled!</span>\n<span style=\"color: #007800;\">RESTORE_DEVICE_STATE_ON_STARTUP</span>=<span style=\"color: #000000;\">0</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to disable on startup: bluetooth, wifi, wwan.</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Separate multiple devices with spaces.</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_STARTUP=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to enable on startup: bluetooth, wifi, wwan.</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Separate multiple devices with spaces.</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_STARTUP=\"wifi\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to disable on shutdown: bluetooth, wifi, wwan</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># (workaround for devices that are blocking shutdown).</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_SHUTDOWN=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to enable on shutdown: bluetooth, wifi, wwan</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># (to prevent other operating systems from missing radios).</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_SHUTDOWN=\"wwan\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to enable on AC: bluetooth, wifi, wwan</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_AC=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to disable on battery: bluetooth, wifi, wwan</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># Radio devices to disable on battery when not in use (not connected):</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\"># bluetooth, wifi, wwan</span>\n<span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT_NOT_IN_USE=\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span></pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>So tlp’s default configuration doesn’t restore device state <b>and</b> it masked systemd’s rfkill service. I adjusted one line in tlp’s configuration and rebooted:</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"bash\"><span style=\"color: #007800;\">DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_STARTUP</span>=<span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"bluetooth wifi wwan\"</span></pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>After the reboot, both the wifi and Bluetooth functionality were shut off! That’s exactly what I needed.</p>\n<h3>Extra credit</h3>\n<p>Thanks to a coworker, I was able to make a NetworkManager script to automatically shut off the wireless LAN whenever I connected to a network via ethernet. This is typically what I do when coming back from an in-person meeting to my desk (where I have ethernet connectivity).</p>\n<p>If you want the same automation, just drop this script into <code>/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/</code> and make it executable:</p>\n\n<div class=\"wp_syntax\"><table><tbody><tr><td class=\"code\"><pre style=\"font-family: monospace;\" class=\"bash\"><span style=\"color: #666666; font-style: italic;\">#!/bin/bash</span>\n<span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">export</span> <span style=\"color: #007800;\">LC_ALL</span>=C\n \nenable_disable_wifi <span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">(</span><span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">)</span>\n<span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">{</span>\n <span style=\"color: #007800;\">result</span>=$<span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">(</span>nmcli dev <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">|</span> <span style=\"color: #c20cb9; font-weight: bold;\">grep</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"ethernet\"</span> <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">|</span> <span style=\"color: #c20cb9; font-weight: bold;\">grep</span> <span style=\"color: #660033;\">-w</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"connected\"</span><span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">)</span>\n <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">if</span> <span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">[</span> <span style=\"color: #660033;\">-n</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"<span style=\"color: #007800;\">$result</span>\"</span> <span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">]</span>; <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">then</span>\n nmcli radio wifi off\n <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">fi</span>\n<span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">}</span>\n \n<span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">if</span> <span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">[</span> <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"$2\"</span> = <span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">\"up\"</span> <span style=\"color: #7a0874; font-weight: bold;\">]</span>; <span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">then</span>\n enable_disable_wifi\n<span style=\"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;\">fi</span></pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>\n\n<p>Unplug the ethernet connection, start wifi, and then plug the ethernet connection back in. Once NetworkManager fully connects (DHCP lease obtained, connectivity check passes), the wireless LAN should shut off automatically.</p>\n<p>The post <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Restoring wireless and Bluetooth state after reboot in Fedora 22</a> appeared first on <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-19T22:14:30Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'This week in Fedora: Activities from Mon, 13 Jul 2015 to Sun, 19 Jul 2015'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "This week in Fedora: Activities from Mon, 13 Jul 2015 to Sun, 19 Jul 2015" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n \n Activities \n Activities \n Amount \n Diff to previous week \n Badges awarded \n 503 \n -01.95% \n Builds \n 16382 \n -14.23% \n Copr build completed \n 3913 \n -07.67% \n Copr build started \n 3932 \n -09.73% \n Edit on the wiki \n 550 \n +81.52% \n FAS user created \n 112 \n +27.27% \n Meeting completed \n 28 \n +12.00% \n Meeting started \n 28 \n +12.00% \n New packages \n 0 \n NA \n Posts on the planet \n 67 \n +34.00% \n Retired packages \n 0 \n NA \n Updates to stable \n 244 \n -33.33% \n Updates to testing \n 448 \n +00.22% \n \n \n Top contributors of the week \n Activites \n Contributors \n Badges awarded \n kelvar81 (8), binaryop (6), itamarjp (6) \n Builds \n pbrobinson (6237), sharkcz (3578), karsten (2819) \n Copr build completed \n avsej (588), andykimpe (303), raveit65 (150) \n Copr build started \n avsej (588), andykimpe (303), raveit65 (150) \n Edit on the wiki \n jkurik (41), adamwill (33), fedoradummy (28) \n Meeting completed \n nirik (10), dgilmore (8), danofsatx (5) \n Meeting started \n decause (2), dgilmore (2), nirik (2) \n New packages \n   \n Posts on the planet \n adamwill (8), admin (5), johe (3) \n Retired packages \n   \n Updates to stable \n siwinski (45), hguemar (19), remi (18) \n Updates to testing \n remi (36), raveit65 (24), orion (20) \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<div id=\"activities\" class=\"section\">\n<h2>Activities</h2>\n<table border=\"1\" class=\"docutils\"><colgroup><col width=\"42%\"/><col width=\"15%\"/><col width=\"42%\"/></colgroup><thead valign=\"bottom\"><tr><th class=\"head\">Activities</th>\n<th class=\"head\">Amount</th>\n<th class=\"head\">Diff to previous week</th>\n</tr></thead><tbody valign=\"top\"><tr><td>Badges awarded</td>\n<td>503</td>\n<td>-01.95%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Builds</td>\n<td>16382</td>\n<td>-14.23%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Copr build completed</td>\n<td>3913</td>\n<td>-07.67%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Copr build started</td>\n<td>3932</td>\n<td>-09.73%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Edit on the wiki</td>\n<td>550</td>\n<td>+81.52%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>FAS user created</td>\n<td>112</td>\n<td>+27.27%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Meeting completed</td>\n<td>28</td>\n<td>+12.00%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Meeting started</td>\n<td>28</td>\n<td>+12.00%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>New packages</td>\n<td>0</td>\n<td>NA</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Posts on the planet</td>\n<td>67</td>\n<td>+34.00%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Retired packages</td>\n<td>0</td>\n<td>NA</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Updates to stable</td>\n<td>244</td>\n<td>-33.33%</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Updates to testing</td>\n<td>448</td>\n<td>+00.22%</td>\n</tr></tbody></table></div>\n<div id=\"top-contributors-of-the-week\" class=\"section\">\n<h2>Top contributors of the week</h2>\n<table border=\"1\" class=\"docutils\"><colgroup><col width=\"31%\"/><col width=\"69%\"/></colgroup><thead valign=\"bottom\"><tr><th class=\"head\">Activites</th>\n<th class=\"head\">Contributors</th>\n</tr></thead><tbody valign=\"top\"><tr><td>Badges awarded</td>\n<td>kelvar81 (8), binaryop (6), itamarjp (6)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Builds</td>\n<td>pbrobinson (6237), sharkcz (3578), karsten (2819)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Copr build completed</td>\n<td>avsej (588), andykimpe (303), raveit65 (150)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Copr build started</td>\n<td>avsej (588), andykimpe (303), raveit65 (150)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Edit on the wiki</td>\n<td>jkurik (41), adamwill (33), fedoradummy (28)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Meeting completed</td>\n<td>nirik (10), dgilmore (8), danofsatx (5)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Meeting started</td>\n<td>decause (2), dgilmore (2), nirik (2)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>New packages</td>\n<td> </td>\n</tr><tr><td>Posts on the planet</td>\n<td>adamwill (8), admin (5), johe (3)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Retired packages</td>\n<td> </td>\n</tr><tr><td>Updates to stable</td>\n<td>siwinski (45), hguemar (19), remi (18)</td>\n</tr><tr><td>Updates to testing</td>\n<td>remi (36), raveit65 (24), orion (20)</td>\n</tr></tbody></table></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-19T23:59:00Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Dusty Mabe: Fedora BTRFS+Snapper PART 2: Full System Snapshot/Rollback'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Dusty Mabe: Fedora BTRFS+Snapper PART 2: Full System Snapshot/Rollback" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n History \n In part 1 of this series I discussed why I desired a computer setup where I can do full system snapshots so I could seamlessly roll back at will. I also gave an overview of how I went about setting up a system so it could take advantage of BTRFS and snapper to do full system snapshotting and recovery. In this final post of the series I will give an overview of how to get snapper installed and configured on the system and walk through using it to do a rollback. \n Installing and Configuring Snapper \n First things first, as part of this whole setup I want to be able to tell how much space each one of my snapshots are taking up. I covered how to do this in a previous post , but the way you do it is by enabled quota on the BTRFS filesystem: \n [root@localhost ~]# btrfs quota enable / \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show /\nWARNING: Rescan is running, qgroup data may be incorrect\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 975.90MiB 975.90MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n You can see from the output that we currently have two subvolumes. One of them is the root subvolume while the other is a subvolume automatically created by systemd for systemd-nspawn container images. \n Now that we have quota enabled let's get snapper installed and configured: \n [root@localhost ~]# dnf install -y snapper\n...\nComplete!\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper --config=root create-config /\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper list-configs\nConfig | Subvolume\n-------+----------\nroot | / \n[root@localhost ~]#\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 83 top level 5 path .snapshots \n So we used the snapper command to create a configuration for BTRFS filesystem mounted at / . As part of this process we can see from the btrfs subvolume list / command that snapper also created a .snapshots subvolume. This subvolume will be used to house the COW snapshots that are taken of the system. \n The next thing we want to do is add an entry to fstab to make it so that regardless of what subvolume we are actually booted into we will always be able to view the .snapshots subvolume and all nested subvolumes (snapshots): \n [root@localhost ~]# echo '/dev/vgroot/lvroot /.snapshots btrfs subvol=.snapshots 0 0' > > /etc/fstab \n Taking Snapshots \n OK, now that we have snapper installed and the .snapshots subvolume in /etc/fstab we can start creating snapshots: \n [root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume get-default /\nID 5 (FS_TREE)\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper create --description \"BigBang\"\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang |\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 90 top level 5 path .snapshots\nID 261 gen 88 top level 260 path .snapshots/1/snapshot\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# ls /.snapshots/1/snapshot/\nbin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var \n We made our first snapshot called BigBang and then ran a btrfs subvolume list / to view that a new snapshot was actually created. Notice at the top of the output of the sections that we ran a btrfs subvolume get-default / . This outputs what the currently set default subvolume is for the BTRFS filesystem. Right now we are booted into the root subvolume but that will change as soon as we decide we want to use one of the snapshots for rollback. \n Since we took a snapshot let's go ahead and make some changes to the system: \n [root@localhost ~]# dnf install -y htop\n[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q htop\nhtop-1.0.3-4.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper status 1..0 | grep htop\n+..... /usr/bin/htop\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/AUTHORS\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/COPYING\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/ChangeLog\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/README\n+..... /usr/share/man/man1/htop.1.gz\n+..... /usr/share/pixmaps/htop.png\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/checksum_data\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/checksum_type\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/command_line\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/from_repo\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc 9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/installed_by\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/reason\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/releasever \n So from this we installed htop and then compared the current running system ( 0 ) with snapshot 1 . \n Rolling Back \n Now that we have taken a previous snapshot and have since made a change to the system we can use the snapper rollback functionality to get back to the state the system was in before we made the change. Let's do the rollback to get back to the snapshot 1 BigBang state: \n [root@localhost ~]# snapper rollback 1\nCreating read-only snapshot of current system. (Snapshot 2.)\nCreating read-write snapshot of snapshot 1. (Snapshot 3.)\nSetting default subvolume to snapshot 3.\n[root@localhost ~]# reboot \n As part of the rollback process you specify to snapper which snapshot you want to go back to. It then creates a read-only snapshot of the current system (in case you change your mind and want to get back to where you currently are) and then a new read-write subvolume based on the snapshot you specified to go back to. It then sets the default subvolume to be the newly created read-write subvolume it just created. After a reboot you will be booted into the new read-write subvolume and your state should be exactly as it was at the time you made the original snapshot. \n In our case, after reboot we should now be booted into snapshot 3 as indicated by the output of the snapper rollback command above and we should be able to inspect information about all of the snapshots on the system: \n [root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume get-default /\nID 263 gen 104 top level 260 path .snapshots/3/snapshot\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang | \nsingle | 2 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | | \nsingle | 3 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | | \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# ls /.snapshots/\n1 2 3\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 100 top level 5 path .snapshots\nID 261 gen 98 top level 260 path .snapshots/1/snapshot\nID 262 gen 97 top level 260 path .snapshots/2/snapshot\nID 26 3 gen 108 top level 260 path .snapshots/3/snapshot \n And the big test is to see if the change we made to the system was actually reverted: \n [root@localhost ~]# rpm -q htop\npackage htop is not installed \n Bliss!! \n Now in my case I like to have more descriptive notes on my snapshots so I'll go back now and give some notes for snapshots 2 and 3: \n [root@localhost ~]# snapper modify --description \"installed htop\" 2\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper modify --description \"rollback to 1 - read/write\" 3 \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+----------------------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang | \nsingle | 2 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | installed htop | \nsingle | 3 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | rollback to 1 - read/write | \n We can also see how much space (shared and exclusive each of the snapshots are taking up: \n [root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show / \nWARNING: Qgroup data inconsistent, rescan recommended\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 1.08GiB 7.53MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/260 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/261 1.07GiB 2.60MiB \n0/262 1.07GiB 740.00KiB \n0/263 1.08GiB 18.91MiB \n Now that is useful info so you can know how much space you will be recovering when you delete snapshots in the future. \n Updating The Kernel \n I mentioned in part 1 that I had to get a special rebuild of GRUB with some patches from the SUSE guys in order to get booting from the default subvolume to work. This was all needed so that I can update the kernel as normal and have the GRUB files that get used be the ones that are in the actual subvolume I am currently using. So let's test it out by doing a full system update (including a kernel update): \n [root@localhost ~]# dnf update -y\n...\nInstall 8 Packages\nUpgrade 173 Packages\n...\nComplete!\n[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q kernel\nkernel-4.0.4-301.fc22.x86_64\nkernel-4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show /\nWARNING: Qgroup data inconsistent, rescan recommended\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 1.08GiB 7.53MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/260 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/261 1.07GiB 11.96MiB \n0/262 1.07GiB 740.00KiB \n0/263 1.19GiB 444.35MiB \n So we did a full system upgrade that upgraded 173 packages and installed a few others. We can see now that the current subvolume (snapshot 3 with ID 263 ) now has 444MiB of exclusive data. This makes sense since all of the other snapshots were from before the full system update. \n Let's create a new snapshot that represents the state of the system right after we did the full system update and then reboot: \n [root@localhost ~]# snapper create --description \"full system upgrade\"\n[root@localhost ~]# reboot \n After reboot we can now check to see if we have properly booted the recently installed kernel: \n [root@localhost ~]# rpm -q kernel\nkernel-4.0.4-301.fc22.x86_64\nkernel-4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# uname -r\n4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64 \n Bliss again. Yay! And I'm Done. \n Enjoy! \n Dusty " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<h1 id=\"history\">History</h1>\n<p>In <a href=\"\">part 1</a> of this series I discussed why I desired a computer setup where I can do full system snapshots so I could seamlessly roll back at will. I also gave an overview of how I went about setting up a system so it could take advantage of <code>BTRFS</code> and <code>snapper</code> to do full system snapshotting and recovery. In this final post of the series I will give an overview of how to get <code>snapper</code> installed and configured on the system and walk through using it to do a rollback.</p>\n<h1 id=\"installing-and-configuring-snapper\">Installing and Configuring Snapper</h1>\n<p>First things first, as part of this whole setup I want to be able to tell how much space each one of my snapshots are taking up. I covered how to do this in a <a href=\"\">previous post</a>, but the way you do it is by enabled <code>quota</code> on the <code>BTRFS</code> filesystem:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# btrfs quota enable / \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show /\nWARNING: Rescan is running, qgroup data may be incorrect\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 975.90MiB 975.90MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB</code></pre>\n<p>You can see from the output that we currently have two subvolumes. One of them is the <em>root subvolume</em> while the other is a subvolume automatically created by <code>systemd</code> for <code>systemd-nspawn</code> container images.</p>\n<p>Now that we have quota enabled let's get <code>snapper</code> installed and configured:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# dnf install -y snapper\n...\nComplete!\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper --config=root create-config /\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper list-configs\nConfig | Subvolume\n-------+----------\nroot | / \n[root@localhost ~]#\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 83 top level 5 path .snapshots</code></pre>\n<p>So we used the <code>snapper</code> command to create a configuration for <code>BTRFS</code> filesystem mounted at <code>/</code>. As part of this process we can see from the <code>btrfs subvolume list /</code> command that <code>snapper</code> also created a <code>.snapshots</code> subvolume. This subvolume will be used to house the <code>COW</code> snapshots that are taken of the system.</p>\n<p>The next thing we want to do is add an entry to <code>fstab</code> to make it so that regardless of what subvolume we are actually booted into we will always be able to view the <code>.snapshots</code> subvolume and all nested subvolumes (snapshots):</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# echo '/dev/vgroot/lvroot /.snapshots btrfs subvol=.snapshots 0 0' &gt;&gt; /etc/fstab</code></pre>\n<h1 id=\"taking-snapshots\">Taking Snapshots</h1>\n<p>OK, now that we have snapper installed and the <code>.snapshots</code> subvolume in <code>/etc/fstab</code> we can start creating snapshots:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume get-default /\nID 5 (FS_TREE)\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper create --description \"BigBang\"\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang |\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 90 top level 5 path .snapshots\nID 261 gen 88 top level 260 path .snapshots/1/snapshot\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# ls /.snapshots/1/snapshot/\nbin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var</code></pre>\n<p>We made our first snapshot called <strong>BigBang</strong> and then ran a <code>btrfs subvolume list /</code> to view that a new snapshot was actually created. Notice at the top of the output of the sections that we ran a <code>btrfs subvolume get-default /</code>. This outputs what the currently set <em>default subvolume</em> is for the <code>BTRFS</code> filesystem. Right now we are booted into the <em>root subvolume</em> but that will change as soon as we decide we want to use one of the snapshots for rollback.</p>\n<p>Since we took a snapshot let's go ahead and make some changes to the system:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# dnf install -y htop\n[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q htop\nhtop-1.0.3-4.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper status 1..0 | grep htop\n+..... /usr/bin/htop\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/AUTHORS\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/COPYING\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/ChangeLog\n+..... /usr/share/doc/htop/README\n+..... /usr/share/man/man1/htop.1.gz\n+..... /usr/share/pixmaps/htop.png\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/checksum_data\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/checksum_type\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/command_line\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/from_repo\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/installed_by\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/reason\n+..... /var/lib/dnf/yumdb/h/2cd64300c204b0e1ecc9ad185259826852226561-htop-1.0.3-4.fc22-x86_64/releasever</code></pre>\n<p>So from this we installed <code>htop</code> and then compared the current running system (<code>0</code>) with snapshot <code>1</code>.</p>\n<h1 id=\"rolling-back\">Rolling Back</h1>\n<p>Now that we have taken a previous snapshot and have since made a change to the system we can use the <code>snapper rollback</code> functionality to get back to the state the system was in before we made the change. Let's do the rollback to get back to the snapshot <code>1</code> <strong>BigBang</strong> state:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# snapper rollback 1\nCreating read-only snapshot of current system. (Snapshot 2.)\nCreating read-write snapshot of snapshot 1. (Snapshot 3.)\nSetting default subvolume to snapshot 3.\n[root@localhost ~]# reboot</code></pre>\n<p>As part of the rollback process you specify to <code>snapper</code> which snapshot you want to go back to. It then creates a read-only snapshot of the current system (in case you change your mind and want to get back to where you currently are) and then a new read-write subvolume based on the snapshot you specified to go back to. It then sets the <em>default subvolume</em> to be the newly created read-write subvolume it just created. After a reboot you will be booted into the new read-write subvolume and your state should be exactly as it was at the time you made the original snapshot.</p>\n<p>In our case, after reboot we should now be booted into snapshot 3 as indicated by the output of the <code>snapper rollback</code> command above and we should be able to inspect information about all of the snapshots on the system:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume get-default /\nID 263 gen 104 top level 260 path .snapshots/3/snapshot\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+-------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang | \nsingle | 2 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | | \nsingle | 3 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | | \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# ls /.snapshots/\n1 2 3\n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs subvolume list /\nID 258 gen 50 top level 5 path var/lib/machines\nID 260 gen 100 top level 5 path .snapshots\nID 261 gen 98 top level 260 path .snapshots/1/snapshot\nID 262 gen 97 top level 260 path .snapshots/2/snapshot\nID 263 gen 108 top level 260 path .snapshots/3/snapshot</code></pre>\n<p>And the big test is to see if the change we made to the system was actually reverted:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q htop\npackage htop is not installed</code></pre>\n<p>Bliss!!</p>\n<p>Now in my case I like to have more descriptive notes on my snapshots so I'll go back now and give some notes for snapshots 2 and 3:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# snapper modify --description \"installed htop\" 2\n[root@localhost ~]# snapper modify --description \"rollback to 1 - read/write\" 3 \n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# snapper ls\nType | # | Pre # | Date | User | Cleanup | Description | Userdata\n-------+---+-------+--------------------------+------+---------+----------------------------+---------\nsingle | 0 | | | root | | current | \nsingle | 1 | | Tue Jul 14 23:07:42 2015 | root | | BigBang | \nsingle | 2 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | installed htop | \nsingle | 3 | | Tue Jul 14 23:14:12 2015 | root | | rollback to 1 - read/write |</code></pre>\n<p>We can also see how much space (shared and exclusive each of the snapshots are taking up:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show / \nWARNING: Qgroup data inconsistent, rescan recommended\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 1.08GiB 7.53MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/260 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/261 1.07GiB 2.60MiB \n0/262 1.07GiB 740.00KiB \n0/263 1.08GiB 18.91MiB</code></pre>\n<p>Now that is useful info so you can know how much space you will be recovering when you delete snapshots in the future.</p>\n<h1 id=\"updating-the-kernel\">Updating The Kernel</h1>\n<p>I mentioned in <a href=\"\">part 1</a> that I had to get a special rebuild of <code>GRUB</code> with some patches from the <code>SUSE</code> guys in order to get booting from the default subvolume to work. This was all needed so that I can update the kernel as normal and have the <code>GRUB</code> files that get used be the ones that are in the actual subvolume I am currently using. So let's test it out by doing a full system update (including a kernel update):</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# dnf update -y\n...\nInstall 8 Packages\nUpgrade 173 Packages\n...\nComplete!\n[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q kernel\nkernel-4.0.4-301.fc22.x86_64\nkernel-4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# \n[root@localhost ~]# btrfs qgroup show /\nWARNING: Qgroup data inconsistent, rescan recommended\nqgroupid rfer excl \n-------- ---- ---- \n0/5 1.08GiB 7.53MiB \n0/258 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/260 16.00KiB 16.00KiB \n0/261 1.07GiB 11.96MiB \n0/262 1.07GiB 740.00KiB \n0/263 1.19GiB 444.35MiB</code></pre>\n<p>So we did a full system upgrade that upgraded 173 packages and installed a few others. We can see now that the current subvolume (snapshot <code>3</code> with ID <code>263</code>) now has 444MiB of exclusive data. This makes sense since all of the other snapshots were from before the full system update.</p>\n<p>Let's create a new snapshot that represents the state of the system right after we did the full system update and then reboot:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# snapper create --description \"full system upgrade\"\n[root@localhost ~]# reboot</code></pre>\n<p>After reboot we can now check to see if we have properly booted the recently installed kernel:</p>\n<pre><code>[root@localhost ~]# rpm -q kernel\nkernel-4.0.4-301.fc22.x86_64\nkernel-4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64\n[root@localhost ~]# uname -r\n4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64</code></pre>\n<p>Bliss again. Yay! And I'm Done.</p>\n<p>Enjoy!</p>\n<p>Dusty</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-20T03:51:55Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Jamie Nguyen: Easily install Discourse using Ansible'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
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nie:title "Jamie Nguyen: Easily install Discourse using Ansible" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n ansible-discourse is an Ansible playbook I created to make it easy to\ndeploy Discourse without Docker. It supports several distributions, including\nCentOS, Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu. Testing and feedback are very welcome! \n Discourse is an open source discussion forum application. The Discourse team\nonly supports installation via their offical Docker image. This is a sensible\nmove as the production environment can be kept more consistent across all\ninstallations, making it harder for administrators to break their site with a\nconfiguration error. \n However, some people may want to avoid using Docker. Perhaps you already manage\nyour servers with Ansible, or you want more flexibility over your production\nenvironment. Perhaps you need more secure isolation (eg, hardware\nvirtualization) than Docker can provide (as containers do not contain ). If so, you\nmight want to give ansible-discourse a try. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p><a href=\"\" class=\"reference external\">ansible-discourse</a> is an Ansible playbook I created to make it easy to\ndeploy Discourse without Docker. It supports several distributions, including\nCentOS, Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu. Testing and feedback are very welcome!</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" class=\"reference external\">Discourse</a> is an open source discussion forum application. The Discourse team\nonly supports installation via their offical Docker image. This is a sensible\nmove as the production environment can be kept more consistent across all\ninstallations, making it harder for administrators to break their site with a\nconfiguration error.</p>\n<p>However, some people may want to avoid using Docker. Perhaps you already manage\nyour servers with Ansible, or you want more flexibility over your production\nenvironment. Perhaps you need more secure isolation (eg, hardware\nvirtualization) than Docker can provide (as <a href=\"\" class=\"reference external\">containers do not contain</a>). If so, you\nmight want to give <a href=\"\" class=\"reference external\">ansible-discourse</a> a try.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-20T13:45:00Z" ;
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nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Daniel Pocock: RTC status on Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
