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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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object ArgonautExamples {
import argonaut._, Argonaut._
// 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// def parseThrak(json: JsValue): Seq[Thrak] = json match {
// case JsString(Regex1(x)) => Seq(SimpleText(x))
// case JsString(Regex2(x)) => Seq(ComplexText(x))
// case o @ JsObject(_) if o.containsKeys("k1") => Seq(Lov(o))
// case o @ JsObject(_) if o.containsKeys("k2") => Seq(Uom(o))
// case JsArray(xs) => xs.flatMap(parseThrak)
// case x => sys error s"oops: $x"
// }
sealed trait Thrak
case class SimpleText(s: String) extends Thrak
case class ComplexText(s: String) extends Thrak
case class Lov(o: Json) extends Thrak
case class Uom(o: Json) extends Thrak
object Thrak {
// I was too lazy to create stub extractors.
def matchesRegex1(x: String) = true
def matchesRegex2(x: String) = true
def textValue(cursor: HCursor): PartialFunction[String, DecodeResult[Thrak]] = {
case x if matchesRegex1(x) => DecodeResult.ok(SimpleText(x))
case x if matchesRegex2(x) => DecodeResult.ok(ComplexText(x))
case x =>"$x didn't match any regex", cursor.history)
implicit val decodeJson: DecodeJson[Thrak] = DecodeJson { cursor =>[String].flatMap(textValue(cursor)) |||
cursor.downField("k1")[Json].map(Lov(_)) |||
def usage: Unit = {
val sampleJson = Json.array(
Json.obj("k1" := Json.obj("foo" := "bar")),
Json.obj("k2" := Json.obj("foo" := "bar")),
println([List[Thrak]] )
// 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// def processJson(json: JsValue): JsValue = json match {
// case JsString(str) => JsString(processString(str))
// case JsArray(values) => JsArray(
// case JsObject(pairs) => JsObject( { case (k, v) => (k -> processJson(v))})
// case json => json
// }
def processString(s: String) = s
def processJson(js: Json): Json =
// 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Not sure about this one...
// 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// jsValues collect {
// case JsString(x) => x
// }
val jsValues = List(jString("foo"), jNumber(42))
jsValues.collect {
case x if x.isString => x.stringOrEmpty
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