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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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(ns interp.core)
(def empty-state {:ip 0, :code [], :stack '(), :labels {}})
(defn step
(let [instr (get (:code state) (:ip state))
state (update-in state [:ip] inc)]
(nil? instr)
(fn? instr)
(instr state))))
(defn step*
#(<= (:ip %) (count (:code %)))
(iterate step (merge empty-state state))))
(defn stack-peek
(peek (:stack state)))
(defn run
[& code]
(let [state {:code (vec code)}
state (last (step* state))]
(stack-peek state)))
; dsl
(defn push
(fn [state]
(update-in state [:stack] #(conj % value))))
(defn op
(fn [state]
(update-in state [:stack] #(conj (drop 2 %) (apply f (reverse (take 2 %)))))))
(defn label
(fn [state]
(update-in state [:labels] #(assoc % label (:ip state)))))
(defn jumpnz
(fn [state]
(if (not (zero? (peek (:stack state))))
(assoc state :ip (get (:labels state) label))
(defn debug
(fn [state]
(prn (f state))
; (use 'interp.core :reload)
; (step {:ip 0, :code [(push 1) (push 2) (op +)] :stack '()})
;=> {:ip 1, :code [1 2 #<core.op +>], :stack (1)}
; (step* {:ip 0, :code [(push 1) (push 2) (op +)] :stack '()})
;=> ({:ip 0, :code [#<core.push 1> #<core.push 2> #<core.op +>], :stack (), :labels {}}
; {:ip 1, :code [#<core.push 1> #<core.push 2> #<core.op +>], :stack (1), :labels {}}
; {:ip 2, :code [#<core.push 1> #<core.push 2> #<core.op +>], :stack (2 1), :labels {}}
; {:ip 3, :code [#<core.push 1> #<core.push 2> #<core.op +>], :stack (3), :labels {}})
; (map :stack (step* {:ip 0, :code [(push 1) (push 2) (op +)] :stack '()}))
;=> (()
; (1)
; (2 1)
; (3))
; (run (push 1) (push 2) (op +))
;=> 3
; (run (push 3) (label :loop) (debug stack-peek) (push 1) (op -) (jumpnz :loop))
; 3
; 2
; 1
;=> 0
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