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a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Daniel Pocock: RTC status on Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Zoltan (Zoltanh721) recently blogged about WebRTC for the Fedora community and Fedora desktop . \n has been running for a while now and this has given many people a chance to get a taste of regular SIP and WebRTC-based SIP. As suggested in Zoltan's blog, it has convenient integration with Fedora SSO and as the source code is available , people are welcome to see how it was built and use it for other projects. \n Issues with Chrome/Chromium on Linux \n If you tried any of , or using Chrome/Chromium on Linux, you may have found that the call appears to be connected but there is no media. This is a bug and the Chromium developers are on to it. You can work around this by trying an older version of Chromium (it still works with v37 from Debian wheezy) or Firefox/Iceweasel. \n WebRTC is not everything \n WebRTC offers many great possibilities for people to quickly build and deploy RTC services to a large user base, especially when using components like JSCommunicator or the DruCall WebRTC plugin for Drupal . \n However, it is not a silver bullet. For example, there remain concerns about how to receive incoming calls. How do you know which browser tab is ringing when you have many tabs open at once? This may require greater browser/desktop integration and that has security implications for JavaScript. Whether users on battery-powered devices can really leave JavaScript running for extended periods of time waiting for incoming calls is another issue, especially when you consider that many web sites contain some JavaScript that is less than efficient. \n Native applications and mobile apps like Lumicall continue to offer the most optimized solution for each platform although WebRTC currently offers the most convenient way for people to place a Call me link on their web site or portal. \n Deploy it yourself \n The RTC Quick Start Guide offers step-by-step instructions and a thorough discussion of the architecture for people to start deploying RTC and WebRTC on their own servers using standard packages on many of the most popular Linux distributions, including Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS and Fedora. \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<div class=\"field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden\"><div class=\"field-items\"><div class=\"field-item even\"><p><a href=\"\">Zoltan (Zoltanh721)</a> recently <a href=\"\">blogged about WebRTC for the Fedora community and Fedora desktop</a>.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\"></a> has been running for a while now and this has given many people a chance to get a taste of regular SIP and WebRTC-based SIP. As suggested in Zoltan's blog, it has convenient integration with Fedora SSO and as the <a href=\"\">source code is available</a>, people are welcome to see how it was built and use it for other projects.</p>\n<h3>Issues with Chrome/Chromium on Linux</h3>\n<p>If you tried any of <a href=\"\"></a>, <a href=\"\"></a> or <a href=\"\"></a> using Chrome/Chromium on Linux, you may have found that the call appears to be connected but there is no media. This is a <a href=\"\">bug</a> and the Chromium developers are on to it. You can work around this by trying an older version of Chromium (it still works with v37 from Debian wheezy) or Firefox/Iceweasel.</p>\n<h3>WebRTC is not everything</h3>\n<p><a href=\"\">WebRTC</a> offers many great possibilities for people to quickly build and deploy RTC services to a large user base, especially when using components like <a href=\"\">JSCommunicator</a> or <a href=\"\">the DruCall WebRTC plugin for Drupal</a>.</p>\n<p>However, it is not a silver bullet. For example, there remain concerns about how to receive incoming calls. How do you know which browser tab is ringing when you have many tabs open at once? This may require greater browser/desktop integration and that has security implications for JavaScript. Whether users on battery-powered devices can really leave JavaScript running for extended periods of time waiting for incoming calls is another issue, especially when you consider that many web sites contain some JavaScript that is less than efficient.</p>\n<p>Native applications and mobile apps like <a href=\"\">Lumicall</a> continue to offer the most optimized solution for each platform although WebRTC currently offers the most convenient way for people to place a <em>Call me</em> link on their web site or portal.</p>\n<h3>Deploy it yourself</h3>\n<p>The <a href=\"\">RTC Quick Start Guide</a> offers step-by-step instructions and a thorough discussion of the architecture for people to start deploying RTC and WebRTC on their own servers using standard packages on many of the most popular Linux distributions, including Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS and Fedora.</p>\n</div></div></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-20T14:04:30Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Josh Boyer: Failing Fast'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Josh Boyer: Failing Fast" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nUsers of the Fedora exploded kernel git tree might have noticed that it has been stale for a couple of weeks now. What they might not know is why that is, and when it is going to be fixed. The answer is somewhat complicated and I'll try and summarize here. The Fedora kernel team recently tried shifting to using the exploded tree as the canonical location for Fedora kernel work. The benefits and ideas were written here , and most of those still stand. So I went to work on some scripts that would make this easier to do. The results weren't terrible. Things worked, kernels were still built, and the exploded tree was spit out (albeit at a different location). By some measures, this was a success. Except it really wasn't. Some of the motivation behind the change was to increase participation and transparency around the Fedora kernel. However, while we worked through the new process we quickly realized that it was much more cumbersome to actually produce kernel packages. Since the primary output of our team is packages, that seemed like a pretty bad side effect. Similarly, transparency wasn't decreased but the change made things much more confusing. Changes in the exploded tree weren't synced 1:1 back to the Fedora package repo, so it appeared like big code drops there instead of discrete commits. Telling people to look at the exploded tree was an option, but in Fedora's package-centric world it was a bit out of place. So what do you do when you've spent time making a change and it isn't working out? Well, you scrap it. There's little point in pushing on with something that even the primary author finds to be awkward. The payoffs weren't likely to materialize in any sort of timeframe that would make it worth the continued effort there. Was the time wasted? In my opinion, no. It answered some questions we've had for a while, and showed us that both the tooling and processes Fedora uses aren't really amenable to working with exploded sources. Unfortunately, the exploded tree has been stagnant since we changed back. However, I don't think it will remain that way forever. We tweaked some of the things we do to build the kernel package such that taking that content and creating an exploded tree will be easier. With a bit more scripting, it should be possible to almost automate the creation on every successful build. I'll be working on that off and on for the next few weeks. Hopefully by Flock I have something cobbled together to get things back on track again. It's been a while since I've had what I would consider a pretty big failure. I make mistakes all the time like everyone else, but those are generally small and on short-term things. In a discussion with someone, they asked me if I was bothered by this being a big bigger. I'm not. Personally, I don't care if I fail spectacularly or not as long as I learn something from it. I think I did, so the exercise was worthwhile to me. Failing fast is a really good way to work through some complicated scenarios, and is far better than staying stagnant out of fear of failure. Time to move on to the next idea! (A couple of notes:) It was pointed out on the list that RHEL tooling can build from an exploded tree, but it seems it does this with some odd hacks that we'd likely try and avoid in Fedora. The workflow between RHEL and Fedora kernels are also massively different. I would love to see some more commonality between the two, but not at the expense of forcing ill fitting process on either one. Pagure , is where the exploded tree was hosted in the interim. We tried it with the idea that making multiple committers there would be easier than It is a neat service, but I'm not sure we'd really use many of the features it was designed around. The only complaint I heard was that browsing via the web interface was slow. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nUsers of the Fedora exploded kernel git tree might have noticed that it has been stale for a couple of weeks now. What they might not know is why that is, and when it is going to be fixed. The answer is somewhat complicated and I'll try and summarize here.<br/><br/>The Fedora kernel team recently tried shifting to using the exploded tree as the canonical location for Fedora kernel work. The benefits and ideas were written <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">here</a>, and most of those still stand. So I went to work on some scripts that would make this easier to do. The results weren't terrible. Things worked, kernels were still built, and the exploded tree was spit out (albeit at a different location). By some measures, this was a success.<br/><br/>Except it really wasn't. Some of the motivation behind the change was to increase participation and transparency around the Fedora kernel. However, while we worked through the new process we quickly realized that it was much more cumbersome to actually produce kernel packages. Since the primary output of our team is packages, that seemed like a pretty bad side effect. Similarly, transparency wasn't decreased but the change made things much more confusing. Changes in the exploded tree weren't synced 1:1 back to the Fedora package repo, so it appeared like big code drops there instead of discrete commits. Telling people to look at the exploded tree was an option, but in Fedora's package-centric world it was a bit out of place.<br/><br/>So what do you do when you've spent time making a change and it isn't working out? Well, you scrap it. There's little point in pushing on with something that even the primary author finds to be awkward. The payoffs weren't likely to materialize in any sort of timeframe that would make it worth the continued effort there. Was the time wasted? In my opinion, no. It answered some questions we've had for a while, and showed us that both the tooling and processes Fedora uses aren't really amenable to working with exploded sources.<br/><br/>Unfortunately, the exploded tree has been stagnant since we changed back. However, I don't think it will remain that way forever. We tweaked some of the things we do to build the kernel package such that taking that content and creating an exploded tree will be easier. With a bit more scripting, it should be possible to almost automate the creation on every successful build. I'll be working on that off and on for the next few weeks. Hopefully by Flock I have something cobbled together to get things back on track again.<br/><br/>It's been a while since I've had what I would consider a pretty big failure. I make mistakes all the time like everyone else, but those are generally small and on short-term things. In a discussion with someone, they asked me if I was bothered by this being a big bigger. I'm not. Personally, I don't care if I fail spectacularly or not as long as I learn something from it. I think I did, so the exercise was worthwhile to me. Failing fast is a really good way to work through some complicated scenarios, and is far better than staying stagnant out of fear of failure. Time to move on to the next idea!<br/><br/>(A couple of notes:)<br/><br/>It was pointed out on the list that RHEL tooling can build from an exploded tree, but it seems it does this with some odd hacks that we'd likely try and avoid in Fedora. The workflow between RHEL and Fedora kernels are also massively different. I would love to see some more commonality between the two, but not at the expense of forcing ill fitting process on either one.<br/><br/><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Pagure</a>, is where the exploded tree was hosted in the interim. We tried it with the idea that making multiple committers there would be easier than It is a neat service, but I'm not sure we'd really use many of the features it was designed around. The only complaint I heard was that browsing via the web interface was slow.</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-20T14:48:17Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Rajeesh K Nambiar: Going to Akademy 2015'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Rajeesh K Nambiar: Going to Akademy 2015" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n I’m excited to attend this year’s Akademy in La Coruña, Spain. \n Tagged: kde " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>I’m excited to attend this year’s <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Akademy</a> in La Coruña, Spain.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"179\" class=\"alignnone\" width=\"401\"/></p><br/> Tagged: <a href=\"\">kde</a> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <img src=\";blog=1921918&amp;post=417&amp;subd=rajeeshknambiar&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-20T15:14:04Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora Magazine: Telegram in Fedora'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora Magazine: Telegram in Fedora" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Recently, there has been a new wave of instant messaging services focused on the mobile world. Examples include Whatsapp, Messenger, Hangouts, and Viber. However, these are all closed and don’t have the best record of security and privacy. A new service with a different approach is Telegram . It’s developed and run by a non-profit organization, has an open API and protocol, provides open source clients, and stresses privacy. \n The Telegram instant messaging service was founded by Nikolai and Pavel Durovs. They are known for founding VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook, which they left after they refused to hand over users’ data to FSB . Telegram is based in Berlin and the service has received accolades all around the world. \n \n I’d known about Telegram for some time, but hadn’t tried it out until I conducted a survey asking what IM services Fedora users were using. It caught my attention because it ended up surprisingly high in the list. \n Telegram Features \n Here is a summary of what makes Telegram an attractive option for instant messaging: \n \n Free of charge and run by a non-profit organization \n Fast \n Open (open API, open protocol, open source clients; the server side is currently closed though) \n Accepts file uploads up to 1.5 GB \n Secret Chats (end-to-end encryption, a timer to destruct messages) \n Bot API (API that lets you write your own bots to notify you or deliver content to your Telegram client). \n \n How to Join \n Telegram accounts are tied to the phone number of the user. The easiest way to start with Telegram are the mobile apps, because they can scan your contacts and give you a list of friends already using the service. You can join Telegram even without having a smartphone, though. You can create an account in one of the official clients including the web client . You’ll need a phone to receive authentication PINs via SMS. \n Account Creation in the Web Client. \n Available Clients for Fedora \n There are several Telegram clients you can use in Fedora. There is no clear winner, though. Every client has its pros and cons, which I will try to describe in the following paragraphs. \n Telegram Desktop \n The official client for Linux desktop is open source and can be found in Copr . You can install it by running the following commands: \n sudo dnf copr enable rommon/telegram \nsudo dnf install telegram-desktop \n The desktop client has all the bells and whistles of Telegram. It includes group chats, emoticons, stickers, and sending/receiving files. However, it lacks one important feature: secret chats which provide end-to-end encryption and were ranked by EFF at 7/7 points . \n The desktop client is written in Qt, but unfortunately it’s patched. This makes it hard to include in the official repositories of Fedora. Another minor inconvenience is that it uses its own notifications, instead of the standard ones the system provides. Moreover, the app in Copr is not really built from the source code, but a packaged binary provided on the website of Telegram. So instead of relying on the packaging system, it has its own updating mechanism. This may cause some complexity, such as a parallel installation of the app. \n The official desktop client. \n Cutegram \n Cutegram is an unofficial alternative to Telegram Desktop and is a well-done client, written in QML. If there was a standard way to install it in Fedora, it would definitely be the best option. However, it’s not available in the official repositories or Copr, and the authors don’t provide an RPM package. You need to download a generic installer which installs the app to /opt and doesn’t create a desktop launcher. Jaroslav Řezník started packaging it in Copr , but hasn’t finished it yet. He might appreciate some help there! \n Otherwise Cutegram supports the same set of features as the official client, and adds more. It supports secret chats, is better integrated to the desktop — using standard notifications, for instance — and has more options such as support for multiple accounts. \n Cutegram. \n Plugin for Pidgin \n If you’re accustomed to traditional desktop IM clients, or want to have Telegram together with other services in one app, a 3rd-party plugin for Pidgin might be a better option. It can also be found in Copr . To install, run the following commands: \n sudo dnf copr enable lsof/telegram-purple \nsudo dnf install telegram-purple \n The plugin doesn’t support Telegram-specific emoticons and stickers. However, you can for example send and receive files, and pictures are shown directly in the chat, like in official clients. Most importantly, it supports secret chats. \n Telegram CLI \n For those who prefer the command line, there’s also an unofficial CLI client . It’s again available in Copr and you can install it running the following commands: \n sudo dnf copr enable iranzo/telegram-cli \nsudo dnf install telegram-cli \n It obviously doesn’t support the graphical features such as emoticons or stickers, but covers a fair share of Telegram features, such as sending and receiving files or secret chats. \n Web Client \n The official web client, which you can find at , supports the same features and has the same interface as the official desktop client which means it also lacks support for secret chats. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>Recently, there has been a new wave of instant messaging services focused on the mobile world. Examples include Whatsapp, Messenger, Hangouts, and Viber. However, these are all closed and don’t have the best record of security and privacy. A new service with a different approach is <a href=\"\">Telegram</a>. It’s developed and run by a non-profit organization, has an open API and protocol, provides open source clients, and stresses privacy.<span id=\"more-9469\"/></p>\n<p>The Telegram instant messaging service was founded by Nikolai and Pavel Durovs. They are known for founding VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook, which they left after they refused to hand over users’ data to <a href=\"\">FSB</a>. Telegram is based in Berlin and the service has received accolades all around the world.<strong><br/>\n</strong></p>\n<p>I’d known about Telegram for some time, but hadn’t tried it out until I <a href=\"\">conducted a survey</a> asking what IM services Fedora users were using. It caught my attention because it ended up surprisingly high in the list.</p>\n<h2>Telegram Features</h2>\n<p>Here is a summary of what makes Telegram an attractive option for instant messaging:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Free of charge and run by a non-profit organization</li>\n<li>Fast</li>\n<li>Open (open API, open protocol, open source clients; the server side is currently closed though)</li>\n<li>Accepts file uploads up to 1.5 GB</li>\n<li>Secret Chats (end-to-end encryption, a timer to destruct messages)</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Bot API</a> (API that lets you write your own bots to notify you or deliver content to your Telegram client).</li>\n</ul>\n<h2>How to Join</h2>\n<p>Telegram accounts are tied to the phone number of the user. The easiest way to start with Telegram are the mobile apps, because they can scan your contacts and give you a list of friends already using the service. You can join Telegram even without having a smartphone, though. You can create an account in one of the official clients including <a href=\"\">the web client</a>. You’ll need a phone to receive authentication PINs via SMS.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9483\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"telegram-account\" height=\"485\" class=\"wp-image-9483 size-full\" width=\"455\"/></a><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Account Creation in the Web Client.</p></div>\n<h2>Available Clients for Fedora</h2>\n<p>There are several Telegram clients you can use in Fedora. There is no clear winner, though. Every client has its pros and cons, which I will try to describe in the following paragraphs.</p>\n<h3>Telegram Desktop</h3>\n<p>The official client for Linux desktop is open source and can <a href=\"\">be found in Copr</a>. You can install it by running the following commands:</p>\n<p><code>sudo dnf copr enable rommon/telegram<br/>\nsudo dnf install telegram-desktop</code></p>\n<p>The desktop client has all the bells and whistles of Telegram. It includes group chats, emoticons, stickers, and sending/receiving files. However, it lacks one important feature: secret chats which provide end-to-end encryption and <a href=\"\">were ranked by EFF at 7/7 points</a>.</p>\n<p>The desktop client is written in Qt, but unfortunately it’s patched. This makes it hard to include in the official repositories of Fedora. Another minor inconvenience is that it uses its own notifications, instead of the standard ones the system provides. Moreover, the app in Copr is not really built from the source code, but a packaged binary provided on the website of Telegram. So instead of relying on the packaging system, it has its own updating mechanism. This may cause some complexity, such as a parallel installation of the app.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9486\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"The official desktop client.\" height=\"538\" class=\"wp-image-9486\" width=\"676\"/></a><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">The official desktop client.</p></div>\n<h3>Cutegram</h3>\n<p><a href=\"\">Cutegram</a> is an unofficial alternative to Telegram Desktop and is a well-done client, written in QML. If there was a standard way to install it in Fedora, it would definitely be the best option. However, it’s not available in the official repositories or Copr, and the authors don’t provide an RPM package. You need to download a generic installer which installs the app to <em>/opt</em> and doesn’t create a desktop launcher. <a href=\"\">Jaroslav Řezník started packaging it in Copr</a>, but hasn’t finished it yet. He might appreciate some help there!</p>\n<p>Otherwise Cutegram supports the same set of features as the official client, and adds more. It supports secret chats, is better integrated to the desktop — using standard notifications, for instance — and has more options such as support for multiple accounts.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9487\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Cutegram.\" height=\"421\" class=\"wp-image-9487 size-large\" width=\"676\"/></a><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Cutegram.</p></div>\n<h3>Plugin for Pidgin</h3>\n<p>If you’re accustomed to traditional desktop IM clients, or want to have Telegram together with other services in one app, <a href=\"\">a 3rd-party plugin for Pidgin</a> might be a better option. It can also be <a href=\"\">found in Copr</a>. To install, run the following commands:</p>\n<p><code>sudo dnf copr enable lsof/telegram-purple<br/>\nsudo dnf install telegram-purple</code></p>\n<p>The plugin doesn’t support Telegram-specific emoticons and stickers. However, you can for example send and receive files, and pictures are shown directly in the chat, like in official clients. Most importantly, it supports secret chats.</p>\n<h3>Telegram CLI</h3>\n<p>For those who prefer the command line, there’s also <a href=\"\">an unofficial CLI client</a>. It’s again <a href=\"\">available in Copr</a> and you can install it running the following commands:</p>\n<p><code>sudo dnf copr enable iranzo/telegram-cli<br/>\nsudo dnf install telegram-cli</code></p>\n<p>It obviously doesn’t support the graphical features such as emoticons or stickers, but covers a fair share of Telegram features, such as sending and receiving files or secret chats.</p>\n<h3>Web Client</h3>\n<p>The official web client, which you can find at <a href=\"\"></a>, supports the same features and has the same interface as the official desktop client which means it also lacks support for secret chats.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-20T15:40:57Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Matthew Garrett: Your Ubuntu-based container image is probably a copyright violation'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Matthew Garrett: Your Ubuntu-based container image is probably a copyright violation" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nI wrote about Canonical's Ubuntu IP policy here , but primarily in terms of its broader impact, but I mentioned a few specific cases. People seem to have picked up on the case of container images (especially Docker ones), so here's an unambiguous statement: If you generate a container image that is not a 100% unmodified version of Ubuntu (ie, you have not removed or added anything ), Canonical insist that you must ask them for permission to distribute it. The only alternative is to rebuild every binary package you wish to ship[1], removing all trademarks in the process. As I mentioned in my original post, the IP policy does not merely require you to remove trademarks that would cause infringement, it requires you to remove all trademarks - a strict reading would require you to remove every instance of the word \"ubuntu\" from the packages. If you want to contact Canonical to request permission, you can do so here . Or you could just derive from Debian instead. [1] Other than ones whose license explicitly grants permission to redistribute binaries and which do not permit any additional restrictions to be imposed upon the license grants - so any GPLed material is fine comments " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nI wrote about Canonical's Ubuntu IP policy <a href=\"\">here</a>, but primarily in terms of its broader impact, but I mentioned a few specific cases. People seem to have picked up on the case of container images (especially Docker ones), so here's an unambiguous statement:<br/><br/>If you generate a container image that is not a 100% unmodified version of Ubuntu (ie, you have not removed or added <em>anything</em>), Canonical insist that you must ask them for permission to distribute it. The only alternative is to rebuild every binary package you wish to ship[1], removing all trademarks in the process. As I mentioned in my original post, the IP policy does not merely require you to remove trademarks that would cause infringement, it requires you to remove <em>all</em> trademarks - a strict reading would require you to remove every instance of the word \"ubuntu\" from the packages.<br/><br/>If you want to contact Canonical to request permission, you can do so <a href=\"\">here</a>. Or you could just derive from Debian instead.<br/><br/>[1] Other than ones whose license explicitly grants permission to redistribute binaries and which do not permit any additional restrictions to be imposed upon the license grants - so any GPLed material is fine<br/><br/><img src=\";ditemid=36312\" alt=\"comment count unavailable\" height=\"12\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" width=\"30\"/> comments</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-20T19:33:04Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Xenode Blogger: Cómo instalar Evernote (oficial) en GNU/Linux'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Xenode Blogger: Cómo instalar Evernote (oficial) en GNU/Linux" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Evernote es una aplicación para computadora, móviles y web que gracias a la nube nos permite mantener toda una biblioteca de libretas personales que contienen notas hechas por nosotros con texto, imágenes, audio etc. sincronizada entre todos nuestros dispositivos... Evernote es gratuito (aunque hay una versión plus y una premium ) y sus ventajas son innumerables: Desde estudiar, hasta organizar tu día con día o bien, ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas... ¡Reemplaza el papel en tu vida y usa Evernote hoy mismo! Crea una cuenta acá ; (El enlace es para referidos, si creas tu cuenta desde él, obtendrás 1 mes de  Evernote Premium completamente  g ratis). En GNU/Linux existen varios clientes nativos para administrar nuestro Evernote , siendo los más conocidos  Everpad y Nixnote  (el segundo es lo más cercano al cliente oficial); SIN EMBARGO la verdad es que a mi en Fedora Linux nunca me han funcionado bien ni uno ni otro, así que opté por la siguiente solución obvia que era ejecutar el cliente oficial para Windows usando Wine en la distribución; Contrario a lo que algunas personas decían sobre versiones pasadas en la web, a partir de Wine 1.7.xx es posible ejecutar prácticamente cualquier versión de Evernote Windows en GNU/Linux . NOTA: En este tutorial usaré a Fedora Linux como distribución de referencia, cambiar los comandos de instalación de paquetes por los indicados según tu distro. 1) Instalar Wine y Winetricks # dnf -y install wine cabextract # wget -O /usr/local/bin/winetricks & & chmod +x /usr/local/bin/winetricks NOTA: Otras distros quizá prefieran usar /usr/bin en lugar de /usr/local/bin para winetricks . 2) Instalando Evernote Necesitaremos descargar Evernote para Windows desde este enlace   si queremos la versión más reciente que esté disponible. Necesitaremos cambiar nuestro  user agent  con alguna extensión, para  Google Chrome  yo recomiendo  usar ésta ; En mis pruebas a partir de la 5.7.x he notado pequeños glitches (como stacks duplicados por ejemplo); Entonces yo de momento uso la 5.6.x que pueden descargar por acá . Es cosa de que hagan la prueba con la versión más reciente y si todo les funciona bien, la usen. Si no les recomiendo la 5.6.x que para mi ha sido más que estable y funcional (ojo: ésta versión antigua no tiene algunas funcionalidades como workchat por ejemplo). Una vez descargado Evernote , corremos en consola: $ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ winecfg En este paso nos aseguramos que la versión a imitar en Wine sea Windows 7 y establecemos otras preferencias que nos parezcan apropiadas para nuestro WINEPREFIX: Aplicamos los cambios y luego corremos: $ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ winetricks corefonts $ wget $ chmod +x $ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ sh Aplicamos la configuración de suavizado de fuentes RGB: Y finalmente corremos: $ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ wine ruta/instalador/evernote.exe Seguimos las instrucciones de instalación habituales y listo: 3) Tweaks finales Abrimos Evernote y accedemos con la cuenta que nos creamos previamente: Ya como Tweaks extra, establecemos nuestras preferencias personales en las pestañas del menú de Herramientas > Opciones y finalmente disfrutamos de Evernote : Eso sería todo, Evernote Oficial instalado en GNU/Linux sin mayores complicaciones. Cabe destacar que usando este método nuestro evernote es compatible con las actualizaciones habituales de la aplicación y prácticamente todas las funcionalidades en ella. Extras 10+ usos para Evernote & Cuentas Premium GRATIS para todos El contenido publicado en el Blog Xenode Está bajo una licencia CC-BY-NC-SA ; No olvides seguirnos en Facebook , Twitter , Google+ y Youtube , ¡Te esperamos! \n \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><b style=\"font-style: italic;\"><a href=\";sig=6766978eff6f3b912654b23a34f7444a\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Evernote</a> </b><i>es una aplicación para computadora, móviles y web que gracias a la nube nos permite mantener toda una biblioteca de libretas personales que contienen notas hechas por nosotros con texto, imágenes, audio etc. sincronizada entre todos nuestros dispositivos... Evernote es </i><b style=\"font-style: italic;\">gratuito</b><i> (aunque hay una versión </i><b style=\"font-style: italic;\">plus</b><i> y una </i><b style=\"font-style: italic;\">premium</b><i>) y sus ventajas son innumerables: Desde estudiar, hasta organizar tu día con día o bien, ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas... ¡Reemplaza el papel en tu vida y usa </i><b style=\"font-style: italic;\">Evernote</b><i> hoy mismo! </i><a style=\"font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;\" href=\";sig=6766978eff6f3b912654b23a34f7444a\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Crea una cuenta acá</a><i>; (El enlace es para referidos, si creas tu cuenta desde él, obtendrás 1 mes de </i><b style=\"font-style: italic;\">Evernote Premium </b><i>completamente</i><span style=\"font-style: italic;\"> g</span><i>ratis).</i><br/><br/>En <b>GNU/Linux</b> existen varios clientes nativos para administrar nuestro <b>Evernote</b>, siendo los más conocidos <b>Everpad</b> y <b>Nixnote</b> (el segundo es lo más cercano al cliente oficial); SIN EMBARGO la verdad es que a mi en <b>Fedora Linux</b> nunca me han funcionado bien ni uno ni otro, así que opté por la siguiente solución obvia que era ejecutar el cliente oficial para <b>Windows</b> usando <b>Wine</b> en la distribución; Contrario a lo que algunas personas decían sobre versiones pasadas en la web, a partir de <b>Wine 1.7.xx </b>es posible ejecutar prácticamente cualquier versión de <b>Evernote Windows</b> en <b>GNU/Linux</b>.<br/><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> En este tutorial usaré a <b>Fedora Linux</b> como distribución de referencia, cambiar los comandos de instalación de paquetes por los indicados según tu distro.</i><br/><br/><b><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">1) Instalar Wine y Winetricks</span></b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install wine cabextract</code><br/><code># wget -O /usr/local/bin/winetricks &amp;&amp; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/winetricks</code><br/><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> Otras distros quizá prefieran usar <b>/usr/bin</b> en lugar de <b>/usr/local/bin</b> para <b>winetricks</b>.</i><br/><br/><b><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">2) Instalando Evernote</span></b><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div>Necesitaremos descargar <b>Evernote para Windows</b> desde <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">este enlace</a> </b>si queremos la versión más reciente que esté disponible. Necesitaremos cambiar nuestro <i>user agent</i> con alguna extensión, para <b>Google Chrome </b>yo recomiendo <a style=\"font-weight: bold;\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">usar ésta</a>; En mis pruebas a partir de la <b>5.7.x</b> he notado pequeños <i>glitches</i> (como stacks duplicados por ejemplo); Entonces yo de momento uso la <b>5.6.x</b> que pueden descargar <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">por acá</a></b>. Es cosa de que hagan la prueba con la versión más reciente y si todo les funciona bien, la usen. Si no les recomiendo la <b>5.6.x</b> que para mi ha sido más que estable y funcional (ojo: ésta versión antigua no tiene algunas funcionalidades como <b><i>workchat</i> </b>por ejemplo). Una vez descargado <b>Evernote</b>, corremos en consola:<br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ winecfg</code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">En este paso nos aseguramos que la <b>versión a imitar</b> en <b>Wine</b> sea <b>Windows 7</b> y establecemos otras preferencias que nos parezcan apropiadas para nuestro WINEPREFIX:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"400\" border=\"0\" width=\"326\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Aplicamos los cambios y luego corremos:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ winetricks corefonts</code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ wget</code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ chmod +x</code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ sh</code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Aplicamos la configuración de suavizado de fuentes RGB:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"392\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Y finalmente corremos:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><code>$ WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-evernote/ wine <b>ruta/instalador/evernote.exe</b></code></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Seguimos las instrucciones de instalación habituales y listo:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"321\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><b><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">3) Tweaks finales</span></b></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Abrimos <b>Evernote</b> y accedemos con la cuenta que nos creamos previamente:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"408\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Ya como Tweaks extra, establecemos nuestras preferencias personales en las pestañas del menú de <b>Herramientas&gt;Opciones</b> y finalmente disfrutamos de <b>Evernote</b>:</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"350\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\">Eso sería todo, <b>Evernote</b> <b>Oficial </b>instalado en <b>GNU/Linux</b> sin mayores complicaciones. Cabe destacar que usando este método nuestro evernote es compatible con las actualizaciones habituales de la aplicación y prácticamente todas las funcionalidades en ella.</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><b><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Extras</span></b></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><blockquote style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">10+ usos para Evernote &amp; Cuentas Premium GRATIS para todos</a></b></blockquote><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div class=\"blogger-post-footer\"><br/>El contenido publicado en el <a href=\"\">Blog Xenode</a> Está bajo una licencia <a href=\"\">CC-BY-NC-SA</a>; No olvides seguirnos en <a href=\"\">Facebook</a>, <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>, <a href=\"\">Google+</a> y <a href=\"\">Youtube</a>, ¡Te esperamos!</div><div class=\"feedflare\">\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a>\n</div><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-20T21:49:15Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Takao Fujiwara: IBus 1.5.11 is released'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Takao Fujiwara: IBus 1.5.11 is released" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Now IBus 1.5.11 is released: \n \n 1.5.11 is available in Fedora 23. \n \n User compose file($HOME/.XCompose) is supported in IBus XKB engines \nNote: XKB engines load en_US compose table(/usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose) on any locales. \nE.g. In case you select ‘JP’ layout, Run ‘setxkbmap -option compose:rctrl’ and you can output ‘©’ with Right Ctrl + ‘O’ + ‘C’. \n Put Property Panel in bottom right in KDE5 \n Show IBus engine icon in KDE5 \n \n Show the prefix string of XKB layouts in KDE5 \n \n Engine Property on IBus Panel Icon \nibus 1.5.11 + ibus-anthy 1.5.7 can show the input mode on the panel icon [1]: \n < iframe allowfullscreen=\"true\" class=\"youtube-player\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"349\" src=\" & amp;rel=1 & amp;fs=1 & amp;showsearch=0 & amp;showinfo=1 & amp;iv_load_policy=1 & amp;wmode=transparent\" type=\"text/html\" width=\"425\" > < /iframe > \n \n [1] Here is the patch in the ibus-anthy side. This adds “icon_prop_key” tag for an IBusProperty key in /usr/share/ibus/component/anthy.xml . " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>Now IBus 1.5.11 is released:<br/>\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n<p>1.5.11 is available in Fedora 23.