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Created June 25, 2012 21:54
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static int ComputeNormal( GLUtesselator *tess, GLdouble norm[3], int check )
* If check==FALSE, we compute the polygon normal and place it in norm[].
* If check==TRUE, we check that each triangle in the fan from v0 has a
* consistent orientation with respect to norm[]. If triangles are
* consistently oriented CCW, return 1; if CW, return -1; if all triangles
* are degenerate return 0; otherwise (no consistent orientation) return
CachedVertex *v0 = tess->cache;
CachedVertex *vn = v0 + tess->cacheCount;
CachedVertex *vc;
GLdouble dot, xc, yc, zc, xp, yp, zp, n[3];
int sign = 0;
/* Find the polygon normal. It is important to get a reasonable
* normal even when the polygon is self-intersecting (eg. a bowtie).
* Otherwise, the computed normal could be very tiny, but perpendicular
* to the true plane of the polygon due to numerical noise. Then all
* the triangles would appear to be degenerate and we would incorrectly
* decompose the polygon as a fan (or simply not render it at all).
* We use a sum-of-triangles normal algorithm rather than the more
* efficient sum-of-trapezoids method (used in CheckOrientation()
* in normal.c). This lets us explicitly reverse the signed area
* of some triangles to get a reasonable normal in the self-intersecting
* case.
if( ! check ) {
norm[0] = norm[1] = norm[2] = 0.0;
vc = v0 + 1;
xc = vc->coords[0] - v0->coords[0];
yc = vc->coords[1] - v0->coords[1];
zc = vc->coords[2] - v0->coords[2];
while( ++vc < vn ) {
xp = xc; yp = yc; zp = zc;
xc = vc->coords[0] - v0->coords[0];
yc = vc->coords[1] - v0->coords[1];
zc = vc->coords[2] - v0->coords[2];
/* Compute (vp - v0) cross (vc - v0) */
n[0] = yp*zc - zp*yc;
n[1] = zp*xc - xp*zc;
n[2] = xp*yc - yp*xc;
dot = n[0]*norm[0] + n[1]*norm[1] + n[2]*norm[2];
if( ! check ) {
/* Reverse the contribution of back-facing triangles to get
* a reasonable normal for self-intersecting polygons (see above)
if( dot >= 0 ) {
norm[0] += n[0]; norm[1] += n[1]; norm[2] += n[2];
} else {
norm[0] -= n[0]; norm[1] -= n[1]; norm[2] -= n[2];
} else if( dot != 0 ) {
/* Check the new orientation for consistency with previous triangles */
if( dot > 0 ) {
if( sign < 0 ) return SIGN_INCONSISTENT;
sign = 1;
} else {
if( sign > 0 ) return SIGN_INCONSISTENT;
sign = -1;
return sign;
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