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Created January 22, 2017 19:08
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let autobahn = require('autobahn');
const URL = 'wss://';
const REALM = 'realm1';
let PAIR = 'BTC_ETH';
let main = () => {
let connection = new autobahn.Connection({
url: URL,
realm: REALM
connection.onopen = (session, details) => {
console.log('Connected to poloniex socket at ' + URL);
let seqs = {}; // Updates that will be processed
let current = 0; // Current update to be processed
// For debugging
let lostseq = {}; // Lost sequence numbers
let successful = 0; // Total number of updates successfully processed
let t0 = null;
session.subscribe(PAIR, (args, kwargs, details) => {
let seq = kwargs.seq;
seqs[seq] = args;
if (current == 0) {
current = seq;
// For debugging
t0 = process.hrtime();
if (seq in lostseq) {
// Never happened in a huge amount of tests
console.log(seq + ' => {"found": true}');
let next = current + 1;
let length = Object.keys(seqs).length;
// Iterate and process all remaining updates
while (length != 0 && Object.keys(seqs)[0] <= next) {
let key = Object.keys(seqs)[0];
if (key == next) {
// Apply the update
// Prepare for the next update
current = next;
// For debugging
t0 = process.hrtime();
delete seqs[key];
if (length > MAX_FOLLOWING_SEQ) {
let lost = current + 1;
lostseq[lost] = true;
// NOTE: hrtime is not always accurate since the next 150 updates will be processed so fast because were already received
let t1 = process.hrtime(t0);
console.log(lost + ' => ' + JSON.stringify({"lost": true, "successful" : successful, "hrtime" : t1}));
// Skip the lost update and try the next
connection.onclose = (reason, details) => {
console.log('Poloniex socket connection lost');
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