</p>\n<ol>\n<li>User compose file($HOME/.XCompose) is supported in IBus XKB engines<br/>\nNote: XKB engines load en_US compose table(/usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose) on any locales.<br/>\nE.g. In case you select ‘JP’ layout, Run ‘setxkbmap -option compose:rctrl’ and you can output ‘©’ with Right Ctrl + ‘O’ + ‘C’.</li>\n<li>Put Property Panel in bottom right in KDE5</li>\n<li>Show IBus engine icon in KDE5<br/>\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\";h=225\" alt=\"ibus-kde5-ime\" height=\"225\" class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-383\" width=\"300\"/></a></li>\n<li>Show the prefix string of XKB layouts in KDE5<br/>\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\";h=225\" alt=\"ibus-kde5-xkb\" height=\"225\" class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-385\" width=\"300\"/></a></li>\n<li>Engine Property on IBus Panel Icon<br/>\nibus 1.5.11 + ibus-anthy 1.5.7 can show the input mode on the panel icon [1]:<br/>\n<span style=\"text-align: center; display: block;\" class=\"embed-youtube\">&lt;iframe allowfullscreen=\"true\" class=\"youtube-player\" frameborder=\"0\" height=\"349\" src=\";amp;rel=1&amp;amp;fs=1&amp;amp;showsearch=0&amp;amp;showinfo=1&amp;amp;iv_load_policy=1&amp;amp;wmode=transparent\" type=\"text/html\" width=\"425\"&gt;&lt;/iframe&gt;</span></li>\n</ol>\n<p>[1] <a href=\"\">Here</a> is the patch in the ibus-anthy side. This adds “icon_prop_key” tag for an IBusProperty key in /usr/share/ibus/component/anthy.xml .</p><img src=\";blog=16443504&amp;post=382&amp;subd=desktopi18n&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-21T10:15:08Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'mythcat: Google Shutting Down Google+ Photos !'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "mythcat: Google Shutting Down Google+ Photos !" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nGoogle announced in a post on its social network site, it will begin winding down Google+ Photos: on August 1st we’ll start to shut down Google+ Photos -- initially on Android, and soon thereafter on the Web and iOS. How to fix that ... ? So you need to download the new Google Photos today for uninterrupted access to all your photos, videos and albums. To do that use . With the new app you’ll still be able to backup, edit, and share your photos and videos, with unlimited storage, automatic organization, and more. The biggest difference is that : Google+ users had to actually visit the network on the web to access photos; Google Photos has its own dedicated web interface. Also your photos and video will still remain available for download through Google Takeout - a program that allows users to download a copy of their data stored within Google products. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nGoogle announced in a post on its social network site, it will begin winding down Google+ Photos: <em> on August 1st we’ll start to shut down Google+ Photos -- initially on Android, and soon thereafter on the Web and iOS.</em> <strong>How to fix that ... ?</strong> So you need to download the new Google Photos today for uninterrupted access to all your photos, videos and albums. To do that use <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>. With the new app you’ll still be able to backup, edit, and share your photos and videos, with unlimited storage, automatic organization, and more. The biggest difference is that : <ul> <li>Google+ users had to actually visit the network on the web to access photos;</li> <li>Google Photos has its own dedicated web interface.</li></ul>Also your photos and video will still remain available for download through Google Takeout - a program that allows users to download a copy of their data stored within Google products.</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-21T15:11:42Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Adam Samalik: Fedora Developer Portal – prototype'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Adam Samalik: Fedora Developer Portal – prototype" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n I wanted to try an interesting project called Jekyll – a static page generator. It consumes content in textual form like Markdown or Textile, Liquid templates, and HTML and CSS to generate static pages and blogs. \n I should be able to install it with simple command: \n $ gem install jekyll \n But it wasn’t successful. What I’m going to do? \n Good news for me is that I work on a project called Fedora Developer Portal! And there is a repo for content with the Ruby section already created. It explains how to install Ruby, Gems, etc. I used that information and successfully installed Jekyll on my machine. \n That’s one of the purposes of our new portal – to help people start with new (new for them) technology on Fedora. \n First Prototype is Here! \n As you might have figured out from the introduction, and from the heading as well, the development slowly started! I just finished a prototype which is running on . \n Please keep in mind that this is just a prototype that offers very limited content and functionality. The content is not final and will change according to your feedback and ideas \n Project Resources \n General Information \n \n Wiki page – The main project page with description, links to resources, planning etc. \n \n Code & Development \n \n Content repo – Repo with all the content in a textual form with Markdown syntax. (Ruby content already created) \n Website repo – Repo for Jekyll templates that would define the visual look and layout of the website. \n Design mockups repo – Repo for layout sketches and mockups. \n Prototype – Prototype of the website with limited content and functionality. \n \n Communication \n \n Taiga Project – Project tracking and planning \n IRC channel #developer-portal on Freenode \n Issue Trackers in the GitHub projects above \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>I wanted to try an interesting project called Jekyll – a static page generator. It consumes content in textual form like Markdown or Textile, Liquid templates, and HTML and CSS to generate static pages and blogs.</p>\n<p>I should be able to install it with simple command:</p>\n<pre>$ <span class=\"command\">gem install jekyll</span></pre>\n<p>But it wasn’t successful. What I’m going to do?</p>\n<p>Good news for me is that I work on a project called Fedora Developer Portal! And there is a <a href=\"\">repo for content</a> with the Ruby section already created. It explains how to install Ruby, Gems, etc. I used that information and successfully installed Jekyll on my machine.</p>\n<p>That’s one of the purposes of our new portal – to help people start with new (new for them) technology on Fedora.</p>\n<h3>First Prototype is Here!</h3>\n<p>As you might have figured out from the introduction, and from the heading as well, the development slowly started! I just finished a <a href=\"\">prototype</a> which is running on <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\n<p>Please keep in mind that this is just a prototype that offers very limited content and functionality. The content is not final and will change according to your feedback and ideas <img src=\"\" alt=\":-)\" style=\"height: 1em;\" class=\"wp-smiley\"/></p>\n<h3>Project Resources</h3>\n<h4>General Information</h4>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Wiki page</a> – The main project page with description, links to resources, planning etc.</li>\n</ul>\n<h4>Code &amp; Development</h4>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Content repo</a> – Repo with all the content in a textual form with Markdown syntax. (Ruby content already created)</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Website repo</a> – Repo for Jekyll templates that would define the visual look and layout of the website.</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Design mockups repo</a> – Repo for layout sketches and mockups.</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">Prototype</a> – Prototype of the website with limited content and functionality.</li>\n</ul>\n<h4>Communication</h4>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">Taiga Project</a> – Project tracking and planning</li>\n<li>IRC channel #developer-portal on Freenode</li>\n<li>Issue Trackers in the GitHub projects above</li>\n</ul></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-21T15:14:06Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Roland Grunberg: Sharing directories over a network with sshfs'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Roland Grunberg: Sharing directories over a network with sshfs" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Occasionally, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to access files from another machine on your network. As an example, I use Eclipse Mylyn for managing a large amount of bugs I care about, across various bug tracking systems. I keep this data in one central location and it’s simple enough to share across Eclipse workspaces on the same machine. But what if you want to access that data from another machine ? \n In cases where things haven’t been set up ahead of time to allow for NFS (and to be honest, I haven’t really used NFS in a while) one can get away with using SSHFS (an already running SSH daemon seems more common). However, if the network is already trusted, then encrypting that data is just slowing things down. Although we can’t disable encryption outright, we can certainly optimize for speed by choosing a fast cipher. \n For the purpose of this post, we assume that both machines communicate over a trusted network. \n $ sshfs -o Ciphers=arcfour -o Compression=no user@ /tmp/mylyn-data\n\n \n From here, we can pass /tmp/mylyn-data as the task directory for Eclipse Mylyn. \nIf you ever find your ssh connection has been improperly terminated while the mount point was active, one might need to issue the following command to properly unmount. \n $ fusermount -u /tmp/mylyn-data\n\n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>Occasionally, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to access files from another machine on your network. As an example, I use <a href=\"\">Eclipse Mylyn</a> for managing a large amount of bugs I care about, across various bug tracking systems. I keep this data in one central location and it’s simple enough to <a href=\"\">share across Eclipse workspaces</a> on the same machine. But what if you want to access that data from another machine ?</p>\n<p>In cases where things haven’t been set up ahead of time to allow for NFS (and to be honest, I haven’t really used NFS in a while) one can get away with using SSHFS (an already running SSH daemon seems more common). However, if the network is already trusted, then encrypting that data is just slowing things down. Although we can’t disable encryption outright, we can certainly optimize for speed by choosing a fast cipher.</p>\n<p>For the purpose of this post, we assume that both machines communicate over a trusted network.</p>\n<pre class=\"brush: bash; title: ; notranslate\">$ sshfs -o Ciphers=arcfour -o Compression=no user@ /tmp/mylyn-data\n\n</pre>\n<p>From here, we can pass /tmp/mylyn-data as the task directory for Eclipse Mylyn.<br/>\nIf you ever find your ssh connection has been improperly terminated while the mount point was active, one might need to issue the following command to properly unmount.</p>\n<pre class=\"brush: bash; title: ; notranslate\">$ fusermount -u /tmp/mylyn-data\n\n</pre><br/> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <img src=\";blog=34993704&amp;post=706&amp;subd=rgrunber&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-21T15:47:15Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Paul W. Frields: Fedora Engineering team opening.'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Paul W. Frields: Fedora Engineering team opening." ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n The post Fedora Engineering team opening. appeared first on The Grand Fallacy . \n The team I manage at Red Hat , the Fedora Engineering team , includes people who work on Fedora system administration, release tooling, application development, and design. We have a job opening  for an engineer to work with our infrastructure applications team on some challenging, fun, and forward-looking problems: \n\n \n Building and enhancing our tools for producing and shipping cloud images for a variety of providers (experience definitely required!) \n Working with the Fedora Cloud SIG  and other community members to resolve issues related to the Fedora Cloud edition and associated tools and processes \n Collaborating with the rest of the Fedora team to automate, automate, automate All the Cloud Things \n Working with the rest of the team on non-Cloud related projects too, such as Fedora Hubs \n Staying abreast of and aligned with work going on throughout Red Hat related to Fedora and cloud technology \n As with all Fedora Engineering jobs, communicating openly and continually with the whole community, and  building community around everything you do using open source best practices \n \n\n Our team uses a lot of Python . We create code  upstream that is widely consumable beyond just Fedora, and we deploy our work on both Red Hat Enterprise Linux  and Fedora . We do that work openly: collaboration via git repositories, rapid and constant communication via IRC, frequent discussion through our mailing lists, and taking opportunities to gather and build community around our work. Simply put, we love open. \n\n Although the description says the job is in Westford MA, USA, in reality we’re a highly distributed team. While this job is originally conceived as an entry- or journeyman-level engineer in the Westford (or possibly Raleigh NC) Red Hat office, we’re also open to experienced remotees outside the USA. The right candidate is a team player, fully engaged and passionately committed to delivering results with their colleagues, wherever they might be. \n\n Does this sound interesting to you? Go read the full description of the job, and then apply online . \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>The post <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Fedora Engineering team opening.</a> appeared first on <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">The Grand Fallacy</a>.</p>\n<p>The team I manage at <a href=\"\">Red Hat</a>, the <a href=\"\">Fedora Engineering team</a>, includes people who work on Fedora system administration, release tooling, application development, and design. We have <a href=\"\">a job opening</a> for an engineer to work with our infrastructure applications team on some challenging, fun, and forward-looking problems:</p>\n\n<ul>\n <li>Building and enhancing our tools for producing and shipping cloud images for a variety of providers (experience definitely required!)</li>\n <li>Working with the <a href=\"\">Fedora Cloud SIG</a> and other community members to resolve issues related to the Fedora Cloud edition and associated tools and processes</li>\n <li>Collaborating with the rest of the Fedora team to automate, automate, automate All the Cloud Things</li>\n <li>Working with the rest of the team on non-Cloud related projects too, such as <a href=\"\">Fedora Hubs</a></li>\n <li>Staying abreast of and aligned with work going on throughout Red Hat related to Fedora and cloud technology</li>\n <li>As with all Fedora Engineering jobs, communicating openly and continually with the whole community, and <em>building community</em> around everything you do using <a href=\"\">open source best practices</a></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>Our team <a href=\"\">uses</a> <a href=\"\">a lot</a> <a href=\"\">of Python</a>. We create code <a href=\"\">upstream</a> that is widely consumable beyond just Fedora, and we deploy our work on both <a href=\"\">Red Hat Enterprise Linux</a> and <a href=\"\">Fedora</a>. We do that work openly: collaboration via git repositories, rapid and constant communication via IRC, frequent discussion through our mailing lists, and taking opportunities to <a href=\"\">gather and build community</a> around our work. Simply put, we love open.</p>\n\n<p>Although the description says the job is in Westford MA, USA, in reality we’re a highly distributed team. While this job is originally conceived as an entry- or journeyman-level engineer in the Westford (or possibly Raleigh NC) Red Hat office, we’re also open to experienced remotees outside the USA. The right candidate is a team player, fully engaged and passionately committed to delivering results with their colleagues, wherever they might be.</p>\n\n<p>Does this sound interesting to you? Go read the full description of the job, and then <a href=\"\">apply online</a>.</p>\n<p/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-21T20:00:12Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Susan Lauber: My Linux Story'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Susan Lauber: My Linux Story" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nThis post is inspired by themed weeks. In January there was a theme of \"Open Source Careers\" for which I never got organized enough to write my story.  I recently found my draft and did not find it totally horrible.  I think the site is still running \"My Story\" articles and I thought of submitting it there, but to me it is not that exciting. I am Technical Trainer and Consultant specializing in Open Source technologies. The majority of my career has centered around Linux operating system deployment, configuration, and interoperability. I mostly work with Red Hat products and their upstream and downstream projects. For the past two years I have also worked with Cloudera and projects related to the Apache Hadoop  ecosystem. I also have a particular interest in security topics. For over 15 years I have earned a living working exclusively with Open Source products but how did I get here? In many ways it started before Linux existed. In college I had friends who were \"admins\" in the engineering computer lab. I did not do so well in my CS programming classes but as a hobby and to spend time with my friends, I learned a bit about newgroups, ftp sites, and Unix systems. As a data aide student intern, I realized I made a good translator between the astronomers and the C programmer computer support staff. I could read just enough code to identify the problem area and not enough to actually fix it. Fast forward to the adult life of entry level jobs. My experience as a user landed me the opportunity learn system and network administration for a PC Helpcenter. This is where I learned about network operating system installation, configuration, and interolperability. When Linux hit the enterprise I jumped on the opportunity to learn, support, and teach Red Hat Linux, SuSE, Caldera, and Turbolinux- not all of which exist today. Initially almost all of the students in any Linux Administration class were already sysadmins using other operating systems such as AIX, Solaris, HPUX, and NT. Now I have students who are new to system administration learning directly on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. There are a number of colleges teaching distributed computing using Linux including some using books I have contributed to as a reviewer. You do not need to learn other systems first anymore. By the year 2000 I was working exclusively with Linux products. I earned a living teaching as an independent contractor with a variety of distribution delivery partners. I expanded my skills by finding ways to contribute to the upstream projects and I always encouraged students new to Linux to do the same.  I became a contributor to Fedora through the Docs project and as an Ambassador. I followed the infrastructure team but never found the consistent time to be a true contributor. I participated in test days, did some bug squashing and helped document packaging guidelines. I still do not consider myself a \"coder\". I am not a C programmer or a Java developer. I can read just about anything and I have not survived the work of sysadmin without learning a fair amount of scripting. The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) ideals have made it possible for me to excel even with the mental block against learning to code. I understand the logic, I can architect the psuedo-code, but I am not good at writing from scratch to correct completion. With FOSS, I can find scripts that are close to what I need and play around until I get what I need. I often do not ever have to get a full section of code written without a solid example on hand. Configuration management products such as Puppet, Chef, and Ansible and deployment products such as Spacewalk, Cobbler, and Ambari also help with automation without having to do the sometimes complex structural programming and error handling. I love teaching. I love seeing the light bulb come on when a person figures out how something is supposed to work. I love figuring out how new products work and where they fit in the market. I love learning and I always learn something new when teaching. These days I do less daily administration and support tasks but more architect design. I also have spent more time testing products and writing instructions - for myself, for book reviews, for curriculum, and for conferences. With new and emerging technologies such as Apache Hadoop, OpenStack, and Docker there is always more to learn.  I am still a Fedora Ambassador but over the past couple of years, I have not had (or made) the time to contribute to other subgroups.  I am actually looking for new, smaller project to get involved in next.  Probably something in the Hadoop ecosystem related to security. I am sure I can make contributions through testing, bug triage, and documentation. -SML " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nThis post is inspired by <a href=\"\"></a> themed weeks. In January there was a theme of \"Open Source Careers\" for which I never got organized enough to write my story.  I recently found my draft and did not find it totally horrible.  I think the site is still running \"My Story\" articles and I thought of submitting it there, but to me it is not <i>that</i> exciting.<br/><br/>I am Technical Trainer and Consultant specializing in Open Source technologies. The majority of my career has centered around Linux operating system deployment, configuration, and interoperability. I mostly work with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Red Hat</a> products and their upstream and downstream projects. For the past two years I have also worked with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cloudera</a> and projects related to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Apache Hadoop</a> ecosystem. I also have a particular interest in security topics.<br/><br/>For over 15 years I have earned a living working exclusively with Open Source products but how did I get here?<br/><br/>In many ways it started before Linux existed. In college I had friends who were \"admins\" in the engineering computer lab. I did not do so well in my CS programming classes but as a hobby and to spend time with my friends, I learned a bit about newgroups, ftp sites, and Unix systems. As a data aide student intern, I realized I made a good translator between the astronomers and the C programmer computer support staff. I could read just enough code to identify the problem area and not enough to actually fix it.<br/><br/>Fast forward to the adult life of entry level jobs. My experience as a user landed me the opportunity learn system and network administration for a PC Helpcenter. This is where I learned about network operating system installation, configuration, and interolperability. When Linux hit the enterprise I jumped on the opportunity to learn, support, and teach Red Hat Linux, SuSE, Caldera, and Turbolinux- not all of which exist today.<br/><br/>Initially almost all of the students in any Linux Administration class were already sysadmins using other operating systems such as AIX, Solaris, HPUX, and NT. Now I have students who are new to system administration learning directly on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. There are a number of colleges teaching distributed computing using Linux including some using books I have contributed to as a reviewer. You do not need to learn other systems first anymore.<br/><br/>By the year 2000 I was working exclusively with Linux products. I earned a living teaching as an independent contractor with a variety of distribution delivery partners. I expanded my skills by finding ways to contribute to the upstream projects and I always encouraged students new to Linux to do the same.  I became a contributor to Fedora through the Docs project and as an Ambassador. I followed the infrastructure team but never found the consistent time to be a true contributor. I participated in test days, did some bug squashing and helped document packaging guidelines. <br/><br/>I still do not consider myself a \"coder\". I am not a C programmer or a Java developer. I can read just about anything and I have not survived the work of sysadmin without learning a fair amount of scripting. The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) ideals have made it possible for me to excel even with the mental block against learning to code. I understand the logic, I can architect the psuedo-code, but I am not good at writing from scratch to correct completion. With FOSS, I can find scripts that are close to what I need and play around until I get what I need. I often do not ever have to get a full section of code written without a solid example on hand. Configuration management products such as Puppet, Chef, and Ansible and deployment products such as Spacewalk, Cobbler, and Ambari also help with automation without having to do the sometimes complex structural programming and error handling.<br/><br/>I love teaching. I love seeing the light bulb come on when a person figures out how something is supposed to work. I love figuring out how new products work and where they fit in the market. I love learning and I always learn something new when teaching. These days I do less daily administration and support tasks but more architect design. I also have spent more time testing products and writing instructions - for myself, for book reviews, for curriculum, and for conferences.<br/><br/>With new and emerging technologies such as Apache Hadoop, OpenStack, and Docker there is always more to learn.  I am still a Fedora Ambassador but over the past couple of years, I have not had (or made) the time to contribute to other subgroups.  I am actually looking for new, smaller project to get involved in next.  Probably something in the Hadoop ecosystem related to security. I am sure I can make contributions through testing, bug triage, and documentation.<br/><br/>-SML<br/><div><br/></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-21T20:49:00Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora Infrastructure Status: There are scheduled downtimes in progress'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora Infrastructure Status: There are scheduled downtimes in progress" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nNew status scheduled: server updates for services: Koschei Continuous Integration, The Koji Buildsystem, Package maintainers git repositories, COPR Build System " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nNew status scheduled: server updates for services: Koschei Continuous Integration, The Koji Buildsystem, Package maintainers git repositories, COPR Build System</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-21T21:00:09Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora Badges: New badge: OSCON 2015 Attendee !'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora Badges: New badge: OSCON 2015 Attendee !" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n You visited the Fedora Booth at OSCON 2015! " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<img src=\"\" alt=\"OSCON 2015 Attendee\"/>You visited the Fedora Booth at OSCON 2015!</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-21T21:25:26Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora Infrastructure Status: There are scheduled downtimes in progress'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora Infrastructure Status: There are scheduled downtimes in progress" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nNew status good: Everything seems to be working. for services: Koschei Continuous Integration, The Koji Buildsystem, Package maintainers git repositories " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nNew status good: Everything seems to be working. for services: Koschei Continuous Integration, The Koji Buildsystem, Package maintainers git repositories</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-21T23:25:43Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Jens Petersen: FUDCon APAC 2015 in Pune'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Jens Petersen: FUDCon APAC 2015 in Pune" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nAt the end of last month I participated in FUDCon Pune 2015 (26-28 June). Firstly I have to say it was a very well organized conference: almost everything went smoothly and as expected and the organizers and volunteers really did a great job.  Thank you very much for all your hard work which made the conference so pleasant and well run.  The conference took place at MITCOE (Maharashtra Institute of Technology College of Engineering, University of Pune) in Kothrud, Pune. The campus has nice buildings and there was a large auditorium and lecture rooms in the adjoining building on several floors for the 6+ parallel sessions , which were well attended. MIT College of Engineering MIT College of Engineering MIT College of Engineering MIT College of Engineering Here follows a summary of the talks and sessions I attended: Day 1  The conference started with a keynote presentation by Dennis Gilmore where he covered the work, efforts and roadmap of Fedora Release Engineering. It is good to see that this team has gradually grown somewhat to take on the increasing workload of all the different Fedora editions, architectures, and cloud/containers. Dennis Gilmore  Next there was a Education Panel discussion about the use and promotion of FOSS in the Education sector, and how to encourage students to get more involved in FOSS. Education Panel  Parag Nemade talked about DNF, its advantages, features, plugins and the libraries behind it. Parag Nemade, DNF  Before lunch, Pranav Kant talked about using the behave tool to test GUI application automatically. He showed how he applied this to create automated tests for the Gnome Photos application. Pranav Kant, Behave  After lunch there were Lightning talks. Then Jared Smith spoke about the new features in Drupal 8, which has a lot of nice new enhancements. Jared Smith  Nigel Babu talked about Documentation and applying what he learnt at \"Write the Docs\" to documenting the CKAN data management project.  Day 1 ended with a keynote presentation by Harish Pillay on his yet-to-be-released project to gather and assess metrics for FOSS projects to determine what makes for successful, sustainable, and vital projects. Harish Pillay  Day 1 also featured a whole day Storage Track. Day 2 from the bus to the venue morning foyer   Day 2 started with Jiri Eischmann's keynote talk on the Present and Future of Fedora Workstation.  Next I gave my talk on Haskell where I explained why learning the language can help make one a better programmer, and gave a short taste of functional programming with Haskell, described various Haskell projects, and the Fedora Haskell SIG. 40 minutes is not really enough time to do the topic justice but I felt I managed to cover a lot of ground - next time I would really want to present it as a tutorial Workshop. My slides are here . A lot of people came up to me after the talk with questions and showing interest, which was very pleasant.  Next was Pravin Satpute's talk on Fedora Internationalization and Globalization,where he covered the basics of modern i18n: like encodings, Unicode, locales, input methods, fonts and rendering. Pravin Satpute, i18n and g11n  Before lunch there was a detailed talk by Sayan Choudhury about Fedmsg (Fedora Message Bus) which now plays an important role in connecting Fedora infrastructure. Sayan Choudhury, fedmsg  After lunch we had the group photos (I am in the middle of the one taken from above but was too slow to make it into the one shot from below on the staircase).  Izhar Firdaus spoke about starting Open Source businesses from his own experiences. Izhar Firdaus, OSS business 101  Then Aditya Patawari and Lalatendu Mohanty presented about Docker, Atomic and some of the technologies underneath it. Docker and Atomic  Day 2 had a OpenStack Track running the whole day. As part of it, Rohan Kanade presented a 101 on how to contribute to OpenStack. Rohan Kanade  Finally the day was rounded off by Tenzin Chokden, a technologist in the exiled Central Tibetan Administration, on how they have leveraged Open Source to safeguard against cyber-attacks like GhostNet from the China. tenzin chokden   Then there was the fun FUDpub party: 10-pin bowling and lively dancing! tenzin chokden tenzin chokden Day 3 Day 3 featured a Containers Track, various workshops, and also the Bar Camp continued. Containers  I spent some time this day discussing about Fedora Haskell packaging with Pranav Kant - in particular the package review of the Haskell gtk3 package which had been waiting for a long time.  After the closing ceremony people hung around in the foyer and talked more. Dennis and Ryan talking over dinner Overall it was a really fun lively, and interesting conference. I met a lot of people, faces, and new Fedora friends.  I really enjoyed my first FUDCon!!  Thank you FUDCon Pune very much. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nAt the end of last month I participated in FUDCon Pune 2015 (26-28 June). Firstly I have to say it was a very well organized conference: almost everything went smoothly and as expected and the organizers and volunteers really did a great job.  Thank you very much for all your hard work which made the conference so pleasant and well run.<br/><br/> The conference took place at MITCOE (Maharashtra Institute of Technology College of Engineering, University of Pune) in Kothrud, Pune. The campus has nice buildings and there was a large auditorium and lecture rooms in the adjoining building on several floors for the 6+ <a href=\"\">parallel sessions</a>, which were well attended.<br/><br/><br/><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">MIT College of Engineering</div><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">MIT College of Engineering</div><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">MIT College of Engineering</div><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">MIT College of Engineering</div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a> </div><br/>Here follows a summary of the talks and sessions I attended:<br/><h3>Day 1</h3> The conference started with a <a href=\"\">keynote presentation</a> by Dennis Gilmore where he covered the work, efforts and roadmap of Fedora Release Engineering. It is good to see that this team has gradually grown somewhat to take on the increasing workload of all the different Fedora editions, architectures, and cloud/containers.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Dennis Gilmore</td></tr></tbody></table> Next there was a <a href=\"\">Education Panel</a> discussion about the use and promotion of FOSS in the Education sector, and how to encourage students to get more involved in FOSS.<br/><br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><i>Education Panel</i></td></tr></tbody></table><br/><br/><br/><br/> Parag Nemade <a href=\"\">talked</a> about DNF, its advantages, features, plugins and the libraries behind it.<br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Parag Nemade, <i>DNF</i> </td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table> Before lunch, Pranav Kant <a href=\"\">talked</a> about using the <span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\">behave</span> tool to test GUI application automatically. He showed how he applied this to create automated tests for the Gnome Photos application.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Pranav Kant, <i>Behave</i></td></tr></tbody></table> After lunch there were Lightning talks. Then Jared Smith <a href=\"\">spoke</a> about the new features in Drupal 8, which has a lot of nice new enhancements.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"320\" border=\"0\" width=\"240\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Jared Smith</td></tr></tbody></table> Nigel Babu talked about Documentation and applying what he learnt at \"Write the Docs\" to documenting the CKAN data management project.<br/><br/> Day 1 ended with a keynote presentation by Harish Pillay on his yet-to-be-released project to gather and assess metrics for FOSS projects to determine what makes for successful, sustainable, and vital projects.