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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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* Assume you have a bunch of methods that return `Option` and you want to
* produce very precise output about which of those methods returned a `None`
* in case of "failure".
* There are a few strategies to doing that. Here are three of them:
object Main {
def foo: Option[String] = Some("foo")
def bar(x: String): Option[String] = None
def baz(y: String): Option[String] = Some(y)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
* Using standard pattern matching on `Option`:
def usingPatternMatching: String = {
foo match {
case None => "missing foo"
case Some(a) =>
if (a != "foo") {
"value not conforming"
} else {
bar(a) match {
case None => "missing bar"
case Some(b) =>
baz(b) match {
case None => "missing baz"
case Some(c) => c
* Using predefined combinators on `Option`:
def usingStandardOptionCombinators: String = { { a =>
if (a == "foo") {
bar(a).map { b =>
baz(b) getOrElse "missing baz"
} getOrElse "missing bar"
} else "value not conforming"
} getOrElse "missing foo"
* Using Scalaz extensions:
def usingScalaz: String = {
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.syntax.std.boolean._
val r = for {
a <- foo \/> "missing foo"
b <- (a == "foo").option(a) \/> "value not conforming"
c <- bar(b) \/> "missing bar"
d <- baz(c) \/> "missing baz"
} yield d
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Sorry, I didn't RTFM at the top. What you have looks good.

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