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Created March 19, 2012 14:29
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Adding permissions to mixtapes
#Mixtape Controller
def share
@mixtape = Mixtape.find(params[:id])
@shared_user = User.find(params[:user])
@shared_permission = params[:permission].to_sym
@mixtape.add_user(@shared_user, @shared_permission) if @mixtape.user_mixtapes.find_by_user_id_and_permission(@shared_user,@shared_permission)
redirect_to :back, :notice => "Added #{} with the permission #{@shared_permission}"
#Mixtapes Show View (form only)
<% permission_types ={|a| a } %>
<%= form_tag mixtapes_share_path(@mixtape) do %>
<%= select_tag("user", options_from_collection_for_select(@users, "id", "email")) %>
<%= select_tag("permission", options_from_collection_for_select(permission_types, :first, :first)) %>
<%= submit_tag("Share") %>
<% end %>
#User_mixtape model
class UserMixtape < ActiveRecord::Base
Permissions = {:owner => 0, :collaborator => 1, :listener => 2}
#routes.rb (relevant)
post 'mixtapes/:id/share' => 'mixtapes#share', :as => "mixtapes_share"
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