1. [Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\MappingException] Class 'Your\SyliusPlugin\Entity\YourEntity' does not exist
When your plugin is AbstractResourceBundle
and all your entities should be and actually placed at Model
you have that exception (notice ...\Entity\...
at exception rather than ..\Model\...
for your Your\SyliusPlugin\Model\YourEntity.php
that is weird.
This happens when you accidentally have your mapping file at src/Resources/config/doctrine/YourEntity.orm.xml
(without ../model/..
part) rather than src/Resources/config/doctrine/model/YourEntity.orm.xml
This issue may happen when you convert some of your application code (which use Entity
directory) to plugin (which use Model
And copy-paste your entities and configurations from application to plugin.
2. Argument 1 passed to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Fixture\OptionsResolver\LazyOption::randomOneOrNull() must implement interface Sylius\Component\Resource\Repository\RepositoryInterface, null given
You should call trait constructors before parent constructor as parent constructor calls
which sending not initialized repository to LazyOption::*
parent::__construct($shopUserFactory, $customerFactory, $customerGroupRepository);
// Important: Traits constructors should be before parent constructor call
parent::__construct($shopUserFactory, $customerFactory, $customerGroupRepository);
You should specify that new root path at rules:
# config/packages/fos_rest.yaml
# ...
# ...
- { path: '^/shop-api/.*', priorities: ['json', 'xml'], fallback_format: json, prefer_extension: false }
Make sure all api roots specified at zone
Otherwise, you will have this issue on some exceptions (example: Setono/SyliusGiftCardPlugin#63) which is very confusing.
# config/packages/fos_rest.yaml
# ...
- { path: '^/api/.*' }
- { path: '^/shop-api/.*' }
Related: Sylius/Sylius-Standard#389, FriendsOfSymfony/FOSRestBundle#1853
Exception: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("An error has occurred resolving the options of the form "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType": The option "class" does not exist. Defined options are: "
after adding new grid filter.
You just forgot to include your service file with grid filter definition (tagged by sylius.grid_filter
Exception: Argument 1 passed to Factory\SomeFactory::__construct() must implement interface Sylius\Component\Resource\Factory\FactoryInterface, string given, called in /var/cache/dev/ContainerMtxuxQL/getXXX_Factory_XXXService.php on line 16
That happens when you specify custom factory at definition:
And then trying to override:
<service id="app.custom_factory.some"
<argument type="service" id="app.custom_factory.some.inner" />
Specify default factory instead of custom at: ->scalarNode('factory')->defaultValue(Factory::class)->cannotBeEmpty()->end()
Issue/Exception: Cannot autowire service "App\Product\Import\Repository\ImportLineRepository": argument "$class" of method "Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository::__construct()" references class "Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata" but no su ch service exists.
That happens when you put repository at custom directory - lets say App\Product\Import\Repository\ImportLineRepository
instead of App\Repository\ImportLineRepository
or App\Repository\Product\ImportLineRepository
Answer is at Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\DependencyInjection\Driver\Doctrine\DoctrineORMDriver
, who register aliases via registerAliasForArgument
and uses only $metadata->getHumanizedName() . ' repository'
as a name for alias.
If you inject your custom repository like this: __construct(ImportLineRepository $something)
or even __construct(ImportLineRepository $repository)
- it will not match that alias and autowire will be trying to get repo by instantiating repository. The key is the name of repository parameter in constructor. Instead of using $something
or $repository
- you should use name like this:
(but not$importLineRepository
) -
(but not$blaBlaRepository
Todo: Understand why we have this issue (and have to keep in mind thats trict naming for correct autowiring) only when repository file/class is outside src/Repository
You renamed some service or service method and not renamed it at your state machine callback config. So callable became array, as method not recognized as something that exists and can be called.
This is gold!