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Last active March 31, 2020 18:20
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Export Bitwarden to KeePass 2 XML format, with custom banned fields to clean things up
Exports a Bitwarden database into a KeePass file (kdbx) including file attachments, custom fields and folder structure.
It can also export an unencrypted XML KeePass file conforming to KeePass 2 XML format.
It requires keepassxc-cli, if not available it can still export KeePass 2 XML
Usage: [-h] [-x] [-d] [-bw-password None] [-kee-password None]
bw_user output_file
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-x, --xml-output saves an UNENCRYPTED KeePass 2 XML file
-d, --diff-pass different passwords for Bitwarden and KeePass file
-bw-password None Bitwarden password (prompted if not provided)
-kee-password None KeePass password (prompted if not provided)
- Bitwarden CLI:
- KeePass 2 XML:
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import getpass
import xmltodict
import uuid
import json
import subprocess
import base64
import tempfile
import contextlib
import shutil
import errno
import sys
found = []
banned = ['02U',
'company name',
'credit limit',
'first name',
'last name',
'member ID (additional)',
'member name',
'member since',
'original email',
'original mail',
'reminder answer',
'reminder question',
'Security questions',
'zxdemo', 'mes', 'card_expiration_year', 'card_expiration_month', 'num', 'card_number', 'mes', 'birth', 'birth date', 'birth_date', 'card_code', 'password', 'user_password', 'passwd', 'contrasena', 'login_passwd', 'cpassword', 'login_password', 'admin_password', 'username', 'usuario', 'Passwd']
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def is_tool(name):
"""Check whether `name` is on PATH and marked as executable."""
# from whichcraft import which
from shutil import which
return which(name) is not None
def static_vars(**kwargs):
Decorates a function with static variables and initializes them.
Add before function declaration
@static_vars(var1=value, var2=value, ...)
def decorate(func):
for k in kwargs:
setattr(func, k, kwargs[k])
return func
return decorate
def write_open(filename=None):
if filename and filename != '-':
dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename)
temp, tempPath = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=basename, dir=dirname)
fh = open(temp, 'w')
fh = sys.stdout
yield fh
if fh is not sys.stdout:
shutil.move(tempPath, filename)
def safe_move(src, dst):
"""Rename a file from ``src`` to ``dst``.
* Moves must be atomic. ``shutil.move()`` is not atomic.
Note that multiple threads may try to write to the cache at once,
so atomicity is required to ensure the serving on one thread doesn't
pick up a partially saved image from another thread.
* Moves must work across filesystems. Often temp directories and the
cache directories live on different filesystems. ``os.rename()`` can
throw errors if run across filesystems.
So we try ``os.rename()``, but if we detect a cross-filesystem copy, we
switch to ``shutil.move()`` with some wrappers to make it atomic.
os.rename(src, dst)
except OSError as err:
if err.errno == errno.EXDEV:
# Generate a unique ID, and copy `<src>` to the target directory
# with a temporary name `<dst>.<ID>.tmp`. Because we're copying
# across a filesystem boundary, this initial copy may not be
# atomic. We intersperse a random UUID so if different processes
# are copying into `<dst>`, they don't overlap in their tmp copies.
copy_id = uuid.uuid4()
tmp_dst = "%s.%s.tmp" % (dst, copy_id)
shutil.copyfile(src, tmp_dst)
# Then do an atomic rename onto the new name, and clean up the
# source image.
os.rename(tmp_dst, dst)
def get_uuid(name):
Computes the UUID of the given string as required by KeePass XML standard
uid = uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, name)
return base64.b64encode(uid.bytes).decode("utf-8")
def get_folder(f):
Returns a dict of the input folder JSON structure returned by Bitwarden.
return dict(UUID=get_uuid(f['name']),
def get_protected_value(v):
Returns a Value element that is "memory protected" in KeePass
(useful for Passwords and sensitive custom fields/strings).
