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Last active December 27, 2015 07:57
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  • Save igorw/6984880 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save igorw/6984880 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// turing machine
// binary increment algorithm based on Tom Stuart's "Understanding Computation"
$states = [1, 2, 3];
$accept_states = [3];
// quintuple
// state, read condition, write value, move direction, new state
$rules = [
1 => ['0' => ['1', 'r', 2],
'_' => ['1', 'r', 2],
'1' => ['0', 'l', 1]],
2 => ['0' => ['0', 'r', 2],
'1' => ['1', 'r', 2],
'_' => ['_', 'l', 3]],
// binary 11
$tape = ['1', '0', '1', '1'];
$position = 3;
$state = 1;
class NoTransitionException extends RuntimeException {}
while (!in_array($state, $accept_states)) {
$read_val = isset($tape[$position]) ? $tape[$position] : '_';
if (!isset($rules[$state][$read_val])) {
throw new NoTransitionException();
list($write_val, $move_dir, $new_state) = $rules[$state][$read_val];
$tape[$position] = $write_val;
if ('l' === $move_dir) {
if ($position < 0) {
array_unshift($tape, '_');
} else if ('r' === $move_dir) {
if ($position >= count($tape)) {
array_push($tape, '_');
$state = $new_state;
$render_cell = function ($cell, $cell_pos) use ($position) {
return ($position === $cell_pos) ? "($cell)" : $cell;
echo sprintf("Tape: %s\n",
array_map($render_cell, $tape, range(0, count($tape)-1))),
echo sprintf("Position: %s\n", $position);
echo sprintf("State: %s\n", $state);
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