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Created June 9, 2023 06:41
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Declaratively define endpoints
(def api-defs
{:base-url ""
:endpoints {:endpoint-a
{:method :post
:path ["/a/b/:id"]
:custom-headers-def {:header/X-cb-something-something :required}}}}})
(defn construct-headers [custom-headers-def custom-headers]
(fn [acc [k v]]
(let [header-val (get custom-headers (name k))]
(and (= v :required) (nil? header-val)) ;; this is an error obvs
(assoc acc :error "Required header missing")
(and (= v :optional) (nil? header-val))
(assoc acc (name k) header-val))))
(defn url-format [base-url path url-params]
;; magically returns the correct url
(defn build-req
[{:keys [api-name endpoint-name url-params custom-headers] :as _params}]
(let [{:keys [base-url] :as api-def} (get api-defs api-name)
{:keys [custom-headers-def
method path]} (get-in api-def [:endpoints endpoint-name])
headers (construct-headers custom-headers-def custom-headers)
request {:url (url-format base-url path url-params)
:method method
:headers headers
:body "Obviously something else"}]
;; splitting the request build from request execution allows us to
;; validate the request built separately, without actually making it
(defn exec-req [request]
(http/request request))
;; then you build a request like this
(let [id "<user-value>"
x-cb "<user-value>"]
{:api-name :moogle
:endpoint-name :endpoint-a
:url-params {:id id}
:custom-headers {"X-cb-something-something" x-cb}}))
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