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Harish Pillay</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table><br/> Day 1 also featured a whole day Storage Track. <br/><h3>Day 2</h3><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"150\" border=\"0\" width=\"200\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">from the bus to the venue</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">morning foyer</td></tr></tbody></table>  Day 2 started with Jiri Eischmann's <a href=\"\">keynote talk</a> on the Present and Future of Fedora Workstation.<br/><br/> Next I gave <a href=\"\">my talk</a> on <a href=\"\">Haskell</a> where I explained why learning the language can help make one a better programmer, and gave a short taste of functional programming with Haskell, described various Haskell projects, and the Fedora Haskell SIG. 40 minutes is not really enough time to do the topic justice but I felt I managed to cover a lot of ground - next time I would really want to present it as a tutorial Workshop. My <a href=\"\">slides are here</a>. A lot of people came up to me after the talk with questions and showing interest, which was very pleasant.<br/><br/> Next was Pravin Satpute's <a href=\"\">talk</a> on Fedora Internationalization and Globalization,where he covered the basics of modern i18n: like encodings, Unicode, locales, input methods, fonts and rendering.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Pravin Satpute, <i>i18n and g11n</i></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table> Before lunch there was a detailed <a href=\"\">talk</a> by Sayan Choudhury about Fedmsg (Fedora Message Bus) which now plays an important role in connecting Fedora infrastructure.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Sayan Choudhury, <i>fedmsg</i></td></tr></tbody></table> After lunch we had the group photos (I am in the middle of the one taken from above but was too slow to make it into the one shot from below on the staircase).<br/><br/> Izhar Firdaus <a href=\"\">spoke</a> about starting Open Source businesses from his own experiences.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Izhar Firdaus, <i>OSS business 101</i></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"/><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><i/><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"/><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table> Then Aditya Patawari and Lalatendu Mohanty <a href=\"\">presented</a> about Docker, Atomic and some of the technologies underneath it.<br/><br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Docker and Atomic</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table><br/> Day 2 had a OpenStack Track running the whole day. As part of it, Rohan Kanade presented a 101 on how to contribute to OpenStack.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"180\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Rohan Kanade</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table> Finally the day was rounded off by Tenzin Chokden, a technologist in the exiled Central Tibetan Administration, on how they have leveraged Open Source to safeguard against cyber-attacks like GhostNet from the China.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">tenzin chokden</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table>  Then there was the fun FUDpub party: 10-pin bowling and lively dancing!<br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">tenzin chokden</div><div style=\"\" id=\"stcpDiv\">tenzin chokden</div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><h3>Day 3</h3>Day 3 featured a Containers Track, various workshops, and also the Bar Camp continued.<br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"320\" border=\"0\" width=\"240\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Containers</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"/><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"/></tr></tbody></table> I spent some time this day discussing about Fedora Haskell packaging with Pranav Kant - in particular the package review of the Haskell <i>gtk3</i> package which had been waiting for a long time.<br/><br/> After the closing ceremony people hung around in the foyer and talked more.<br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"320\" border=\"0\" width=\"240\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"320\" border=\"0\" width=\"240\"/></a></div><br/><table cellpadding=\"0\" align=\"center\" style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tr-caption-container\"><tbody><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\"><a style=\"margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"240\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></td></tr><tr><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\">Dennis and Ryan talking over dinner</td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td><td style=\"text-align: center;\" class=\"tr-caption\"><br/></td></tr></tbody></table>Overall it was a really fun lively, and interesting conference. I met a lot of people, faces, and new Fedora friends.  I really enjoyed my first FUDCon!!  Thank you FUDCon Pune very much.</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-22T02:19:51Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'DNF: DNF 1.0.2 released'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "DNF: DNF 1.0.2 released" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Finally there’s the new release of DNF which fixes the bugs which were highly demanded from Fedora community (former yum users). When a transaction is not successfully finished DNF preserves downloaded packages until the next successful transaction. The resolution configuration hints are printed to the output and user is notified which packages were skipped during update in case there are conflicts. The new –repofrompath switch was added and many more . " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=PG\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>Finally there’s the new release of DNF which fixes the bugs which were highly demanded from Fedora community (former yum users). When a transaction is not successfully finished DNF preserves downloaded packages until the next successful transaction. The resolution configuration hints are printed to the output and user is notified which packages were skipped during update in case there are conflicts. The new <em>–repofrompath </em>switch was added and <a href=\"\">many more</a>.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-22T08:45:47Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora Infrastructure Status: All systems go'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora Infrastructure Status: All systems go" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nService 'COPR Build System' now has status: good: Everything seems to be working. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nService 'COPR Build System' now has status: good: Everything seems to be working.</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-22T09:41:47Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Kushal Das: Testing Fedora Cloud image with systemd-networkd'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Kushal Das: Testing Fedora Cloud image with systemd-networkd" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n One of the change proposal I have submitted for Fedora 23 is about having\nsystemd-netowrkd for network configuration. You can find the change page\nhere . Instead\nof carrying the old network-scripts, we wanted to move to networkd, which is a\npart of systemd. Couple of the notable benefits are about how it will help us\nto keep the image size sane by not bringing in any external dependencies, and\nalso about similarity between many different distribution based cloud images\nfrom users’ point of view. You can look into the discussions on the Talk\npage , and\nthe trac ticket . \n\n In the last week’s cloud meeting we decided to have a build of Fedora 22 cloud\nimage with systemd-networkd on it. I made the required changes, and did the\nlocal build. You can download the qcow2\nimage , remember it is 218MB. You can use\nit in any cloud environment in a normal way. If you want to learn, and play\naround with the configurations, you may want to read this\npage . Please try the\nimage and tell us what do you think in the comments section of this post. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>One of the change proposal I have submitted for Fedora 23 is about having\nsystemd-netowrkd for network configuration. You can find the <a href=\"\">change page\nhere</a>. Instead\nof carrying the old network-scripts, we wanted to move to networkd, which is a\npart of systemd. Couple of the notable benefits are about how it will help us\nto keep the image size sane by not bringing in any external dependencies, and\nalso about similarity between many different distribution based cloud images\nfrom users’ point of view. You can look into the discussions on the <a href=\"\">Talk\npage</a>, and\nthe <a href=\"\">trac ticket</a>.</p>\n\n<p>In the last week’s cloud meeting we decided to have a build of Fedora 22 cloud\nimage with systemd-networkd on it. I made the required changes, and did the\nlocal build. You can download the <a href=\"\">qcow2\nimage</a>, remember it is 218MB. You can use\nit in any cloud environment in a normal way. If you want to learn, and play\naround with the configurations, you may want to read <a href=\"\">this\npage</a>. Please try the\nimage and tell us what do you think in the comments section of this post.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-22T09:43:00Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Anuradha Welivita: Feedback from FUDCon and progress with integration'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Anuradha Welivita: Feedback from FUDCon and progress with integration" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Here are the findings of my mentors Suchakra and Sarup from the feedback they have received from the people at FUDCon. And here in my blog post I will post what I think about the things they have suggested and my ideas about incorporating them with the styles. Readers of this post are welcome to make any suggestions and ideas on what I have included here in the post so I can further get an idea about what it going to be good and what is going to be bad. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Footer is off, the gradient does not go well with the site. A long form footer like other sites can be good. I also think that the footer in the site will go well with AskFedora. And I was wondering where to put the links for privacy policy, get feedback and the paragraph (\"Ask Fedora is community maintained and Red Hat or Fedora Project is not responsible for content. Content on this site is licensed under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.\"). Having a footer like in will enable us to have them also in the footer. 2. Possibly Reduce border radius of cards, make card shadow a bit lighter For the border in question cards, how about not having a border? I just removed the border from the browser and thought it then blends well with the background. Then the background color of the questions cards need not be changes as they need some contrast from the background. 3. Tags look very prominent - make them light. Hover color on yellow tag does not seem ok. I tried with using a color like #9E9E9E which is more lighter. Will something like that go well with it? I also had this strange feeling that the hover color is not quite okay with the yellow tags. Will something brighter like #FFA500 work on it like what it has in StackOverFlow?   4. Fedora logo is not the standard one. Colors are off.  Well isn't the Fedora logo the same as what they have in ? Hamburger menu: Probably remove it, new users were not able to identify what it was and why it was needed there. The unanswered, All and followed links could be put somewhere else - check stackoverflow for example. Okay then the Hamburger menu needs to be removed. I was thinking about having the links All, Followed and Unanswered in the body area just about the question cards so that it will be easier to be located. I could not think of any place else to put them in according to the current design. Do you have any place better? ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Page looks too packed. Horizontal line spacing is very less. Proper margins and padding required I will look into this matter while I am integrating the styles with the testing instance in Openshift. And experiment on increasing the horizontal line spacing as well as the margins and the padding. 2. Font sizes/typeface (bold, normal, light) are disproportionate in some places. This can also be dealt while integrating. I will make the sizes, font-weights consistent throughout the page.   ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tags != badges. They need separate designs - probably not pointed on one side as tags. Font size disproportioanate in profile overview section, also proper spacing Yeah the badges design needs to be changed. I thought of removing the pointed section in the badges and just have them as simple rectangles with rounded edges. 2. Subscriptions and Moderations overflow from the bar on smaller screens (12 inch etc). On smaller screens these links vanish I have made them vanish when it comes to smaller screen sizes because I thought they are not much required and also it will make the page unnecessarily cluttered. Do you still think these links of Subscriptions and Moderation are essential when it narrows down to small screen sizes? ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Some screen space is wasted for no reason. We could spread things out a bit Actually not only on the login page, I thought that the screen space is wasted on both sides when it comes to other pages as well. So, in the integration work I have worked on I have spread things out to both sides so that much of the screen space is utilized. A screen shot of the integration I have done is also shown below.    . 2. Icons for services have to be uniform throughout the website. I will be looking into this matter when doing the integration so that it would have uniform icons for services throughout the web site.   ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Line spacing, badges design change.  The design of the badges will be changed so that they will not having the pointed part to the left and the line spacing will also be increased.   ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Spacing, margin between elements Spacing between the elements like the text boxes will be increased so that it will have a better and uncluttered look.  2. What is box below title? I thought that having the text area just under the title text box will be quite obvious for the user to think that it is the place where they need to type in the details of the question. I got that idea from the StackOverFlow website but if it is quite confusing, we can add some wording on the top of the box saying \"Type in the details\" or something like that. 3. Text overflows from sidebar. With proper margin/padding and widths this may go away. Yeah in the Post Question page the wording in the sidebar overflows in the right aside. Thanks for pointing that out I will look into that matter. Progress with the integration I have done some integration work with the Main and Badges pages of AskFedora and here are some screen shots of the work I have already done. The Main Page The Badges Page The pages above are currently quite a mess because I have not done with the integration completely. Yet I have met up with the following problem in the browsers in which I have not logged into the website. UndefinedError at /badges/  'django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser object' has no attribute 'is_read_only'. You will also be able to see the error by going in to the site: I do not get this error in the browser in which I have logged in to the site. I haven't changed anything regard to implementation but have only changed the styles and templates. So, I wonder why this error is coming up. I hope to find out the error during this week and proceed with some more integration work with the website :) " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<div style=\"text-align: justify;\">Here are the findings of my mentors Suchakra and Sarup from the feedback they have received from the people at FUDCon. And here in my blog post I will post what I think about the things they have suggested and my ideas about incorporating them with the styles. Readers of this post are welcome to make any suggestions and ideas on what I have included here in the post so I can further get an idea about what it going to be good and what is going to be bad.</div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><i><a href=\"\"></a><br/>-----------------------------------------------------------------<br/><br/>1. Footer is off, the gradient does not go well with the site. A long form footer like other sites can be good.</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">I also think that the footer in the site will go well with AskFedora. And I was wondering where to put the links for privacy policy, get feedback and the paragraph (\"Ask Fedora is community maintained and Red Hat or Fedora Project is not responsible for content. Content on this site is licensed under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.\"). Having a footer like in will enable us to have them also in the footer.</span><i> </i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><i><br/></i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><i>2. Possibly Reduce border radius of cards, make card shadow a bit lighter</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">For the border in question cards, how about not having a border? I just removed the border from the browser and thought it then blends well with the background. Then the background color of the questions cards need not be changes as they need some contrast from the background.</span></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/><i>3. Tags look very prominent - make them light. Hover color on yellow tag does not seem ok.</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">I tried with using a color like #9E9E9E which is more lighter. Will something like that go well with it? I also had this strange feeling that the hover color is not quite okay with the yellow tags. Will something brighter like #FFA500 work on it like what it has in StackOverFlow?   </span></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/><i>4. Fedora logo is not the standard one. Colors are off. </i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">Well isn't the Fedora logo the same as what they have in <a href=\"\"></a>? </span><br/><i><br/>Hamburger menu: Probably remove it, new users were not able to identify what it was and why it was needed there. The unanswered, All and followed links could be put somewhere else - check stackoverflow for example.</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">Okay then the Hamburger menu needs to be removed. I was thinking about having the links All, Followed and Unanswered in the body area just about the question cards so that it will be easier to be located. I could not think of any place else to put them in according to the current design. Do you have any place better?</span></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><i><br/><a href=\"\"></a></i><br/><i>-----------------------------------------------------------------</i><br/><i><br/>1. Page looks too packed. Horizontal line spacing is very less. Proper margins and padding required</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">I will look into this matter while I am integrating the styles with the testing instance in Openshift. And experiment on increasing the horizontal line spacing as well as the margins and the padding.</span></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/><i>2. Font sizes/typeface (bold, normal, light) are disproportionate in some places.</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">This can also be dealt while integrating. I will make the sizes, font-weights consistent throughout the page.</span><br/><i><br/><a href=\"\"></a></i><i> </i><br/><i>-----------------------------------------------------------------</i><br/><i><br/>1. Tags != badges. They need separate designs - probably not pointed on one side as tags. Font size disproportioanate in profile overview section, also proper spacing</i></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><span style=\"color: black;\">Yeah the badges design needs to be changed. I thought of removing the pointed section in the badges and just have them as simple rectangles with rounded edges. </span></div><div style=\"color: #0b5394; text-align: justify;\"><br/><i>2. Subscriptions and Moderations overflow from the bar on smaller screens (12 inch etc). On smaller screens these links vanish</i><br/><i/><br/><br/><span style=\"color: black;\">I have made them vanish when it comes to smaller screen sizes because I thought they are not much required and also it will make the page unnecessarily cluttered. Do you still think these links of Subscriptions and Moderation are essential when it narrows down to small screen sizes? </span><br/><i><br/><a href=\"\"></a></i><br/><i>-----------------------------------------------------------------</i><br/><i><br/>1. Some screen space is wasted for no reason. We could spread things out a bit</i><br/><br/><span style=\"color: black;\">Actually not only on the login page, I thought that the screen space is wasted on both sides when it comes to other pages as well. So, in the integration work I have worked on I have spread things out to both sides so that much of the screen space is utilized. A screen shot of the integration I have done is also shown below.  </span><br/><span style=\"color: black;\"> </span><i>.<br/>2. Icons for services have to be uniform throughout the website.</i><br/><i/><br/><br/><span style=\"color: black;\">I will be looking into this matter when doing the integration so that it would have uniform icons for services throughout the web site.</span><br/><br/><i><a href=\"\"></a></i><i> </i><br/><i>-----------------------------------------------------------------</i><br/><i><br/>1. Line spacing, badges design change. </i><br/><i/><br/><i/><span style=\"color: black;\">The design of the badges will be changed so that they will not having the pointed part to the left and the line spacing will also be increased. </span><br/><br/><i><a href=\"\"></a></i><i> </i><br/><i>-----------------------------------------------------------------</i><br/><i><br/>1. Spacing, margin between elements</i><br/><i/><br/><br/><span style=\"color: black;\">Spacing between the elements like the text boxes will be increased so that it will have a better and uncluttered look.  </span><br/><br/><i>2. What is box below title?</i><br/><i/><br/><br/><span style=\"color: black;\">I thought that having the text area just under the title text box will be quite obvious for the user to think that it is the place where they need to type in the details of the question. I got that idea from the StackOverFlow website but if it is quite confusing, we can add some wording on the top of the box saying \"Type in the details\" or something like that. </span><br/><br/><i>3. Text overflows from sidebar. With proper margin/padding and widths this may go away.</i></div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\">Yeah in the Post Question page the wording in the sidebar overflows in the right aside. Thanks for pointing that out I will look into that matter.</div><h3 style=\"text-align: justify;\"><b>Progress with the integration</b></h3><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br/>I have done some integration work with the Main and Badges pages of AskFedora and here are some screen shots of the work I have already done.<br/><br/><b><i>The Main Page</i></b> <br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"339\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><br/><i><b>The Badges Page</b></i><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"340\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><br/></a></div><br/>The pages above are currently quite a mess because I have not done with the integration completely.</div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br/></div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\">Yet I have met up with the following problem in the browsers in which I have not logged into the website.</div><div style=\"color: #073763; text-align: justify;\"><i><br/></i></div><div style=\"color: #073763; text-align: justify;\"><i>UndefinedError at /badges/  'django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser object' has no attribute 'is_read_only'.<br/>You will also be able to see the error by going in to the site:</i></div><div style=\"text-align: justify;\"><br/>I do not get this error in the browser in which I have logged in to the site. I haven't changed anything regard to implementation but have only changed the styles and templates. So, I wonder why this error is coming up. I hope to find out the error during this week and proceed with some more integration work with the website :)</div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-22T16:22:00Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora Infrastructure Status: There are scheduled downtimes in progress'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora Infrastructure Status: There are scheduled downtimes in progress" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nNew status scheduled: Updates in progress: for services: Fedora Wiki, Fedora People, Zodbot IRC bot, Darkserver, Tagger, Fedora pastebin service, Package Database, Badges, Blockerbugs, Services, Mirror Manager, Ipsilon, Mirror List, Package maintainers git repositories, Account System, Fedora websites, Documentation website, COPR Build System, Package Updates Manager, Ask Fedora, FreeMedia, Fedora Packages App, Fedora elections, Mailing Lists, Fedora Calendar " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nNew status scheduled: Updates in progress: for services: Fedora Wiki, Fedora People, Zodbot IRC bot, Darkserver, Tagger, Fedora pastebin service, Package Database, Badges, Blockerbugs, Services, Mirror Manager, Ipsilon, Mirror List, Package maintainers git repositories, Account System, Fedora websites, Documentation website, COPR Build System, Package Updates Manager, Ask Fedora, FreeMedia, Fedora Packages App, Fedora elections, Mailing Lists, Fedora Calendar</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-22T21:02:54Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Peter Hutterer: A short overview of touchpad devices'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Peter Hutterer: A short overview of touchpad devices" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Below is an outline of the various types of touchpads that can be found in the wild. Touchpads aren't simply categorised into a single type, instead they have a set of properties, a combination of number of physical buttons , touch support and physical properties . Number of buttons Physically separate buttons For years this was the default type of touchpads: a touchpad with a separate set of physical buttons below the touch surface. Such touchpads are still around, but most newer models are Clickpads now. Touchpads with physical buttons usually provide two buttons, left and right. A few touchpads with three buttons exist, and Apple used to have touchpads with a single physical buttons back in the PPC days. Touchpads with only two buttons require the software stack to emulate a middle button. libinput does this when both buttons are pressed simultaneously. A two-button touchpad, with a two-button pointing stick above. Note that many Lenovo laptops provide a pointing stick above the touchpad. This pointing stick has a set of physical buttons just above the touchpad. While many users use those as substitute touchpad buttons, they logically belong to the pointing stick. The *40 and *50 series are an exception here, the former had no physical buttons on the touchpad and required the top section of the pad to emulate pointing stick buttons, the *50 series has physical buttons but they are wired to the touchpads. The kernel re-routes those buttons through the trackstick device. Clickpads Clickpads are the most common type of touchpads these days. A Clickpad has no separate physical buttons, instead the touchpad itself is clickable as a whole, i.e. a user presses down on the touch area and triggers a physical click. Clickpads thus only provide a single button, everything else needs to be software-emulated. A clickpad on a Lenovo x220t. Just above the touchpad are the three buttons associated with the pointing stick. Faint markings on the bottom of the touchpad hint at where the software buttons should be. Right and middle clicks are generated either via software buttons or \"clickfinger\" behaviour. Software buttons define an area on the touchpad that is a virtual right button. If a finger is in that area when the click happens, the left button event is changed to a right button event. A middle click is either a separate area or emulated when both the left and right virtual buttons are pressed simultaneously. When the software stack uses the clickfinger method, the number of fingers decide the type of click: a one-finger is a left button, a two-finger click is a right button, a three-finger click is a middle button. The location of the fingers doesn't matter, though there are usually some limits in how the fingers can be distributed (e.g. some implementations try to detect a thumb at the bottom of the touchpad to avoid accidental two-finger clicks when the user intends a thumb click). The libinput documentation has a section on Clickpad software button behaviour with more detailed illustrations The touchpad on a T440s has no physical buttons for the pointing stick. The marks on the top of the touchpad hint at the software button position for the pointing stick. Note that there are no markings at the bottom of the touchpad anymore. Clickpads are labelled by the kernel with the INPUT_PROP_BUTTONPAD input property. Forcepads One step further down the touchpad evolution, Forcepads are Clickpads without a physical button. They provide pressure and (at least in Apple's case) have a vibration element that is software-controlled. Instead of the satisfying click of a physical button, you instead get a buzz of happiness. Which apparently feels the same as a click, judging by the reviews I've read so far. A software-controlled click feel has some advantages, it can be disabled for some gestures, modified for others, etc. I suspect that over time Forcepads will become the main touchpad category, but that's a few years away. Not much to say on the implementation here. The kernel has some ForcePad support but everything else is spotty. Note how Apple's Clickpads have no markings whatsoever, Apple uses the clickfinger method by default. Touch capabilities Single-touch touchpads In the beginning, there was the single-finger touchpad. This touchpad would simply provide x/y coordinates for a single finger and get mightily confused when more than one finger was present. These touchpads are now fighting with dodos for exhibition space in museums, few of those are still out in the wild. Pure multi-touch touchpads Pure multi-touch touchpads are those that can track , i.e. identify the location of all fingers on the touchpad. Apple's touchpads support 16 touches (iirc), others support 5 touches like the Synaptics touchpads when using SMBus. Pure multi-touch touchpads are the easiest to support, we can rely on the finger locations and use them for scrolling, gestures, etc. These touchpads usually also provide extra information. In the case of the Apple touchpads we get an ellipsis and the orientation of the ellipsis for each touch point. Other touchpads provide a pressure value for each touch point. Though pressure is a bit of a misnomer, pressure is usually directly related to contact area. Since our puny human fingers flatten out as the pressure on the pad increases, the contact area increases and the firmware then calculates that back into a (mostly rather arbitrary) pressure reading. Because pressure is really contact area size, we can use it to detect accidental palm contact or thumbs though it's fairly unreliable. A light palm touch or a touch at the very edge of a touchpad will have a low pressure reading simply because the palm is mostly next to the touchpad and thus the contact area itself remains small. Partial multi-touch touchpads The vast majority of touchpads fall into this category. It's the half-way point between single-touch and pure multi-touch. These devices can track N fingers, but detect more than N. The current Synaptics touchpads fall into that category when they're using the serial protocol. Most touchpads that fall into this category can track two fingers and detect up to four or five. So a typical three-finger interaction would give you the location of two fingers and a separate value telling you that a third finger is down. The lack of finger location doesn't matter for some interactions (tapping, three-finger click) but it can cause issues in some cases. For example, a user may have a thumb resting on a touchpad while scrolling with two fingers. Which touch locations you get depends on the order of the fingers being set down, i.e. this may look like thumb + finger + third touch somewhere (lucky!) or two fingers scrolling + third touch somewhere (unlucky, this looks like a three-finger swipe). So far we've mostly avoided having anything complex enough that requires the exact location of more than two fingers, these pads are so prevalent that any complex feature would exclude the majority of users. Semi-mt touchpads A sub-class of partial multi-touch touchpads. These touchpads can technically detect two fingers but the location of both is limited to the bounding box, i.e. the first touch is always the top-left one and the second touch is the bottom-right one. Coordinates jump around as fingers move past each other. Most semi-mt touchpads also have a lower resolution for two touches than for one, so even things like two-finger scrolling can be very jumpy. Semi-mt are labelled by the kernel with the INPUT_PROP_SEMI_MT input property. Physical properties External touchpads USB or Bluetooth touchpads not in a laptop chassis. Think the Apple Magic Trackpad, the Logitech T650, etc. These are usually clickpads, the biggest difference is that they can be removed or added at runtime. One interaction method that is only possible on external touchpads is a thumb resting on the very edge/immediately next to the touchpad. On the far edge, touchpads don't always detect the finger location so clicking with a thumb barely touching the edge makes it hard or impossible to figure out which software button area the finger is on. These touchpads also don't need palm detection - since they're not located underneath the keyboard, accidental palm touches are a non-issue. A Logitech T650 external touchpad. Note the thumb position, it is possible to click the touchpad without triggering a touch. Circular touchpads Yes, used to be a thing. Touchpad shaped in an ellipsis or circle. Luckily for us they have gone full dodo. The X.Org synaptics driver had to be aware of these touchpads to calculate the right distance for edge scrolling - unsurprisingly an edge scroll motion on a circular touchpad isn't very straight. Graphics tablets Touch-capable graphics tablets are effectively external touchpads, with two differentiators: they are huge compared to normal touchpads and they have no touchpad buttons whatsoever. This means they can either work like a Forcepad, or rely on interaction methods that don't require buttons (like tap-to-click). Since the physical device is shared with the pen input, some touch arbitration is required to avoid touch input interfering when the pen is in use. Dedicated edge scroll area Mostly on older touchpads before two-finger scrolling became the default method. These touchpads have a marking on the touch area that designates the edge to be used for scrolling. A finger movement in that edge zone should trigger vertical motions. Some touchpads have markers for a horizontal scroll area too at the bottom of the touchpad. A touchpad with a marked edge scroll area on the right. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>Below is an outline of the various types of touchpads that can be found in the wild. Touchpads aren't simply categorised into a single type, instead they have a set of properties, a combination of <a href=\"\">number of physical buttons</a>, <a href=\"\">touch support</a> and <a href=\"\">physical properties</a>.</p> <h1><a href=\"\" name=\"buttons\"/>Number of buttons</h1><h2>Physically separate buttons</h2><p>For years this was the default type of touchpads: a touchpad with a separate set of physical buttons below the touch surface. Such touchpads are still around, but most newer models are Clickpads now. </p><p>Touchpads with physical buttons usually provide two buttons, left and right. A few touchpads with three buttons exist, and Apple used to have touchpads with a single physical buttons back in the PPC days. Touchpads with only two buttons require the software stack to emulate a middle button. libinput does this when both buttons are pressed simultaneously. </p><p/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>A two-button touchpad, with a two-button pointing stick above.