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Created June 19, 2020 19:22
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GC pressure benchmark
local G = 0
function incG() G = G + 1 end
bench = {
start = function()
return collectgarbage('count')
stop = function()
local ret = collectgarbage('count')
return ret
box.cfg({ listen = 9998, wal_mode = 'none' })
local nb = require('')
local clock = require('clock')
local id, iterations = tonumber(arg[1]) or -1, tonumber(arg[2]) or 1e6
print(("===== %s: #%d ====="):format(_TARANTOOL, id))
local G = 0
function incG() G = G + 1 end
box.cfg({ listen = 9999, log = 'tarantool.log', wal_mode = 'none' })
box.schema.func.create('incG', { if_not_exists = true, language = 'LUA' })
local before = collectgarbage('count')
local start = clock.time64()
for _ = 1, iterations do box.func.incG:call() end
local stop = clock.time64()
local after = collectgarbage('count')
assert(G == iterations)
print(('call by ref GC: %f Kb'):format(after - before))
print(('call by ref time: %f sec'):format(tonumber(stop - start) / 1e9))
local connection = nb.connect('localhost:9998')
local before = connection:call('bench.start')
local start = clock.time64()
for _ = 1, iterations do connection:call('incG') end
local stop = clock.time64()
local after = connection:call('bench.stop')
print(('call GC: %f Kb'):format(after - before))
local before = connection:call('bench.start')
local start = clock.time64()
for _ = 1, iterations do connection:eval('return incG()') end
local stop = clock.time64()
local after = connection:call('bench.stop')
print(('eval GC: %f Kb'):format(after - before))
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