return {'#text': v, '@ProtectInMemory': 'True'}
def get_fields(subitem, protected=[]):
Returns the components of subitem as a fields array,
protecting the items in protected list
fields = []
for k, v in subitem.items():
if v is not None:
# check if it's protected
k = get_correct_name(k)
if k in protected:
v = get_protected_value(v)
fields.append(dict(Key=k, Value=v))
return fields
def get_correct_name(name):
lower = name.lower()
if lower in ['username', 'usuario', 'alias']:
name = 'Alias'
if lower in ['name', 'accountname']:
name = 'Name'
elif lower in ['email', 'user_email', 'email_address', 'login_email']:
name = 'Email'
elif lower in ['address']:
name = 'Address'
elif lower in ['numero', 'number', ]:
name = 'Number'
elif lower in ['bank name', ]:
name = 'BankName'
elif lower in ['name on account', ]:
name = 'NameOnAccount'
elif lower in ['cardholder name', 'cardholderName']:
name = 'CardholderName'
elif lower in ['verification number', ]:
name = 'VerificationNumber'
elif lower in ['website', 'url']:
name = 'Website'
elif lower in ['type', 'brand']:
name = 'Brand'
elif lower == 'pubilc key' or lower == 'public key':
name = 'PublicKey'
elif lower == 'pirvate key' or lower == 'private key':
name = 'PrivateKey'
return name
@static_vars(binary_id=0, binaries=[])
def get_entry(e):
Returns a dict of the input entry (item from Bitwarden)
Parses the title, username, password, urls, notes, and custom fields.
fields = []
done = []
# Parse custom fields, protecting as necessary
if 'fields' in e:
for f in e['fields']:
if f['name'] not in banned and f['value'] is not None:
# get value
value = f['value']
# get key
key = get_correct_name(f['name'])
if key not in done:
# if protected?
if f['type'] == 1 or key in ['PrivateKey', 'VerificationNumber', 'storePassword', 'PIN']:
value = get_protected_value(value)
# put together
fields.append(dict(Key=key, Value=value))
# default values
urls = ''
username, password = '', ''
notes = e['notes'] if e['notes'] is not None else ''
# read username, password, and url if a login item
if 'login' in e:
login = e['login']
if 'uris' in login:
urls = [u['uri'] for u in login['uris']]
urls = ','.join(urls)
# get username and password
username = login['username']
password = login['password']
# add totop to fields as protected
# Parse Card items
if 'card' in e:
# Make number a protected field
fields.extend(get_fields(e['card'], protected=[
'number', 'Number', 'VerificationNumber', 'verification number', 'PIN', 'code', 'Code']))
# Parse Identity items
if 'identity' in e:
# Parse attachments
attachments = []
if 'attachments' in e:
for a in e['attachments']:
if a['id'] is not None:
# append attachment reference
Value={'@Ref': get_entry.binary_id}
# add binary data to function static list and update static counter
att = get_bw_attachment(a['id'], e['id'])
dict({'@ID': get_entry.binary_id,
'@Compressed': 'False', '#text': att})
get_entry.binary_id += 1
# Check it's not None
username = username or ''
password = password or ''
# assemble the entry into a dict with a UUID
entry = dict(UUID=get_uuid(e['name']),
String=[dict(Key='Title', Value=e['name']),
dict(Key='UserName', Value=username),
dict(Key='Password', Value=get_protected_value(password)),
dict(Key='URL', Value=urls),
dict(Key='Notes', Value=notes)
] + fields)
if (attachments):
return entry
def get_cmd_output(cmd):
Returns the output of the given command
status, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
eprint("Error running command:", cmd)
raise Exception
return output
def bw_logout():
Bitwarden logout
cmd = 'bw logout --raw', shell=True, capture_output=True)
def get_bw_data():
Gets the folders and items from Bitwarden CLI
# get folders
cmd = 'bw list folders --session '+main.bw_session
folders = json.loads(get_cmd_output(cmd))
