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Created August 17, 2015 12:55
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function Main() {
RetryCommand `
-maxRetries 5 `
-delayInSeconds 0 `
-command { cmd /c $SIGNTOOL sign /v /debug /sm /t $TIMESTAMP_URL $files }
RetryCommand `
-maxRetries 5 `
-delayInSeconds 3 `
-command { . $INSTALLSHIELD $arguments }
function RetryCommand($maxRetries, $delayInSeconds, $command) {
$textCommand = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($command)
LogImportant "Calling `n`t $textCommand"
$failedTimes = 0
do {
& $command
$commandExitCode = $lastExitCode
$successful = $commandExitCode -eq 0
if (-not $successful) { $failedTimes++ }
$shouldRetry = -not $successful -and $failedTimes -le $maxRetries
if ($shouldRetry) {
$retriesLeft = $maxRetries - $failedTimes + 1
LogImportant "FAILED!!! Command: $textCommand"
LogImportant "We'll retry again after $delayInSeconds seconds ($retriesLeft/$maxRetries retries left)..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds $delayInSeconds
} while ($shouldRetry)
if (-not $successful) { Write-Error "FAILED!!! Command: $textCommand (exit code = $commandExitCode)" }
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Other stuff: only $lastExitCode works in this case. $? won't work!

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