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Last active January 28, 2019 11:45
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Implementation of Free monad from scratch
import $plugin.$ivy.`org.spire-math::kind-projector:0.9.9`
import $ivy.`org.typelevel::cats-core:1.5.0`
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
import cats.{Eval, Monad}
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
sealed trait Free[F[_], A] {
import Free._
* Needed for creating sequential computations and so programs
def flatMap[B](f: A => Free[F, B]): Free[F, B] = FlatMap(this, f)
* Needed for creating sequential computations and so programs
def map[B](f: A => B): Free[F, B] = this.flatMap(a => Pure(f(a)))
* Interprets a Free monad into G[A]
* @param nt Natural transformation from F[_] type constructor to G[_]
* @tparam G Type constructor with instance of Monad typeclass
* @return
def foldMap[G[_]: Monad](nt: FunctionK[F, G]): G[A] = this match {
case Pure(a) => Monad[G].pure(a)
case Lift(fa) => nt(fa)
case FlatMap(fa, f) =>
Monad[G].flatMap(fa.foldMap(nt))(a => f(a).foldMap(nt))
object Free {
final case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]
final case class Lift[F[_], A](fa: F[A]) extends Free[F, A]
final case class FlatMap[F[_], A, B](fa: Free[F, A], f: A => Free[F, B])
extends Free[F, B]
* Wraps a: A into Free[F, A] context
def pure[F[_], A](a: A): Free[F, A] = Pure(a)
* Wraps fa: F[A] into Free[F, A] context
def liftM[F[_], A](fa: F[A]): Free[F, A] = Lift(fa)
//Our API - we strict ourselves to use only "safe" and "allowed" operations
//we don't work with the disk IO directly
sealed trait Disk[A]
object Disk {
final case class Read(filename: String) extends Disk[Array[Byte]]
final case class Write(filename: String, data: Array[Byte])
extends Disk[Unit]
def read(filename: String): Free[Disk, Array[Byte]] =
def write(filename: String, data: Array[Byte]) =
Free.liftM(Write(filename, data))
import Disk._
//Our program
val program: Free[Disk, String] = for {
data <- read("test.txt")
_ <- write("test.log", "Hello ".getBytes ++ data ++ "!".getBytes)
newData <- read("test.log")
} yield new String(newData, "UTF-8")
//Natural transformation that knows how to actually run our disk IO operations
//Here we interpret Disk[A] into real-world Eval monad (can be any other monad)
val nt = new FunctionK[Disk, Eval] {
override def apply[A](fa: Disk[A]): Eval[A] = {
fa match {
case Read(filename) =>
Eval.always {
Source.fromFile(filename, "UTF-8").mkString.getBytes
case Write(filename, data) =>
Eval.always {
Files.write(Paths.get(filename), data)
//Actual running our program in production
//val eval = program.foldMap(nt)
//Fixing S in State leaving 1 hole
type InMemoryState[A] = State[Map[String, Array[Byte]], A]
//Testing interpreter that mocks disk IO operations using in-memory Map[String, Array[Byte]] and State monad
val nt2 = new FunctionK[Disk, InMemoryState] {
override def apply[A](fa: Disk[A]): InMemoryState[A] =
fa match {
case Read(filename) =>
State[Map[String, Array[Byte]], Array[Byte]](state =>
(state, state(filename)))
case Write(filename, data) =>
State[Map[String, Array[Byte]], Unit](state =>
(state.updated(filename, data), ()))
//Boiler plate Monad instance
val stateMonadInstance: Monad[InMemoryState] =
new Monad[InMemoryState] {
override def pure[A](x: A): State[Map[String, Array[Byte]], A] =
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: State[Map[String, Array[Byte]], A])(
f: A => State[Map[String, Array[Byte]], B]) = fa.flatMap(f)
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(
f: A => State[Map[String, Array[Byte]], Either[A, B]]) = ???
val eval =
.run(Map("test.txt" -> "Igor".getBytes))
val (state, result) = eval.value
//Map(test.txt -> [B@69d1ad64, test.log -> [B@458b4487)
//Hello Igor!
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