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Created December 23, 2021 20:55
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Interactive shell script for creating Jenkins credentials using Kubernetes Credentials Provider and Kubernetes Secrets. Requires Bash >= 4 and kubectl.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
declare -xA data
declare -xl name
declare -x description
kebab-case() {
echo "${1//_/-}" |
sed 's/\([^A-Z]\)\([A-Z]\)/\1-\2/g' |
sed 's/\([A-Z]\)\([A-Z]\)\([^A-Z]\)/\1-\2\3/g' |
tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
red() {
echo -en "$(tput setaf 1)${1}$(tput sgr0)"
green() {
echo -en "$(tput setaf 2)${1}$(tput sgr0)"
blue() {
echo -en "$(tput setaf 4)${1}$(tput sgr0)"
bold() {
echo -en "$(tput bold)${1}$(tput sgr0)"
validate() {
[ -n "${1}" ] || (
red "Parameter is required!\n"
exit 1
createSecret() {
local kind="$1"
local command=()
for key in "${!data[@]}"; do
if [ -f "${value}" ]; then
blue "\nCreating secret, it can take a few seconds...\n"
kubectl create secret generic --namespace jenkins "${name}" "${command[@]}" >> /dev/null
kubectl label --namespace jenkins "secret/${name}""${kind}" >> /dev/null
if [ -n "${description}" ]; then
kubectl annotate --namespace jenkins "secret/${name}""${description}" >> /dev/null
green "Credential ${name} created successfully!\n"
aws() {
blue "[AWS] Access key: "
read -r accessKey
validate "${accessKey}"
blue "[AWS] Secret key (will be hidden): "
read -rs secretKey
validate "${secretKey}"
data=(["accesskey"]="${accessKey}" ["secretKey"]="${secretKey}")
createSecret "aws"
ssh() {
blue "[SSH] Username: "
read -r username
validate "${username}"
blue "[SSH] Passphrase (leave blank if needed, hidden): "
read -rs passphrase
blue "[SSH] Private key file path: "
read -r privateKey
validate "${privateKey}"
data=(["username"]="${username}" ["privateKey"]="${privateKey}")
if [ -n "${passphrase}" ]; then
createSecret "basicSSHUserPrivateKey"
certificate() {
blue "[PKCS#12] Password (hidden): "
read -rs password
validate "${password}"
blue "[PKCS#12] Certificate file path: "
read -r certificate
validate "${certificate}"
data=(["password"]="${password}" ["certificate"]="${certificate}")
createSecret "certificate"
file() {
blue "[File] File path: "
read -r filename
validate "${filename}"
data=(["filename"]=$(basename "${filename}") ["data"]="${filename}")
createSecret "secretFile"
githubApp() {
blue "[GitHub App] Owner (optional, needed when app has multiple installations): "
read -r owner
blue "[GitHub App] App ID: "
read -r appID
validate "${appID}"
blue "[GitHub App] Private key file path: "
read -r privateKey
validate "${privateKey}"
data=(["appID"]="${appID}" ["privateKey"]="${privateKey}")
if [ -n "${owner}" ]; then
createSecret "gitHubApp"
openstack() {
blue "[Openstack Credential V3] Username: "
read -r userName
validate "${userName}"
blue "[Openstack Credential V3] User domain: "
read -r userDomain
validate "${userDomain}"
blue "[Openstack Credential V3] Project name: "
read -r projectName
validate "${projectName}"
blue "[Openstack Credential V3] Project domain: "
read -r projectDomain
validate "${projectDomain}"
blue "[Openstack Credential V3] Password (hidden): "
read -rs password
validate "${password}"
createSecret "openstackCredentialv3"
string() {
blue "[String] Text (hidden):"
read -rs text
validate "${text}"
createSecret "secretText"
userPass() {
blue "[Username/Password] Username: "
read -r username
validate "${username}"
blue "[Username/Password] Password: "
read -r password
validate "${password}"
data=(["username"]="${username}" ["password"]="${password}")
createSecret "usernamePassword"
bold "$(blue "Let's create a new secret!\n\n")"
blue "Credential name: "
read -r name
validate "${name}"
name=$(kebab-case "${name}")
blue "Credential description (optional): "
read -r description
blue "1 - AWS\n2 - Basic SSH User Private Key\n3 - Certificate\n4 - File\n5 - GitHub App\n6 - Openstack Credential V3\n7 - String\n8 - Username/Password\nWhat kind of secret do you want? "
read -r kind
case "${kind}" in
1) aws ;;
2) ssh ;;
3) certificate ;;
4) file ;;
5) githubApp ;;
6) openstack ;;
7) string ;;
8) userPass ;;
*) red "Option \"${kind}\" is invalid! Exiting." && exit 1 ;;
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