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Created March 27, 2015 01:33
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NetConnectionSharing (PowerShell Module)
#Based on code from
Function Set-NetConnectionSharing
$netShare = $null
# Create a NetSharingManager object
$netShare = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.HNetShare
# Register the HNetCfg library (once)
regsvr32 /s hnetcfg.dll
# Create a NetSharingManager object
$netShare = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.HNetShare
# Find connections
$publicConnection = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection |? { $netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $InternetConnection }
$privateConnection = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection |? { $netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $LocalConnection }
# Get sharing configuration
$publicConfig = $netShare.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($publicConnection)
$privateConfig = $netShare.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($privateConnection)
if ($Enabled.IsPresent)
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Hi thank you for this.

I noticed on Win10, i can not get it to start using this command
"start a command prompt window (Run as Administrator) and run this command:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "NetConnectionSharing.ps1"

I can run this in PS directly however after reboot, it loose the config.. :(

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