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Last active June 8, 2024 00:29
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interface LineItem {
id: string,
amount: number,
name: string,
type TransformFn<T1, T2> = (item: T1) => T2
// v0 This function takes a set of transform functions and call them in sequence
// someone could say it "composes" them
function createTransform<
T1, T2, T3, T4
>(ts: [
TransformFn<T1, T2>,
TransformFn<T2, T3>,
TransformFn<T3, T4>
]): (item: T1) => T4
// There is a limitation:
// if number of transforms passed to this one as arguments exceeds 3 we'll have an error
// to bypass this limitation we can define this function for some large number of
// arguments and hope that noone needs to compose more than 23 transfroms
// OR
// since the result of createTransform is itself a transform we can tell users that
// if the number does exceed they should split it in half and
// call createTransform on halfs like
// createTransform(createTransform([a,b,c]), createTransform([d,e,f]))
// v1 We can define the function with arbitrary number of parameters but it will have to use any
function createTransform<
T1, T2, T3, T4
>(ts: [
TransformFn<T1, T2>,
TransformFn<T2, T3>,
TransformFn<T3, T4>,<any, any>[]
]): (item: T1) => any
// Limitation of this approach is that
// if number of transforms exceeds number of properly defined arguments
// we will end up with any
// This is an implementation of createTransform
// valid syntax (repeated funciton defs) due to TS overloading
function createTransform(ts: TransformFn<any, any>[]): (item: any) => any {
return (item) => ts.reduce((transformedItem, tf) => {
return tf(transformedItem)
}, item)
// Example transforms
function a(item: LineItem) {
return {...item, addedThing_a: 'aaa'}
function b(item: ReturnType<typeof a>) {
return {...item, addedThing_b: 'bbb'}
function c(item: ReturnType<typeof b>) {
return {...item, addedThing_c: 'ccc'}
function d(item: ReturnType<typeof c>) {
return {...item, addedThing_d: 'ddd'}
// 3 args -> everything is typed neatly
const tr3 = createTransform([a, b, c]);
// 4 args -> return type ends up being any :(
const tr4 = createTransform([a, b, c, d]);
const item_abc = tr4({id: '123-qwe', amount: 100, name: 'foo'});
// Some thoughts with made up syntax
//// function betterCreateTransform<TypeList>(ts: MakeTransformFn<Pairwise<TypeList>>): (a: TypeList_0): TypeList_Last
// This is not exactly useful
// In our case (i.e. exposing some transform api to developers/consumers of our lib)
// it might be better to derive types the other way around — from transform functions provided by users
//// function evenBetterCreateTransform<TypeList = List<TypesFromArgs>>(ts: List<TransformFn>): (a: TypeList_First): TypeList_Last
// Given list (tuple) of functions we collect types of their argumets and returt type of the last one
// and make return type of transform composition to be a function from first item in a list to last item in a list
// define a generic function that covers all possible functions alternatively could use buit in Function
type GenericFunction = (...args: any) => any;
// jsut check that it works on one of our transforms
type A = typeof a extends GenericFunction ? typeof a : never;
// define an interface that works on our transform funcitons
type TransformList<Fns extends GenericFunction[]> = {
// this technically could be even defined as Fns[0], but
// it would break if we would try to call it against empty array of in place of Fns
// thus
first: Fns extends [infer First, ...infer _] ? First : never,
last: Fns extends [...infer _, infer Last] ? Last : never,
type AList = TransformList<[typeof a, typeof b, typeof c]>
type FirstestArg = Parameters<AList['first']>[0]
type LastestArg = ReturnType<AList['last']>
function evenBetterCreateTransform<Fns extends GenericFunction[]>
(fns: Fns): (input: Parameters<TransformList<Fns>['first']>[0]) => ReturnType<TransformList<Fns>['last']> {
return (input) => {
return fns.reduce<ReturnType<TransformList<Fns>['last']>>((trInput, fn) => {
return fn(trInput)
}, input)
// let's test it out
const evenBetterTransform_ = evenBetterCreateTransform([a,b,c,d])
// typeof evenBetterTransform is (input: never) => never — huh? not what we expected
// The reason is that as far as TransformList type [a,b,c,d] does not extend a tuple
// it's some arbitrary array of functions
const evenBetterTransform = evenBetterCreateTransform([a,b,c,d] as const);
// now types are correct
// Improve the ergonomics i.e. make it look slightly nicer
const _IN: unique symbol = Symbol('IN')
type IN = typeof _IN;
const _OUT: unique symbol = Symbol('OUT')
type OUT = typeof _OUT;
type ExtractEnds<Fns extends GenericFunction[]> = {
[_IN]: Fns[0] extends GenericFunction ? Parameters<Fns[0]>[0] : never,
[_OUT]: Fns extends [...infer _, infer Last] ? Last extends GenericFunction ? ReturnType<Last> : never : never,
type BList = ExtractEnds<[typeof a, typeof b, typeof c]>
function bestTransformSoFar<Fns extends GenericFunction[]>(fns: Fns): (input: ExtractEnds<Fns>[IN]) => ExtractEnds<Fns>[OUT] {
return (input: ExtractEnds<Fns>[IN]) => {
return fns.reduce((trInput, fn) => {
return fn(trInput)
}, input)
const bestTransform = bestTransformSoFar([a,b,c,d] as const)
const aaa = bestTransform({id: '123', amount: 123, name: 'foo'})
// so that `as const` kinda bother me ...
// What if instead of passing and array we just define bestTransformSoFar as a variadic function?
function totesBestTransform<Fns extends GenericFunction[]>(...fns: Fns): (input: ExtractEnds<Fns>[IN]) => ExtractEnds<Fns>[OUT] {
return (input: ExtractEnds<Fns>[IN]) => {
return fns.reduce((trInput, fn) => {
return fn(trInput)
}, input)
const totesTransform = totesBestTransform(a,b,c,d)
const bbb = totesTransform({id: '123', amount: 123, name: 'foo'})
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ih2502mk commented Jun 8, 2024

Copy paste this into ts playground to see whats going on...

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