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Created August 31, 2017 10:52
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Typeclasses In Scala

Here's a common object-oriented problem in OO languages such as Java. You're using two libraries. One of them provides a class, say Foo, which performs some useful tasks. The other library provides a useful bar method that takes as an argument instances of Barable, an interface. You've got no control on either of the two libraries, but you'd like to be able to pass an instance of Foo to the bar method. Let's image it would save you a lot of work to do this. However you can't. Foo doesn't implement Barable and you can't modify Foo to have it implement the aforementioned interface. The normal solution involves writing a wrapper class around Foo that implements Barable, an adapter.

public void bar(Barable barable) {
class FooWrapper implements Barable {
  private final Foo foo;

  public FooWrapper(Foo foo) { = foo;

  public void barring() {

You can now use it like this:

bar(new FooWrapper(new Foo()));

Had you been in control of the library that provides Barable you would have been able to separate these two concerns by having the bar method taking two arguments. The first one the object it needs, and the second one the object that implements Barable.

public <A> void bar(A a, Barable<A> barable) {

This is pretty similar to the first solution. The difference is that the bar method is now responsible for passing the wrapped object to the object that implements Barable. In the first solution we pass Foo as an argument to the constructor of FooWrapper. In the second solution bar passes its first argument when it calls Barable.barring. Not necessarily an improvement, but you'll understand in a minute why I proposed this solution as well.s

A common idiom in Scala is to employ the second solution but with a twist. Instead of manually passing the second argument to the bar method, i.e. the one implementing Barable, you instead tell the compiler to pass it implicitly using implicit parameters. Implicit parameters are just that, parameters that are not passed explicitly. They're passed implicitly by the compiler. How does it know what to pass? Well, there are two places you'll have to use the implicit keyword in order to make this work. First, when defining a method that you'd like to receive implicit parameters, you need to declare a separate parameter list of implicit params.

def bar[A](a: A)(implicit barable: Barable[A]): Unit = {
  // ...

Then, whenever you or someone else uses the bar method an object of the appropriate type (Barable in this case) must be in case, and furthermore, be marked as an implicit object when it's defined.

implicit object FooBarable extends Barable[Foo] {
  // ...

If the FooBarable object is in scope (and the scope resolution rules are quite involved for this particular case in Scala) and marked as implicit, then the compiler will automatically passed it as the second argument to the bar method.

bar(new Foo())

You can of course pass the instance explicitly if that's what you want, or any other instance for that matter.

bar(new Foo())(FooBarable)

This Barable[A] which I've alluded to above is a Scala trait and the way it's supposed to be used makes it a typeclass.

trait Barable[A] {
  def barring(a: A): Unit

What do I mean by "the way it's supposed to be used". I mean that this trait will appear as a type annotation for implicit parameters in methods that depend on this Barable interface/trait.

def bar[A](a: A)(implicit barable: Barable[A]): Unit = {
  // ...

This is instead of the original scenario when we started where bar depended just on Barable alone.

def bar(barable: Barable): Unit = {
  // ...

Does this help us in any way? Yes. Most of the time there's a mismatch between the type you have and the interface some method would expect. For example in a JSON library. You'd like to be able to serialize Ints, Strings, Booleans, or other user-defined types. A library defining a writeJson method has three choices with regard to its implementation:

  1. Have the method take only instances which implement some WriteJson trait. The method would then delegate to some other method defined in that trait. The disadvantage is the one I've started my blog post with. Some types are closed and we can't redefine new methods on them.
  2. Do a type dispatch inside the method. Check for the type of the received argument and serialize according to that type. The problem here is that you won't be able o use types the library hasn't accounted for. Not so nice.
  3. Use the typeclass pattern. Have the writeJson method take a second param, an implicit one, which knows how to do the serialization. The method can now pass its first argument to the second. Basic delegation. The advantage? The library can come with predefined implicit objects for common types such as Int, String, or Boolean, while still allowing the user to add support for new types by means of writing an implicit object implementing the required trait. This is what Play! framework does, by the way.

Employing the first choice isn't much different than the third one if the library ships with wrappers for common types, but it will still be cumbersome to manually wrap them everytime using the approapriate wrapper. And you'll have to know about the wrappers. With implicit params all you have to do to use the library with common types is to import the implicit objects. This is usually achieved using a wildcard import, like import play.api.libs.json._.

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