</div><p>Note that many Lenovo laptops provide a pointing stick above the touchpad. This pointing stick has a set of physical buttons just above the touchpad. While many users use those as substitute touchpad buttons, they logically belong to the pointing stick. The *40 and *50 series are an exception here, the former had no physical buttons on the touchpad and required the top section of the pad to emulate pointing stick buttons, the *50 series has physical buttons but they are wired to the touchpads. The kernel re-routes those buttons through the trackstick device. </p> <h2>Clickpads</h2><p>Clickpads are the most common type of touchpads these days. A Clickpad has no separate physical buttons, instead the touchpad itself is clickable as a whole, i.e. a user presses down on the touch area and triggers a physical click. Clickpads thus only provide a single button, everything else needs to be software-emulated. </p><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>A clickpad on a Lenovo x220t. Just above the touchpad are the three buttons associated with the pointing stick. Faint markings on the bottom of the touchpad hint at where the software buttons should be.</div><p>Right and middle clicks are generated either via software buttons or \"clickfinger\" behaviour. Software buttons define an area on the touchpad that is a virtual right button. If a finger is in that area when the click happens, the left button event is changed to a right button event. A middle click is either a separate area or emulated when both the left and right virtual buttons are pressed simultaneously. </p><p>When the software stack uses the clickfinger method, the number of fingers decide the type of click: a one-finger is a left button, a two-finger click is a right button, a three-finger click is a middle button. The location of the fingers doesn't matter, though there are usually some limits in how the fingers can be distributed (e.g. some implementations try to detect a thumb at the bottom of the touchpad to avoid accidental two-finger clicks when the user intends a thumb click). </p><p><a href=\"\">The libinput documentation</a> has a section on Clickpad software button behaviour with more detailed illustrations</p> <div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>The touchpad on a T440s has no physical buttons for the pointing stick. The marks on the top of the touchpad hint at the software button position for the pointing stick. Note that there are no markings at the bottom of the touchpad anymore. </div><p>Clickpads are labelled by the kernel with the INPUT_PROP_BUTTONPAD input property.</p> <h2>Forcepads</h2><p>One step further down the touchpad evolution, Forcepads are Clickpads without a physical button. They provide pressure and (at least in Apple's case) have a vibration element that is software-controlled. Instead of the satisfying click of a physical button, you instead get a buzz of happiness. Which apparently feels the same as a click, judging by the reviews I've read so far. A software-controlled click feel has some advantages, it can be disabled for some gestures, modified for others, etc. I suspect that over time Forcepads will become the main touchpad category, but that's a few years away.</p><p>Not much to say on the implementation here. The kernel has some ForcePad support but everything else is spotty.</p> <div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>Note how Apple's Clickpads have no markings whatsoever, Apple uses the clickfinger method by default.</div> <h1><a href=\"\" name=\"touches\"/>Touch capabilities</h1><h2>Single-touch touchpads</h2><p>In the beginning, there was the single-finger touchpad. This touchpad would simply provide x/y coordinates for a single finger and get mightily confused when more than one finger was present. These touchpads are now fighting with dodos for exhibition space in museums, few of those are still out in the wild. </p> <h2>Pure multi-touch touchpads </h2><p>Pure multi-touch touchpads are those that can <i>track</i>, i.e. identify the location of all fingers on the touchpad. Apple's touchpads support 16 touches (iirc), others support 5 touches like the Synaptics touchpads when using SMBus. </p><p>Pure multi-touch touchpads are the easiest to support, we can rely on the finger locations and use them for scrolling, gestures, etc. These touchpads usually also provide extra information. In the case of the Apple touchpads we get an ellipsis and the orientation of the ellipsis for each touch point. Other touchpads provide a pressure value for each touch point. Though pressure is a bit of a misnomer, pressure is usually directly related to contact area. Since our puny human fingers flatten out as the pressure on the pad increases, the contact area increases and the firmware then calculates that back into a (mostly rather arbitrary) pressure reading. </p><p>Because pressure is really contact area size, we can use it to detect accidental palm contact or thumbs though it's fairly unreliable. A light palm touch or a touch at the very edge of a touchpad will have a low pressure reading simply because the palm is mostly next to the touchpad and thus the contact area itself remains small. </p> <h2>Partial multi-touch touchpads</h2><p>The vast majority of touchpads fall into this category. It's the half-way point between single-touch and pure multi-touch. These devices can <i>track</i> N fingers, but <i>detect</i> more than N. The current Synaptics touchpads fall into that category when they're using the serial protocol. Most touchpads that fall into this category can track two fingers and detect up to four or five. So a typical three-finger interaction would give you the location of two fingers and a separate value telling you that a third finger is down. </p><p>The lack of finger location doesn't matter for some interactions (tapping, three-finger click) but it can cause issues in some cases. For example, a user may have a thumb resting on a touchpad while scrolling with two fingers. Which touch locations you get depends on the order of the fingers being set down, i.e. this may look like thumb + finger + third touch somewhere (lucky!) or two fingers scrolling + third touch somewhere (unlucky, this looks like a three-finger swipe). So far we've mostly avoided having anything complex enough that requires the exact location of more than two fingers, these pads are so prevalent that any complex feature would exclude the majority of users. </p> <h2>Semi-mt touchpads</h2><p>A sub-class of partial multi-touch touchpads. These touchpads can technically detect two fingers but the location of both is limited to the bounding box, i.e. the first touch is always the top-left one and the second touch is the bottom-right one. Coordinates jump around as fingers move past each other. Most semi-mt touchpads also have a lower resolution for two touches than for one, so even things like two-finger scrolling can be very jumpy. </p><p>Semi-mt are labelled by the kernel with the INPUT_PROP_SEMI_MT input property.</p> <h1><a href=\"\" name=\"physical\"/>Physical properties</h1> <h2>External touchpads</h2><p>USB or Bluetooth touchpads not in a laptop chassis. Think the Apple Magic Trackpad, the Logitech T650, etc. These are usually clickpads, the biggest difference is that they can be removed or added at runtime. One interaction method that is only possible on external touchpads is a thumb resting on the very edge/immediately next to the touchpad. On the far edge, touchpads don't always detect the finger location so clicking with a thumb barely touching the edge makes it hard or impossible to figure out which software button area the finger is on. </p><p>These touchpads also don't need palm detection - since they're not located underneath the keyboard, accidental palm touches are a non-issue.</p><p> </p><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>A Logitech T650 external touchpad. Note the thumb position, it is possible to click the touchpad without triggering a touch.</div> <h2>Circular touchpads</h2><p>Yes, used to be a thing. Touchpad shaped in an ellipsis or circle. Luckily for us they have gone full dodo. The X.Org synaptics driver had to be aware of these touchpads to calculate the right distance for edge scrolling - unsurprisingly an edge scroll motion on a circular touchpad isn't very straight.</p> <h2>Graphics tablets</h2><p>Touch-capable graphics tablets are effectively external touchpads, with two differentiators: they are huge compared to normal touchpads and they have no touchpad buttons whatsoever. This means they can either work like a Forcepad, or rely on interaction methods that don't require buttons (like tap-to-click). Since the physical device is shared with the pen input, some touch arbitration is required to avoid touch input interfering when the pen is in use. </p> <h2>Dedicated edge scroll area</h2><p>Mostly on older touchpads before two-finger scrolling became the default method. These touchpads have a marking on the touch area that designates the edge to be used for scrolling. A finger movement in that edge zone should trigger vertical motions. Some touchpads have markers for a horizontal scroll area too at the bottom of the touchpad. </p><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a><br/>A touchpad with a marked edge scroll area on the right.</div><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-22T21:12:42Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora Magazine: 3D printing in Fedora: From an idea to the thing'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
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nie:title "Fedora Magazine: 3D printing in Fedora: From an idea to the thing" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n There are a lot of tools and applications connected to 3D printing available to Fedora users. In this article, I’ll guide you through one possible scenario of creating a 3D physical object: from an idea to a real thing. \n My friend asked me few days ago to 3D print something for him. He said his kitchen tap is too low for him and that it obstructs him when washing dishes. He would like to move it up a bit using a circular tube with this profile (numbers are in millimeters): \n A sketch of the desired object \n Creating a digital 3D model \n Already knowing how the object is shaped and sized, it might still be a hard task for someone with zero CAD or 3D modeler experience to create the model. Me being a programmer I like a modeler called OpenSCAD (you can get it in Fedora via the Software application, or using the command line with sudo dnf install openscad ). \n OpenSCAD \n In OpenSCAD, instead of drawing object with your mouse, you code them. I will not try to explain the entire syntax in this article (you can find it in the manual ), I’ll just explain the code for the thing we want to make. \n difference() {\n cylinder(r=25,h=35);\n translate([0,0,-5]) cylinder(r=15,h=40);\n translate([0,0,30]) cylinder(r=22.5,h=10);\n}\n$fn=200;\n \n This code takes a cylinder (with radius 25 and height 35) and subtracts two smaller cylinders moved a bit along the Z axis. The last line only makes the object a bit smoother than the default is. With the code entered in OpenSCAD’s code editor on the left, I use Design → Render from the menu to render the 3D model. Then I use File → Export → Export as STL… to save the model in a file format commonly used for 3D printing. \n OpenSCAD with the 3D model \n Now when the STL file is ready, I can view it in various other tools, such as MeshLab ( meshlab package) or ADMeshGUI (available from a Copr repository ). \n ADMeshGUI with our STL file \n Note: OpenSCAD, as well as STL file format, uses no units. In the 3D printing area, the numbers used are usually considered millimeters, although you might find some files online using some non-standard units such as inches. \n Slicing to layers \n For the object to be printed it has to be sliced to layers and paths for the 3D printer’s nozzle. There are various apps available in Fedora capable of doing it, one of the most famous tools for this is Slic3r (package slic3r , newer version available from Copr ). \n Slic3r with our STL file loaded \n For right result, it is crucial to have the correct slicer settings for your printer and material. You should obtain those from the whoever you’ve obtained your 3D printer (or just create your settings if you have built one yourself). When you select the right settings, just click Export G-code… to generate file with instructions for the printer. \n Slic3r 1.2.9 from Copr repository with G-code preview \n The G-Code file is just a plain text with loads of numerical control commands. Here is a snip: \n G21 ; set units to millimeters\nM107\nM190 S60 ; wait for bed temperature to be reached\nM109 S195\nG28 ; home all axes\nG92 E0 ;reset extruder\nG90 ; use absolute coordinates\nM83 ; use relative distances for extrusion\nG1 F1800.000 E-1.00000\nG1 Z0.300 F7800.000\nG1 X77.706 Y77.667 F7800.000\nG1 E1.00000 F1800.000\nG1 X78.476 Y76.924 E0.07695 F1800.000\nG1 X79.209 Y76.261 E0.07110\nG1 X79.963 Y75.622 E0.07108\nG1 X80.743 Y75.000 E0.07179\nG1 X81.533 Y74.412 E0.07080\nG1 X82.348 Y73.843 E0.07150\nG1 X83.178 Y73.301 E0.07131\nG1 X84.025 Y72.786 E0.07133\nG1 X84.891 Y72.296 E0.07151\nG1 X85.766 Y71.836 E0.07110\nG1 X86.655 Y71.404 E0.07115\nG1 X87.562 Y70.998 E0.07148\n...\n \n Printing \n With the gcode file, all that’s left to do is to feed those numerical control commands to the 3D printer. Some printers might have the ability to print from an SD card, others have to be connected by an USB cable during the entire print. To control you printer from Fedora, you might use Pronterface tool from Printrun (install the pronterface or printrun package). To communicate with the printer, you’re user has to be in the dialout group. \n Once Pronterface is connected, user can load the G-code file and start the print. When you are currently printing, be sure not to accidentally suspend your computer by closing the lid. \n Pronterface: The print just started \n And finally, after some time, the real thing is ready, using only free software available in Fedora and open hardware. This article was not supposed to teach you everything about the tools presented here, nor list all the tools available in Fedora. However, you now might have the idea about how it works. \n Photo of the printed thing " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>There are a lot of tools and applications connected to 3D printing available to Fedora users. In this article, I’ll guide you through one possible scenario of creating a 3D physical object: from an idea to a real thing.</p>\n<p>My friend asked me few days ago to 3D print something for him. He said his kitchen tap is too low for him and that it obstructs him when washing dishes. He would like to move it up a bit using a circular tube with this profile (numbers are in millimeters):</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9504\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"A sketch of the desired object\" height=\"377\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9504\" width=\"450\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">A sketch of the desired object</p></div>\n<h3>Creating a digital 3D model</h3>\n<p>Already knowing how the object is shaped and sized, it might still be a hard task for someone with zero CAD or 3D modeler experience to create the model. Me being a programmer I like a modeler called <a href=\"\">OpenSCAD</a> (you can get it in Fedora via the Software application, or using the command line with <code>sudo dnf install openscad</code> ).</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9506\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"OpenSCAD\" height=\"558\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9506\" width=\"871\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">OpenSCAD</p></div>\n<p>In OpenSCAD, instead of drawing object with your mouse, you code them. I will not try to explain the entire syntax in this article (you can find it in <a href=\"\">the manual</a>), I’ll just explain the code for the thing we want to make.</p>\n<pre>difference() {\n cylinder(r=25,h=35);\n translate([0,0,-5]) cylinder(r=15,h=40);\n translate([0,0,30]) cylinder(r=22.5,h=10);\n}\n$fn=200;\n</pre>\n<p>This code takes a cylinder (with radius 25 and height 35) and subtracts two smaller cylinders moved a bit along the Z axis. The last line only makes the object a bit smoother than the default is. With the code entered in OpenSCAD’s code editor on the left, I use <em>Design → Render</em> from the menu to render the 3D model. Then I use <em>File → Export → Export as STL…</em> to save the model in a file format commonly used for 3D printing.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9509\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"OpenSCAD with the 3D model\" height=\"558\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9509\" width=\"871\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">OpenSCAD with the 3D model</p></div>\n<p>Now when the STL file is ready, I can view it in various other tools, such as <a href=\"\">MeshLab</a> (<code>meshlab</code> package) or <a href=\"\">ADMeshGUI</a> (available from a <a href=\"\">Copr repository</a>).</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9512\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"ADMeshGUI with our STL file\" height=\"567\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9512\" width=\"871\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">ADMeshGUI with our STL file</p></div>\n<p><em><strong>Note:</strong> OpenSCAD, as well as STL file format, uses no units. In the 3D printing area, the numbers used are usually considered millimeters, although you might find some files online using some non-standard units such as inches.</em></p>\n<h3>Slicing to layers</h3>\n<p>For the object to be printed it has to be sliced to layers and paths for the 3D printer’s nozzle. There are various apps available in Fedora capable of doing it, one of the most famous tools for this is <a href=\"\">Slic3r</a> (package <code>slic3r</code>, <a href=\"\">newer version available from Copr</a>).</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9515\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Slic3r with our STL file loaded\" height=\"329\" class=\"size-large wp-image-9515\" width=\"676\"/></a><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Slic3r with our STL file loaded</p></div>\n<p>For right result, it is crucial to have the correct slicer settings for your printer and material. You should obtain those from the whoever you’ve obtained your 3D printer (or just create your settings if you have built one yourself). When you select the right settings, just click <em>Export G-code…</em> to generate file with instructions for the printer.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9517\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Slic3r 1.2.9 from Copr repository with G-code preview\" height=\"516\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9517\" width=\"764\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Slic3r 1.2.9 from Copr repository with G-code preview</p></div>\n<p>The <a href=\"\">G-Code</a> file is just a plain text with loads of numerical control commands. Here is a snip:</p>\n<pre>G21 ; set units to millimeters\nM107\nM190 S60 ; wait for bed temperature to be reached\nM109 S195\nG28 ; home all axes\nG92 E0 ;reset extruder\nG90 ; use absolute coordinates\nM83 ; use relative distances for extrusion\nG1 F1800.000 E-1.00000\nG1 Z0.300 F7800.000\nG1 X77.706 Y77.667 F7800.000\nG1 E1.00000 F1800.000\nG1 X78.476 Y76.924 E0.07695 F1800.000\nG1 X79.209 Y76.261 E0.07110\nG1 X79.963 Y75.622 E0.07108\nG1 X80.743 Y75.000 E0.07179\nG1 X81.533 Y74.412 E0.07080\nG1 X82.348 Y73.843 E0.07150\nG1 X83.178 Y73.301 E0.07131\nG1 X84.025 Y72.786 E0.07133\nG1 X84.891 Y72.296 E0.07151\nG1 X85.766 Y71.836 E0.07110\nG1 X86.655 Y71.404 E0.07115\nG1 X87.562 Y70.998 E0.07148\n...\n</pre>\n<h3>Printing</h3>\n<p>With the gcode file, all that’s left to do is to feed those numerical control commands to the 3D printer. Some printers might have the ability to print from an SD card, others have to be connected by an USB cable during the entire print. To control you printer from Fedora, you might use Pronterface tool from <a href=\"\">Printrun</a> (install the <code>pronterface</code> or <code>printrun</code> package). To communicate with the printer, you’re user has to be in the <code>dialout</code> group.</p>\n<p>Once Pronterface is connected, user can load the G-code file and start the print. When you are currently printing, be sure not to accidentally suspend your computer by closing the lid.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9520\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Pronterface: The print just started\" height=\"569\" class=\"size-full wp-image-9520\" width=\"872\"/><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Pronterface: The print just started</p></div>\n<p>And finally, after some time, the real thing is ready, using only free software available in Fedora and open hardware. This article was not supposed to teach you everything about the tools presented here, nor list all the tools available in Fedora. However, you now might have the idea about how it works.</p>\n<div id=\"attachment_9525\" class=\"wp-caption aligncenter\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Photo of the printed thing\" height=\"507\" class=\"size-large wp-image-9525\" width=\"676\"/></a><p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Photo of the printed thing</p></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-22T21:55:21Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Fedora Infrastructure Status: All systems go'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Fedora Infrastructure Status: All systems go" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nNew status good: Everything seems to be working. for services: Fedora Wiki, Fedora People, Zodbot IRC bot, Darkserver, Tagger, Package Database, Fedora pastebin service, Blockerbugs, Badges, Services, Mirror Manager, Ipsilon, Mirror List, Package maintainers git repositories, Account System, Fedora websites, Documentation website, COPR Build System, Package Updates Manager, Ask Fedora, Fedora Packages App, FreeMedia, Fedora elections, Mailing Lists, Fedora Calendar " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nNew status good: Everything seems to be working. for services: Fedora Wiki, Fedora People, Zodbot IRC bot, Darkserver, Tagger, Package Database, Fedora pastebin service, Blockerbugs, Badges, Services, Mirror Manager, Ipsilon, Mirror List, Package maintainers git repositories, Account System, Fedora websites, Documentation website, COPR Build System, Package Updates Manager, Ask Fedora, Fedora Packages App, FreeMedia, Fedora elections, Mailing Lists, Fedora Calendar</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T00:19:56Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Carlos Morel-Riquelme: Mate-desktop Work, and work fine on Fedora23 /o/'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Carlos Morel-Riquelme: Mate-desktop Work, and work fine on Fedora23 /o/" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Mate-desktop Work, and work fine on Fedora23 /o/ " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\";s=96\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<img src=\"\"/><br/><br/><p>Mate-desktop Work, and work fine on Fedora23 /o/<br/></p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T03:04:25Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Daniel Pocock: Recording live events like a pro (part 1: audio)'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Daniel Pocock: Recording live events like a pro (part 1: audio)" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Whether it is a technical talk at a conference, a political rally or a budget-conscious wedding, many people now have most of the technology they need to record it and post-process the recording themselves. \n For most events, audio is an essential part of the recording. There are exceptions: if you take many short clips from a wedding and mix them together you could leave out the audio and just dub the couple's favourite song over it all. For a video of a conference presentation, though, the the speaker's voice is essential. \n These days, it is relatively easy to get extremely high quality audio using a lapel microphone attached to a smartphone. Lets have a closer look at the details. \n Using a lavalier / lapel microphone \n \n Full wireless microphone kits with microphone, transmitter and receiver are usually $US500 or more. \n The lavalier / lapel microphone by itself, however, is relatively cheap, under $US100. \n The lapel microphone is usually an omnidirectional microphone that will pick up the voices of everybody within a couple of meters of the person wearing it. It is useful for a speaker at an event, some types of interviews where the participants are at a table together and it may be suitable for a wedding, although you may want to remember to remove it from clothing during the photos. \n There are two key features you need when using such a microphone with a smartphone: \n TRRS connector (this is the type of socket most phones and many laptops have today) \n Microphone impedance should be at least 1kΩ (that is one kilo Ohm ) or the phone may not recognize when it is connected \n Many leading microphone vendors have released lapel mics with these two features aimed specifically at smartphone users. I have personally been testing the Rode smartLav+ \n Choice of phone \n There are almost 10,000 varieties of smartphone just running Android, as well as iPhones, Blackberries and others. It is not practical for most people to test them all and compare audio recording quality. \n It is probably best to test the phone you have and ask some friends if you can make test recordings with their phones too for comparison. You may not hear any difference but if one of the phones has a poor recording quality you will hopefully notice that and exclude it from further consideration. \n A particularly important issue is being able to disable AGC in the phone. Android has a standard API for disabling AGC but not all phones or Android variations respect this instruction. \n I have personally had positive experiences recording audio with a Samsung Galaxy Note III. \n Choice of recording app \n Most Android distributions have at least one pre-installed sound recording app. Look more closely and you will find not all apps are the same. For example, some of the apps have aggressive compression settings that compromise recording quality. Others don't work when you turn off the screen of your phone and put it in your pocket. I've even tried a few that were crashing intermittently. \n The app I found most successful so far has been Diktofon , which is available on both F-Droid and Google Play . Diktofon has been designed not just for recording, but it also has some specific features for transcribing audio (currently only supporting Estonian) and organizing and indexing the text. I haven't used those features myself but they don't appear to cause any inconvenience for people who simply want to use it as a stable recording app. \n As the app is completely free software, you can modify the source code if necessary. I recently contributed patches enabling 48kHz recording and disabling AGC. At the moment, the version with these fixes has just been released and appears in F-Droid but not yet uploaded to Google Play. The fixes are in version 0.9.83 and you need to go into the settings to make sure AGC is disabled and set the 48kHz sample rate. \n Whatever app you choose, the following settings are recommended: \n 16 bit or greater sample size \n 48kHz sample rate \n Disable AGC \n WAV file format \n Whatever app you choose, test it thoroughly with your phone and microphone. Make sure it works even when you turn off the screen and put it in your pocket while wearing the lapel mic for an hour. Observe the battery usage. \n Gotchas \n Now lets say you are recording a wedding and the groom has that smartphone in his pocket and the mic on his collar somewhere. What is the probability that some telemarketer calls just as the couple are exchanging vows? What is the impact on the recording? \n Maybe some apps will automatically put the phone in silent mode when recording. More likely, you need to remember this yourself. These are things that are well worth testing though. \n Also keep in mind the need to have sufficient storage space and to check whether the app you use is writing to your SD card or internal memory. The battery is another consideration. \n In a large event where smartphones are being used instead of wireless microphones, possibly for many talks in parallel, install a monitoring app like Ganglia on the phones to detect and alert if any phone has weak wifi signal, low battery or a lack of memory. \n Live broadcasts and streaming \n Some time ago I tested RTP multicasting from Lumicall on Android. This type of app would enable a complete wireless microphone setup with live streaming to the internet at a fraction of the cost of a traditional wireless microphone kit. This type of live broadcast could also be done with WebRTC on the Firefox app . \n Conclusion \n If you research the topic thoroughly and spend some time practicing and testing your equipment, you can make great audio recordings with a smartphone and an inexpensive lapel microphone. \n In subsequent blogs, I'll look at tips for recording video and doing post-production with free software. \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<div class=\"field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden\"><div class=\"field-items\"><div class=\"field-item even\"><p>Whether it is a technical talk at a conference, a political rally or a budget-conscious wedding, many people now have most of the technology they need to record it and post-process the recording themselves.</p>\n<p>For most events, audio is an essential part of the recording. There are exceptions: if you take many short clips from a wedding and mix them together you could leave out the audio and just dub the couple's favourite song over it all. For a video of a conference presentation, though, the the speaker's voice is essential.</p>\n<p>These days, it is relatively easy to get extremely high quality audio using a lapel microphone attached to a smartphone. Lets have a closer look at the details.</p>\n<h3>Using a lavalier / lapel microphone</h3>\n<p><img src=\"\" width=\"400\"/></p>\n<p>Full wireless microphone kits with microphone, transmitter and receiver are usually $US500 or more.</p>\n<p>The <a href=\"\">lavalier / lapel microphone</a> by itself, however, is relatively cheap, under $US100.</p>\n<p>The lapel microphone is usually an omnidirectional microphone that will pick up the voices of everybody within a couple of meters of the person wearing it. It is useful for a speaker at an event, some types of interviews where the participants are at a table together and it may be suitable for a wedding, although you may want to remember to remove it from clothing during the photos.</p>\n<p>There are two key features you need when using such a microphone with a smartphone:</p>\n<ul><li>TRRS connector (this is the type of socket most phones and many laptops have today)</li>\n<li>Microphone <a href=\"\">impedance</a> should be at least 1kΩ (that is one kilo <a href=\"\">Ohm</a>) or the phone may not recognize when it is connected</li>\n</ul><p>Many leading microphone vendors have released lapel mics with these two features aimed specifically at smartphone users. I have personally been testing the Rode smartLav+</p>\n<h3>Choice of phone</h3>\n<p>There are almost 10,000 varieties of smartphone just running Android, as well as iPhones, Blackberries and others. It is not practical for most people to test them all and compare audio recording quality.</p>\n<p>It is probably best to test the phone you have and ask some friends if you can make test recordings with their phones too for comparison. You may not hear any difference but if one of the phones has a poor recording quality you will hopefully notice that and exclude it from further consideration.</p>\n<p>A particularly important issue is being able to disable <a href=\"\">AGC</a> in the phone. Android has a standard API for disabling AGC but not all phones or Android variations respect this instruction.</p>\n<p>I have personally had positive experiences recording audio with a Samsung Galaxy Note III.</p>\n<h3>Choice of recording app</h3>\n<p>Most Android distributions have at least one pre-installed sound recording app. Look more closely and you will find not all apps are the same. For example, some of the apps have aggressive compression settings that compromise recording quality. Others don't work when you turn off the screen of your phone and put it in your pocket. I've even tried a few that were crashing intermittently.</p>\n<p>The app I found most successful so far has been <a href=\"\">Diktofon</a>, which is available on both <a href=\"\">F-Droid</a> and <a href=\";hl=en\">Google Play</a>. <em>Diktofon</em> has been designed not just for recording, but it also has some specific features for transcribing audio (currently only supporting Estonian) and organizing and indexing the text. I haven't used those features myself but they don't appear to cause any inconvenience for people who simply want to use it as a stable recording app.</p>\n<p>As the app is completely free software, you can modify the source code if necessary. I recently contributed patches enabling 48kHz recording and disabling AGC. At the moment, the version with these fixes has just been released and appears in <a href=\"\">F-Droid</a> but not yet uploaded to Google Play. <b>The fixes are in version 0.9.83 and you need to go into the settings to make sure AGC is disabled and set the 48kHz sample rate.</b></p>\n<p>Whatever app you choose, the following settings are recommended:</p>\n<ul><li>16 bit or greater sample size</li>\n<li>48kHz sample rate</li>\n<li>Disable AGC</li>\n<li>WAV file format</li>\n</ul><p>Whatever app you choose, test it thoroughly with your phone and microphone. Make sure it works even when you turn off the screen and put it in your pocket while wearing the lapel mic for an hour. Observe the battery usage.</p>\n<h3>Gotchas</h3>\n<p>Now lets say you are recording a wedding and the groom has that smartphone in his pocket and the mic on his collar somewhere. What is the probability that some telemarketer calls just as the couple are exchanging vows? What is the impact on the recording?</p>\n<p>Maybe some apps will automatically put the phone in silent mode when recording. More likely, you need to remember this yourself. These are things that are well worth testing though.</p>\n<p>Also keep in mind the need to have sufficient storage space and to check whether the app you use is writing to your SD card or internal memory. The battery is another consideration.</p>\n<p>In a large event where smartphones are being used instead of wireless microphones, possibly for many talks in parallel, install a monitoring app like Ganglia on the phones to detect and alert if any phone has weak wifi signal, low battery or a lack of memory.</p>\n<h3>Live broadcasts and streaming</h3>\n<p>Some time ago I tested RTP multicasting from Lumicall on Android. This type of app would enable a complete wireless microphone setup with live streaming to the internet at a fraction of the cost of a traditional wireless microphone kit. This type of live broadcast could also be done with WebRTC on the <a href=\"\">Firefox app</a>.</p>\n<h3>Conclusion</h3>\n<p>If you research the topic thoroughly and spend some time practicing and testing your equipment, you can make great audio recordings with a smartphone and an inexpensive lapel microphone.</p>\n<p>In subsequent blogs, I'll look at tips for recording video and doing post-production with free software.</p>\n</div></div></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T07:14:53Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'pingou: Introducing flask-multistatic'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "pingou: Introducing flask-multistatic" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n flask is a micro-web-framework in python. I have been using it for different projects for a couple of years now and I am quite happy with it. \n\n\n I have been using it for some of the applications ran by the Fedora Infrastructure . Some of these applications could be re-used outside Fedora and this is of course something I would like to encourage. \n\n\n One of the problem currently is that all those apps are branded for Fedora, so re-using them elsewhere can become complicated, this can be solved by theming. Theming means adjusting two components: templates and static files (images, css...). \n\n\n Adjusting templates \n\n\n jinja2 the template engine in flask already supports loading templates from two different directories. This allows to ask the application to load your own template first and if it does not find them, then it looks for it in the directory of the default theme. \n\n\n Code wise it could look like this: \n\n # Use the templates\n # First we test the core templates directory\n # (contains stuff that users won't see)\n # Then we use the configured template directory\n import jinja2\n templ_loaders = []\n templ_loaders.append(APP.jinja_loader)\n # First load the templates from the THEME_FOLDER defined in the configuration\n templ_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(\n APP.root_path, APP.template_folder, APP.config['THEME_FOLDER'])))\n # Then load the other templates from the `default` theme folder\n templ_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(\n APP.root_path, APP.template_folder, 'default')))\n APP.jinja_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(templ_loaders)\n \n\n\n Adjusting static files \n\n\n This is a little more tricky as static files are not templates and there is no logic in flask to allow overriding one or another depending on where it is located. \n\n\n To solve this challenge, I wrote a small flask extension: flask-multistatic that basically allows flask to have the same behavior for static files as it does for templates. \n\n\n Getting it to work is easy, at the top of your flask application do the imports: \n import flask\n from flask_multistatic import MultiStaticFlask\n \n\n\n And make your flask flask application multistatic \n APP = flask.Flask(__name__)\n APP = MultiStaticFlask(APP)\n \n\n\n You can then specify multiple folders where static files are located, for example: \n APP.static_folder = [\n os.path.join(APP.root_path, 'static', APP.config['THEME_FOLDER']),\n os.path.join(APP.root_path, 'static', 'default')\n ]\n \n\n\n Note: The order the the folder matters, the last one should be the folder with all the usual files (ie: the default theme), the other ones are the folders for your specific theme(s). \n\n\n \n\n\n Patrick Uiterwijk pointed to me that this method, although working is not ideal for production as it means that all the static files are served by the application instead of being served by the web-server.