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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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object Zippers {
case class Zipper[A](before: List[A], focus: A, after: List[A]) {
* Focus the element to the left, if any.
def left: Option[Zipper[A]] = this match {
case Zipper(List(), _, _) => None
case Zipper(x :: xs, y, zs) => Some(Zipper(xs, x, y :: zs))
* Focus the element to the right, if any.
def right: Option[Zipper[A]] = this match {
case Zipper(_, _, List()) => None
case Zipper(xs, y, z :: zs) => Some(Zipper(y :: xs, z, zs))
* Replace the focused element.
def update(a: A): Zipper[A] = {
Zipper(before, a, after)
* Delete the focused element.
def delete: Zipper[A] = this match {
case Zipper(h @ List(), _, x :: xs) => Zipper(h, x, xs)
case Zipper(x :: xs, _, h) => Zipper(xs, x, h)
* Insert to the left of the focus and set focus on the inserted element.
def insertLeft(a: A): Zipper[A] = {
Zipper(before, a, focus :: after)
* Insert to the right of the focus and set focus on the inserted element.
def insertRight(a: A): Zipper[A] = {
Zipper(focus :: before, a, after)
def example(): Unit = {
val zipper = Zipper(List(4,3,2,1), 5, List(6,7,8,9))
val result = for {
a <- zipper.left // focused: 4
b <- a.left // focused: 3
c <- b.left // focused: 2
d = c.delete // deletes: 2
e = d.insertRight(42) // inserts: 42 after 1
f = e.insertLeft(41) // inserts: 41 before 42
} yield f
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