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Last active March 27, 2023 02:24
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Working with PHP SoapClient |
// Trace On so we can easily debug XML we constructed as its returns it.
$client = new \SoapClient(SOAP_SERVICE_URL, array('trace' => 1) );
$client->__setSoapHeaders( $header );
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
$headerBody = new \stdClass();
$headerBody->UserName = '{AuthUSERNAME}';
$headerBody->Password = '{AuthPASSWORD}';
$header = new \SoapHeader( '', 'AuthentificationHeader', $headerBody );
// <username> && <password> inside of the Body. Adding such public attributes to objects constructs the nodes with same name.
// Later, we'll use this object to append more info.
$params = new \stdClass();
$params->username = '{username}';
$params->password = '{password}';
// Code here that will add data to the object for SOAP
// Call SOAP:
// All $params data will be the data under <ns1:CreateShipmentOrders> in XML example
$result = $client->__soapCall('CreateShipmentOrders', [ 'CreateShipmentOrders' => $params ]);
$orderInfo = [
'SenderContact' => '{NAME}',
'ClientReferenceNumber' => '{OrderNumber}',
'SenderPhone' => '{Phone}',
'SenderCountry' => {CountryCode},
'SenderCityName' => '{City}',
'SenderCityPOCode' => '{PostalCode}',
'SenderStreet' => '{Street}',
'RecipientContact' => '{RecipientName}',
'RecipientPhone'=> '{RecipientPhone}',
'RecipientEMail' => '{RecipientEmail}',
'RecipientCountry' => '{RecipientCountryCode}',
'RecipientCityName' => '{RecipientCity}',
'RecipientCityPOCode' => '{RecipientPostalCode}',
'RecipientStreet' => '{RecipientAddress}',
'Value' => '{OrderValue}',
// This will hold data to put inside of <ns1:ShipmentOrder>
$shipmentOrder = new \stdClass();
foreach ( $orderInfo as $nodeName => $nodeValue ) {
// Adding '' as namespace so we have the same n1 namespace on each node.
$shipmentOrder->{ $nodeName } = new \SoapVar( $nodeValue, XSD_STRING, null, null, null, '');
// Adding '' as namespace to all data so we have the same n1 namespace on each node.
// Object to hold data for <Package/> node.
$package = new \stdClass();
// Adding <ns1:BarcodeClient> data.
$package->BarcodeClient = new \SoapVar( '{BarcodeClient}', XSD_STRING, null, null, null, '');
// Adding <Barcode />. Since it's an empty node, we add it as SOAP_ENC_OBJECT instead of string.
$package->Barcode = new \SoapVar( new \stdClass(), SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, null, null, '');
$package->BarcodeType = new \SoapVar( '{BarcodeType}', XSD_STRING, null, null, null, '');
$package->Weight = new \SoapVar( '{Weight}', XSD_STRING, null, null, null, '');
// Createing a packageList to hold the <Package/> node
$packageList = new \stdClass();
// Adding attribute 'Package' so it is put in XML as the name of the node
$packageList->Package = new \SoapVar( $package, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, null, null, '');
// Adding attribute 'PackageList' so the data of packages is added to node <PackageList/>
$shipmentOrder->PackageList = new \SoapVar( $packageList, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, null, null, '');
// Adding '' as namespace to all data so we have the same n1 namespace on each node.
$additionalService = new \stdClass();
// Adding <ns1:AdditionalServiceId> data.
$additionalService->AdditionalServiceId = new \SoapVar( '{ServiceID}', XSD_STRING, null, null, null, '');
// Createing a AdditionalServiceList to hold the <AdditionalService/> node
$AdditionalServiceList = new \stdClass();
$AdditionalServiceList->AdditionalService = new \SoapVar( $additionalService, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, null, null, '');
// Adding attribute 'AdditionalServiceList' so the data of packages is added to node <AdditionalServiceList/>
$shipmentOrder->AdditionalServiceList = new \SoapVar( $AdditionalServiceList, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, null, null, '');
// Adding '' as namespace to all data so we have the same n1 namespace on each node.
// Object to hold <ShipmentOrder/> node
$shipmentOrders = new \stdClass();
$shipmentOrders->ShipmentOrder = new \SoapVar( $shipmentOrder, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, null, null, '');
// Adding the whole object that holds the data for ShipmentOrder to $params so it is added under node <shipmentOrders/>
$params->shipmentOrders = new \SoapVar( $shipmentOrders, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, null, null, '');
class CreateShipmentOrdersResult {
protected $response = null;
public function __construct($object) {
$this->response = $object;
public function getResult() {
// SOAP Service returns the XML and has a CreateShipmentOrdersResult node.
return $this->response->CreateShipmentOrdersResult;
public function getResponse() {
// SOAP Service returns the XML and has a WSCreateShipmentOrdersResponse node
// inside of node CreateShipmentOrdersResult.
return $this->getResult()->WSCreateShipmentOrdersResponse;
public function __get( $key ) {
return $this->getResponse()->{ $key };
public function isOK() {
return $this->ResponseStatus === 'OK';
// $result is the object we received when doing the __soapCall.
$resultObject = new CreateShipmentOrdersResult( $result );
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