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Igor Andrade igorhrq

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#!/bin/sed -nf
# Change files html to markdown
# Author: Igor Andrade <>
# version: 0.1
# execute com $ sed -f changehtml.sed file.html >
# remove o <\h1> até o 6
# Author: Igor Andrade = []
# Author: Thiago Dantas = []
# Date: 22/01/2021 - TechOps LatAm
# Version 0.1 - abusefinder
# Deep analysis on the main ports that are used by cPanel
# Filter and analysis of requests that can be an attack (xmlrpc, form attack, and high number of requests GET/POST)
# Author: Igor Andrade
# 08/01/2021
# Send alerts for google chat if LDAP server are currently offline, protects agains repeated alerts.
# I was used this for a log that are stored on messages from LDAP but can be used for other things.
# Constant Vars
# Author: Igor Andrade
# generate a public and private key at /root dir
import os
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
key = RSA.generate(4096)
with open("/root/priv8.key", 'wb') as arquivo:
os.chmod("/root/priv8.key", 0o600)
# Author: Igor Andrade
# Date: 29-12-2020
# Scripts that catch triggers from an group, filters it on a file for not repeat alerts and send it to a gchat using
# zabbix API and gchat API.
# remember create a config.ini with your credentials from zabbix at same file of this script
# cat config.ini
# [zabbix]
# server=
igorhrq /
Last active February 21, 2022 23:04
# Kill all pts sessions that are not you and leave a message for all theses.
# Version 0.1
# Author: Igor A.
# usage: $ killpts [TICKET]
# usage 2: $ killpts
# example: $ killpts 2565489
# this script will help mitigate wp-login and xmlrpc attacks for servers that not use imunify modsecrules, if you server use it, you dont need install it
# this is the first version, and we will work alot on that
run() {
#moving old regex.custom to be safe on this action
mv /usr/local/csf/bin/ /usr/local/csf/bin/
# download custom regex.custom
wget --quiet -O /usr/local/csf/bin/
igorhrq /
Last active August 3, 2020 13:29
# iptables meridiuns revision 1.0 12/07
# Updated 25/07 - adjusted some ports
# Usage: sh start/stop
# Author: Igor A.
# look vars below into 'CHANGE IF NECESSARY'
# This is script is a fork project from assistanz and modified/adapted for monitoring Tibia by Igor Andrade
# This script monitors server load, memory usage and Tibia daemon for every 10 seconds and sends notification
# to telegram in case of high usage or server offline.
# Get the status of bot after you start it and get chat id :[TOKENIDHERE]/getupdates
load=`echo $(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1}') \> 8 | bc -l`
Release() {
release=$(egrep "5|6" /etc/redhat-release | awk {'print $4'} | cut -d. -f1)
if [[ -z $release ]]; then