\nHe therefore contributed an example apache configuration allowing to obtain the same behavior (override static files) but this time directly in apache! \n\n\n \n \n\n\n So using flask-multistatic I will finally be able to make my apps entirely theme-able, allowing other projects to re-use them under their own brand. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p><a href=\"\">flask</a> is a micro-web-framework in python. I have been using it for different projects for a couple of years now and I am quite happy with it.</p>\n\n\n<p>I have been using it for some of the applications ran by the <a href=\"\">Fedora Infrastructure</a>. Some of these applications could be re-used outside Fedora and this is of course something I would like to encourage.</p>\n\n\n<p>One of the problem currently is that all those apps are branded for Fedora, so re-using them elsewhere can become complicated, this can be solved by theming. Theming means adjusting two components: templates and static files (images, css...).</p>\n\n\n<h5>Adjusting templates</h5>\n\n\n<p><a href=\"\">jinja2</a> the template engine in flask already supports loading templates from two different directories. This allows to ask the application to load your own template first and if it does not find them, then it looks for it in the directory of the default theme.</p>\n\n\n<p>Code wise it could look like this:</p>\n\n<pre> # Use the templates\n # First we test the core templates directory\n # (contains stuff that users won't see)\n # Then we use the configured template directory\n import jinja2\n templ_loaders = []\n templ_loaders.append(APP.jinja_loader)\n # First load the templates from the THEME_FOLDER defined in the configuration\n templ_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(\n APP.root_path, APP.template_folder, APP.config['THEME_FOLDER'])))\n # Then load the other templates from the `default` theme folder\n templ_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(\n APP.root_path, APP.template_folder, 'default')))\n APP.jinja_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(templ_loaders)\n</pre>\n\n\n<h5>Adjusting static files</h5>\n\n\n<p>This is a little more tricky as static files are not templates and there is no logic in flask to allow overriding one or another depending on where it is located.</p>\n\n\n<p>To solve this challenge, I wrote a small flask extension: <a href=\"\">flask-multistatic</a> that basically allows flask to have the same behavior for static files as it does for templates.</p>\n\n\n<p>Getting it to work is easy, at the top of your flask application do the imports:</p>\n<pre> import flask\n from flask_multistatic import MultiStaticFlask\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>And make your flask flask application multistatic</p>\n<pre> APP = flask.Flask(__name__)\n APP = MultiStaticFlask(APP)\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>You can then specify multiple folders where static files are located, for example:</p>\n<pre> APP.static_folder = [\n os.path.join(APP.root_path, 'static', APP.config['THEME_FOLDER']),\n os.path.join(APP.root_path, 'static', 'default')\n ]\n</pre>\n\n\n<p>Note: The order the the folder matters, the last one should be the folder with all the usual files (ie: the default theme), the other ones are the folders for your specific theme(s).</p>\n\n\n<p><br/></p>\n\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Patrick Uiterwijk</a> pointed to me that this method, although working is not ideal for production as it means that all the static files are served by the application instead of being served by the web-server.\nHe therefore contributed an <a href=\"\">example apache configuration</a> allowing to obtain the same behavior (override static files) but this time directly in apache!</p>\n\n\n<p><br/>\n<br/></p>\n\n\n<p>So using <a href=\"\">flask-multistatic</a> I will finally be able to make my apps entirely theme-able, allowing other projects to re-use them under their own brand.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T07:44:32Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Daniel Pocock: Unpaid work training Google's spam filters'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Daniel Pocock: Unpaid work training Google's spam filters" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n This week, there has been increased discussion about the pain of spam filtering by large companies, especially Google. \n It started with Google's announcement that they are offering a service for email senders to know if their messages are wrongly classified as spam . Two particular things caught my attention: the statement that less than 0.05% of genuine email goes to the spam folder by mistake and the statement that this new tool to understand misclassification is only available to \"help qualified high-volume senders\". \n From there, discussion has proceeded with Linus Torvalds blogging about his own experience of Google misclassifying patches from Linux contributors as spam and that has been widely reported in places like Slashdot and The Register . \n Personally, I've observed much the same thing from the other perspective. While Torvalds complains that he isn't receiving email, I've observed that my own emails are not always received when the recipient is a Gmail address. \n It seems that Google expects their users work a little bit every day going through every message in the spam folder and explicitly clicking the \"Not Spam\" button: \n \n so that Google can improve their proprietary algorithms for classifying mail. If you just read or reply to a message in the folder without clicking the button, or if you don't do this for every message, including mailing list posts and other trivial notifications that are not actually spam, more important messages from the same senders will also continue to be misclassified. \n If you are not willing to volunteer your time to do this, or if you are simply one of those people who has better things to do, Google's Gmail service is going to have a corrosive effect on your relationships. \n A few months ago, we visited Australia and I sent emails to many people who I wanted to catch up with, including invitations to a family event. Some people received the emails in their inboxes yet other people didn't see them because the systems at Google (and other companies, notably Hotmail) put them in a spam folder. The rate at which this appeared to happen was definitely higher than the 0.05% quoted in the Google article above. Maybe the Google spam filters noticed that I haven't sent email to some members of the extended family for a long time and this triggered the spam algorithm? Yet it was at that very moment that we were visiting Australia that email needs to work reliably with that type of contact as we don't fly out there every year. \n A little bit earlier in the year, I was corresponding with a few students who were applying for Google Summer of Code . Some of them also observed the same thing, they sent me an email and didn't receive my response until they were looking in their spam folder a few days later. Last year I know a GSoC mentor who lost track of a student for over a week because of Google silently discarding chat messages , so it appears Google has not just shot themselves in the foot, they managed to shoot their foot twice. \n What is remarkable is that in both cases, the email problems and the XMPP problems, Google doesn't send any error back to the sender so that they know their message didn't get through. Instead, it is silently discarded or left in a spam folder. This is the most corrosive form of communication problem as more time can pass before anybody realizes that something went wrong. After it happens a few times, people lose a lot of confidence in the technology itself and try other means of communication which may be more expensive, more synchronous and time intensive or less private. \n When I discussed these issues with friends, some people replied by telling me I should send them things through Facebook or WhatsApp, but each of those services has a higher privacy cost and there are also many other people who don't use either of those services. This tends to fragment communications even more as people who use Facebook end up communicating with other people who use Facebook and excluding all the people who don't have time for Facebook. On top of that, it creates more tedious effort going to three or four different places to check for messages. \n Despite all of this, the suggestion that Google's only response is to build a service to \"help qualified high-volume senders\" get their messages through leaves me feeling that things will get worse before they start to get better. There is no mention in the Google announcement about what they will offer to help the average person eliminate these problems, other than to stop using Gmail or spend unpaid time meticulously training the Google spam filter and hoping everybody else does the same thing. \n Some more observations on the issue \n Many spam filtering programs used in corporate networks, such as SpamAssassin , add headers to each email to suggest why it was classified as spam. Google's systems don't appear to give any such feedback to their users or message senders though, just a very basic set of recommendations for running a mail server . \n Many chat protocols work with an explicit opt-in. Before you can exchange messages with somebody, you must add each other to your buddy lists. Once you do this, virtually all messages get through without filtering. Could this concept be adapted to email, maybe giving users a summary of messages from people they don't have in their contact list and asking them to explicitly accept or reject each contact? \n If a message spends more than a week in the spam folder and Google detects that the user isn't ever looking in the spam folder, should Google send a bounce message back to the sender to indicate that Google refused to deliver it to the inbox? \n I've personally heard that misclassification occurs with mailing list posts as well as private messages. \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<div class=\"field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden\"><div class=\"field-items\"><div class=\"field-item even\"><p>This week, there has been increased discussion about the pain of spam filtering by large companies, especially Google.</p>\n<p>It started with Google's announcement that they are offering a <a href=\"\">service for email senders to know if their messages are wrongly classified as spam</a>. Two particular things caught my attention: the statement that less than 0.05% of genuine email goes to the spam folder by mistake and the statement that this new tool to understand misclassification is only available to \"help <em>qualified</em> high-volume senders\".</p>\n<p>From there, discussion has proceeded with <a href=\"\">Linus Torvalds blogging about his own experience of Google misclassifying patches from Linux contributors as spam</a> and that has been widely reported in places like <a href=\"\">Slashdot</a> and <a href=\"\">The Register</a>.</p>\n<p>Personally, I've observed much the same thing from the other perspective. While Torvalds complains that he isn't receiving email, I've observed that my own emails are not always received when the recipient is a Gmail address.</p>\n<p>It seems that Google expects their users work a little bit every day going through every message in the spam folder and <em>explicitly</em> clicking the \"Not Spam\" button:</p>\n<p><img src=\"\"/></p>\n<p>so that Google can improve their proprietary algorithms for classifying mail. If you just read or reply to a message in the folder without clicking the button, or if you don't do this for every message, including mailing list posts and other trivial notifications that are not actually spam, more important messages from the same senders will also continue to be misclassified.</p>\n<p>If you are not willing to volunteer your time to do this, or if you are simply one of those people who has better things to do, Google's Gmail service is going to have a corrosive effect on your relationships.</p>\n<p>A few months ago, we visited Australia and I sent emails to many people who I wanted to catch up with, including invitations to a family event. Some people received the emails in their inboxes yet other people didn't see them because the systems at Google (and other companies, notably Hotmail) put them in a spam folder. The rate at which this appeared to happen was definitely higher than the 0.05% quoted in the Google article above. Maybe the Google spam filters noticed that I haven't sent email to some members of the extended family for a long time and this triggered the spam algorithm? Yet it was at that very moment that we were visiting Australia that email needs to work reliably with that type of contact as we don't fly out there every year.</p>\n<p>A little bit earlier in the year, I was corresponding with a few students who were applying for <a href=\"\">Google Summer of Code</a>. Some of them also observed the same thing, they sent me an email and didn't receive my response until they were looking in their spam folder a few days later. Last year I know a GSoC mentor who lost track of a student for over a week because <a href=\"\">of Google silently discarding chat messages</a>, so it appears Google has not just shot themselves in the foot, they managed to shoot their foot twice.</p>\n<p>What is remarkable is that in both cases, the email problems and the XMPP problems, Google doesn't send any error back to the sender so that they know their message didn't get through. Instead, it is silently discarded or left in a spam folder. This is the most corrosive form of communication problem as more time can pass before anybody realizes that something went wrong. After it happens a few times, people lose a lot of confidence in the technology itself and try other means of communication which may be more expensive, more synchronous and time intensive or less private.</p>\n<p>When I discussed these issues with friends, some people replied by telling me I should send them things through Facebook or WhatsApp, but each of those services has a higher privacy cost and there are also many other people who don't use either of those services. This tends to fragment communications even more as people who use Facebook end up communicating with other people who use Facebook and excluding all the people who don't have time for Facebook. On top of that, it creates more tedious effort going to three or four different places to check for messages.</p>\n<p>Despite all of this, the suggestion that Google's only response is to build a service to \"help <em>qualified</em> high-volume senders\" get their messages through leaves me feeling that things will get worse before they start to get better. There is no mention in the <a href=\"\">Google announcement</a> about what they will offer to help the average person eliminate these problems, other than to stop using Gmail or spend unpaid time meticulously training the Google spam filter and hoping everybody else does the same thing.</p>\n<h3>Some more observations on the issue</h3>\n<p>Many spam filtering programs used in corporate networks, such as <a href=\"\">SpamAssassin</a>, add <a href=\"\">headers</a> to each email to suggest why it was classified as spam. Google's systems don't appear to give any such feedback to their users or message senders though, just a very <a href=\";answer=81126\">basic set of recommendations for running a mail server</a>.</p>\n<p>Many chat protocols work with an explicit opt-in. Before you can exchange messages with somebody, you must add each other to your buddy lists. Once you do this, virtually all messages get through without filtering. Could this concept be adapted to email, maybe giving users a summary of messages from people they don't have in their contact list and asking them to explicitly accept or reject each contact?</p>\n<p>If a message spends more than a week in the spam folder and Google detects that the user isn't ever looking in the spam folder, should Google send a <a href=\"\">bounce message</a> back to the sender to indicate that Google refused to deliver it to the inbox?</p>\n<p>I've personally heard that misclassification occurs with mailing list posts as well as private messages.</p>\n</div></div></div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T08:49:31Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Karel Zak: lsipc new command to list IPC facilities'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Karel Zak: lsipc new command to list IPC facilities" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nAlthough it seems that System V IPC is obsolete thing, it's still used by many (enterprise) tools like databases, application servers etc. The classic tool ipcs(1) provides basic overview, unfortunately the output is very fixed and it's impossible to mix the output columns (for example --pid and --creator cannot be used together etc.). It's also very difficult to extend the current implementation without break backward compatibility. The solution is a new libsmartcols based tool: lsipc(1). It's like many another util-linux ls-like tools, columns are maintains independently, it's easy to extend, user has absolute control on the output and it provides more output formats (including JSON). The important and unique is the default (--global) output: # lsipc RESOURCE DESCRIPTION LIMIT USED USE% MSGMNI Number of message queues 32000 0 0.00% MSGMAX Max size of message (bytes) 8192 0 0.00% MSGMNB Default max size of queue (bytes) 16384 0 0.00% SHMMNI Shared memory segments 4096 21 0.51% SHMALL Shared memory pages 268435456 294049 0.11% SEMMNS Total number of semaphores 1024000000 0 0.00% SEMMNI Number of Semaphore IDs 32000 0 0.00% the information about shared memory is provided with COMMAND column, that makes things more human friendly: # lsipc --shmem KEY ID PERMS OWNER SIZE NATTCH STATUS CTIME CPID LPID COMMAND 0x6c6c6536 0 rw------- root 4K 0 Jul16 288 288 0x00000000 327681 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul16 1487 992 gjs /home/kzak/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ 0x00000000 393219 rw------- kzak 512K 2 dest Jul16 1141 2853 /usr/bin/gnome-shell 0x00000000 2064389 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat 0x00000000 47611910 rw------- kzak 8M 2 dest 10:07 2853 804 /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox 0x00000000 2228231 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat 0x00000000 2195464 rw------- kzak 2M 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat 0x00000000 42303503 rw------- kzak 8M 2 dest Jul22 1340 992 /usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service 0x00000000 42270736 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul22 1340 992 /usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service 0x00000000 43188243 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul22 8873 1845 /usr/libexec/gnome-terminal-server 0x00000000 33882133 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul20 26049 992 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/hp-systray --force-startup and you can define your own output: # lsipc --shmem -o KEY,SIZE,PERMS KEY SIZE PERMS 0x6c6c6536 4K rw------- 0x00000000 4M rw------- 0x00000000 512K rw------- 0x00000000 384K rw------- 0x00000000 8M rw------- 0x00000000 384K rw------- 0x00000000 2M rw------- 0x00000000 8M rw------- 0x00000000 4M rw------- 0x00000000 4M rw------- 0x00000000 384K rw------- or ask for specific segment: # lsipc --shmem --id 47611910 Key: 0x00000000 ID: 47611910 Owner: kzak Permissions: rw------- Creator UID: 1000 Creator user: kzak Creator GID: 1000 Creator group: kzak UID: 1000 User name: kzak GID: 1000 Group name: kzak Last change: Thu Jul 23 10:07:46 2015 Segment size: 8M Attached processes: 2 Status: dest Attach time: Thu Jul 23 10:07:46 2015 Creator command: /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox Creator PID: 2853 Last user PID: 804 and it should be easy to export complex info about IPC to the monitoring tool: # lsipc --json -o resource,limit,used { \"ipclimits\": [ {\"resource\": \"MSGMNI\", \"limit\": \"32000\", \"used\": \"0\"}, {\"resource\": \"MSGMAX\", \"limit\": \"8192\", \"used\": \"0\"}, {\"resource\": \"MSGMNB\", \"limit\": \"16384\", \"used\": \"0\"}, {\"resource\": \"SHMMNI\", \"limit\": \"4096\", \"used\": \"11\"}, {\"resource\": \"SHMALL\", \"limit\": \"268435456\", \"used\": \"8097\"}, {\"resource\": \"SEMMNS\", \"limit\": \"1024000000\", \"used\": \"0\"}, {\"resource\": \"SEMMNI\", \"limit\": \"32000\", \"used\": \"0\"} ] } lsipc(1) will be available in util-linux v2.27 (probaly August 2015). " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nAlthough it seems that System V IPC is obsolete thing, it's still used by many (enterprise) tools like databases, application servers etc. <p/>The classic tool ipcs(1) provides basic overview, unfortunately the output is very fixed and it's impossible to mix the output columns (for example --pid and --creator cannot be used together etc.). It's also very difficult to extend the current implementation without break backward compatibility. <p/>The solution is a new libsmartcols based tool: lsipc(1). It's like many another util-linux ls-like tools, columns are maintains independently, it's easy to extend, user has absolute control on the output and it provides more output formats (including JSON). <p/>The important and unique is the default (--global) output:<pre><br/># lsipc<br/>RESOURCE DESCRIPTION LIMIT USED USE%<br/>MSGMNI Number of message queues 32000 0 0.00%<br/>MSGMAX Max size of message (bytes) 8192 0 0.00%<br/>MSGMNB Default max size of queue (bytes) 16384 0 0.00%<br/>SHMMNI Shared memory segments 4096 21 0.51%<br/>SHMALL Shared memory pages 268435456 294049 0.11%<br/>SEMMNS Total number of semaphores 1024000000 0 0.00%<br/>SEMMNI Number of Semaphore IDs 32000 0 0.00%<br/></pre>the information about shared memory is provided with COMMAND column, that makes things more human friendly:<pre><br/># lsipc --shmem<br/>KEY ID PERMS OWNER SIZE NATTCH STATUS CTIME CPID LPID COMMAND<br/>0x6c6c6536 0 rw------- root 4K 0 Jul16 288 288<br/>0x00000000 327681 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul16 1487 992 gjs /home/kzak/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/<br/>0x00000000 393219 rw------- kzak 512K 2 dest Jul16 1141 2853 /usr/bin/gnome-shell<br/>0x00000000 2064389 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat<br/>0x00000000 47611910 rw------- kzak 8M 2 dest 10:07 2853 804 /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox<br/>0x00000000 2228231 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat<br/>0x00000000 2195464 rw------- kzak 2M 2 dest Jul17 9443 992 xchat<br/>0x00000000 42303503 rw------- kzak 8M 2 dest Jul22 1340 992 /usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service<br/>0x00000000 42270736 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul22 1340 992 /usr/bin/gnome-software --gapplication-service<br/>0x00000000 43188243 rw------- kzak 4M 2 dest Jul22 8873 1845 /usr/libexec/gnome-terminal-server<br/>0x00000000 33882133 rw------- kzak 384K 2 dest Jul20 26049 992 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/hp-systray --force-startup<br/></pre>and you can define your own output:<pre><br/># lsipc --shmem -o KEY,SIZE,PERMS<br/>KEY SIZE PERMS<br/>0x6c6c6536 4K rw-------<br/>0x00000000 4M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 512K rw-------<br/>0x00000000 384K rw-------<br/>0x00000000 8M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 384K rw-------<br/>0x00000000 2M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 8M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 4M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 4M rw-------<br/>0x00000000 384K rw-------<br/></pre>or ask for specific segment:<pre><br/># lsipc --shmem --id 47611910<br/>Key: 0x00000000<br/>ID: 47611910<br/>Owner: kzak<br/>Permissions: rw-------<br/>Creator UID: 1000<br/>Creator user: kzak<br/>Creator GID: 1000<br/>Creator group: kzak<br/>UID: 1000<br/>User name: kzak<br/>GID: 1000<br/>Group name: kzak<br/>Last change: Thu Jul 23 10:07:46 2015<br/>Segment size: 8M<br/>Attached processes: 2<br/>Status: dest<br/>Attach time: Thu Jul 23 10:07:46 2015<br/>Creator command: /usr/lib64/firefox/firefox<br/>Creator PID: 2853<br/>Last user PID: 804<br/></pre>and it should be easy to export complex info about IPC to the monitoring tool:<pre><br/># lsipc --json -o resource,limit,used<br/>{<br/> \"ipclimits\": [<br/> {\"resource\": \"MSGMNI\", \"limit\": \"32000\", \"used\": \"0\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"MSGMAX\", \"limit\": \"8192\", \"used\": \"0\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"MSGMNB\", \"limit\": \"16384\", \"used\": \"0\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"SHMMNI\", \"limit\": \"4096\", \"used\": \"11\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"SHMALL\", \"limit\": \"268435456\", \"used\": \"8097\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"SEMMNS\", \"limit\": \"1024000000\", \"used\": \"0\"},<br/> {\"resource\": \"SEMMNI\", \"limit\": \"32000\", \"used\": \"0\"}<br/> ]<br/>}<br/></pre>lsipc(1) will be available in util-linux v2.27 (probaly August 2015).</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T09:31:14Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Caolán McNamara: RHEL 6.7 upgrades LibreOffice from to'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Caolán McNamara: RHEL 6.7 upgrades LibreOffice from to" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nThe freshly announced RHEL 6.7 upgrades LibreOffice from to RHEL 7.2 will upgrade from to Fedora 23 will have 5.0.0 in it. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nThe freshly announced RHEL 6.7 <a href=\"\">upgrades LibreOffice</a> from to RHEL 7.2 will upgrade from to Fedora 23 will have 5.0.0 in it.</div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T09:37:50Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Richard W.M. Jones: Why has the libguestfs appliance grown by 281 MB?'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Richard W.M. Jones: Why has the libguestfs appliance grown by 281 MB?" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n a.k.a guestmount + filelight are awesome! \n Click to see the full image \n \n If you want to reproduce the same diagrams yourself, just do: \n $ mkdir /tmp/mp \n$ guestmount --ro \\\n -a /var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/appliance.d/root \\\n -m /dev/sda /tmp/mp \n$ filelight /tmp/mp \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>a.k.a <a href=\"\">guestmount</a> + <a href=\"\">filelight</a> are awesome!</p>\n<p><i>Click to see the full image</i></p>\n<p><a href=\"\"><img src=\";h=189\" alt=\"Screenshot_2015-07-23_14-22-50\" height=\"189\" class=\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-5748\" width=\"450\"/></a></p>\n<p>If you want to reproduce the same diagrams yourself, just do:</p>\n<pre>$ <b>mkdir /tmp/mp</b>\n$ <b>guestmount --ro \\\n -a /var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/appliance.d/root \\\n -m /dev/sda /tmp/mp</b>\n$ <b>filelight /tmp/mp</b>\n</pre><br/> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <img src=\";blog=6840703&amp;post=5747&amp;subd=rwmj&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T13:30:41Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Allan Day: HIG updates'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Allan Day: HIG updates" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n \n The GNOME 3 Human Interface Guidelines were released just under a year ago . They incorporated material from the GNOME 2 HIG, but they were also a thorough rework: the GNOME 3 HIG has a radically different structure from the GNOME 2 one, and is largely based on a collection of design patterns. The hope was that this collection could grow and evolve over time, ensuring that the HIG is always up to date with the latest design practice. \n I’ve recently been working on the first major update to the GNOME 3 HIG. This has enabled us to put the new structure to good use, and the number of patterns has increased. These new guidelines are the direct result of design work that has happened in the past year. They attempt to distill everything we’ve learned through our own process of trial and error. \n There have been some other notable changes to the HIG. Navigation has been improved throughout: the introduction has been thinned down, so you can get straight to the interesting stuff. The front page gives a much better overview now, and the overview pages for design patterns and interface elements have been much improved. \n\n \n \n \n\n Another nice addition is that the HIG now links to the relevant GTK+ API reference documentation for each design component. This is nice for knowing which widget does what; and makes the design guidelines a more effective accompaniment to the toolkit. \n I’m hoping to continue fixing bugs in the HIG and expanding the collection of patterns for a little while, so let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see added. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"HIG Banner\" height=\"400\" class=\"aligncenter size-full wp-image-2402\" width=\"940\"/></p>\n<p>The GNOME 3 Human Interface Guidelines were <a href=\"\">released just under a year ago</a>. They incorporated material from the GNOME 2 HIG, but they were also a thorough rework: the GNOME 3 HIG has a radically different structure from the GNOME 2 one, and is largely based on a collection of design patterns. The hope was that this collection could grow and evolve over time, ensuring that the HIG is always up to date with the latest design practice.</p>\n<p>I’ve recently been working on the first major update to the GNOME 3 HIG. This has enabled us to put the new structure to good use, and the number of patterns has increased. These new guidelines are the direct result of design work that has happened in the past year. They attempt to distill everything we’ve learned through our own process of trial and error.</p>\n<p>There have been some other notable changes to the HIG. Navigation has been improved throughout: the introduction has been thinned down, so you can get straight to the interesting stuff. The front page gives a much better overview now, and the overview pages for design patterns and interface elements have been much improved.</p>\n\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"HIG Front Page\" height=\"300\" class=\"attachment-medium\" width=\"190\"/></a>\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Design Patterns\" height=\"300\" class=\"attachment-medium\" width=\"178\"/></a>\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Interface Elements\" height=\"300\" class=\"attachment-medium\" width=\"163\"/></a>\n\n<p>Another nice addition is that the HIG now links to the relevant GTK+ API reference documentation for each design component. This is nice for knowing which widget does what; and makes the design guidelines a more effective accompaniment to the toolkit.</p>\n<p>I’m hoping to continue fixing bugs in the HIG and expanding the collection of patterns for a little while, so let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see added.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T15:34:01Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Red Hat Security: libuser vulnerabilities'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Red Hat Security: libuser vulnerabilities" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Updated 2015-07-24 @ 12:33 UTC \n It was discovered that the libuser library contains two vulnerabilities which, in combination, allow unprivileged local users to gain root privileges. libuser is a library that provides read and write access to files like /etc/passwd , which constitute the system user and group database. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux it is a central system component. \n What is being disclosed today? \n Qualys reported two vulnerabilities: \n \n CVE-2015-3245 : The userhelper program allows local users to add linefeeds in the middle of records to /etc/passwd , corrupting the file. \n CVE-2015-3246 : libuser uses a non-standard way of updating /etc/passwd and related files. Its locking is incompatible with the rest of the system , and the files are rewritten in place, which means that the system may observe incorrect data. \n \n It turns out that the CVE-2015-3246 vulnerability, by itself or in conjunction with CVE-2015-3245, can be exploited by an unprivileged local user to gain root privileges on an affected system. However, due to the way libuser works, only users who have accounts already listed in /etc/passwd can exploit this vulnerability, and the user needs to supply the account password as part of the attack. These requirements mean that exploitation by accounts listed only in LDAP (or some other NSS data source) or by system accounts without a valid password is not possible. Further analysis showed that the first vulnerability, CVE-2015-3245, is also due to a missing check in libuser . Qualys has disclosed full technical details in their security advisory posted to the oss-security mailing list . \n Which system components are affected by these vulnerabilities? \n libuser is a library, which means that in order to exploit it, a program which employs it must be used. Ideally, such a program has the following properties: \n \n It uses libuser . \n It is SUID-root. \n It allows putting almost arbitrary content into /etc/passwd . \n \n Without the third item, exploitation may still be possible, but it will be much more difficult. If the program is not SUID-root, a user will not have unlimited attempts to exploit the race condition. A survey of programs processing /etc/passwd and related files presents this picture: \n \n passwd is SUID-root, but it uses PAM to change the password, which has custom code to modify /etc/passwd not affected by the race condition. The account locking functionality in passwd does use libuser , but it is restricted to root . \n chsh from util-linux is SUID-root and uses libuser to change /etc/passwd (the latter depending on how util-linux was compiled), but it has fairly strict filters controlling what users can put into these files. \n lpasswd , lchfn , lchsh and related utilities from libuser are not SUID-root. \n userhelper (in the usermode package) and chfn (in the util-linux package) have all three qualifications: libuser -based, SUID-root, and lack of filters. \n \n This is why userhelper and chfn are plausible targets for exploitation, and other programs such as passwd and chsh are not. \n How can these vulnerabilities be addressed? \n System administrators can apply updates from your operating system vendor. Details of affected Red Hat products and security advisories are available on the knowledge base article on the Red Hat Customer Portal. This security update will change libuser to apply additional checks to the values written to the user and group files (so that injecting newlines is no longer possible), and replaces the locking and file update code to follow the same procedures as the rest of the system. The first change is sufficient to prevent newline injection with userhelper as well, which means that only libuser needs to be updated. If software updates are not available or cannot be applied, it is possible to block access to the vulnerable functionality with a PAM configuration change. System administrators can edit the files /etc/pam.d/chfn and /etc/pam.d/chsh and block access to non-root users by using pam_warn (for logging) and pam_deny : \n #%PAM-1.0\nauth sufficient\nauth required\nauth required\nauth include system-auth\naccount include system-auth\npassword include system-auth\nsession include system-auth\n \n This will prevent users from changing their login shells and their GECOS field. userhelper identifies itself to PAM as “ chfn ”, which means this change is effective for this program as well. \n Acknowledgements \n Red Hat would like to thank Qualys for reporting these vulnerabilities. \n Update (2015-07-24): Clarified that chfn is affected as well and linked to Qualys security advisory. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p><em><strong>Updated 2015-07-24 @ 12:33 UTC</strong></em></p>\n<p>It was discovered that the <code>libuser</code> library contains two vulnerabilities which, in combination, allow unprivileged local users to gain root privileges. <code>libuser</code> is a library that provides read and write access to files like <code>/etc/passwd</code>, which constitute the system user and group database. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux it is a central system component.