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Last active February 7, 2017 07:10
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Kotlin examples of following/violation the Law of Demeter LoD (a.k.a. Principle of Least Knowledge PoLK)
* Kotlin examples of following/violation Law of Demeter LoD (a.k.a. Principle of Least Knowledge PoLK)
* Law of Demeter for functions requires that a method m of an object O may only invoke the
* methods of the following kinds of objects:
* 1. O itself
* 2. m's parameters
* 3. Any objects created/instantiated within m
* 4. O's direct component objects
* 5. A global variable, accessible by O, in the scope of m
* Law of Demeter violation example: client.getOrder().getPrice()
* Law of Demeter following principle: (LawOfDemeterInKotlin class below)
val name:String = "John"
class LawOfDemeterInKotlin {
private var basket: Basket? = null
fun doSomething(order: Order) {
// (1) it's okay to call class own methods
// (2) it's okay to call methods on objects passed in to method
val price = order.calculatePrice()
// (3) it's okay to call methods on any objects created inside class
basket = Basket()
val item = basket?.getFirstItem()
// (4) it's okay to call methods on any objects created inside method
val component = Component()
// (5) it's okay to call methods on global variables
val userCode = name.toUpperCase()
fun run(){}
class Order(){
fun calculatePrice(){}
class Basket {
fun getFirstItem() = "Banana"
class Component {
fun init() {}
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