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Created March 6, 2018 07:17
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+ [ :as shell]
+ [clj-time.jdbc] ;; extends SQL protocols
[environ.core :refer [env]]))
(def ^:private
- default-url
- "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5678/usnpi?stringtype=unspecified&user=postgres&password=verysecret")
+ url-template
+ "jdbc:postgresql://%s:%s/%s?stringtype=unspecified&user=%s&password=%s")
+(def ^:private
+ db-keys [:db-host :db-port :db-database :db-user :db-password])
+(def ^:private
+ db-vals (mapv env db-keys))
+(def ^:private
+(def ^:private
+ pg-env (into {} (map vector pg-keys db-vals)))
+(def ^:private
+ db-url (apply format url-template db-vals))
(def ^:dynamic
*db* {:dbtype "postgresql"
- :connection-uri (or (env :database-url) default-url)})
+ :connection-uri db-url})
+(defn psql
+ "Executes a SQL file using psql utility."
+ [sql-file]
+ (shell/with-env pg-env
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