</p>\n<h2>What is being disclosed today?</h2>\n<p>Qualys reported two vulnerabilities:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\">CVE-2015-3245</a>: The <code>userhelper</code> program allows local users to add linefeeds in the middle of records to <code>/etc/passwd</code>, corrupting the file.</li>\n<li><a href=\"\">CVE-2015-3246</a>: <code>libuser</code> uses a non-standard way of updating <code>/etc/passwd</code> and related files. Its <a href=\"\">locking is incompatible with the rest of the system</a>, and the files are rewritten in place, which means that the system may observe incorrect data.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>It turns out that the CVE-2015-3246 vulnerability, by itself or in conjunction with CVE-2015-3245, can be exploited by an unprivileged local user to gain root privileges on an affected system. However, due to the way <code>libuser</code> works, only users who have accounts already listed in <code>/etc/passwd</code> can exploit this vulnerability, and the user needs to supply the account password as part of the attack. These requirements mean that exploitation by accounts listed only in LDAP (or some other NSS data source) or by system accounts without a valid password is not possible. Further analysis showed that the first vulnerability, CVE-2015-3245, is also due to a missing check in <code>libuser</code>. Qualys has disclosed full technical details in their security advisory <a href=\"\">posted to the oss-security mailing list</a>.</p>\n<h2>Which system components are affected by these vulnerabilities?</h2>\n<p><code>libuser</code> is a library, which means that in order to exploit it, a program which employs it must be used. Ideally, such a program has the following properties:</p>\n<ol>\n<li>It uses <code>libuser</code>.</li>\n<li>It is SUID-root.</li>\n<li>It allows putting almost arbitrary content into <code>/etc/passwd</code>.</li>\n</ol>\n<p>Without the third item, exploitation may still be possible, but it will be much more difficult. If the program is not SUID-root, a user will not have unlimited attempts to exploit the race condition. A survey of programs processing <code>/etc/passwd</code> and related files presents this picture:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><code><strong>passwd</strong></code> is SUID-root, but it uses PAM to change the password, which has custom code to modify <code>/etc/passwd</code> not affected by the race condition. The account locking functionality in <code>passwd</code> does use <code>libuser</code>, but it is restricted to <code>root</code>.</li>\n<li><code><strong>chsh</strong></code> from <code>util-linux</code> is SUID-root and uses <code>libuser</code> to change <code>/etc/passwd</code> (the latter depending on how <code>util-linux</code> was compiled), but it has fairly strict filters controlling what users can put into these files.</li>\n<li><code><strong>lpasswd</strong></code>, <code><strong>lchfn</strong></code>, <code><strong>lchsh</strong></code> and related utilities from <code>libuser</code> are not SUID-root.</li>\n<li><code><strong>userhelper</strong></code> (in the <code>usermode</code> package) and <code><strong>chfn</strong></code> (in the util-linux package) have all three qualifications: <code>libuser</code>-based, SUID-root, and lack of filters.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>This is why <code><strong>userhelper</strong></code> and <code><strong>chfn</strong></code> are plausible targets for exploitation, and other programs such as <code>passwd</code> and <code>chsh</code> are not.</p>\n<h2>How can these vulnerabilities be addressed?</h2>\n<p>System administrators can apply updates from your operating system vendor. Details of affected Red Hat products and security advisories are available on the <a href=\"\">knowledge base article</a> on the Red Hat Customer Portal. This security update will change <code>libuser</code> to apply additional checks to the values written to the user and group files (so that injecting newlines is no longer possible), and replaces the locking and file update code to follow the same procedures as the rest of the system. The first change is sufficient to prevent newline injection with <code>userhelper</code> as well, which means that only <code>libuser</code> needs to be updated. If software updates are not available or cannot be applied, it is possible to block access to the vulnerable functionality with a PAM configuration change. System administrators can edit the files <code>/etc/pam.d/chfn</code> and <code>/etc/pam.d/chsh</code> and block access to non-root users by using <code>pam_warn</code> (for logging) and <code>pam_deny</code>:</p>\n<pre>#%PAM-1.0\nauth sufficient\nauth required\nauth required\nauth include system-auth\naccount include system-auth\npassword include system-auth\nsession include system-auth\n</pre>\n<p>This will prevent users from changing their login shells and their GECOS field. <code>userhelper</code> identifies itself to PAM as “<code><strong>chfn</strong></code>”, which means this change is effective for this program as well.</p>\n<h2>Acknowledgements</h2>\n<p>Red Hat would like to thank Qualys for reporting these vulnerabilities.</p>\n<p><strong>Update</strong> (2015-07-24): Clarified that <code><strong>chfn</strong></code> is affected as well and linked to Qualys security advisory.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T18:00:56Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Smittix: Fedora 22: Fresh Install Script (Ongoing Development)'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Smittix: Fedora 22: Fresh Install Script (Ongoing Development)" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n I have had this script for a while, it’s just something I created for personal use because I always had different versions of Fedora in virtual instances. \n I wanted to put it out there so you can either make it better, say its crap or give me feedback on what you’d like to add. \n It’s a simple bash script and is free to modify and do what you want with. \n What exactly does it do? \n Firstly, it will install the fastest mirror plugin to make sure you’re obtaining software from the quickest repositories near to you. \n Then it goes on to install Satya’s ‘Fedy’ which I have written about in previous posts, RPM Fusion repositories and then updates & upgrades your system. \n After your system is updated it goes on to install popular applications in the following categories which I use daily \n \n Photography and Video editing suites \n Virtualisation tools \n Games \n Utilities \n Networking tools \n Multimedia Applications \n Spotify \n \n For a full list of software please see the script below. #! /bin/bash\n# This is Smittix's Setup Script -\n# I use this on new installations of Fedora any questions please ask\n\n# dnf Fastest Mirror Plugin\ndnf install -y yum-plugin-fastestmirror\n\n# Gnome Tweak Tool and a few customizations\ndnf install -y gnome-tweak-tool\ndnf install -y terminus-fonts\ndnf install -y elementary-icon-theme\ndnf install -y gnome-shell-theme*\n\n# Fedy\ndnf install -y curl\ncurl -o fedy-installer & & chmod +x fedy-installer & & ./fedy-installer\n\n#RPM Fusion Repos\ndnf localinstall -y --nogpgcheck$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm\n\n#Update the system\ndnf update -y dnf\ndnf update -y\n\n#Plymouth Themes\ndnf install -y plymouth-theme*\n\n#Photography Software\ndnf install -y gimp\ndnf install -y inkscape\ndnf install -y ufraw\ndnf install -y luminance-hdr\ndnf install -y darktable\n\n#Video Editing\ndnf install -y pitivi\ndnf install -y kdenlive\n\n#Virtualisation\ndnf install -y @virtualization\ndnf install -y libvirt\n\n#Utilities\ndnf install -y alsa-tools\ndnf install -y tomboy\ndnf install -y deja-dup\n\n#Games\ndnf install -y chromium-bsu\ndnf install -y frozen-bubble\ndnf install -y dosbox\n\n#Internet\ndnf install -y transmission\ndnf install -y thunderbird\ndnf install -y remmina\ndnf install -y remmina-plugins*\n\n#Multimedia\ndnf install -y vlc\ndnf install -y sound-juicer\ndnf in stall -y audacity\n\n#Nautilus Addons\ndnf install -y nautilus-actions\n\n#Youtube Downloader\ndnf install -y youtube-dl\n\n\n#Spotify Repo\ndnf-config-manager --add-repo=\n\n#Install Spotify\ndnf install -y spotify-client\n\n#Lets make the fonts look a little better\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface document-font-name 'Sans 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name 'Cantarell 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name 'Terminus 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-font 'Cantarell 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings hinting 'slight'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings antialiasing 'rgba'\n\n#Adding the date and seconds to the clock\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-date\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-seconds If you would like to add to the script please do so via github which can be found here. \n \n As you will see at the end of the script there are commented out gsettings commands, I have commented these out as they won’t run automatically. Any help with that would be great and very much appreciated! \n Download \n \n Run \n Once you have downloaded the script you will need to make it executable by doing chmod +x then run it with sh and voila! Everything in that script will be installed. \n I really hope this is useful to someone, I know it’s a quick and dirty script but it has definitely saved me time over the years. \n for any feedback either leave a comment or contact me over at smittix (AT) \n \n \n smittix \n \n Security researcher and penetration tester with a love of Linux especially Fedora. \n \n \n \n \n \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>I have had this script for a while, it’s just something I created for personal use because I always had different versions of Fedora in virtual instances.</p>\n<p>I wanted to put it out there so you can either make it better, say its crap or give me feedback on what you’d like to add.</p>\n<p>It’s a simple bash script and is free to modify and do what you want with.</p>\n<h2>What exactly does it do?</h2>\n<p>Firstly, it will install the fastest mirror plugin to make sure you’re obtaining software from the quickest repositories near to you.</p>\n<p>Then it goes on to install Satya’s ‘Fedy’ which I have written about in previous posts, RPM Fusion repositories and then updates &amp; upgrades your system.</p>\n<p>After your system is updated it goes on to install popular applications in the following categories which I use daily</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Photography and Video editing suites</li>\n<li>Virtualisation tools</li>\n<li>Games</li>\n<li>Utilities</li>\n<li>Networking tools</li>\n<li>Multimedia Applications</li>\n<li>Spotify</li>\n</ul>\n<p>For a full list of software please see the script below.</p><pre class=\"crayon-plain-tag\">#! /bin/bash\n# This is Smittix's Setup Script -\n# I use this on new installations of Fedora any questions please ask\n\n# dnf Fastest Mirror Plugin\ndnf install -y yum-plugin-fastestmirror\n\n# Gnome Tweak Tool and a few customizations\ndnf install -y gnome-tweak-tool\ndnf install -y terminus-fonts\ndnf install -y elementary-icon-theme\ndnf install -y gnome-shell-theme*\n\n# Fedy\ndnf install -y curl\ncurl -o fedy-installer &amp;&amp; chmod +x fedy-installer &amp;&amp; ./fedy-installer\n\n#RPM Fusion Repos\ndnf localinstall -y --nogpgcheck$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm\n\n#Update the system\ndnf update -y dnf\ndnf update -y\n\n#Plymouth Themes\ndnf install -y plymouth-theme*\n\n#Photography Software\ndnf install -y gimp\ndnf install -y inkscape\ndnf install -y ufraw\ndnf install -y luminance-hdr\ndnf install -y darktable\n\n#Video Editing\ndnf install -y pitivi\ndnf install -y kdenlive\n\n#Virtualisation\ndnf install -y @virtualization\ndnf install -y libvirt\n\n#Utilities\ndnf install -y alsa-tools\ndnf install -y tomboy\ndnf install -y deja-dup\n\n#Games\ndnf install -y chromium-bsu\ndnf install -y frozen-bubble\ndnf install -y dosbox\n\n#Internet\ndnf install -y transmission\ndnf install -y thunderbird\ndnf install -y remmina\ndnf install -y remmina-plugins*\n\n#Multimedia\ndnf install -y vlc\ndnf install -y sound-juicer\ndnf install -y audacity\n\n#Nautilus Addons\ndnf install -y nautilus-actions\n\n#Youtube Downloader\ndnf install -y youtube-dl\n\n\n#Spotify Repo\ndnf-config-manager --add-repo=\n\n#Install Spotify\ndnf install -y spotify-client\n\n#Lets make the fonts look a little better\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface document-font-name 'Sans 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name 'Cantarell 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface monospace-font-name 'Terminus 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-font 'Cantarell 10'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings hinting 'slight'\n#gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings antialiasing 'rgba'\n\n#Adding the date and seconds to the clock\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-date\n#gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface clock-show-seconds</pre><p>If you would like to add to the script please do so via <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">github</a> which can be found here.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>As you will see at the end of the script there are commented out gsettings commands, I have commented these out as they won’t run automatically. Any help with that would be great and very much appreciated!</p>\n<h2>Download</h2>\n<p></p>\n<h2>Run</h2>\n<p>Once you have downloaded the script you will need to make it executable by doing</p><pre class=\"crayon-plain-tag\">chmod +x</pre><p>then run it with</p><pre class=\"crayon-plain-tag\">sh</pre><p>and voila! Everything in that script will be installed.</p>\n<p>I really hope this is useful to someone, I know it’s a quick and dirty script but it has definitely saved me time over the years.</p>\n<p><strong>for any feedback either leave a comment or contact me over at smittix (AT)</strong>\n</p><div class=\"saboxplugin-wrap\">\n<div class=\"saboxplugin-gravatar\"><img src=\";r=g\" alt=\"\" height=\"100\" class=\"avatar avatar-100 photo\" width=\"100\"/></div>\n<div class=\"saboxplugin-authorname\"><a href=\"\">smittix</a></div>\n<div class=\"saboxplugin-desc\">\n<div class=\"vcard author\"><span class=\"fn\">Security researcher and penetration tester with a love of Linux especially Fedora.</span></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"saboxplugin-web \"><a href=\"\" target=\"_self\"></a></div>\n<div class=\"clearfix\"/>\n<div class=\"saboxplugin-socials \"><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"saboxplugin-icon-grey saboxplugin-icon-googleplus\"/></a><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"saboxplugin-icon-grey saboxplugin-icon-twitter\"/></a></div>\n</div>\n<p><a href=\";id=427&amp;md5=9e92ff2d9b414e72221920c8a11ebccf\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"Flattr this!\"/></a></p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T19:04:55Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Xenode Blogger: Cómo instalar VirtualBox en Fedora Linux'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Xenode Blogger: Cómo instalar VirtualBox en Fedora Linux" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Virtualbox es un gestor de máquinas virtuales (hypervisor) que nos permitirá correr otros sistemas operativos dentro de nuestro Fedora Linux . Acá el tutorial de cómo instalar VirtualBox 5.0 en tu Fedora 21 y/o Fedora 22  sin problemas. Como lo haremos desde el repositorio oficial de Oracle , ésta versión se actualizará por si sola; Para instalarlo entonces, correremos en terminal: NOTA: Si tienes VirtualBox-4.3 instalado en tu sistema, recuerda eliminarlo previamente con el comando: dnf -y remove VirtualBox-4.3 & & dnf clean all & & dnf makecache $ su - # dnf -y update # dnf install -y kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms gcc # dnf -y install kernel-PAE-devel (Sólo Si tienes Kernel PAE) # wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repo # dnf -y install VirtualBox-5.0 # /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup # usermod -G vboxusers -a username (Reemplazando username por nuestro nombre de usuario en el último comando) Y con ésto tendremos Oracle   Virtualbox instalado en la PC. Ahora tenemos que descargar el Extension Pack  para asegurar el óptimo funcionamiento y compatibilidad de las máquinas virtuales, (controladores de mejor calidad, carpetas compartidas, dispositivos USB y otras cosas); Dicho pack lo podemos obtener desde acá , y se instala como describimos en este otro post . Una vez instalado el extension pack, reiniciamos el equipo y luego estaremos listos para usar Vritualbox en nuestro sistema Fedora Linux . El contenido publicado en el Blog Xenode Está bajo una licencia CC-BY-NC-SA ; No olvides seguirnos en Facebook , Twitter , Google+ y Youtube , ¡Te esperamos! \n \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"><img src=\"\" height=\"147\" border=\"0\" width=\"320\"/></a></div><br/><b>Virtualbox</b> es un gestor de máquinas virtuales (hypervisor) que nos permitirá correr otros sistemas operativos dentro de nuestro <b>Fedora Linux</b>. Acá el tutorial de cómo instalar <b>VirtualBox 5.0</b> en tu <b>Fedora 21 </b>y/o<b> Fedora 22</b> sin problemas. Como lo haremos desde el repositorio oficial de <b>Oracle</b>, ésta versión se actualizará por si sola; Para instalarlo entonces, correremos en terminal:<br/><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> Si tienes <b>VirtualBox-4.3</b> instalado en tu sistema, recuerda eliminarlo previamente con el comando:</i><br/><br/><code>dnf -y remove <b>VirtualBox-4.3</b> &amp;&amp; dnf clean all &amp;&amp; dnf makecache</code><br/><br/><code>$ su -</code><br/><code># dnf -y update</code><br/><code># dnf install -y kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms gcc</code><br/><code># dnf -y install kernel-PAE-devel (Sólo Si tienes Kernel PAE)</code><br/><code># wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/virtualbox.repo</code><br/><code># dnf -y install <b>VirtualBox-5.0</b></code><br/><code># /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup</code><br/><code># usermod -G vboxusers -a <b>username</b></code><br/><br/>(Reemplazando <b>username</b> por nuestro nombre de usuario en el último comando)<br/><br/>Y con ésto tendremos <b>Oracle</b> <b>Virtualbox</b> instalado en la PC. Ahora tenemos que descargar el <b>Extension Pack</b> para asegurar el óptimo funcionamiento y compatibilidad de las máquinas virtuales, (controladores de mejor calidad, carpetas compartidas, dispositivos USB y otras cosas); Dicho pack lo podemos obtener <a style=\"font-weight: bold;\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">desde acá</a>, y se instala como describimos en <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>este otro post</b></a>. Una vez instalado el extension pack, reiniciamos el equipo y luego estaremos listos para usar <b>Vritualbox </b>en nuestro sistema <b>Fedora Linux</b>.<div class=\"blogger-post-footer\"><br/>El contenido publicado en el <a href=\"\">Blog Xenode</a> Está bajo una licencia <a href=\"\">CC-BY-NC-SA</a>; No olvides seguirnos en <a href=\"\">Facebook</a>, <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>, <a href=\"\">Google+</a> y <a href=\"\">Youtube</a>, ¡Te esperamos!</div><div class=\"feedflare\">\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a>\n</div><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T19:24:49Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Susan Lauber: A non-coder CAN contribute to open source'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Susan Lauber: A non-coder CAN contribute to open source" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\nI am a Fedora Ambassador. I am Linux instructor. I am an advocate for Open Source initiatives be it project management, government, code, or anything else. It drives me bonkers when someone says they are not involved with an opensource community because they \"don't code\". I attended Open Source Day at the Grace Hopper celebration several years in a row. Over and over I asked if someone was going to stop by the event and was told \"No, I don't code\". Over and over I tried to explain the many other ways of contributing to opensource projects. Thankfully the past few years have brought much more awareness in this realm. More and more projects have a community advocate. Conferences like OSCON promote community building, documentation workshops, and how to let people know how they can contribute. Conferences like \"All Things Open\" promote the idea that not all opensource is about code. Non programmers can write docs. They can design logos. They can help with user interface design. They can test fixes or new features. They can triage bugs by verifying that the submitted report can be recreated and adding additional details, logs, or config files. Larger projects need some infrastructure support that is more administration and security compliance than Java programmer. Many people who consider themselves non-programmers do have some pretty good scripting skills and can assist with packaging for distributions. Meanwhile many (not all) programs to enhance diversity in opensource projects (a much needed enhancement for many projects) appear to focus on the coding side of things. Girls who code, pyLadies, OutReachy , and even Google's Summer of Code. Some are more in name than content. For example I know of at least one summer of code project that was more about documentation and packaging than programming. OpenHatch on campus programs are focused on programming contributions but their database of projects looking for assistance also includes a category of bugs labels as documentation. Additionally - and much worse - calls for more contributions that end in hashtags like #programmer or look for \"non-technical\" people to write docs and test code, just further alienate non-programmer contributors. I may not feel like a \"coder\", but I am definitely \"technical\" and I can and do contribute to open source projects. I wonder how those that complain \"we have too many users and not enough contributors\" count those contributions? Is is purely with the committer logs to the code source? Do they count contributions to documentation? Or infrastructure trac systems? What about (valid) bug reports? The person that tests fixes, new features, or early release code AND provides feedback in crucial to a project. Are they a user or a contributor? What about the person who helps out other users on a mailing list or in a chat room only a user or are they also a contributor? Do the project developers really want to provide all the support and bug triaging in addition to writing the code and test suites? What is the distinction between committer and contributor? Does it matter? Should it matter? The nature of open source is that anyone can use it without contributing back. Contributions may be the currency of open source (another OSCON quote), and suggestions, requests, and word of mouth advertising  may only be worth pennies, but they are contributions and just as important to a project as the trackable technical contributions. Once you catch and real in the interested technical contributor that can help out so much with non-programming tasks, what is to say they won't learn some programming along the way and even create a patch or even a new feature for your project in the future! Meanwhile they are doing other valuable work so programmers can code. There were two talks at OSCON this year that I missed but by their descriptions address some related concerns: First Impressions (the value of the \"noob\") \"You code like a sysadmin\" - Impostor Syndrome for the modern developer -SML " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\nI am a Fedora Ambassador. I am Linux instructor. I am an advocate for Open Source initiatives be it project management, government, code, or anything else. It drives me bonkers when someone says they are not involved with an opensource community because they \"don't code\".<br/><br/>I attended Open Source Day at the Grace Hopper celebration several years in a row. Over and over I asked if someone was going to stop by the event and was told \"No, I don't code\". Over and over I tried to explain the many other ways of contributing to opensource projects.<br/><br/>Thankfully the past few years have brought much more awareness in this realm. More and more projects have a community advocate. Conferences like OSCON promote community building, documentation workshops, and how to let people know how they can contribute. Conferences like \"All Things Open\" promote the idea that not all opensource is about code.<br/><br/>Non programmers can write docs. They can design logos. They can help with user interface design. They can test fixes or new features. They can triage bugs by verifying that the submitted report can be recreated and adding additional details, logs, or config files. Larger projects need some infrastructure support that is more administration and security compliance than Java programmer. Many people who consider themselves non-programmers do have some pretty good scripting skills and can assist with packaging for distributions.<br/><div><br/></div><div><div>Meanwhile many (not all) programs to enhance diversity in opensource projects (a much needed enhancement for many projects) appear to focus on the coding side of things. Girls who code, pyLadies, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OutReachy</a>, and even Google's Summer of Code. Some are more in name than content. For example I know of at least one summer of code project that was more about documentation and packaging than programming. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">OpenHatch</a> on campus programs are focused on programming contributions but their database of projects looking for assistance also includes a category of bugs labels as documentation.</div><div><br/></div><div>Additionally - and much worse - calls for more contributions that end in hashtags like #programmer or look for \"non-technical\" people to write docs and test code, just further alienate non-programmer contributors. I may not feel like a \"coder\", but I am definitely \"technical\" and I can and do contribute to open source projects.</div><div><br/></div><div>I wonder how those that complain \"we have too many users and not enough contributors\" count those contributions?</div><div><ul><li>Is is purely with the committer logs to the code source?</li><li>Do they count contributions to documentation? Or infrastructure trac systems?</li><li>What about (valid) bug reports?</li><li>The person that tests fixes, new features, or early release code AND provides feedback in crucial to a project. Are they a user or a contributor?</li><li>What about the person who helps out other users on a mailing list or in a chat room only a user or are they also a contributor?</li><li>Do the project developers really want to provide all the support and bug triaging in addition to writing the code and test suites?</li></ul></div></div><div><div>What is the distinction between committer and contributor? Does it matter? Should it matter? The nature of open source is that anyone can use it without contributing back. Contributions may be the currency of open source (another OSCON quote), and suggestions, requests, and word of mouth advertising  may only be worth pennies, but they are contributions and just as important to a project as the trackable technical contributions. Once you catch and real in the interested technical contributor that can help out so much with non-programming tasks, what is to say they won't learn some programming along the way and even create a patch or even a new feature for your project in the future! Meanwhile they are doing other valuable work so programmers can code.</div></div><div><br/></div><div><div>There were two talks at OSCON this year that I missed but by their descriptions address some related concerns:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">First Impressions (the value of the \"noob\")</a></div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\"You code like a sysadmin\" - Impostor Syndrome for the modern developer</a></div><div><br/></div></div><div>-SML</div></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-23T22:50:00Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Xenode Blogger: ¿Qué hacer después de instalar Fedora 22? (Workstation/Server)'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Xenode Blogger: ¿Qué hacer después de instalar Fedora 22? (Workstation/Server)" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Guía de Post-Instalación ( Workstation & Server ) $ = usuario normal # = usuario root Workstation Primero abriremos una terminal y cambiamos a modo root con el siguiente comando en la consola: $ su - Ahora sí, comencemos con la guía... Optimizar DNF # dnf -y install yumex dnf-plugins-core Actualizar tu Sistema # dnf -y update Repositorios Extra (Necesarios) Añadiendo éstos repositorios a tu sistema, podrás encontrar prácticamente cualquier paquete de software (programa) sin problemas. Sólo tienes que recordar que algunos de éstos repositorios contienen paquetes que  no se consideran 100% software libre . Sin embargo, en muchos casos necesitarás uno o dos paquetes que vengan de estos repositorios para hacer funcionar ciertas aplicaciones. RPM Fusion (Free & Non-Free) # dnf install --nogpgcheck # dnf -y update KDE RedHat (Sólo usuarios de KDE) # dnf -y install wget & & wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/kde.repo Drivers Gráficos Libres (NVIDIA ATI, INTEL) Éstos son los drivers gráficos que deberías usar sin importar tu GPU si estás en Fedora Linux. En el post que enlazamos abajo, explicamos cómo sacar el máximo partido a tu hardware usando dichos drivers sin necesidad de recurrir a los drivers propietarios de los fabricantes. Mejorar rendimiento de drivers gráficos libres (MESA) en Fedora Linux Drivers Gráficos Propietarios Úsalos solo si NO  notas un buen rendimiento gráfico con los drivers libres aún después de seguir las instrucciones especificadas en el paso de arriba (y reiniciar) o bien, si vas a hacer  gaming pesado  en tu máquina. NOTA: Si cuentas con gráficos AMD/ATI la verdad no vale la pena utilizar los drivers propietarios (a menos que tengas una muy buena razón como la minería de criptodivisas o algo así) ya que los libres funcionan muchísimo mejor en todos los casos de uso comunes, desde videos, pasando por gaming y hasta rendering (entre otras cosas). Cómo instalar drivers gráficos propietarios NVIDIA en Fedora 22 Cómo instalar drivers gráficos propietarios AMD/ATI en Fedora 22 Cómo instalar \"drivers gráficos propietarios\" INTEL en Fedora 22   Códecs y Aplicaciones Los códecs son escenciales para poder reproducir diferentes archivos de audio/video en tu sistema independientemente del formato. Instálate un buen códec pack con el siguiente comando en consola: # dnf -y install gstreamer1-libav gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg xine-lib-extras xine-lib-extras-freeworld k3b-extras-freeworld gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer-plugins-bad-nonfree gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg mencoder Como en todo Sistema Operativo, en Fedora necesitas aplicaciones para poder trabajar en tu computadora con diferentes archivos y bajo diferentes circunstancias/situaciones. Aquí una lista detallada de apps que no pueden faltar en tu sistema Fedora Linux según categoría: Diseño/Edición # dnf -y install gimp scribus inkscape blender audacity-freeworld calligra-krita shutter pencil En esta categoría otras apps importantes son el gestor de fotografías y editor rápido. GNOME tiene a Shotwell mientras que KDE tiene a DigiKam/ShowFoto . Edición de Vídeo Cómo instalar Lightworks video editor en Fedora Linux Multimedia (Audio/Vídeo) # dnf -y install vlc clementine soundconverter mediainfo Rip & Burn # dnf -y install k3b sound-juicer kid3 Administración del sistema # dnf -y install gparted nano wget curl smartmontools htop inxi bleachbit firewall-config beesu pysdm Mensajería y Comunicación # dnf -y install pidgin xchat E-mail # dnf -y install thunderbird Compresión/Decompresión # dnf -y install unrar unzip zip p7zip p7zip-plugins Impresoras/Escáneres # dnf -y install python-qt4 hplip hplip-gui libsane-hpaio simple-scan Internet # dnf -y install firefox epiphany uget gigolo Juegos # dnf -y install steam Wine # dnf -y install wine cabextract # wget -O /usr/local/bin/winetricks & & chmod +x /usr/local/bin/winetricks Java # dnf -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel icedtea-web Otros # dnf -y install screenfetch rfkill lsb Utilidades GNOME # dnf -y install cheese gnome-shell-extension-common dconf-editor gnome-tweak-tool gtk-murrine-engine* libreoffice-langpack-es Utilidades KDE # dnf -y install kamoso digikam kde-i18n-Spanish kde-l10n-es Software básico de compilación Necesitarás instalar éstos paquetes si piensas  compilar  algo dentro de tu Fedora Linux (nunca está demás, siempre te puedes topar con software del que únicamente tengas un  tarball  por ejemplo); Es definitivamente recomendable instalarlos. # dnf -y install kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms # dnf -y install kernel-PAE-devel (Sólo Si tienes Kernel PAE) # dnf groupinstall \"Development Tools\" & &  dnf groupinstall \"Development Libraries\" Y con esto termina la parte de códecs y aplicaciones ... Aquí también puedes aprovechar para personalizar un poco la selección de apps en tu sistema, yo personalmente elimino todo lo referente a evolution y rhythmbox (con mucho cuidado de no cargarme el sistema con las dependencias ) ya que reemplazo estas 2 apps con thunderbird y clementine respectivamente. Seguridad Si tienes tu máquina Linux en red junto a máquinas Windows/Mac siempre es bueno tener a la mano un buen anti-rootkit y antivirus (por protección de los demás), ya que aunque linux es prácticamente invulnerable a las amenazas de malware comunes , los otros sistemas no: Protección anti-malware en Linux (5 tips básicos) Otras Apps NOTA: Las apps que se descarguen como paquetes rpm en este apartado se instalan con el comando dnf -y install ruta/al/paquete.rpm Esto instalará las dependencias por nosotros y después el paquete descargado como es de esperarse. LibreOffice (Si usas KDE) # dnf -y install libreoffice libreoffice-kde libreoffice-langpack-es & & dnf -y remove calligra* Google Chrome Muy importante ya que es la única manera oficial de poder disfrutar de  Flash Player y Netflix en sistemas Linux como Fedora: Descarga RPM - Skype Descarga RPM - Spotify Instalar Spotify Linux en Fedora 21 y 22 Atom Editor Fedora es un sistema operativo mayormente enfocado para programadores e ingenieros, así que asumí que incluir ésta aplicación aquí no estaría demás: Instalar Atom Editor en Fedora 21 y 22  Electrum Bitcoin Wallet En el mundo de hoy nunca está demás tener una cartera bitcoin a la mano: #QuickTip: Install Electrum Bitcoin Wallet on Fedora Linux PlayOnLinux Instalar PlayOnLinux en Fedora 21 y 22 VirtualBox Instalar VirtualBox en Fedora Linux Extras Mejorar el rendimiento de Google Chrome (y derivados) 7+ tips para mejorar el rendimiento de tu GNU/Linux ¿Tarjeta inalámbrica Broadcom? ¡Pasa por acá! Solucionar error \"OpenGL GLX context\" Steam SSD en Linux: 10+ Tips & Tweaks Mejorar el renderizado de tipografías en Fedora Linux Y pues bueno, aquí termina la parte de post-install para la edición  Workstation . Espero como con cada lanzamiento esta guía sea su referencia de elección tras instalar Fedora Linux y pues cualquier cosa no duden en dejarnos un comentario abajo. Si esta guía te fue de ayuda, apóyanos con un tweet :  Tweet < script > !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); < /script > Server DNF y utilidades # dnf -y install nano wget curl dnf-plugins-core smartmontools htop inxi mc Actualiza tu sistema # dnf -y update Configurar firewall NOTA: Si por alguna razón quisieras usar iptables en lugar de firewalld puedes seguir estas instrucciones en lugar de los pasos descritos a continuación. Primero necesitamos obtener la(s) zona(s) activas : # firewall-cmd --get-active-zones Este comando nos devolverá el nombre de la(s) zona(s) activa(s) (ej. public ) y las interfaces de red que están ligadas a ella(s) como podrían ser eth0 , p16p1 , wlan0 etc. Es recomendable también listar los puertos y servicios permitidos en la(s) zona(s) activas para hacer personalizaciones, esto se hace con: # firewall-cmd --zone= myzone --list-all Obviamente usando el nombre de la zona indicada en lugar de myzone . Luego para abrir y cerrar puertos podemos usar: # firewall-cmd --zone= myzone --add-port= xxxx / tcp  --permanent # firewall-cmd --zone= myzone --remove-port= xxxx / udp  --permanent Respectivamente, cambiando myzone por la zona indicada,  xxxx por el número de puerto deseado y especificando el protocolo ( tcp / udp ) según corresponda. Si quisiéramos remover algunos de los servicios que vengan activados por defecto (por ejemplo el servicio de SSH si cambiamos el puerto 22 por otro para nuestro acceso y no requerimos ya tener el 22 abierto), tenemos que ejecutar: firewall-cmd --zone= myzone --remove-service= myservice --permanent Cambiando myzone por la zona indicada según nuestro caso y myservice por el servicio que queramos desactivar. Al finalizar tus cambios en el firewall deberás ejecutar: service firewalld restart para verlos aplicados. Activar rc.local Activar /etc/rc.local en Fedora Linux Habilitar tuned # dnf -y install tuned # setenforce 0 # tuned-adm list # tuned-adm profile perfil-deseado # setenforce 1 Después añadimos a nuestro rc.local: # Tuned setenforce 0 service tuned start setenforce 1 Esto se hace con el comando: # nano /etc/rc.d/rc.local Asumiendo que ya hayas activado el rc.local previamente. Kernel VM Tunings Kernel VM tunnings para mejorar rendimiento en Linux Habilitar Zswap Haz tu Linux más rápido con Zswap Instalar Entorno Gráfico NOTA: Hacerlo sólo si tienes una muy buena razón para ello. Cómo instalar un entorno gráfico en Fedora Server Protección Anti-Malware En un servidor esto es cosa de sí o sí . Recuerda que en el caso de ClamAV (citado en el artículo a continuación) es recomendable establecer un cronjob como root para el análisis y limpieza de archivos infectados en directorios relevantes (por ejemplo el directorio de subidas públicas en un servidor web): Protección anti-malware en Linux (5+ tips básicos) Configurar Google DNS Si no lo hiciste al instalar tu sistema y configurar tu red vale la pena hacerlo: Google Public DNS Ksplice: Rebootless Updates Ksplice: Actualizaciones de seguridad rebootless para Linux Aprende a usar SELinux TUTORIAL: ¿Cómo c*rajo se usa SELinux? Extras 7+ tips para mejorar el rendimiento de tu GNU/Linux Cómo configurar una IP virtual en Linux SSD en Linux: 10+ Tips & Tweaks Y pues bueno, aquí termina la parte de post-install para la edición  Server . Espero que al igual que en el caso de la edición para estaciones de trabajo, esta guía se convierta en su referencia de elección tras instalar  Fedora  y pues cualquier cosa no duden en dejarnos un comentario abajo. Si esta guía te fue de ayuda, apóyanos  con un tweet :  Tweet < script > !