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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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@MyApp.module "Concerns", (Concerns, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->
Concerns.CompositeTableView =
template: "backbone/_concerns/templates/composite_table_view"
itemViewContainer: "tbody"
"headerRow" : "thead tr"
"actions" : ".actions"
"description" : ".description"
onRender: ->
setTableClass: ->
className = @collection?.model?.name?.to_class_case() or "item"
$table = @$el.find("table")
$table.attr "class", "table table-striped resource-list #{className}-list"
@$el.find('.panel-new').addClass className
addButtons: ->
return unless @buttons
@buttons = @buttons() if typeof @buttons is "function"
_.each @buttons, (buttonAttributes) =>
buttonAttributes = _.defaults(buttonAttributes, { state: "primary", href: "#", class: "", push: true })
$button = $ "<a>",
class: "btn btn-#{buttonAttributes.state} #{buttonAttributes.class}".trim(),
text: buttonAttributes.label
"data-push-state": buttonAttributes.push
href: buttonAttributes.href
if buttonAttributes.trigger
$button.on "click", (e) =>
addDescription: ->
@description = @description() if typeof @description is "function"
if @description
@description = "<h4 data-icon>#{@description}</h4>"
addFooter: ->
@footer = @footer() if typeof @footer is "function"
@$el.append(@footer) if @footer
addHeader: ->
@header = @header() if typeof @header is "function"
@$el.prepend(@header) if @header
addHeaderColumns: ->
_.each @_getColumns(), (column) =>
@ui.headerRow.append($("<th>", { text: column, class: column.to_class_case() }))
_getColumns: ->
if _.isFunction(@columns) then @columns() else @columns
afterIncluded: (klass, concern) ->
return unless klass?.prototype?.emptyViewMessage
klass::emptyView = App.CreateEmptyTableView
message: klass::emptyViewMessage
colspan: klass::columns.length
#= require support/spec_helper
class MyPrettyTableView extends Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView
header: "<h1>Great Person</h1>"
columns: ["First Name", "Last Name"]
sectorId: 3
buttons: -> [ { label: "New Person", trigger: "new" }, { label: "Hide Admins", href: "##{@sectorId}/admin" } ]
emptyViewMessage: "No People Are Here"
@include "CompositeTableView"
describe "MyApp.Concerns.CompositeTableView", ->
describe "with default settings", ->
beforeEach ->
@view = new MyPrettyTableView collection: new MyApp.Entities.PersonCollection
@html = @view.render().$el.html()
it "renders all the header columns", ->
@html.should.include '<th class="last-name">Last Name</th>'
it "sets the itemViewContainer to tbody", ->
@view.itemViewContainer.should.equal "tbody"
it "renders header dom", ->
@html.should.include '<h1>Great Person</h1>'
it "can render buttons with hrefs", ->
@html.should.include '<a class="btn btn-primary" data-push-state="true" href="#3/admin">Hide Admins</a>'
it "can render buttons that trigger actions", ->
@html.should.include '<a class="btn btn-primary" data-push-state="true" href="#">New Person</a>'
clicked = false
@view.on("new", -> clicked = true)
@view.$el.find("a:contains('New Person')").click().trigger("click")
it "sets a class name on the table", ->
@html.should.include '<table class="table table-striped resource-list network-list">'
it "creates an empty view", ->
@html.should.include "No People Are Here"
@html.should.include 'colspan="2"'
describe "with a column property that is a function", ->
before ->
class MyTableView extends MyPrettyTableView
columns: ->
["a", "b"]
@view = new MyTableView collection: new Bacchus.Entities.NetworkCollection
@html = @view.render().$el.html()
it "can render header columns if given a function", ->
@html.should.include '<th class="a">a</th>'
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