# get items
cmd = 'bw list items --session '+main.bw_session
items = json.loads(get_cmd_output(cmd))
return folders, items
def secure_delete(path, passes=1):
Safely delete a file by overwriting it with random data
with open(path, "ba+") as delfile:
length = delfile.tell()
for i in range(passes):
def get_bw_attachment(id, itemid):
Gets an attachment from Bitwarden CLI
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
cmd = 'bw get attachment --itemid '+itemid+' '+id + \
' --output '+tmpdir+'/ --raw --session '+main.bw_session
path = get_cmd_output(cmd)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
eprint("Error downloading attachment:", id)
raise Exception
with open(path, "rb") as f:
encoded_file = base64.b64encode("utf-8")
return encoded_file
def main(bw_user, output_file,
xml_output: ('saves an UNENCRYPTED KeePass 2 XML file', 'flag', 'x'),
diff_pass: ('different passwords for Bitwarden and KeePass file', 'flag', 'd'),
bw_password: ('Bitwarden password (prompted if not provided)', 'option') = None,
kee_password: (
'KeePass password (prompted if not provided)', 'option') = None
Main function
if not is_tool('bw'):
eprint("Bitwarden cli not found")
raise Exception
# Log out any existing session
# Bitwarden login
if bw_password is None:
bw_password = getpass.getpass(prompt='Bitwarden password: ')
cmd = 'bw --raw login '+str(bw_user)
res =, input=bytearray(
bw_password, 'utf-8'), shell=True, capture_output=True)
if res.returncode != 0:
eprint("Wrong password")
raise SystemExit
main.bw_session = res.stdout.decode()
del res # delete result object which has the password as a cmd argument
# set keepass password
if kee_password is None:
if diff_pass:
kee_password = getpass.getpass(prompt='KeePass password: ')
kee_password = bw_password
del bw_password
# get data from bw
bw_folders, bw_items = get_bw_data()
# parse all entries
entries = [get_entry(e) for e in bw_items]
# loop over folders
# bw_folders = d['folders']
folders = []
root_entries = []
for f in bw_folders:
# parse the folder
folder = get_folder(f)
folder_id = f['id']
# loop on entries in this folder
folder_entries = []
for entry, item in zip(entries, bw_items):
if item['folderId'] == folder_id:
# NoFolder (with None id)
if folder_id is None:
root_entries = folder_entries
# Normal folder
if len(folder_entries) > 0:
folder['Entry'] = folder_entries
# add to output folder
# Root group
root_group = get_folder(dict(name='Root'))
root_group['Group'] = folders
# add items to root folder
if len(root_entries) > 0:
root_group['Entry'] = root_entries
# Root element
root = dict(Group=root_group)
# Meta element
meta = dict(Generator='bitwarden export',
MasterKeyChangeForce=-1, MasterKeyChangeRec=-1)
# add binary files from attachments
if (get_entry.binaries):
# xml document contents
xml = dict(KeePassFile=dict(Meta=meta, Root=root))
if xml_output:
# export unencrypted XML
with write_open(output_file) as out:
out.write(xmltodict.unparse(xml, pretty=True))
raise SystemExit
if not is_tool('keepassxc-cli'):
eprint("keepassxc-cli not found")
raise Exception
# write XML and export to keepass
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as xml_out:
xml_out.write(bytearray(xmltodict.unparse(xml, pretty=True), 'utf-8'))
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
output_tempfile = tmpdir + '/tmp'
cmd = 'keepassxc-cli import '' '+output_tempfile
res =, input=bytearray(
kee_password, 'utf-8'), shell=True, capture_output=True)
if res.returncode != 0:
eprint("Error exporting KeePass file")
raise SystemExit
del res
safe_move(output_tempfile, output_file)
# cleanup and exit
del kee_password
if __name__ == "__main__":
import plac
except SystemExit:
import traceback
print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info())
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