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Created July 24, 2020 17:18
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Δ uname
Δ cat
terraform {
required_version = ">= 0.13"
required_providers {
snowflake = {
source = ""
version = ">= 0.13.2"
Δ ~/.terraform.d/plugins/ -version
Δ TF_LOG=trace tf init
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.13.0 rc1
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.14.2
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [INFO] CLI args: []string{"/Users/ibrahim/bin/terraform", "init"}
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: /Users/ibrahim/.terraformrc
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring.
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] checking for credentials in "/Users/ibrahim/.terraform.d/plugins"
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory terraform.d/plugins
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] will search for provider plugins in /Users/ibrahim/.terraform.d/plugins
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] getproviders.SearchLocalDirectory: found v0.13.2 for darwin_amd64 at /Users/ibrahim/.terraform.d/plugins/
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /Users/ibrahim/Library/Application Support/io.terraform/plugins
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /Library/Application Support/io.terraform/plugins
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [INFO] CLI command args: []string{"init"}
Initializing modules...
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] ModuleInstaller: installing child modules for . into .terraform/modules
Initializing the backend...
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] Meta.Backend: no config given or present on disk, so returning nil config
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] Meta.Backend: backend has not previously been initialized in this working directory
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] New state was assigned lineage "5606e278-07aa-2788-a286-99b83c15f5b4"
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] Meta.Backend: using default local state only (no backend configuration, and no existing initialized backend)
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] Meta.Backend: instantiated backend of type <nil>
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] providercache.fillMetaCache: scanning directory .terraform/plugins
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] getproviders.SearchLocalDirectory: found v0.13.2 for darwin_amd64 at .terraform/plugins/
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] providercache.fillMetaCache: including .terraform/plugins/ as a candidate package for 0.13.2
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in "."
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in "/Users/ibrahim/bin"
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] checking for provisioner in "/Users/ibrahim/.terraform.d/plugins"
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [INFO] Failed to read plugin lock file .terraform/plugins/darwin_amd64/lock.json: open .terraform/plugins/darwin_amd64/lock.json: no such file or directory
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] Meta.Backend: backend <nil> does not support operations, so wrapping it in a local backend
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] backend/local: state manager for workspace "default" will:
- read initial snapshot from terraform.tfstate
- write new snapshots to terraform.tfstate
- create any backup at terraform.tfstate.backup
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] statemgr.Filesystem: reading initial snapshot from terraform.tfstate
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] statemgr.Filesystem: read snapshot with lineage "aa7bebc9-0786-5c4a-0afd-581d4d007ac4" serial 723
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] providercache.fillMetaCache: scanning directory .terraform/plugins
Initializing provider plugins...
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] getproviders.SearchLocalDirectory: found v0.13.2 for darwin_amd64 at .terraform/plugins/
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] providercache.fillMetaCache: including .terraform/plugins/ as a candidate package for 0.13.2
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [DEBUG] Service discovery for at
2020/07/24 20:10:58 [TRACE] HTTP client GET request to
- Using previously-installed v0.13.2
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/snowflake...
2020/07/24 20:10:59 [DEBUG] GET
2020/07/24 20:10:59 [TRACE] HTTP client GET request to
2020/07/24 20:10:59 [TRACE] providercache.fillMetaCache: using cached result from previous scan of .terraform/plugins
2020/07/24 20:10:59 [DEBUG] GET
2020/07/24 20:10:59 [TRACE] HTTP client GET request to
Error: Failed to install provider
Error while installing hashicorp/snowflake: provider registry does not have a provider named
Δ tf plan
Error: Could not load plugin
Plugin reinitialization required. Please run "terraform init".
Plugins are external binaries that Terraform uses to access and manipulate
resources. The configuration provided requires plugins which can't be located,
don't satisfy the version constraints, or are otherwise incompatible.
Terraform automatically discovers provider requirements from your
configuration, including providers used in child modules. To see the
requirements and constraints, run "terraform providers".
Failed to instantiate provider "" to
obtain schema: unknown provider ""
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