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); < /script > El contenido publicado en el Blog Xenode Está bajo una licencia CC-BY-NC-SA ; No olvides seguirnos en Facebook , Twitter , Google+ y Youtube , ¡Te esperamos! \n \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"288\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><br/><div style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"font-size: large;\"><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\"><b><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">Guía de Post-Instalación </span><br/><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">(</span><span style=\"color: #6aa84f;\">Workstation</span><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\"> &amp; </span><span style=\"color: #f1c232;\">Server</span><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">)</span></b></span></span></div><br/><div style=\"text-align: center;\"><div style=\"text-align: left;\"/><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><code><b>$</b> = usuario normal</code></div></div><div style=\"text-align: center;\"><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><code><b>#</b> = usuario root</code></div><div style=\"text-align: left;\"/></div><span style=\"color: #6aa84f; font-size: x-large;\"><b><br/></b></span><span style=\"color: #6aa84f; font-size: x-large;\"><b>Workstation</b></span><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"202\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><br/>Primero abriremos una terminal y cambiamos a <b>modo root</b> con el siguiente comando en la consola:<br/><br/><code>$ su -</code><br/><br/>Ahora sí, comencemos con la guía...<br/><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"222\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Optimizar DNF</span><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install yumex dnf-plugins-core</code><br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Actualizar tu Sistema</span><br/><br/><code># dnf -y update</code><br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Repositorios Extra (Necesarios)</span><br/><br/>Añadiendo éstos repositorios a tu sistema, podrás encontrar prácticamente <b>cualquier paquete de software</b> (programa) sin problemas. Sólo tienes que recordar que algunos de éstos repositorios contienen paquetes que <b>no se consideran 100% software libre</b>. Sin embargo, en muchos casos necesitarás uno o dos paquetes que vengan de estos repositorios para hacer funcionar ciertas aplicaciones.<br/><br/><b>RPM Fusion (Free &amp; Non-Free)</b><br/><br/><pre># dnf install --nogpgcheck<br/><br/></pre><code># dnf -y update</code><br/><br/><b>KDE RedHat (Sólo usuarios de KDE)</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install wget &amp;&amp; wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/kde.repo</code><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"205\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Drivers Gráficos Libres (NVIDIA ATI, INTEL)</span><br/><br/>Éstos son los drivers gráficos que deberías usar sin importar tu GPU si estás en Fedora Linux. En el post que enlazamos abajo, explicamos cómo sacar el máximo partido a tu hardware usando dichos drivers <b>sin necesidad</b> de recurrir a los drivers propietarios de los fabricantes.<br/><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mejorar rendimiento de drivers gráficos libres (MESA) en Fedora Linux</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Drivers Gráficos Propietarios</span><br/><br/>Úsalos solo si <b>NO</b> notas un buen rendimiento gráfico con los <b>drivers libres</b> aún después de seguir las instrucciones especificadas en el paso de arriba (y reiniciar) o bien, si vas a hacer <b>gaming pesado</b> en tu máquina.<br/><br/><i><b>NOTA: </b>Si cuentas con gráficos <b>AMD/ATI </b>la verdad no vale la pena utilizar los drivers propietarios (a menos que tengas una muy buena razón como la minería de criptodivisas o algo así) ya que los libres funcionan muchísimo mejor en todos los casos de uso comunes, desde videos, pasando por gaming y hasta rendering (entre otras cosas).</i><br/><i><br/></i><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><ul><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cómo instalar drivers gráficos propietarios NVIDIA en Fedora 22</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cómo instalar drivers gráficos propietarios AMD/ATI en Fedora 22</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cómo instalar \"drivers gráficos propietarios\" INTEL en Fedora 22</a></b></li></ul></blockquote> <span style=\"font-size: x-large;\"><br/></span><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Códecs y Aplicaciones</span><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><br/></div><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"236\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/>Los <b>códecs</b> son escenciales para poder reproducir diferentes archivos de audio/video en tu sistema independientemente del formato. Instálate un buen códec pack con el siguiente comando en consola:<br/><br/><pre># dnf -y install gstreamer1-libav gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg xine-lib-extras xine-lib-extras-freeworld k3b-extras-freeworld gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer-plugins-bad-nonfree gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg mencoder</pre><br/>Como en todo Sistema Operativo, en Fedora necesitas <b>aplicaciones</b> para poder trabajar en tu computadora con diferentes archivos y bajo diferentes circunstancias/situaciones. Aquí una lista detallada de apps que no pueden faltar en tu sistema <b>Fedora Linux</b> según categoría:<br/><br/><b>Diseño/Edición</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install gimp scribus inkscape blender audacity-freeworld calligra-krita shutter pencil</code><br/><br/>En esta categoría otras apps importantes son el gestor de fotografías y editor rápido. GNOME tiene a <b>Shotwell</b> mientras que KDE tiene a <b>DigiKam/ShowFoto</b>.<br/><br/><b>Edición de Vídeo</b><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Cómo instalar Lightworks video editor en Fedora Linux</b></a></blockquote><b>Multimedia (Audio/Vídeo)</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install vlc clementine soundconverter mediainfo </code><br/><br/><b>Rip &amp; Burn</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install k3b sound-juicer kid3</code><br/><br/><b>Administración del sistema</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install gparted nano wget curl smartmontools htop inxi bleachbit firewall-config beesu pysdm</code><br/><br/><b>Mensajería y Comunicación</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install pidgin xchat</code><br/><br/><b>E-mail</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install thunderbird</code><br/><br/><b>Compresión/Decompresión</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install unrar unzip zip p7zip p7zip-plugins</code><br/><br/><b>Impresoras/Escáneres</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install python-qt4 hplip hplip-gui libsane-hpaio simple-scan</code><br/><br/><b>Internet</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install firefox epiphany uget gigolo</code><br/><br/><b>Juegos</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install steam</code><br/><br/><b>Wine</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install wine cabextract</code><br/><code># wget -O /usr/local/bin/winetricks &amp;&amp; chmod +x /usr/local/bin/winetricks</code><br/><br/><b>Java</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel icedtea-web</code><br/><br/><b>Otros</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install screenfetch rfkill lsb</code><br/><br/><b>Utilidades GNOME</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install cheese gnome-shell-extension-common dconf-editor gnome-tweak-tool gtk-murrine-engine* libreoffice-langpack-es</code><br/><br/><b>Utilidades KDE</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install kamoso digikam kde-i18n-Spanish kde-l10n-es</code><br/><br/><b>Software básico de compilación</b><br/><br/>Necesitarás instalar éstos paquetes si piensas <b>compilar</b> algo dentro de tu Fedora Linux (nunca está demás, siempre te puedes topar con software del que únicamente tengas un <b>tarball</b> por ejemplo); Es definitivamente recomendable instalarlos.<br/><br/><code># dnf -y install kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms</code><br/><code># dnf -y install kernel-PAE-devel (Sólo Si tienes Kernel PAE)</code><br/><code># dnf groupinstall \"Development Tools\" &amp;&amp; dnf groupinstall \"Development Libraries\"</code><br/><br/>Y con esto termina la parte de <b>códecs y aplicaciones</b>... Aquí también puedes aprovechar para personalizar un poco la selección de apps en tu sistema, yo personalmente elimino todo lo referente a <b>evolution</b> y <b>rhythmbox</b> (con mucho cuidado de no cargarme el sistema <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">con las dependencias</a></b>) ya que reemplazo estas 2 apps con <b>thunderbird</b> y <b>clementine</b> respectivamente.<br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Seguridad</span><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"207\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/>Si tienes tu máquina <b>Linux</b> en red junto a máquinas<b> Windows/Mac</b> siempre es bueno tener a la mano un buen anti-rootkit y antivirus (por protección de los demás), ya que aunque linux es prácticamente invulnerable a las amenazas de malware <b>comunes</b>, los otros sistemas no:<br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Protección anti-malware en Linux (5 tips básicos)</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Otras Apps</span><br/><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"225\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> Las apps que se descarguen como paquetes rpm en este apartado se instalan con el comando </i><br/><i><br/></i><code><i>dnf -y install ruta/al/paquete.rpm</i></code><br/><i><br/></i><i>Esto instalará las dependencias por nosotros y después el paquete descargado como es de esperarse.</i><br/><br/><b>LibreOffice (Si usas KDE)</b><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install libreoffice libreoffice-kde libreoffice-langpack-es &amp;&amp; dnf -y remove calligra*</code><br/><br/><b>Google Chrome</b><br/><br/>Muy importante ya que es la <b>única manera oficial</b> de poder disfrutar de <b>Flash Player </b>y <b>Netflix</b> en sistemas Linux como Fedora:<br/><br/>Descarga RPM - <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></b><br/><br/><b>Skype</b><br/><br/>Descarga RPM -<b> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></b><br/><br/><b>Spotify</b><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Instalar Spotify Linux en Fedora 21 y 22</a></b></blockquote><b>Atom Editor</b><br/><br/>Fedora es un sistema operativo mayormente enfocado para programadores e ingenieros, así que asumí que incluir ésta aplicación aquí no estaría demás:<br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Instalar Atom Editor en Fedora 21 y 22 </a></b></blockquote><b>Electrum Bitcoin Wallet</b><br/><br/>En el mundo de hoy nunca está demás tener una cartera <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">bitcoin</a></b> a la mano:<br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">#QuickTip: Install Electrum Bitcoin Wallet on Fedora Linux</a></b></blockquote><b>PlayOnLinux</b><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Instalar PlayOnLinux en Fedora 21 y 22</a></b></blockquote><b>VirtualBox</b><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Instalar VirtualBox en Fedora Linux</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Extras</span><br/><i><br/></i><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"210\" border=\"0\" width=\"400\"/></a></div><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><ul><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mejorar el rendimiento de Google Chrome (y derivados)</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">7+ tips para mejorar el rendimiento de tu GNU/Linux</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">¿Tarjeta inalámbrica Broadcom? ¡Pasa por acá!</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Solucionar error \"OpenGL GLX context\" Steam</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SSD en Linux: 10+ Tips &amp; Tweaks</a></b></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Mejorar el renderizado de tipografías en Fedora Linux</a></b></li></ul></blockquote><div>Y pues bueno, aquí termina la parte de post-install para la edición <b><span style=\"color: #6aa84f;\">Workstation</span></b>. Espero como con cada lanzamiento esta guía sea su referencia de elección tras instalar <b>Fedora Linux</b> y pues cualquier cosa no duden en dejarnos un comentario abajo.<br/><br/><div style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Si esta guía te fue de ayuda, apóyanos <b><i><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">con un tweet</span></i></b>: </span><br/><br/><a href=\"\" class=\"twitter-share-button\">Tweet</a>&lt;script&gt;!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');&lt;/script&gt;<br/><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><br/></div><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><b><span style=\"color: #f1c232; font-size: x-large;\">Server</span></b></div><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><br/><div style=\"clear: both; text-align: center;\" class=\"separator\"><a style=\"margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;\" href=\"\"><img src=\"\" height=\"228\" border=\"0\" width=\"640\"/></a></div><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">DNF y utilidades</span><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install nano wget curl dnf-plugins-core smartmontools htop inxi mc</code><br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Actualiza tu sistema</span><br/><br/><code># dnf -y update</code><br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Configurar firewall</span></div><div style=\"text-align: left;\"><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> Si por alguna razón quisieras usar <b>iptables</b> en lugar de <b>firewalld</b> puedes seguir <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">estas instrucciones</a></b> en lugar de los pasos descritos a continuación.</i><br/><br/>Primero necesitamos obtener <b>la(s) zona(s) activas</b>:<br/><br/><code># firewall-cmd --get-active-zones</code><br/><br/>Este comando nos devolverá el nombre de la(s) zona(s) activa(s) (ej. <b>public</b>) y las interfaces de red que están ligadas a ella(s) como podrían ser<b> eth0</b>, <b>p16p1</b>, <b>wlan0</b> etc.<br/><br/>Es recomendable también <b>listar los puertos y servicios permitidos </b>en la(s) zona(s) activas para hacer personalizaciones, esto se hace con:<br/><br/><code># firewall-cmd --zone=<b>myzone</b> --list-all</code><br/><br/>Obviamente usando el nombre de la zona indicada en lugar de <b>myzone</b>.<br/><br/>Luego para abrir y cerrar puertos podemos usar:<br/><br/><code># firewall-cmd --zone=<b>myzone</b> --add-port=<b>xxxx</b>/<b>tcp</b> --permanent</code><br/><code># firewall-cmd --zone=<b>myzone</b> --remove-port=<b>xxxx</b>/<b>udp</b> --permanent</code><br/><br/>Respectivamente, cambiando myzone por la zona indicada, <b>xxxx</b> por el número de puerto deseado y especificando el protocolo (<b>tcp</b>/<b>udp</b>) según corresponda. Si quisiéramos remover algunos de los servicios que vengan activados por defecto (por ejemplo el servicio de SSH si cambiamos el puerto 22 por otro para nuestro acceso y no requerimos ya tener el 22 abierto), tenemos que ejecutar:<br/><br/><code>firewall-cmd --zone=<b>myzone</b> --remove-service=<b>myservice</b> --permanent</code><br/><br/>Cambiando <b>myzone</b> por la zona indicada según nuestro caso y <b>myservice</b> por el servicio que queramos desactivar. Al finalizar tus cambios en el firewall deberás ejecutar:<br/><br/><code>service firewalld restart</code><br/><br/>para verlos aplicados.<br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Activar rc.local</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Activar /etc/rc.local en Fedora Linux</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Habilitar tuned</span><br/><br/><code># dnf -y install tuned</code><br/><code># setenforce 0</code><br/><code># tuned-adm list</code><br/><code># tuned-adm profile <b>perfil-deseado</b></code><br/><code># setenforce 1</code><br/><br/>Después añadimos a nuestro rc.local:<br/><br/><pre># Tuned<br/>setenforce 0<br/>service tuned start<br/>setenforce 1</pre></div></div></div><br/>Esto se hace con el comando:<br/><br/><code># nano /etc/rc.d/rc.local</code><br/><br/>Asumiendo que ya hayas activado el <b>rc.local</b> previamente.<br/><br/><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Kernel VM Tunings</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Kernel VM tunnings para mejorar rendimiento en Linux</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Habilitar Zswap</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Haz tu Linux más rápido con Zswap</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Instalar Entorno Gráfico</span><br/><br/><i><b>NOTA:</b> Hacerlo sólo si tienes una muy buena razón para ello.</i><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cómo instalar un entorno gráfico en Fedora Server</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Protección Anti-Malware</span><br/><br/>En un <b>servidor</b> esto es cosa de <b>sí o sí</b>. Recuerda que en el caso de <b>ClamAV</b> (citado en el artículo a continuación) es recomendable establecer un <b>cronjob</b> <b>como root</b> para el análisis y limpieza de archivos infectados en directorios relevantes (por ejemplo el directorio de subidas públicas en un servidor web):<br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Protección anti-malware en Linux (5+ tips básicos)</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Configurar Google DNS</span><br/><br/>Si no lo hiciste al instalar tu sistema y configurar tu red vale la pena hacerlo:<br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Google Public DNS</a></b></blockquote><div><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Ksplice: Rebootless Updates</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Ksplice: Actualizaciones de seguridad rebootless para Linux</a></b></blockquote></div><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Aprende a usar SELinux</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">TUTORIAL: ¿Cómo c*rajo se usa SELinux?</a></b></blockquote><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Extras</span><br/><blockquote class=\"tr_bq\"><ul><li><a href=\"\"><b>7+ tips para mejorar el rendimiento de tu GNU/Linux</b></a></li><li><a href=\"\"><b>Cómo configurar una IP virtual en Linux</b></a></li><li><b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SSD en Linux: 10+ Tips &amp; Tweaks</a></b></li></ul></blockquote><div>Y pues bueno, aquí termina la parte de post-install para la edición <b><span style=\"color: #f1c232;\">Server</span></b>. Espero que al igual que en el caso de la edición para estaciones de trabajo, esta guía se convierta en su referencia de elección tras instalar <b>Fedora</b> y pues cualquier cosa no duden en dejarnos un comentario abajo.<br/><br/><div style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"font-size: x-large;\">Si esta guía te fue de ayuda, apóyanos <b><i><span style=\"color: #3d85c6;\">con un tweet</span></i></b>: </span><br/><br/><a href=\"\" class=\"twitter-share-button\">Tweet</a>&lt;script&gt;!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');&lt;/script&gt;</div></div><div class=\"blogger-post-footer\"><br/>El contenido publicado en el <a href=\"\">Blog Xenode</a> Está bajo una licencia <a href=\"\">CC-BY-NC-SA</a>; No olvides seguirnos en <a href=\"\">Facebook</a>, <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>, <a href=\"\">Google+</a> y <a href=\"\">Youtube</a>, ¡Te esperamos!</div><div class=\"feedflare\">\n<a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a> <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\"/></a>\n</div><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"/></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T01:55:17Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Remi Collet: PHP version 5.6.12RC1'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Remi Collet: PHP version 5.6.12RC1" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Release Candidate versions are available in remi-test repository for Fedora and Enterprise Linux (RHEL / CentOS) to allow more people to test them. They are only available as Software Collections , for a parallel installation, perfect solution for such tests. \n\n RPM of PHP version 5.6.11RC1 as SCL are available in remi-test repository for Fedora 19-22 and  Enterprise Linux 6-7 . \n\n As PHP 5.5 is now in security mode only, there is no more RC. Installation : read the Repository configuration and choose your version. \n\n Parallel installation of version 5.6 as Software Collection ( x86_64 only): \n\n yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test install php56 \n\n Notice: \n\n \n\t version 5.6.11RC1 is also available in Fedora rawhide . \n\t version 7.0.0beta2 is also available \n \n\n RC version is generally the same as the final version (no change accepted after RC, exception for security fix). \n\n Software Collections (php55 - php56) \n\n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p><em>Release Candidate</em> versions are available in <strong>remi-test</strong> repository for <strong>Fedora</strong> and <strong>Enterprise Linux</strong> (RHEL / CentOS) to allow more people to test them. They are only available as <em>Software Collections</em>, for a parallel installation, perfect solution for such tests.</p>\n\n<p>RPM of <strong>PHP version 5.6.11RC1</strong> as <strong>SCL</strong> are available in <strong>remi-test</strong> repository for <strong>Fedora 19-22</strong> and <strong>Enterprise Linux 6-7</strong>.</p>\n\n<p>As <strong>PHP 5.5</strong> is now in security mode only, there is no more RC.</p> <p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-notice-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\"/>Installation : read the <a href=\"\">Repository configuration</a> and choose your version.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Parallel installation</strong> of version<strong> 5.6</strong> as <a href=\"\">Software Collection</a> (<strong>x86_64</strong> only):</p>\n\n<pre>yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test install php56</pre>\n\n<p>Notice:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>version <strong>5.6.11RC1</strong> is also available in Fedora <em>rawhide</em>.</li>\n\t<li>version <strong>7.0.0beta2</strong> is also available</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-notice-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\"/>RC version is generally the same as the <strong>final</strong> version (no change accepted after RC, exception for security fix).</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\"><strong>Software Collections</strong> (php55 - php56)</p>\n\n<p><img src=\";version=5.6.12&amp;beta=RC1&amp;lang=en\" alt=\"\" style=\"margin: 1em auto; display: block;\"/></p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T05:31:00Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Remi Collet: New "remi-php70" repository'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Remi Collet: New \"remi-php70\" repository" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n I've just open the remi-php70 repository for Fedora ≥ 21 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 6 . Current version is PHP 7.0.0beta2 with about 25 extensions which are already compatible. \n\n This repository provides developement versions which are not suitable for production usage. \n\n The repository configuration is provided by the latest version of the remi-release package: \n\n \n\t remi-release- 21-2 .fc21.remi \n\t remi-release- 22-2 .fc22.remi \n\t remi-release- 6.5-2 .el6.remi \n\t remi-release- 7.1-2 .el7.remi \n \n\n As for other remi's repositories , it is disabled by default , so the update is an administrator choice. \n\n E.g. to update the PHP system version: \n\n yum --enablerepo=remi update remi-release\nyum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php70 update php\\* \n\n As lot of extensions are not yet available, the update may fail, in this case you have to remove not yet compatible extensions, or wait for their update. \n\n I don't plan to open this repository for EL-5 which is near to end of life. \n\n PHP 7.0 as Software Collection stay in \"remi-test\" (before the switch to \"remi\") as there is no conflicts with the base packages. " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>I've just open the <strong>remi-php70</strong> repository for <strong>Fedora ≥ 21</strong> and <strong>Enterprise Linux ≥ 6</strong>.</p> <p>Current version is <a href=\"\" class=\"ref-post\">PHP 7.0.0beta2</a> with about 25 extensions which are already compatible.</p>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-important-4-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\" class=\"media\" title=\"\"/>This repository provides <strong>developement</strong> versions which are not suitable for production usage.</p>\n\n<p>The repository configuration is provided by the latest version of the <strong>remi-release</strong> package:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>remi-release-<strong>21-2</strong>.fc21.remi</li>\n\t<li>remi-release-<strong>22-2</strong>.fc22.remi</li>\n\t<li>remi-release-<strong>6.5-2</strong>.el6.remi</li>\n\t<li>remi-release-<strong>7.1-2</strong>.el7.remi</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-notice-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\" class=\"media\" title=\"\"/>As for other remi's repositories<strong>, it is disabled by default</strong>, so the update is an administrator choice.</p>\n\n<p>E.g. to update the PHP system version:</p>\n\n<pre>yum --enablerepo=remi update remi-release\nyum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php70 update php\\*</pre>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-important-2-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\" class=\"media\" title=\"\"/>As lot of <strong>extensions</strong> are not yet available, the update may fail, in this case you have to remove not yet compatible extensions, or wait for their update.</p>\n\n<p>I don't plan to open this repository for EL-5 which is near to end of life.</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" class=\"ref-post\">PHP 7.0 as Software Collection</a> stay in \"remi-test\" (before the switch to \"remi\") as there is no conflicts with the base packages.</p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T05:52:00Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Remi Collet: PHP on the road to the 7.0.0 release'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Remi Collet: PHP on the road to the 7.0.0 release" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Version 7.0.0beta2 is released. It's now enter the stabilisation phase for the developpers, and the test phase for the users. \n\n RPM are available in the remi-php70 repository for Fedora  ≥ 21 and Enterprise Linux  ≥ 6 (RHEL, CentOS) and as Software Collection in the remi-test repository. \n\n   The repository provides developement versions which are not suitable for production usage. \n\n Also read: \n\n \n\t New \"remi-php70\" repository \n\t PHP 7.0 as Software Collection \n \n\n Installation : read the Repository configuration and choose installation mode. \n\n Replacement of default PHP by version 7.0 installation ( simplest ): \n\n yum --enablerepo=remi-php70,remi update php\\* \n\n Parallel installation of version 7.0 as Software Collection ( x86_64 only, recommended for tests): \n\n yum --enablerepo=remi install php70 \n\n To be noticed : \n\n \n\t EL7 rpm are build using RHEL- 7.1 \n\t EL6 rpm are build using RHEL- 6.6 \n\t various extensions are also available, see the PECL extension RPM status page \n\t follow the comments on this page for update until final version. \n \n\n Informations , lire : \n\n \n\t Migration documentation is not yet available \n\t UPGRADING \n\t UPGRADING.INTERNALS \n \n\n Paquets de base (php) \n \n\n Software Collections (php70) \n " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>Version <a href=\"\">7.0.0beta2</a> is released. It's now enter the stabilisation phase for the developpers, and the test phase for the users.</p>\n\n<p>RPM are available in the <strong>remi-php70</strong> repository for <strong>Fedora </strong>≥<strong> 21</strong> and <strong>Enterprise Linux </strong>≥<strong> 6</strong> (RHEL, CentOS) and as <em>Software Collection</em> in the <strong>remi-test</strong> repository.</p>\n\n<p> </p> <p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-important-4-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\" class=\"media\" title=\"\"/>The repository provides <strong>developement</strong> versions which are not suitable for production usage.</p>\n\n<p>Also read:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><a href=\"\" class=\"ref-post\">New \"remi-php70\" repository</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\" class=\"ref-post\">PHP 7.0 as Software Collection</a></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-notice-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\"/>Installation : read the <a href=\"\">Repository configuration</a> and choose installation mode.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Replacement</strong> of default PHP by version <strong>7.0</strong> installation (<strong>simplest</strong>):</p>\n\n<pre>yum --enablerepo=remi-php70,remi update php\\*</pre>\n\n<p><strong>Parallel installation</strong> of version <strong>7.0</strong> as <a href=\"\">Software Collection</a> (<strong>x86_64</strong> only, <strong>recommended</strong> for tests):</p>\n\n<pre>yum --enablerepo=remi install php70</pre>\n\n<p><strong><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-important-2-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\"/>To be noticed : </strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>EL7 rpm are build using RHEL-<strong>7.1</strong></li>\n\t<li>EL6 rpm are build using RHEL-<strong>6.6</strong></li>\n\t<li>various extensions are also available, see the <a href=\"\">PECL extension RPM status</a> page</li>\n\t<li>follow the comments on this page for update until final version.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"emblem-notice-24.png\" style=\"float: left; margin: 0 1em 0 0;\"/><strong>Informations</strong>, lire :</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Migration documentation is not yet available</li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">UPGRADING</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">UPGRADING.INTERNALS</a></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p align=\"center\">Paquets de <strong>base</strong> (php)<br/>\n<img src=\";version=7.0.0&amp;lang=en&amp;beta=beta2\" alt=\"\" style=\"margin: 1em auto; display: block;\"/></p>\n\n<p align=\"center\"><strong>Software Collections </strong>(php70)<br/>\n<img src=\";version=7.0.0&amp;lang=en&amp;beta=beta2\" alt=\"\" style=\"margin: 1em auto; display: block;\"/></p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T10:04:00Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
Tracker-Message: Inserting feed item for ''
Tracker-Message: Title:'Helio Chissini de Castro: Cutegram for Fedora 22, Rawhide and EPEL 7'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT {
_:message a mfo:FeedMessage ;
a nfo:RemoteDataObject ;
nie:title "Helio Chissini de Castro: Cutegram for Fedora 22, Rawhide and EPEL 7" ;
nie:plainTextContent "\n Few days ago there was an article on Fedora magazine by Jiri Eischmann explaining the current situation of Telegram clients on Fedora. \n One of the mentions was about Cutegram, and that was tentatively packaged by Jaroslav Reznik. \nI asked for his bless to take a shot on it, and now during KDE’s Akademy i decided play a little with this, since we’re using as the main communication software during the conference. \n So i’m glad to announce that the initial packaging, with little few patches was done, running and available on my COPR repository and ready to test. \n I intend to submit to Fedora package system soon, but for now, COPR only. \nAny suggestion or help will be welcome, i’m all ears " ;
nmo:htmlMessageContent "<div xmlns=\"\" xmlns:atom=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" style=\"float: right;\"/>\n<p>Few days ago there was an <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">article on Fedora magazine by Jiri Eischmann</a> explaining the current situation of Telegram clients on Fedora.</p>\n<p>One of the mentions was about Cutegram, and that was tentatively packaged by Jaroslav Reznik.<br/>\nI asked for his bless to take a shot on it, and now during KDE’s Akademy i decided play a little with this, since we’re using as the main communication software during the conference.</p>\n<p>So i’m glad to announce that the initial packaging, with little few patches was done, running and available on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">my COPR repository</a> and ready to test. </p>\n<p>I intend to submit to Fedora package system soon, but for now, COPR only.<br/>\nAny suggestion or help will be welcome, i’m all ears <img src=\"\" alt=\":-)\" style=\"height: 1em;\" class=\"wp-smiley\"/></p></div>" ;
nie:url "" ;
nmo:receivedDate "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
mfo:downloadedTime "2015-07-24T13:58:21Z" ;
nie:contentCreated "2015-07-24T10:44:49Z" ;
nmo:isRead false ;
nmo:communicationChannel <urn:uuid:80bd55d6-fc88-4526-7293-f81eb984132c> .
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not insert feed information for message titled:'Fedora Infrastructure Status: There are scheduled downtimes in progress', GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): No such file or directory)
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not insert feed information for message titled:'Fedora Infrastructure Status: All systems go', GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): No such file or directory)
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not insert feed information for message titled:'Fedora Infrastructure Status: There are scheduled downtimes in progress', GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): No such file or directory)
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not insert feed information for message titled:'Fedora Infrastructure Status: All systems go', GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: UNIQUE constraint failed: nie:DataObject.nie:url (strerror of errno (not necessarily related): No such file or directory)
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Feed fetched, -1 remaining
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Updating mfo:FeedChannel for 'Fedora People'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:129: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.update_async(priority:0): 'INSERT OR REPLACE { <urn:uuid:e8deacaf-9d3c-07ae-41dd-9919e263f11f> nie:title "Fedora People".<urn:uuid:e8deacaf-9d3c-07ae-41dd-9919e263f11f> mfo:type [ a mfo:FeedType ; mfo:name "application/atom+xml"].<urn:uuid:e8deacaf-9d3c-07ae-41dd-9919e263f11f> nmo:lastMessageDate "2015-07-24T13:43:24Z".}'
Tracker-Message: Verifying channel:'Fedora People' is up to date
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104: Tracker.Sparql.Backend.query_async(): 'ASK { ?message a mfo:FeedMessage ; nie:url ""}'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'SELECT CASE EXISTS ( SELECT "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" AS "1_u", 1 FROM "mfo:FeedMessage" AS "mfo:FeedMessage1", "nie:DataObject" AS "nie:DataObject2" WHERE "mfo:FeedMessage1"."ID" = "nie:DataObject2"."ID" AND "nie:DataObject2"."nie:url" = ? ) WHEN 1 THEN 'true' WHEN 0 THEN 'false' ELSE NULL END'
(tracker-miner-rss:27146): Tracker-DEBUG: tracker-backend.vala:104:
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